article Definition and 359 Threads

  1. N

    Article on New Planck Satellite data

    Universe as an Infant: Fatter Than Expected and Kind of Lumpy universe may be 13.8 B years old [a bit older than thought] and expanding more slowly...
  2. Mordred

    Redshift FAQ article development

    I have been working on an article covering Redshift. The article is in this thread I would like opinions, recommendations and any other contributions that forum members feel would be good to add.
  3. S

    Hi there. Just looking at an astophysics journal article in which they

    Hi there. Just looking at an astophysics journal article in which they say the temperature of a pulsar is T=300eV.. My query is the following: is T=300eV shorthand for say T=300ev/k (k=Boltzman constant) so the corresponding temperature in Kelvin is T=3.75X10^6K?
  4. P

    Q about current article: On-demand Hydrogen Generation : ACS Nano Letters

    Here is the abstract: I would need to pay the $35 so I have not read the full text. Question: it says "...without Light, Heat, or Electricity." Where is the energy required to split the water molecules coming from? Jeff
  5. marcus

    APS Physics view of pre-inflation cosmology article

    "APS Physics" view of pre-inflation cosmology article The APS has an online periodical that publishes "Viewpoints" on current research, for instance is an interpretive explanatory viewpoint, written for non-specialists, on the article by Agullo Ashtekar...
  6. jegues

    HVDC Transmission: Benefits and Considerations | Article Discussion

    Hello all, I've been encourage by my professor to participate in an open discussion regarding the article I've attached to this post. See below for link! The article is quite dated as it is from IEEE SPECTRUM June 1985, but it is nonetheless still useful. As a brief summary of the...
  7. Fredrik

    Possible mistake in an article (rotations and boosts).

    This is a linear algebra question, but it's about an article about Minkowski spacetime, so I think it's appropriate to post it here. The article is The rich structure of Minkowski space by Domenico Giulini. The detail I'm asking about is at the top of page 16. The article is describing the...
  8. K

    Hadronic Electrons (Wolfram article, 1975)

    I've come across Stephen Wolfram's (creator of Mathematica) original paper in the 70s when he authored it when he was still a teenager, I think (which is pretty genius). Anyway it's about electrons that seemed to have "a neutral vector gluon cloud" and interact with gluons and the strong...
  9. jim mcnamara

    Interesting article on early human neurobiology

    Linking brains and brawn: exercise and the evolution of human neurobiology. Raichlen DA, Polk JD. Proc Biol Sci. 2013 Jan 7;280(1750):20122250. Here is the abstract: A short precis: endurance running provided access to a high protein diet...
  10. D

    Article: Higgs Boson in Superconductors

    I ran into the following article by Varma, Higgs Boson in Superconductors Varma compares the Gross-Pitaevskii equation with the Higgs Lagrangian and calculates the elementary excitations. He shows that although symmetry is broken in both cases, Higgs...
  11. Mentz114

    Vaidya metric and Wiki article

    In the Wiki article it states that but it looks to me as if the 'particles' are traveling at the speed of light ( null propagation vector field ) and so must have zero rest mass. Is this a typo or have I misunderstood something ?
  12. Mordred

    Simultaneous measurement article

    came across this article thought everyone here would be interested in it essentially they are measuring the particle and wave properties at the same time of photons.
  13. R

    What Are the Realistic Chances of Becoming a Professor with a PhD in Physics?

    I read this article in my latest physicsworld (a publication of the institute of physics), thought it's quite relevant to many of the discussions here. If you're a IOP member you can read it here: Here's what the rest...
  14. N

    Testing Planck-Scale Gravity with Accelerators - Very interesting Article

    This is very interesting, is it the first proposed method (that is within reasonable energy for particle accelerators) to test space at the plank level? Testing Planck-Scale Gravity with Accelerators Vahagn Gharibyan Abstract: Quantum or torsion gravity...
  15. marcus

    Interesting Claus Kiefer article: fermions decohere geometry

    The interest of this article was first pointed out by Tom Stoer in biblio thread comment. The idea is to take seriously the quantum nature of geometry and its interaction with fermions at the quantum level. The idea is even that geometry might be as we experience it BECAUSE her little triads...
  16. Z

    Error in Bel's 1958 Article: Correcting Lanczos Formula

    hey all, in this link : The equation 2b is not correct I believe. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Here we go : The equation mentioned reads : Rαβλμ Rαβλρ = 2 * 1/8 * Rαβλμ Rαβλμ gμρ Now multiply out by gμρ on both sides and elevate the μ...
  17. P

    Help reguest - article preparation

    Hello everyone, I prepare my first article (gas turbine modelling) in english language to register for PhD conferment procedure, and because I am not an englishman, I am sure the writing style is not too good. Some part is already "polished" by a friend of mine, but he has no time to do the...
  18. bcrowell

    Review article on astrophysical collapse to a black hole?

    Does anyone know of a review article on astrophysical collapse to a black hole? There are several statements I've picked up from WP that either surprise me or that I'm not sure I understand. This Penrose diagram shows the singularity as being...
  19. C

    Article about symmetries (math problems)

    Hi all. When I was reading a paper ( I have had a problem. I don’t understand some equations, namely I don’t understand 2.22 and 2.36. I confused by derivative \left(\frac{\partial t’}{\partial...
  20. S

    Is the Travel Time to Reach the Speed of Light Really Only 2 Years? In this article, the author claims that it would take a little over 1.25 years to reach 90% the speed of light if we accelerate at 1g. However, if I let F=dp/dt, where p=γmv, and then integrate F with...
  21. Integral

    Article about an application of instrumentation I am helping build

    This device was sitting outside my work area 2 weeks ago. I am enjoying working on devices which are at the forefront of oceanographic research.
  22. G

    Cool Cracked article about people's ignorant responses to science news I found this accurate and amusing.
  23. C

    Verification of the existence of a scientific article

    I have spent a lot of time trying to verify the existence of an alleged scientific article but have not been able to. The only info I have about the article is the following text: Maybe someone here is aware of this article and can provide the source.
  24. M

    Your thoughts on this article about psychology. I was just wondering what people here thought about this article.
  25. T

    Article: Every black hole contains a new universe

    Saw this was in the news today. Not my field, but I was interested enough to read it. I noticed the author stated "It's a theory that has been explored over the past few decades by a small group of physicists including myself." I' m curious if this is an outlier opinion or more common. It is...
  26. R

    Original new york times article announcing Einstein's successful test of GR

    I decided to track down and read the original article in NYT reporting on Einstein's successful prediction that light would bend around the sun. It was not on the front page but maybe around page 11 or so. You can read it here...
  27. T

    Medical Article: Robot Reveals the Inner Workings of Brain Cells Browsing the alumni stuff, I see things that make me wish I were back in school. You kids and faculty are so lucky to be able to do this kind of stuff every day. I have serious envy! Alas, wife, kids, house, bills, argh. Nothing but work...
  28. C

    How much more math/physics do I need to learn before I can read this article?

    Specifically what Physics subjects and what mathematical techniques come into play that I would need to learn in order to comprehend it? I am currently in sophomore level undergrad physics (this year we covered waves, optics, ordinary differential equations, electromagnetism again, ect). I...
  29. T

    Scholarpedia article on Bell's Theorem

    Hi everybody. I dropped into Physics Forums for the first time in a while just to see what was going on in one of my old hangouts. It was nice to see about 10 threads raging about Bell's theorem! But perhaps not so nice to see many people, with whom I argued at length in the old days here...
  30. P

    While I was reading an article about diffraction of light on

    While I was reading an article about diffraction of light on Wikipedia(, I had some doubts about it. On the formalism of the angular position of the first minima, it assumes that the light from a source located at the top edge of the slit interferes...
  31. G

    The single most interesting chemistry journal article I've read in 5 years

    Traceless protein labeling If this procedure really does work as they say, what a really, really slick idea this group has come up with. Not only...
  32. B

    Publish Article on Thin Films: Condensed Matter Physics

    I was asked by my research advisor to write an article/short paper for publishing about our findings in an experiment we've been running. He's been (I feel) intentionally vague about where I should look to publish this in... So I need some advice. Without giving much away, the field/subfield is...
  33. G

    Article in Journal of Medical Ethics on Post-Birth Abortion creating

    Article in Journal of Medical Ethics on "Post-Birth Abortion" creating When I first read this, I assumed it was an inspired piece of satire, since the parallels to "A Modest...
  34. R

    Understanding the Hermitian Form in Velo-Zwanzinger's Article

    hi, i don't have the expression, but my problem is this: in the article of Velo-Zwanzinger appears a step... passing from a equation to other which they call the hermitian form. i going to explain it... this form contains the original form...but appear an extra term..i suppose that it's the...
  35. A

    Why Do Pendry's Cloaking Equations Differ in My Calculations?

    Hi, I'm reading this article (you may need to register to view it, the registration is free though). (can I post a link to this article in Dropbox so that people reading this don't have to register without getting an infraction from the...
  36. E

    I wrote one article and sent it to some journal. At the same day I

    I wrote one article and sent it to some journal. At the same day I obtained an offer from Mod note: link deleted for proofreading for 8 pound/1000 words. I found also one very similar page as his: Mod note: link deleted I suspect that this is fraud. 1. How it is possible that I obtained...
  37. P

    Article: Faked States mimic quantum entanglement

    Article: "Faked States" mimic quantum entanglement Does anyone know where to find a copy of this that isn't pay-walled?
  38. Z

    What Does Six Sigma Mean in Neutrino Research?

    "six sigma" in neutrino article? I was reading this article... in the first paragraph they say "...notwithstanding the assertion that it is a six-sigma effect". What does this mean? I tried to google, but didn't find that very...
  39. B

    What Does Extensity Mean in Endoreversible Thermodynamics?

    I am doing a project for my thermodynamics class and I have decided to do it on Endoreversible Thermodynamics. I Have read a few articles but I am having some difficulty understanding parts of it. I have not read the whole article, still in the beginning. But from the intro are they saying that...
  40. K

    How every Wikipedia article links to Philosophy

    Obviously this could work for any topic but I thought it was interesting:
  41. B

    Wikipedia Article re: Hamiltonians: Could it have been better stated?

    See: I refer specifically to this passage: "Basic physical interpretation The simplest interpretation of the Hamilton equations is as follows, applying them to a one-dimensional system consisting of one particle of mass m under...
  42. W

    Help finding article I found on

    Help finding article I found on "" Firstly I would just like to say I am new to this website so hi everyone! Anyway for my dissertation I have to study cryptology/ography and I found a good introductory article titled "Introduction to Cryptology - Part 1" but it was on the...
  43. M

    Is this the lamest news article ever?

    Lamest News Article ever... Why do they suddenly seem so desperate for space-fillers?
  44. G

    Damning article on college athletics Quite an eye opener if none of you have read it yet. Maybe we really should be paying athletes in colleges.
  45. A

    Translate this article on magnetic monopoles?

    I need to write about this experiment. I don't quite understand what is going on in most of it; it is written a little above my knowledge level. Can anyone semi translate what it is trying to say? Especially the areas of information around the figures. Thanks in advance...
  46. Pythagorean

    I'm not impressed with this article should I be? One participant?

    I'm not impressed with this article... should I be? One participant? Really? (Note, the peer-reviewed article was published in PLoS ONE:) Sakari Kallio, Jukka Hyönä, Antti Revonsuo, Pilleriin Sikka, Lauri Nummenmaa. The...
  47. J

    Shark cyclops article , wondering what they mean? (Link)

    Does anyone know what theyre talking about here, link below: Too scared of the pictures to read the article, but can't stop trying to figure out what the article is about. Are they saying that it is a breed of shark, and they all look this way, or are they saying that there is one specific...
  48. J

    Looking for an interesting Neuroscience article

    Just bored and looking for some new (<2 years ago) articles people find interesting. If anyone knows of any diseases that may be caused by neurological disorders which isn't proven yet, for example diabetes, they'd be a good start. Cheers
  49. BobG

    Error and Trial - Scientific American article

    The "Error and Trial" article from Scientific American is rather interesting. It reports on 6 scientists and a government official being charged with manslaughter for contributing to the deaths of 300 people in an earthquake in Italy. Internationally, scientists are outraged, claiming the...
  50. R

    CNN Article about Crisis-Apparitions

    CNN Article about "Crisis-Apparitions" I'm surprised this is mentioned in CNN. Do you think stuff like that can happen? Or are you 100% certain it can't happen? Why? Supposed it could happen just for...