Articles Definition and 111 Threads

  1. P

    What is the Mass Density of a Magnetic Field in Relativity?

    I have placed several journal articles on the concept of mass online for anyone to read. Its probably not kosher to do so so shhhh. :-) See bottom of where it reads References to Journal Articles on the Concept of Mass in Relativity Pete
  2. T

    Is there an archive with important QM articles?

    If you have a link to a good article or a nice archive please post them here I will greatly appreciate it. :smile: I've looked at[/url] and physicstoday [PLAIN] who however only seem to have articles from 1995 and forward. Is there any...
  3. A

    Can Anyone Easily Destroy Wikipedia Articles?

    Hey guys I just discovered (lol) Wikipedia the other day.. What stops anyone from going in and just destroying all the articles?
  4. K

    Question : Where can I find articles on biostatistics?

    Greetings, I have a friend who is studying biotechnology, and has to give a presentation on multiple linear regression applied on some biological field. She's asked me to find her some articles, since she's having some troubles at home (no acces to the internet is one of them...), but I'm...
  5. E

    Old articles about some Rh compounds

    I am having a hard fime finding these two articles that I NEED to read. They are just too old that my campus library doesn't have it. Vallarino,L. J. Chem. Soc,. 2287 (1957) Vallarino,L. J. Chem. Soc., 2473 (1957) its a journal of chemical society publication, not to be confused...
  6. P

    Where Can I Find Articles on Famous Mathematicians and Their Work?

    I need to submit 5 short papers on math topics from articles I have read so I need some good websites to go to any ideas.
  7. S

    Thieman Articles: Exploring the Basics of Loop Quantum Gravity

    Sorry if i repeat something already commented. I have been a few time out of these forum. I have recently returned to read about LQG. (i hhave been dedicated to another questions for a while) I had readed the review of Rovelli in I even readed superficially a...
  8. K

    Looking for Interesting Astro-physics Articles?

    Hey all...I really like this site I have been trying to find some good astro-physics articles. I haven't come up with much...I need some reading material for my down time. I am really looking for articles that explain how things work, rather than the normal "we discovered this...
  9. E

    Where to get articles about physics

    In fact i think that when you want to understand a theory..the best think is to ask the author of it...however the most normal think is that she/he will be the only chance for you is to read his/her article...that is my doubt..where could i find the articles of the scientist who made...
  10. T

    Write Articles for Science Club Journal

    I started a science club at my public library and I also made a "journal" for it. The problem is the members know very little and don't care to write articles ( they will read it though) so I am asking if people here can write articles for it. It can be on anything, Physics, Chemistry...
  11. D

    News Good articles on the war situation in Iraq

    Here's a list of some of the more informative articles I've read about the war in Iraq. These are reporting or analysis pieces, no editorials on whether the war is a good or bad idea. Doubts and Questions: Slow Aid and Other Concerns Fuel Iraqi Discontent Toward United States...