Atomic physics Definition and 108 Threads

  1. G

    Energy of scattering photon and emitted electron

    Homework Statement Photon of energy E=0,3MeV is scattering at an angle \phi=\frac{2\pi}{3}. Calculate the energy E' of scattered photon and emitted electron. Homework Equations -Compton effect The Attempt at a Solution By Compton effect...
  2. Titan97

    Intensity-wavelength graph for X-ray

    The cut-off wavelength is the minimum wavelength of the X-ray emitted. But doesn't minimum wavelength correspond to maximum energy? Why is intensity zero at minimum wavelength? Shouldn't it be maximum when wavelength is minimum since ##\lambda=\frac{hc}{E}##
  3. S

    Solving Erbium's Ground State w/ Hund's Rules

    I have the solution for this problem but don't understand it. 1. Homework Statement Use Hund's rules to calculate the ground state of erbium with electron configuration [Xe]4f126s2 Homework Equations Hunds Rules: 1. Maximise S (within Pauli) 2. Maximise L (within Pauli) 3. Min J (for...
  4. P

    Finite Size vs Point Size Hydrogen like Atoms

    Ok my question: what is the difference between the binding energies of these 2 types of atoms, conceptual wise, which one is greater? I am assuming based on the easy calculations of the potential energy of the finite size atom ( inside and outside) There is a difference between the potential...
  5. demolition35

    I have a couple question I with atomic physics

    Homework Statement According to Maxwells laws of electromagnetism: If an electron spirals into the nucleus: 1. what would happen to the electron’s orbital frequency? 2. what would happen to the frequency of the emitted radiation? and 3. what kind of spectrum would be produced—a continuous or...
  6. S

    Electron Spin Problem: Exploring the Stern-Gerlach Experiment

    Hello, I've been reading the Stern-Gerlach experiment, and where the concept of electron spin is introduced, am facing a problem, i.e., if you consider electron a charged rotating sphere, then the electromagnetic energy and size of the electron becomes huge! So how do you deal with this? Thanks...
  7. S

    What Is the Difference Between Atoms in High and Low Fields?

    I don't quite understand the defination of the high field. What is the difference between atoms in down field and high field? THANKS~
  8. Shailesh Pincha

    What are the failed experiments to determine electron's position?

    What are some of the failed experiments to determine electron's position? One could be by electromagnetic radiation of suitable wavelength (here X rays) but that tears apart the atom. I want to know the different views tried to determine electron position.
  9. C

    Atomic Best book on Modern Physics? 5 choices, suggestions?

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for an introductury book (or several books) on modern physics that explains the history and experiments the led to the understanding of the atom, the electron, avogadros number, Plancks constant, rutherford, quantum mechanics etc. I want an idea of how all the...
  10. U

    Laser output below, just above and way above threshold?

    I've been reading up on lasers recently and learned that within the cavity while the laser light is amplified by the gain coefficient, it loses power due to transmission and absorption. Suppose the pumping radiation comes from a monochromatic source whose energy is not exactly equal to the...
  11. U

    What is the nuclear spin of this atom?

    Homework Statement A singly ionized atom exhibits hyperfine structure in a ##^3P_1 \rightarrow ^3S_1## transition. Assuming ##I## is greater than ##J## and given that the ##^3S_1## levels are split by ##66~GHz## and ##54~GHz##, find the nuclear spin ##I##. Homework Equations E_{HFS} =...
  12. U

    What are the quantum numbers (n, L, J)?

    Homework Statement [/B] I'm supposed to find the quantum numbers (n, L, J) for the first 3 energy levels in Iridium (Z=77), given that the first 4 ionization energies are ##76.1, 13.4, 12.8, 11.2 keV##. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I know that the electronic configuration is...
  13. itssilva

    When are quantum corrections significant for EM?

    As a rule of thumb, we might say that quantum theory becomes essential when we're analyzing systems at small distances (of the order of atomic sizes or less) and few enough particles (suppose particle number is conserved, as in QM); however, the world as a whole is quantum, and even a system...
  14. Z

    Why the photoelectric absorption section finite at threshold

    I mean the photoelectric effect of the hydrogen atom. It is weird. By the Fermi golden rule, the transition or absorption rate is proportional to the density of the final states. At threshold, the electron has zero momentum and thus zero density of state. Therefore, the absorption coefficient...
  15. U

    Exponentially damped dipole - line broadening

    For an EM wave close to the transition frequency ##\omega_{21}##, we assume the dipole moment to be exponentially damped and oscillating: p(t) = p(0) e^{-\frac{\gamma}{2}t} cos(\omega_0 t) Why do we expect the electric field to be proportional to ##\dot p##? Taken from my lecturer notes on...
  16. J

    Electromagnetic emission lines for a hydrogen atom

    Homework Statement Hi, I've been unable to find a relevant thread for a question that I've been stuck on for a couple of days now. Here it is; One of the electromagnetic emission lines for a hydrogen atom has wavelength 389nm. Assiming that this is a line from one of the Lyman (nf =1 )...
  17. M

    Please suggest alternatives to this Atomic Physics book

    Hi, I am currently taking a course on Atomic and Molecular Physics, and the book for the course is The course is based on this book. The Amazon link will allow one to preview the table of contents. The school library only has copies of...
  18. A

    Engineering Nuke physics vs atomic physics vs nuke engineering

    Okay can I first start of by saying sorry if there are any gramatical errors or mis-spellings I've got dyslexia and, well, sometimes things can get messy! So I have been really interested in Physics since I was really young, mainly in things like astrophysics and questioning why things happen...
  19. L

    What Are the Career Opportunities in Atomic Physics?

    Hi, I am having a problem on career choice. I like astrophysics, but I am also interested in atomic physics. What do atomic physicists do as their job, can they get employment in industries?
  20. L

    Why Does Energy Behavior Differ in Particle in a Box Model Versus Bohr's Theory?

    Hi, Please help me I am lost. I particle in a box model , equation for energy show that the energy increases as n increases, but in Borh's theory n^2 is in the denominator showing that as n increase, the energy decrease, I see the condradiction here. Am I right?
  21. D

    2 Atomic Physics questions - Pauli exclusion principle

    Homework Statement Q1. Briefly explain the relevance of the Pauli exclusion principle for the structure of the periodic table of the elements. Q2. What is the maximum number of electrons that can be located in an atomic subshell with quantum numbers n and L? Briefly expain your answer...
  22. M

    Where Can I Find a Comprehensive Book on Atomic Physics?

    I really need a good book in Atomic Physics that goes through the Hydrogen atom starting from the schrödinger equation to Transitions to Fine Structure smoothly and in details so that it is efficient. Any help is much appreciated.
  23. P

    Identifying term and level (Atomic Physics)

    Homework Statement Consider the beryllium (Be) atom. What are the possible terms and levels of the ground configuration 1s22s2 and the excited configuration 1s3p? Indicate any allowed transition between the levels. Homework Equations Transitions allowed if ΔS = 0 (change in total...
  24. U

    Atomic Physics - L-S and J-J coupling

    Homework Statement 2 valence electron atom. n, l, s are : 5, 0, 1/2 n, l, s are : 4, 1, 1/2 Assume LS coupling and find the possible values of L and then J. Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution I am not really sure. All I know is there's something like, take...
  25. N

    Where Does the 1/2 Factor in Optical Molasses Force Come From?

    Homework Statement Hi I have a question regarding the force that it used in Optical Molasses. The force is generally given by F = \frac{\hbar k}{2} \frac{s_0}{1 + s_0+ (2\delta/\Gamma)^2} where s0 is the saturation parameter. The force saturates to F = \frac{\hbar k}{2} It is normally said...
  26. N

    Atomic Physics: Quantization axis

    Homework Statement Hi I have a question - it is not homework, but something I have thought about for a long time. I really can't come up with a solution to the problem, and it is driving me crazy. Here is the problem: Say I have a linearly polarized monochromatic wave incident on an...
  27. R

    What's the difference between QFT and Atomic physics

    For physics between QM and String Theory I've heard a lot of different names. Quantum Electrodynamics seems to be the physics of the electron and the photon. Quantum Chromodynamics seems to be the physics of quarks. But High Energy/Nuclear/Particle Physics, Atomic physics, QFT, I don't...
  28. F

    Resolving Atomic Physics Problem: Minimum Proton Distance in Gold Leaf

    I am going to try traduce the problem in the best way i can. What is the minimum distance that protons of a 1 MeV bundle that collides in a gold leaf can approach to the atom core. Solution: 1.14 x 10-13 m I am posting these problem because i do not have any idea how to start...
  29. H

    How Do You Calculate the Fine Structure Energy Difference in Hydrogen?

    Homework Statement Calculate the numerical value of the energy difference between the 2P 3/2and the 2P 1/2 states in Hydrogen (the fine structure). Homework Equations possible relevant equations are in the attachement The Attempt at a Solution It is quite unclear weather the...
  30. C

    Atomic Physics Book: Good Intro to Understand Physical Concepts

    What is a good intro to atomic physics book that gives a good physical picture of what's going on.
  31. P

    Atomic Physics - Radioactive Decay and Stability

    Hi, Explain in terms of the number of nucleons and the forces between them, why argon-36 is stable and argon-39 is radioactive. My first doubt regards the number of nucleons. If a nucleon is the collective number of neutrons and protons, if we take carbon 12 for example, does it have 6 or...
  32. N

    Atomic Physics Book - What Should I Read?

    Hi I can't seem to find any recommendations for a good atomic physics book on this site. What would you guys recommend? The level is senior undergraduate/beginning graduate physics. I have C.J. Foot's "Atomic Physics" already. Any help will be appreciated. Niles.
  33. P

    Exploring the Virial Theorem for Atomic Physics

    So my Atomic Physics professor today was talking about some called the "Virial theorem" in relation to Bohr Model of the H-atom, which in my 5 years of college physics I had never heard of >_<;; . It turns out that I had seen equations that use concept of the Potential "==" Kinetic Energy, I...
  34. T

    Momentum Change In Max Born's Atomic Physics

    Hello, In Max Borns book Atomic Physics, in chapter 1, section 3, it reads" "If we think of the molecules as billiard balls every molecule when it strikes the wall...
  35. P

    Atomic Physics - Xrays and energy

    Homework Statement 5 The energy levels of a molybdenum atom are approximately: K shell ….. – 20.00 KeV L shell …... – 2.52 KeV M shell …... – 0.23 KeV i) Estimate the energy of the Kα, K\beta and Lα x-ray emissions. ii) What are the wavelengths of...
  36. M

    Solving Problems in Quantum Mechanics, Stat Mech & Atomic Physics

    Are there any other good books such as LIM series which include solved problems on QM,Stat Mech & atomic physics ?
  37. J

    Atomic Physics - rest mass of Deuterium

    Homework Statement Calculate the rest mass of Deuterium nucleus. Homework Equations Is it correct to calculate its mass using hydrogen? i.e. 2*rest mass of hydrogen?.. The Attempt at a Solution As stated in textbook, the rest mass of deuterium = 3.34330*10^-27 kg If it is...
  38. A

    Atomic Physics: Investigating Electron Hull of Atoms

    Atomic physics studies the electron hull of atoms. This branch of physics is distinct from nuclear physics, despite their association in the public consciousness. Atomic physics is not concerned with the intra-nuclear processes studied in nuclear physics, although properties of the nucleus can...
  39. T

    What is the Best Textbook for Introductory Atomic Physics?

    Hello, I'm a third year physics student. I am looking for a good textbook on introductory atomic physics, considering the fact that I've already had some advanced non-relativistic quantum mechanics courses. I don't ask for much. A title and a very short explanation on why you think this...
  40. F

    AZING! Can a 56Fe Nucleus Fission into Two 28Al Nuclei Spontaneously?

    Homework Statement Could a 56Fe nucleus fission spontaneously into 2 28Al nuclei? Explain, your answer should include some calculations, should be based on the curve of binding energy. Homework Equations B=(Zmh+Nmn-matom)*931.49 The Attempt at a Solution...
  41. F

    How Many Sodium Atoms Remain in the 3p State After 10ns?

    Homework Statement 1x10^6 sodium atoms are excited to the 3p state at t=0s. The lifetime of the 3p state is 17ns. many of these atoms remain in the 3p state at t=10ns? many photons have been emitted from t=0s to t=30ns? Homework Equations N=Noe^(-t/\tau) The Attempt...
  42. A

    Are There Problem Books in Atomic Physics?

    Is there any problem book in atomic physics?
  43. B

    How Do Term Symbols Apply to Magnesium's Ground State Configuration?

    Sodium, = 11, has the ground state configuration [Ne] 3s^1 and is a “one electron” atom. Magnesium, Z= 12, is a “two-electron” atom. Write down its ground state configuration and possible term values. i think i get the right answer but I am having a couple of issues: my answer: ground...
  44. N

    Atomic Physics, two particle system in 1-d harmonic oscillator

    Homework Statement Two identical spin 1/2 particles of mass m exist in a one dimensional harmonic oscillator potential \frac{kx^{2}}{2} where x is the position coordinate and k is a constant. The particles interact with eact other with a potential W\delta(x-x'), where \delta(x-x') is a Diract...
  45. L

    Singlett and tripplett in atomic physics.

    1. Determine all terms in the configuration 4s^2 4p 4d in neutral germanium The answear is Singlett P,D and F Tripplett P,D and F But I don't really understand what singlett and tripplett means, and how do I know which tearms there are?
  46. B

    What is the ground state electron configuration for phosphorus?

    Homework Statement The ground state electron configuration for phosphorus, which has 15 electrons, is 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^1 3p^4 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^3 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3d^3 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^1 3d^4 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3p^2 3d^3 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution...
  47. H

    What Is the Ratio of Nuclear to Atomic Radius for Mid-Periodic Table Elements?

    Homework Statement The Ratio of the nuclear radius to the atomic radius of an element near the middle of the periodic table is most nearly a) 10^-2 b) 10^-5 c) 10^-8 d) 10^-11 e) 10^-14 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I am completely lost. Can someone tell me...
  48. E

    Atomic physics: sodium D-line transition missing 2 pi

    Homework Statement Find the wavelength of the sodium transition 3p^{1},^{2}P -> 3s^{1},^{2}S Homework Equations E_{n,l} = -\frac{hcR}{(n - d(n,l))^{2}} d(3,s) = 1.374 d(3,p) = 0.884 \lambda = \frac{\hbar c}{\Delta E} The Attempt at a Solution Plugging the numbers in ain't...
  49. D

    Exploring the Microscopic World: Visualizing Atomic Physics

    Lets say that you took a Hydrogen Atom and expanded it to the size of let's say a basketball. I am not just saying the atom itself but the nucleus. If the nucleus expanded to the size of a basketball; how would the electron size up porportionally. Now keeping it all porportional what would the...
  50. N

    Semiclassical Physics in Atomic Physics

    Hi Physics Forum. I've a question and hope you guys could give me some advice. I've been offered the chance to pursue a Phd in the field of atomic physics. The project involves investigating the spectral properties of Helium atoms using semiclassical techniques. It seems the project will be...