Atoms Definition and 880 Threads

An atom is the smallest unit of ordinary matter that forms a chemical element. Every solid, liquid, gas, and plasma is composed of neutral or ionized atoms. Atoms are extremely small, typically around 100 picometers across. They are so small that accurately predicting their behavior using classical physics—as if they were tennis balls, for example—is not possible due to quantum effects.
Every atom is composed of a nucleus and one or more electrons bound to the nucleus. The nucleus is made of one or more protons and a number of neutrons. Only the most common variety of hydrogen has no neutrons. More than 99.94% of an atom's mass is in the nucleus. The protons have a positive electric charge, the electrons have a negative electric charge, and the neutrons have no electric charge. If the number of protons and electrons are equal, then the atom is electrically neutral. If an atom has more or fewer electrons than protons, then it has an overall negative or positive charge, respectively – such atoms are called ions.
The electrons of an atom are attracted to the protons in an atomic nucleus by the electromagnetic force. The protons and neutrons in the nucleus are attracted to each other by the nuclear force. This force is usually stronger than the electromagnetic force that repels the positively charged protons from one another. Under certain circumstances, the repelling electromagnetic force becomes stronger than the nuclear force. In this case, the nucleus splits and leaves behind different elements. This is a form of nuclear decay.
The number of protons in the nucleus is the atomic number and it defines to which chemical element the atom belongs. For example, any atom that contains 29 protons is copper. The number of neutrons defines the isotope of the element. Atoms can attach to one or more other atoms by chemical bonds to form chemical compounds such as molecules or crystals. The ability of atoms to associate and dissociate is responsible for most of the physical changes observed in nature. Chemistry is the discipline that studies these changes.

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  1. B

    Atoms in a Solid: Separate but Connected

    how close are the atoms in any solid, is all the space possible in a solid is filled up by its atom finally can we consider an atom an isolated body ,or can size of strings pass between inter atomic spaces.i believe atoms in the solid is not actually in contact but there exists infinitsimally...
  2. S

    Interatomic spacing of iron atoms

    3.2kg of iron is required to make a hollow spherical shell having inner radius (r=3cm).outer radius(r=5cm). i)estimate density of iron. (ans :6.585g/cm^3) -not sure if its correct though ii) using (i),est interatomic spacing of the iron atoms. the atomic mass of iron is 55.9u. need help...
  3. M

    Number of decayed atoms in a simultaneous decay process

    A certain amount N_0 of a radioactive isotope with decay constant \lambda_1 is injected into a pacient. Besides that isotope's natural decay process, there's also a biological elimination process, with decay constant \lambda_2. Now, at time t, the number of remaining isotope atoms is given...
  4. R

    Electron Energies in Atoms: Fixed Values or Expectation Values?

    Hi. First post. I'm trying to understand if electronic energy levels have fixed values, or merely fixed expectation values (in the latter case, orbital electrons could have any energy and it's only the average that would be fixed). Here's my argument for the latter. If it's incorrect, could...
  5. C

    Atoms Everywhere: Unseeing Them Again?

    Hi I am new here. I am not really a science buff, i only just started reading about physics a week ago. I come from a media and fitness background, but I joined to ask a quick question that I thought someone here could best answer - I can see atoms in the air sometimes in light only and my eyes...
  6. F

    What causes the random decay of atoms in different interpretations?

    What causes the "random" decay of atoms in different interpretations? I'd like proponents of each interpretation to explain what their interpretation says about this issue? What happens/causes radio active decay? I know that atleast dBB and MWI needs to have a deterministic answer to this...
  7. B

    Age of Atoms: How Old Am I Really?

    Hi all, Can someone tell me how old are the atoms my body is made off? In other words, how old am I really? THANKS
  8. S

    Did Gravity Exist Before the Big Bang?

    Atoms were created 300,000 years after the big bang when the universe had finally cooled down enough. Did gravity exist before that point in time? If so what did it act like? thanks :)
  9. baywax

    Antimatter atoms trapped for 16 minutes

    Sorry if this has been posted already. Its a Canadian led study! "Antimatter atoms have been held captive and kept in existence for a whopping 16 minutes by a Canadian-led team — far longer than the researchers thought possible. "It was quite a surprise," said Makoto Fujiwara, lead author of a...
  10. G

    Atoms and the law of perpetual motion

    Please someone, answer this question for me...Do atoms exist in perpetual motion? I have heard we have never discovered anything capable of perpetual motion, but aren't atoms always moving? Please answer.
  11. R

    Closed Orbit of Hydrogen Atoms. How to find the classical turning point

    Hi. I am trying to find the classical turning points in semi-parabolic coordinates for the hydrogen atom when an electric field is being applied to it in the y-axis. I am reading an article for those who are interested called Classical, semiclassical, and quantum dynamics in the lithium...
  12. H

    Entangled Atoms and propagation.

    Hello If I entangle to atoms in close proximity to each other, is there any way I can separate these atoms by a large distance and maintain their entanglement? Thank you.
  13. R

    Separating ephedrine from phenacetin b/c of nitrogen atoms

    Homework Statement Suggest one way to yield ammonium salt of ephedrine from reactants phenacetin and ephedrine . In the ans. consider both phenacetin and ephedrine as containing nitrogen. Explain why they would differ in reactivity and solubility. Homework Equations - The Attempt...
  14. S

    Plasma: Electrons, Atoms and Magnetic Fields

    A plasma is when electrons become unbound by their atoms. So does that mean that you can get a different plasma for all different types of atoms (like gold plasma and helium plasma)? Also the electrons are not free as they are bound to the plasma (but not individual neuclei) by the magentic...
  15. N

    Quantum numbers of atoms in a given state (number^number)letter

    Quantum numbers of atoms in a given state "(number^number)letter" Homework Statement An atom is in the state 42F. Write down the values of n,l,s and j. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution n=4 l=3 I'm having problems with s and j. I know j=l+s, does one...
  16. N

    RMS speed of Hydrogen Atoms in space

    Homework Statement In outer space the density of matter is about one atom per cm^3, mainly hydrogen atoms , and the temperature is about 2.7 K. Calculate the rms speed of these hydrogen atoms, and the pressure (in atmospheres). Homework Equations.5mv^2 = 3/2 KT The Attempt...
  17. N

    Rms speed of Hydrogen atoms in space

    Homework Statement In outer space the density of matter is about one atom per cm^3, mainly hydrogen atoms , and the temperature is about 2.7 K. Calculate the rms speed of these hydrogen atoms, and the pressure (in atmospheres). Homework EquationsPV = NkT The Attempt at a...
  18. S

    What gives atoms the properties of a chemichal?

    Firstly be easy on me, I'm 17 and still in high school and English is not my first language so go easy on the heavy vocabulary. I was wondering the other day, what is it that gives atoms its properties? If air would be densed to as thick as water, would it have the same properties? I don't...
  19. M

    How to get parameters of interaction between atoms of H2 and C6H6?

    HI, I want to reproduce results from the article (attached). I need to get parameters of interaction between atoms of H2 and C6H6 for Morse equation. I easily got results of interation between MOLECULES H2 and C6H6, shown in Table S2 'The first-principles and Morse force field (eq.1)...'...
  20. P

    Radial equation for atoms that are not hydrogen?

    So I've seen radial equations for Hydrogen out there (eg, where can I find one for more any arbitrary atom? admitedly, I realize that the equations become more and more complicated the larger the atom is. This is especially...
  21. I

    Atoms decay via alpha emission have a half-life of 150 min

    2.3 \cdot 10^{10} atoms decay via alpha emission have a half-life of 150 min. How many alpha particles are emitted between t=30 min and t=160 min? \begin{flalign*} 150 &= \frac{\ln 2}{\lambda}\\ \lambda &= 0.046 \\ \\ K &= K_{0}e^{(-\lambda)(t)}\\ &= (2.3 \cdot 10^{10})e^{(-0.046)(30)}\\...
  22. Ƒ

    Molecules, atoms, quarks, and so on

    So, I was brushing my teeth and started thinking about pi and how it is irrational. One thing led to another and I remembered Atom, by Asimov (which I haven't yet finished). Now, assuming pi is irrational, if we have a wheel with a radius of 1/2 (units don't really matter), and unroll it so that...
  23. S

    Hartree-fock-slater for single atoms

    I've been looking at the original Herman-Skillman program that solves for the energy levels of a single atom using Hartree-Fock with Slater exchange orbitals. There is one part I can't understand: the expression of the correction to the energy level for a good guess. What the program *does* is...
  24. A

    Do Atoms Die or Get Old?

    I there,i am new of the forum, i was wonder if atoms die or get old... For example,if i drop a piece of paper on the ground in a bit of time it will be destroyed right?by the atmosphere and weather condition,but this mean that the atoms will no be there anymore?that mean that the strong bond...
  25. P

    Harmonics and oscillating atoms

    I have a question which I would like to know the answer to, I posted it before but don't think I was understood correctly, hopefully I can make myself clearer this time. Every physical object in this universe has a natural or resonant frequency from an atom to a planet. Attached is an image of...
  26. N

    Preparing Atoms in Hyperfine State F=2: Optically Pumping?

    Hi guys As far as I have understood the technique of optical puming (OP), then if we look at the hyperfine state F=2 (for example), then OP can be used to prepare the atoms in the state F=2, mF=2, but not any other (i.e., lower) mF. Is there no technique for preparing atoms in a state with a...
  27. N

    The potential energy of two atoms-

    Homework Statement The potential energy of two atoms with a radius r is written as- U(r)= -4Uo[(Ro/r)^12 -(Ro/r)^6] Find the radius at stable equilibrium and the work required to separate the two atoms. Homework Equations F(r) = -dU(r)/dr The Attempt at a Solution If...
  28. G

    How can something like superfluidity exist between atoms

    hi, I asked myself: how can something like superfluidity exist between atoms, when there should always be van der waals forces and therefore an interatomic interaction? so imho there should always be this kind of friction between the atoms. where am I wrong?
  29. T

    What Causes Electrons to Emit Light?

    Is this why? The atoms of each element vibrate at different oscillations. Which means that not all elements atoms vibrate at the same type of light etc. When EM radiation hits the atom, some it it hits the electrons and the energy is transferred into the electron, since the electron has...
  30. QuarkCharmer

    Understanding Atom-Photon Interaction: How Long Will an Electron Hold Energy?

    I am told that when an atom absorbs a photon, it jumps up an energy level, these are discrete levels of energy etc etc. What determines how long the electron will hold this energy, and what exactly is the photon (wave) doing to up it's energy level. For ease of explanation, let's assume Neon...
  31. C

    Volume of nebula needed to form a star with same number of atoms as sun

    1. Question: In one region of a nebula the mean separation of atoms is 2.3x10^-3 m. What volume of the nebula contains enough atoms to make a star, similar to the sun, of radius 7.0x10^8 m within which the mean distance between atoms is 1.0x10^-10m? 2. Volume of sphere 4/3(pi(r^3 ))...
  32. B

    Exploring Light and Atoms: A Scientific Inquiry

    Hi, is there the concept of light in an Atom??
  33. N

    Atom Vibration in Solids: 3D Pattern

    I just wantedhow the atoms vibrate in solids. I do not want to know the reason of their vibration (I know it). I just want to know their pattern of vibration. Some people say that they vibrate by undergoing a to and fro motion. But I do not think it is true because the objects are three...
  34. J

    Cohesive Energy of Atoms in a Crystal

    Homework Statement I would like to know what the cohesive energy of the crystal is. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Is it the energy required to break the atoms free from a crystal (ie into free atoms with no potential)? So would it be the minimum energy of a...
  35. N

    Gas of atoms and thermal light

    Hi If I have a gas of atoms that emit light, is it accurate to regard the gas as being a thermal source? Niles.
  36. W

    Do Atoms Get Destroyed When Metal Melts?

    What an Atom in say a lump of steel in melted to molten metal, what happens to the Atoms ? Surely they melt and are destroyed, or do they reform ? As I thought everything was made of Atoms ? Are water and such made of Atoms ? Wayne
  37. D

    At what speed do atoms start tearing apart?

    At what speed do atoms start tearing apart? (The paragraph bellow tells why I want the answer to this question.) According to Stephen Hawking, when an object approaches the speed of light, the natural forces causes time to slow down so no matter how fast an object goes, it can...
  38. C

    How to Determine the Number of Atoms in a Given Volume of Al2O3?

    Homework Statement Given a volume of Al2O3, how many atoms of each element? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  39. B

    Fermi Energy of Non-Interacting Identical Li Atoms in a 3D Harmonic Potential Well

    Homework Statement The degeneracy of the nth level above the ground state for a three dimensional harmonic oscillator is (n+1)(n+2)/2 where n takes values n=0,1,2,... A gas of N non-interacting identical lithium atoms (mass 6amu) each having spin1/2 is confined in a 3d harmonic potential...
  40. C

    Do People of Different Body Types Have the Same Number of Atoms?

    Given two people of different complexion, one short and chubby and the other one tall and thin, but same weight (180 lbs each): a> Do they have the same number of atoms in their bodies b> If not, will the percent difference be significant? c>Is there a way to know an estimate of this...
  41. B

    Why Do Atoms Bond? Understanding Molecular Bonds

    Can someone post a picture of 2 bonded atoms... But not those googled ones. I am trying to understand how does that look at molecular level. Why would 2 atoms bond to form a molecule. eg. hydrogen, covalent bond. I know now 2 atoms of hydrogen have full shell, but that electron doesn't...
  42. A

    Why do the PE of atoms decrease when they form bonds

    In fact, why do the PE of atoms decrease when they form bonds, in terms of molecular interpretation, i.e. what actually happened in the atoms making they have lower energies?
  43. B

    Lennard-Jones potential for 3 atoms

    If I have a 3 atom lattice laid out at positions ##x_1 = 1, x_2 = 2, x_3 = 3## ##x_1## and ##x_3## are stationary, but ##x_2## interacts with ##x_1## and ##x_3## via the Lennard-Jones interatomic potential. I therefore worked out that the total acceleration for ##x_2## for ##m = \sigma =...
  44. S

    How is the Energy of a Star's Atoms Calculated and Related to its Temperature?

    Hi 1) As a star is composed of a huge number of atoms and molecules in the sate of gas, how is it near to reality to consider it as an ideal gas? 2) Is the energy of these atoms pure kinetic? I mean is the energy of each atom/molecule 1/2mv^2? 3) how is KT related to the energy of these...
  45. C

    Hydrocarbons have different structures but the same atoms

    Homework Statement The following hydrocarbons have different structures but the same atoms except for one. Which of them is this exception and what is the difference? a)cyclobutane b)1-butene c)2-butene d)cyclobutene e)methylcyclopropane Homework Equations Which of them is this...
  46. W

    Physics - Thermodynamics - Pressure caused by Nitrogen atoms hitting a surface

    Hi there, I'm a first timer on this forum and am hoping to get some help. Homework Statement 4.00×10^23 nitrogen molecules collide with a 18.0 cm^2 wall each second. Assume that the molecules all travel with a speed of 350 m/s and strike the wall head on. Homework Equations F...
  47. B

    Historical qustion-models of atoms

    Hello, I am apprentice in quantum physics and physics generally. When Rutherford posted his model, he was strongly negated because of the fact that electrons will fall in nucleus. Well i got that part quiet well but when i learned that planet goes around its sun mainly because inertia (losing...
  48. K

    Will ionized particulates mimic ionized oxygen atoms?

    Say you built a magnetic array, and two long electrodes running perpendicular to the magnetic field, whose electric field is then perpendicular both the electrodes and the array. Most magnetoplasmadynamic thrusters (built as previously described) then send current at an enormous voltage through...
  49. N

    Can You Provide Evidence for the Existence of Atoms?

    Hello, Someone I know doesn't believe in atoms. I know it sounds strange: the person acknowledges that the model that is used is useful for calculations, but apparently the idea of an atom sounds "too perfect". And apparently the structure of an atom lattice is also too perfect. But aren't...
  50. A

    Why Carbon Atoms Don't Form Square or Triangular Rings

    I have heard of carbon compounds in the form of rings or circles like cyclohexane and cyclopentane and it set me wondering of why carbon atoms do not form square or triangular rings. Could someone explain the reason?