Homework Statement
Let A be an m x n matrix such that the homogeneous system Ax=0 has only the trivial solution.
a. Does it follow that every system Ax=b is consistent?
b. Does it follow that every consistent system Ax=b has a unique solution?
The Attempt at a Solution
So if the homogeneous...
I have recently read some articles that deal with future technologies such as invisibility and teleportation. There are some magazines, websites and scientists such as Micho Kaku who make future predictions based on the latest cutting-edge technologies and scientific data.
My question is...
hi all! I am not able to understand what's a Lewis acid and a Lewis base. tell me if these are Lewis acids or Lewis bases and tell me the reason. HCl, H2SO4, H3PO4, CO2, HCN.
my approach: first 3 I'm not able to decide. 4th one I thought to be Lewis base as 2lone pairs of electrons left in...
Homework Statement
1) Let e, e' be two orthonormal bases(not necessarily the standard basis). Prove that the matrix S = [Id]e-e' (direct transformation from e to e') is orthogonal, i.e. SS^T = S^TS = [Id]_3. SS^T is S * S transpose.
2) The moment of inertia tensor of a right circular cylinder...
Sorry guys,
I can't seem to grasp the concept:
It deals with acids and bases. When the acid donates the proton, to the base, how do we know how many is transferred and how many the base can accept? This is where I am stumped.
Homework Statement
What ions are formed when nitric...
I have a question about Garrity's formula at the top of p. 125, here, for a function from the set of 2-form fields to the set of tangent vector fields, together with the formula on p. 123 for the exterior derivative of a 1-form field and Theorem 6.3.1 on p. 125 (Garrity: All the Mathematics you...
Homework Statement
Let B = {b1, b2, b3} be a basis for a vector space V and T : V -> R2 be a linear transformation with the property that
T(x1b1 + x2b2 + x3b3) =
2x1 - 4x2 + 5x3
0x1 - 1x2 + 3x3
Find the matrix for T relative to B and the standard basis for R2.
Alright, I have a program that converts numbers from base 2-10 and it works just fine but I can not get the program to convert past base 10 whenever i input any char such as 1A it says invalid input. I have tried changing some of the lines in the code but it ends with errors. Right now it is...
Can someone please explain why the representation of a wavefunction as an expansion of basis eigenfunctions actually gives us something of physical meaning? For example, it can tell us the probabilities of measuring a particular eigenvalue (depending on the expansion coefficients)... I mean its...
If I had a nucleophile, say the conjugate base of benzene, and a molecule with a bromide, and a primary alcohol. Would the nucleophile attack the carbon bound to the bromide, or the proton on the alcohol?
If it's hard to follow I can try to make a picture. Basically I want to add Isobutanol...
Homework Statement
Let G be a Lie group and L be its Lie algebra. Further assume that TG is equiped with a metric tensor g; that is, a (0,2)-covariant tensor that is symmetric and positive-definite on fibres of TG. Assume that \{ H_i\}_{i=1}^m are an orthonormal basis for for L. If R_X: G...
Homework Statement
Find bases for the following subspaces of F^5:
W1 = {(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) E F^5 : a1 - a3 - a4 = 0}
W2 = {(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) E F^5: a2 = a3 = a4 and a1 + a5 = 0}
2. The attempt at a solution
Well, I understand a basis is the maximum amount of vectors...
I have a Topology midterm tomorrow and I'm going through exercises in my book. Perhaps someone could let me know whether I ought to make a thread for each question or if I may continue adding to this thread...
Determine which of the following collections of subsets of R are bases:
a.) C1 =...
So, it's for Mastering Chemistry and I need to sort out the strong acids weak acids strong bases and weak bases. It says that two are wrong though I've looked them all up and don't know which ones are wrong.
Say I was given a 2x2 matrix made from a certain basis {|x\rangle, |y\rangle} , and I split that matrix into two parts, one being the diagonal part and one being the off-diagonal part.
for example, if I had H = H_0 + W = \left(\begin{array}{cc}a&c\\b&d\end{array}\right) =...
If we have a vector that can be expressed in terms of some finite list of basis elements. If we have an orthonormal basis for a vector space V, then a vector v can be expressed as <v,e1>e1 +...+ <v,en>en. This appears to be widely used for many results (such as Gram-Schmidt), but the...
Homework Statement
V is a subspace of Rn and S={v1,...,vk} is a set of linearly independent vector in V. I have to prove that any list of linearly independent vectors can be extended to a basis for V.
Homework Equations
None that I can think of.
The Attempt at a Solution
So to be...
I need some help with developing an idea for my design lab. it is a lab where we must come up iwth a problem to solve on our own. This time we are to discover something new about acids and bases. What would be a good problem? thank you!
i wonder if there is any clear chemical difference between the bases pairs CG and AT? is one more reactive than the other one for example? is there any chemical difference that is used? i would be very grateful for any reply!
Homework Statement
Let U be a subspace of R4 and let S={x1, x2, x3} be an orthogonal basis of U.
Given x1, x2, x3, find a basis for Uperp (the subspace containing all vectors orthogonal to all vectors in U).
I am actually given three vectors x1, x2, x3, but I am looking more to...
Hi all. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I am currently studying Grobner Bases and I've been given a problem that I'm struggling to find any resources for. I am interested in find if a certain n for the n queens problem have solutions. Now there are SAT solvers and such which can...
hi, anyone can enlighten me why the pauli x matrix in the z basis is given as
0 1
1 0
while it in the x basis, it is given as
1 0
0 -1
is there a formula or something to calculate this? and how does one know that a matrix is in the z basis or the x basis? thanks a lot!
Homework Statement I have posted this problem on another website (mathhelpforum) but have received no replies. I don't know whether this is because no one knows what I am talking about or if it's just that no one can find a fault with my reasoning. Please please please could you post a reply...
I'm trying to get a handle on these concepts, which are new to me.
http://planetmath.org/encyclopedia/HamelBasis.html :
Kreyszig offers the following example of a Schauder basis for l^2: e_i=(\delta_{ij}) (Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications, p. 43-44). Since any vector can...
This is a subject I am unfamiliar with, and was just wondering where I should start in order to learn about them and how they affect different elements and form other substances step-by-step. From what I know, an Acid donated a Hydrogen Ion, and a Base takes a Hydrogen Ion, and an Acid has to...
Homework Statement
Calculate (5^7)-(7^7)+(9^7)-(11^7) in Mod24
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I added all the bases and got -4 (which I changed to 4), then I took 4^7 and ended up with 16,384. I divided 16,384 by 24 as many times as I could, which gave me an end...
Homework Statement
I'm a little confused, let's say i do a titration curve for a weak acid, at some point there's a buffering range near the pKa. Like i know that if we add a strong base like NaOH to acetic acid in a water solvent, then the OH- will combine with the H+ (hydronium ion) which...
Find the integral
∫(3^(2x))/(1 + 3^(2x)) dx
so I have that u= 1+3^(2x) and du=2ln3[3^(2x)]
I=1/(2ln3)∫3^(2x)(2)(ln3)/(1 + 3^(2x)) dx
Can anyone help me solve this please?
Homework Statement
9 log3(2x+1) + 4 log2(x+3) = 85. Find x!
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I have tried few things but useless. Do not know what to do with different bases. I also tried to change the RHS: 85 = 5 x 17 but nothing worked.
Thank you very much
Homework Statement
I'm working on the problems attached.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I think I understand how to do problem 4.3 but I'm lost on 4.1 and 4.2, and I'm pretty sure i need to figure those out before I can do 4.3.
Can someone please try to guide...
Homework Statement
How do I find the bases for both the kernel and range of this linear transformation?
Let T: R4 ----> R4 be the linear transformation that takes [1101] and [1011] to [2304] and takes [1110] and [0111] to [3120]
a. Find the bases for both the kernel and the range of...
I was working on a problem earlier today and I didn't know the following result:
Let S be a subset of an infinite-dimensional vector space V. Then S is a basis for V if and only if for each nonzero vector v in V, there exists unique vectors u1,u2,...,un in S and unique nonzero scalars...
Yet another question about the evolution of life, likely in the Archaen or Proterozoic eons.
As I understand it, the genomes of all life - archaea, bacteria, eukaryotes - is based on DNA, even that of eukaryote organelles, such as plastids and mitochondria. Are there any counter-examples, in...
I'm a beginner at differential geometry.
I have a problem about dual space. I understand why we use \left\{\frac{\partial}{\partial x^{\mu}}\right\} as the bases in vector space, but I have no idea why
we use \left\{ dx^{\mu} \right\} as the bases of dual space. What is the reason
Homework Statement
Let T be the linear transformation T: M2x2-->M2x2 given by
T([a,b;c,d]) = [a,b;c,d][0,0;1,1] = [b,b;d,d]
Find bases (consisting of 2x2 matrices) for the image of T and the nullspace of T.
Homework Equations
Standard basis of a 2x2 matrix...
Given a fin.dim vector space V over R, and two different bases B_V,B_V'
for V , we say that B_V,B'_V are equivalent as bases ( or have the same
orientation) , if there exists a matrix T with TB=B', and DetT>0.
How do we define equivalent bases for vector spaces over the...
Homework Statement
Prove that all bases for subspace V of R\hat{}N contain the same number of elements.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I have absolutely no idea where to start this proof. Do I need to do something with finding an equation of the subspace, or not?
I'm just learning linear algebra, where we are taking a set of basis vectors and then using gram schmidt to convert them to an orthonormal basis.
So I know I can do it. I know orthonormal is great. But as I'm modifying the basis anyway from the original, why don't I just forget the original...
I have been playing around with numbers in different bases and then I thought, what if they were in fractional bases. I found a way to convert numbers to fractional bases and have been searching on the internet and not found a similar way to do this. Anyway, here is an example of how I would do...
Given a set of n<d commuting operators, either degenerate or non-degenerate, in a d-dimensional Hilbert space, is there an effective analytical method of finding an orthonormal basis composed of d eigenvectors common to all the operators in the set?
The operators are dxd complex square matrices...
Hi, again another problem:
Let B1 = {( \stackrel{1}{3}),( \stackrel{1}{2})} and
B_{2} = [ \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}( \stackrel{1}{1}), \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (\stackrel{-1}{1}) ]
Determine the representing matrix T = K_{B_{2},B_{1}} \in \Re^{2\times2} for the change from B1 coordinates to...
Homework Statement
Indicate the conjugate bases of the following:
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
This is the only information given. Can I assume that these species react with water? The ionic signs indicate that they are bases, but are they the...
Not sure where this should go, but - How would you calculate the square root of a triangular number with a base other than 1? For example, 2, 6, 12, 20 (Base 2).
Would rather have help to figure it out than the actual formula.
Homework Statement
So I'm trying to find a basis for the space that is spanned by the given vectors.
{(1,0,0,1) (-2,1,-1,1) (6,-1,2,-1) (5,-3,3,-4) (0,3,-1,1)} These are written as column vectors.
Homework Equations
None really (that I know of)
The Attempt at a Solution
So I...
Homework Statement
Let T be the linear transformation of R5 into R3 that has the matrix
A =
1 3 2 0 -1
2 6 4 6 4
1 3 2 2 1
relative to the bases [(1,1,1,1,1), (1,1,1,1,0), (1,1,0,0,0), (1,0,0,0,0), (0,0,0,0,1)] of R5 and [(1,1,1), (0,1,0), (1,0,0)] of R3. Find a basis for the range...
I'm having some trouble understanding basis and how they relate to transformation matrices.
Homework Statement
Let e_1,e_2,e_3,e_4 be a basis in a four dimensional vector space V. Suppose that the linear transformation F on V has the matrix representation:
[1 0 2 1;-1 2 1 3;1 2 5 5;2 -2 1...
Homework Statement
Only the equation: 2(3^x) = 7(5^x)
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Okay. I've been fine learning the loglaws, until I hit this question. If they were the same base (or at least near the same, ex: 2 & 8) then I could simply change them into...
Homework Statement
I was asked to calculate the pH of .40M solution of NH4ClO4
but I wasn't given a Ka for it.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I dissciated NH4ClO4 into:
NH4(plus) and ClO4(minus)
but I"m stuck there. What am I doing wrong?