Battery Definition and 1000 Threads

A battery is a power source consisting of one or more electrochemical cells with external connections for powering electrical devices such as flashlights, mobile phones, and electric cars. When a battery is supplying electric power, its positive terminal is the cathode and its negative terminal is the anode. The terminal marked negative is the source of electrons that will flow through an external electric circuit to the positive terminal. When a battery is connected to an external electric load, a redox reaction converts high-energy reactants to lower-energy products, and the free-energy difference is delivered to the external circuit as electrical energy. Historically the term "battery" specifically referred to a device composed of multiple cells, however the usage has evolved to include devices composed of a single cell.Primary (single-use or "disposable") batteries are used once and discarded, as the electrode materials are irreversibly changed during discharge; a common example is the alkaline battery used for flashlights and a multitude of portable electronic devices. Secondary (rechargeable) batteries can be discharged and recharged multiple times using an applied electric current; the original composition of the electrodes can be restored by reverse current. Examples include the lead-acid batteries used in vehicles and lithium-ion batteries used for portable electronics such as laptops and mobile phones.
Batteries come in many shapes and sizes, from miniature cells used to power hearing aids and wristwatches to small, thin cells used in smartphones, to large lead acid batteries or lithium-ion batteries in vehicles, and at the largest extreme, huge battery banks the size of rooms that provide standby or emergency power for telephone exchanges and computer data centers.
Batteries have much lower specific energy (energy per unit mass) than common fuels such as gasoline. In automobiles, this is somewhat offset by the higher efficiency of electric motors in converting electrical energy to mechanical work, compared to combustion engines.

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  1. C

    Calculating Power Generated by DC Generator for 6V Battery

    Hi, I'm trying to work on this interesting little project that involves charging a 6V battery using a simple DC generator powered by a wheel spun manually. The equations for the DC generator output would be : E = N B v sin(theta) x 10-8 if I'm correct. E being the voltage, N=number of...
  2. Z

    Connecting wire from battery terminal to electroscope

    What would happen to an electroscope if a wire from the negative or positive terminal of a battery is touched to an electroscope? Will the electroscope deflect or will it do nothing?
  3. D

    Does a Battery on a Table Create an Electric Field?

    A battery lies on a table. Does it produce an electric field in its vicinity when no conductor connects its terminals together? If yes, do you have an idea of its magnitude? Thanks.
  4. A

    A battery drives an electric motor which raises a 20 kg mass at a steady speed.

    1. A battery drives an electric motor which raises a 20 kg mass at a steady speed of 3m/s vertically upwards. If 90% of the electrical energy supplied is converted to mechanical energy and the current flowing is 5 A, find the emf of the battery. 2. W=QV p=mv P=IV K.E=.5mv^2 3...
  5. O

    AA battery to lift 1000kg up 1meter

    I am on the Earth's surface and I want to lift my 1000kg rock up 1m. I quickly calculate the amount of work required to accomplish this feat: 1000kg * 9.81 m/s2 * 1m = 9800 kg m2/s2 or 9800 joules thats really not that much work. i see from...
  6. W

    Getting down of battery in ideal situation

    In Ideal Short circuit i.e the resistance of the medium is zero,there is no power delivered by the source(batterey which involve chemical reactions and have no internal resistance i.e ideal).Then is the source Get down or not.If yes then why?
  7. A

    What is the charge on the capacitor being charged up by a 25 V battery

    A capacitor in a RC circuit is initially uncharged. What is the charge on the capacitor being charged up by a 25 V battery for a period of two time constants of the RC circuit? (C = 15 µF, R = unknown) How do I find Q?
  8. R

    What Does 50% Battery Really Indicate About My Phone's Charge?

    Dear Experts, My phone battery indicator shows 50% charged. My question is, assuming the phone needs 5v to operate, what does the 50% mean? Is it : 1. 50% current / power is left? If so, 50 % of how much amperes / watts? 2. 50% of 5v is left? Unlikely since that would mean too...
  9. V

    Car Battery Problem: Can Reversing Polarity Harm My Car?

    Car Battery Problem! Hi all, I have to tell my story before actully asking the question. So, please be a bit patient! I went overseas for a holiday for 3 weeks. Before I went, I washed my car. Unfortunately, I forgot to turn off my cabin light. Of course, I couldn't start up my car when I...
  10. T

    How Do You Calculate Thevenin Equivalent for a Battery with Different Loads?

    Homework Statement An automobile battery when connected to a car radio provides 12.5 V to the radio. When connected to the headlights, it provides 11.7 V. Assume the radio is modeled as 6.25 ohm resistor and the headlights are .65 ohms. Find the Thevenin Equivalent for the battery...
  11. J

    Current in a Battery: Solving w/ Kirchoff's Law

    Homework Statement A dead battery is charged by connecting it to the live battery of another car with jumper cables. Assume that V = 5.5 V and R = 0.50 . What is the current of the starter and the current of the dead battery? Homework Equations I=V/R, I1=I2+I3, basically Kirchoff's...
  12. G

    Effect of large battery on loop response

    I'm not sure I'm providing enough information in order to get a meaningful reply, but I'll try anyway: Lets say you have a regulator of some sort, with a LC filter on the output, and some sort of feedback loop with an unknown transient response (i.e. you lack info on the system's phase...
  13. S

    Maximize Your Laptop Battery Life: Tips for Efficient Charging and Saving Power

    hey... i just wanted to know how can i make my laptop battery last longer... need info about charging .. and any other tips about saving my battery thanks in advance
  14. G

    What Pocket-Sized External Battery Works with a Handheld DVR?

    I am looking for a pocket-sized external battery to work with a handheld DVR. The manufacturer does make an external battery pack, however the manufacturer of the device is located in Korea, and no US dealers sell it. From the product manual, it states that the manufacturer's external battery...
  15. E

    How to build a powerful single celled battery

    Hey guys, I'm new to this forum and I've been meaning to start a project of my own. I want to create a homemade battery that gives me the highest voltage and current I can have using only two-three metals and an electrolytic solution. It can only be easily accessed metals, as I live in a city...
  16. M

    How Much Energy Does a Linearly Declining Battery Voltage Deliver Over Time?

    Homework Statement A battery provides a continuous current of 9mA (.009A) for 40hrs (144,000sec). During that time the voltage drops from 1.5 to 1.0. Assume the drop is linear with time. How much energy does the battery deliver during this 40hr interval Homework Equations P=IV The...
  17. A

    Understanding the Water Battery: A Mystery Explained in Simple Terms

    Hi, everyone. I stumbled upon" I can't quite figure out how it works, so I figured I'd throw it out to you all. I got so far as to come to the conclusion that it has to do with a buildup of static electricity and that, since...
  18. I

    Paralleling and Series Battery going dead question

    I attached a pic of what I am trying to do. Now if the alternator is 12V I can charge the 2 batteries on the right but I can't charge the battery on the left without taking the blue wire off. I have a 24V inverter that is 1500watt and was wondering what would happen to the battery on the left...
  19. J

    HOw much power is drawn from a one volt battery?

    Homework Statement each bulb in the circuit has a resistence of one ohm. how much power is drawn from the one volt battery? to see the circuit diagram, click on this link: it is problem 16 on page 123 To see the circuit diagram, go here:
  20. L

    A rechargeable flashlight battery is capable of deliverig 50mA for

    Homework Statement A rechargeable flashlight battery is capable of deliverig 50mA for bout 90 hours. How much charge can it release at that rate? If the terminal voltage is 4 volts how much energy can the battery deliver? Homework Equations i=dq/dt q=it The Attempt at a Solution my...
  21. T

    Calculating Talk Time for a 1050mAh Mobile Phone Battery Pack

    Homework Statement A primary energy source is able to provide 0.7 Watts power in order to charge a mobile telephone battery pack. The telephone operates at 3.5 V, and the mobile telephone’s 3.5 V battery pack has a capacity of 1050mAh. In “talk” the mobile phone draws an average current...
  22. T

    The current given from a Car Battery?

    Hi guys, this is my first thread, and I am not sure where I'm supposed to put this so I hope this is ok? if not, please tell me how and where i can move it to Ok, just a simple question that i can't seem to find anywhere, what is the current which is given out by a car battery? Thanks, Tinger
  23. J

    How to calculate required battery charge for 300 miles

    Need help - my brain is mush and the longer I look at it the more I don't understand it...can someone please tell me if this calculation is correct: Homework Statement A car is run for 400 hours per year, with a total mileage of 10,000 a year. The car uses diesel and consumes 2,000...
  24. M

    Is the positive terminal of a battery positively charged

    Hi If you are kind enough to answer this please bear in mind that I know next to no physics and I'm quite intimidated by the subject so please don't give me an intractable answer that I won't understand. Please feel free to answer as if you are talking to a nice but dim high school student...
  25. N

    Maximizing Battery Life: Tips for Storing Electronic Devices

    So I know that when an electronic device powered by batteries is turned off, the batteries actually continue to move charge and will lose energy over time. I keep emergency flashlights in storage and I usually put one battery in them backwards so that a circuit is not completed. What I want to...
  26. P

    How Do You Calculate EMF in a Circuit with a Resistor?

    Homework Statement The question itself doesn't make sense to me, it says to find emf but the answer box has V= ? problem is an attachment. Homework Equations I=e/(r+R) Ir+IR=emf P=VI The Attempt at a Solution If it wants voltage that's simple P=I^2R P=V^2/R V=54.8V if...
  27. H

    Why is it harder to start a car battery in winter?

    Homework Statement Why is it harder to start a battery in winter rather then summer? Homework Equations Nerst Equation Ecell = Ecell - RT/zf(lnQ) The Attempt at a Solution Isn't the lead sulfate bettery unique such that the electroyte for the anode and cathode is the same...
  28. B

    Battery that stays charged for 30 years.

    I "stumbledupon" this article this morning. A battery that used radioisotopes and is powered by the decay of the radioactive material. Sounds like it would work. Is this legit? If so it seems like a pretty serious innovation. I'm sure this battery if developed for the public would have a...
  29. R

    Dropping voltage (variable) of a sealed lead acid battery

    Hi, firstly apologies for what might seem like a 'basic' question, but I've been trying to work this out for a while. I have a sealed lead acid (SLA) battery - 6V 4AH. I would like to use this battery to power a 4V coil (for a display) - that is capable of (potentially) drawing the full...
  30. K

    Who can send me a diagram of a 12dc battery inverted to 220vac thank

    who can send me a diagram of a 12dc battery inverted to 220vac thank you!
  31. T

    Find Power & Current Info for DC Battery 9V/1.5V

    i need link for the power or the maximum current for dc battery 9 and 1.5 voltage ..if anyone know please share it ??
  32. E

    Li+ battery charger chip without buck

    hi I want to design a 4 cell (16.8V) lithium ion battery charger. The normal chips available have built in buck (reall buck or synchronous buck) or at least control circuitry for buck with external mosfets. This is necessary as wall adapter/source input voltage are higher and unregulated...
  33. W

    Can Beta Decay Power an LED Indefinitely?

    Hello, I would like to start by saying that I know very little about nuclear decay, so please do not flame me if this is a silly question: I am wondering if it is possible to generate enough potential to light an LED indefinitely using pure beta decay. Let's say the circuit consists of a...
  34. L

    Lead acid battery experiment reaction

    My set up was simply putting two lead plates into a beaker of sulphuric acid, then connect the lead plates to a power supply. What is the reaction for charging and discharging the cell? All equations I could found contain lead (IV) oxide... Is the reactions of my set up differ from a real...
  35. K

    How Effective Is an LM317 in Sequentially Charging Multiple Batteries?

    I'm designing a battery charger consisting of an LM317. The regulator will charge three batteries successively, for example, when battery 1 reaches a terminal voltage of 13.8, a voltage comparator will activate a relay that will switch on the second battery while switching off the switch for...
  36. T

    Battery discharge when sitting on the floor

    This is an old saying that always annoys me! People swear by it but I just don't see how it can be unless the theory has been distorted over the years. Could it be that just the coldness of the floor weakens the battery? As it goes if you put a car battery on a cement floor it will discharge...
  37. M

    Too Long on the Battery Charger

    What happens if re-chargable batteries are left too long on their chargers? is there a fire risk? do some of them such as the ones used for moble phones and chordless power tools have some sort of cut-off safety mechanism?
  38. S

    How can I build a battery box with a switch to toggle between 12v and 24v?

    I have built these before, but have forgotten how I did it. I am making a battery box with four 12v batteries (7.5 Ah each). I will have only one pair of output terminals, one + and one -. Inside will be a switch to toggle between 12 and 24v. I do remember that in the 12v position all batteries...
  39. B

    Need help with replacing a lead-acid sealed battery with a Lithium Ion battery

    What I am trying to do is replace my 12v 5Ah lead-acid battery with a 14.8v 6600mAh lithium ion battery. It powers a small fan belt. And for some reason I can't get the lithium battery to work. Can somebody tell me what I might be doing wrong, or if it will even work?
  40. L

    How can I model a charging battery using simple circuit analysis techniques?

    I'm trying to understand how I could use simple circuit analysis techniques to model a charging battery in the circuit attached. The battery connected only to a power supply will want to sink up to about 1A starting out then will transition downward quickly to about 200ma. Then it will fall off...
  41. M

    The Alkaline Battery inside My Pocket was Red Hot

    I put a AAA alkaline battery in my pocket and later detected warmth. I took the battery out of my pocket and it was very hot. The only other items that I had in my pocket were a few coins and a key ring with keys and one of these plastic security fobs. I can only presume that some kind of...
  42. S

    Is this Best alternate to battery electric vehicle?

    i found that this invention uses water and aluminum to make hydrogen in the most efficient way, uses only 1 kg aluminum for 600km for a 900kg vehicle. for more details click the link Is this technology a better solution for today's crisis. if...
  43. D

    I want to build a Betavoltaic Battery

    I want to build a "Betavoltaic Battery" A while ago I got a tritium keychain that will glow for 10 years, and since then I've gotten very interested in building a generator based on this. Originally I wanted to build a conventional RTG but apparently it is hard to find radioactive materials...
  44. U

    Electrostatic potential energy in a circuit with and without a battery

    I have two plate capacitors serially connected in a circuit with a battey and a switch between the battery and one of the plate capacitors. I have two situaions: a) I charge the capacitors, cut the switch, and double the internal distance in one of the capacitors. b) I charge the...
  45. J

    Does Battery Capacity depend on Internal Resistance?

    Just like the title, does battery capacity depend on internal resistance? I know it does depend on the temperature and the chemical structure of the battery, but does it also depend on internal resistance? If so, how dependent are batteries on internal resistance? Also, what is the...
  46. R

    Mass difference of a charged and a drained battery cell

    Is there a difference between the mass of a battery cell which is charged and the one which is drained? If yes, is difference of the two values proportional to the total work done by the cell (including loss due to resistance), with c^2 as the proportionality constant?
  47. R

    Power Dissipation (more than one battery)

    Homework Statement For the circuit shown, find the power dissipated by the 10.0 ohm resistor. (as attached) Homework Equations P=IV=I2R=V2R V=IR The Attempt at a Solution I really don't know where to start with this. I'm basically tied up in the fact that there are three...
  48. D

    Finding Power in watt with a real battery

    Homework Statement calculate the power dissipated by a resistor R connected to the battery when R = 2.4 ohm. Homework Equations I=V/R The Attempt at a Solution I found A of battery that given and put R value given to find P, however I cannot get a right answer. What did I...
  49. S

    How long does it take to charge a 230CCA car battery?

    I have a 230 CAA car battery, and 2 solar panels in a parallel circuit (one is 15V, 300mA, 4.5W, the other is 15V, 125mA, 1.8W). I know that these are under optimal conditions, so please assume that they are. How long would it take to charge my car battery with these solar panels?
  50. S

    Voltage in a Non-Ideal Battery

    Homework Statement Given the following circuit: What is the actual voltage provided to the circuit by the non-ideal battery if the internal resistance r = 0.50 ohms and the internal emf is 9.0 volts? A. 9.8 V B. 8.5 V C. 9.0 V D. 8.4 V E. 8.8 V Homework...