Beam Definition and 1000 Threads

An I-beam, also known as H-beam (for universal column, UC), w-beam (for "wide flange"), universal beam (UB), rolled steel joist (RSJ), or double-T (especially in Polish, Bulgarian, Spanish, Italian and German), is a beam with an I or H-shaped cross-section. The horizontal elements of the I are flanges, and the vertical element is the "web". I-beams are usually made of structural steel and are used in construction and civil engineering.
The web resists shear forces, while the flanges resist most of the bending moment experienced by the beam. The Euler–Bernoulli beam equation shows that the I-shaped section is a very efficient form for carrying both bending and shear loads in the plane of the web. On the other hand, the cross-section has a reduced capacity in the transverse direction, and is also inefficient in carrying torsion, for which hollow structural sections are often preferred.

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  1. R

    Tapered, arched beam stiff mass matrices ?

    Hi all, Actually I'm supposed to run and find results in google search. But that doesn't give any useful information, retrieves some nomenclatures which deals with estimation of technique or deriving the stiffnesss mass matrices for 2D frame element. But I'm looking for 3D frame element with...
  2. M

    Mirror B Hit by Photon Beam from A

    Hello, There are two FoR S and S'. A and B in S FoR, A' and B' in S' FoR. A is a source of photons and B is a mirror. A' is a transparent glass and B' is a mirror. S' is moving to the right direction. Think that there is very negligible distance between A and A'. Now, A fires a photon beam...
  3. N

    How Can You Effectively Widen a Laser Beam for Experiments?

    Homework Statement I need to be able to widen the beam of a laser for an experiment I am doing. I want to increase the area the beam takes up while preserving the total amount of light passing through a plane. I provided a diagram of a way I think I can do this, but I would appreciate any...
  4. V

    What Metal Best Emits Infrared Light for Camera Detection?

    the name says everything...but i want to know which metal is the besst to create infrared frequency and how far can it travel,bounce n come back with a detectable intensity? i know the 2nd question is stupid coz we r talking abt em wave they don't get absorbed in medium but they do get...
  5. S

    Energy/particle number uncertainty in a laser beam

    If I understand things correctly, the coherent state of a laser beam implies that the photon quantum field is a superposition of states with different particle numbers. This also implies that a laser beam is not in an energy eigenstate. To get energy conservation, I assume that this...
  6. A

    Deflection vs. Bending in a Beam

    Problem: What is the equation that relates properties of a metal (modulus of elasticity, yield strength, elongation, etc) to how far it can deflect before permanently being bent. I can calculate how far a beam will deflect under different loading and support but I just don't know what the...
  7. S

    Second moments of area of a simply supported regular I beam

    I’m having trouble getting my head around this example and solution that was given as part of a revision pack for an upcoming exam. Any explanation would be gratefully received. Question: A simply supported regular I beam is 90mm wide and 120mm high. The top and bottom flanges are 10mm...
  8. Z

    Boundary Condition for deflection of Beam

    I have a problem how to select the boundary condition when i answer this deflection of beam. for example: the boundary condition is [x=o,y=0],[x=l,y=0],[x=o,dy/dx=o] and [x=L,dy/dx=0] given that EIdy/dx= Ax+wx^2/2 EIy= Ax^2/2+wx^3/6 anybody can tell me how to select this?
  9. H

    Torque/moment of beam in equilibrium

    Homework Statement Homework Equations ƩFx = 0, ƩFy = 0, ƩM = 0 The Attempt at a Solution I realize that this is an equilibrium problem and that the sum of the forces in the x and y directions is 0, and the sum of the moments is 0. I draw two free body diagrams, one...
  10. M

    Gaussian Beam in a Symmetric Confocal Resonator.

    λHomework Statement A symmetric confocal resonator with mirror spacing d =16 cm, mirror reflectances 0.995, and n = 1 is used in a laser operating at λ[o] = 1 μm. (a) Find the radii of curvature of the mirrors. (b) Find the waist of the (0,0) (Gaussian) mode. (c) Sketch the intensity...
  11. M

    Elliptical partially polarized beam and its intensity

    Homework Statement A partially elliptically polarized beam of light, propagating int he z direction, passes through a perfect linear polarization analyzer. When the transmission axis of the analyzer is along the x direction, the transmitted intensity is maximum and has the value of 1.5 I[0]...
  12. R

    How Does Beam Size Change with Increased Span in Building Construction?

    Supposed in builiding contruction, the beam span is 12 meters compared to 6 meters. Would it make the beam size (and column size) twice in the longer 12 meters span given the same loading? Is there a law of physics that says the sizes are proportional to the span? Or is it algorithmic or...
  13. B

    Perpendicular Beam Deflection question

    Homework Statement Given a W21x68 beam with 1.388 kips per foot loading spanning 34 feet. The beam will carry the load but the maximum deflection is greater than wanted. We would like to put a W33x118 beam perpendicular to the centerline of the W21x68 (17 feet), to limit the deflection...
  14. B

    Calculating the dead load of a beam

    Hi there, electrician in need of some mechanical study help. The question I have is, A beam has a solid cross sectional area of 100mm and is simply supported by 2 supports 3m apart. Calculate the dead load that can be safely supported when applied to the middle of the beam. The only...
  15. V

    The best place for a beam support?

    Question 1: On a typical wooden hanging sign you have three pieces of beam. One main beam extends upwards from the ground and at the top a beam slices through this (so that on one side of the slicing beam there is more beam than the other) with the sign hanging down from the longer section...
  16. P

    FEA: Stiffness Matrix for Beam Element

    I have gone through Beam Element analysis in several books on FEA. 80% of books have a particular Stiffness matrix, while a very small number of books have a matrix which is subtly different in sign. Most books have...
  17. M

    Inelastic collision of ball with rotating beam (juggling robot)

    Homework Statement I'm trying to build a "juggling" robot but I'm getting stuck on the dynamics of catching. The robot follows the dynamics and terminology of a similar one presented in the attached paper (equation 1). Basically, there is a circular ball flying through the air which lands (and...
  18. V

    Spring stiffness calculation - Curved beam

    Homework Statement I'm unable to calculate the stiffness of the spring. Once, i get the stiffness i'd like to calculate the load required for the defined deflection. Homework Equations - The Attempt at a Solution -
  19. StevieTNZ

    Are Input Photons #2 and #3 Still Entangled After Going Through a Beam Splitter?

    In regards to the attached image; If the input photons were, for input b = photon #2, and for input c = photon #3, where: photon #1 and #2, and #3 and #4 are entangled as |H>|V> + |V>|H>, for the outputs:|H>(b’)|H>(b’) - |V>(b’)|V>(b’) + |H>(c’)|H>(c’) - |V>(c’)|V>(c’) + H(b’)|V>(c’) -...
  20. H

    Beam Curvature Measurement with a Capacitive Sensor

    Hi, I am trying to measure the center deflection of a simply supported beam with a capacitive sensor. The beam's surface that is the sensor's target is originally flat. After applying equal forces on the two edges of the beam, its center curves upwards (away from the capacitive sensor) thus...
  21. W

    Deflection of L Shaped Cantilever Beam

    Homework Statement I would like to know how to find the horizontal and vertical deflection of point C shown in the attached diagram. I also need to find the angle of deflection for point C. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I've already found a solution to this problem...
  22. H

    What is the Polarization of the Reflected Beam?

    Homework Statement A beam of light traveling in air hits a glass surface with refractive index 1.5 at 45 degree angle. The light is polarised at 45 degrees with respect to the plane of incidence. Calculate the polarization of the reflected beam. Homework Equations Boundary Conditions...
  23. A

    Loaded beam in compression? (buckles?)

    Hey guys, I know this is a simple question but I'm not really sure how to do it. Let's say we have a beam supported by two pins at both extremes. There is a central load on the beam, so it will deflect in the direction of the load. But we also have an axial force compressing the beam. My...
  24. S

    What is the maximum normal stress in a W18x46 beam?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations σ=P/A σ=My/I τ=VQ/ItThe Attempt at a Solution I'm on part C, pretty sure I have A and B, so I'm using a W18x46 Beam. I have drawn shear and moment diagrams. I just want to be clear on what part C is asking... I'm assuming this point is at the end of...
  25. M

    How Does a High-Frequency, High-Power Electron Beam Affect a Vacuum?

    What happens when we send in a vacuum pulsed electron beam with a frequency 1e9Hz and power 1e6MeV? Thanks.
  26. B

    How to rearrange to find the height of a hollow beam

    Homework Statement i had a solid rectangular beam of max stress equalling 1.65x10^6N/m² a new beam, a hollow rectangular beam is made to reduce weight, it has the same maximum bending stress 1.65x10^6N/m² but this time has a horizontal dimension of 0.2m and a constant wall thickness of 0.02...
  27. S

    How to Evaluate Power Ratio in Higher Order Hermite-Gaussian Beams?

    Homework Statement Evaluate the ratio of the power contained within a circle of radius W(z) in the transverse plane to the total power in the Hermite-Gaussian beams of order (1,0) Homework Equations P=\intIdA The Attempt at a Solution I have determined the ratio for the Gaussian...
  28. S

    Matlab Programming for Shear Force & Bending Moment Diagrams of a Beam

    Need help!Matlab programming for shear force and bending moment diagrams of a beam Homework Statement A program is required that will calculate the shear force and bending moment diagrams for a cantilevered beam of arbitrary length. The loads may be point loads or distributed loads,or a...
  29. G

    Analyzing Beam Deflection in Complex Loader Arm Structures

    Hi, I haven't done beam deflection before. My textbook shows the usual simple beams with a perpendicular force acting on it. This one is a lot more complicated. I'm pretty sure the forces acting in the horizontal direction have to be added into this some how. Can someone look at the...
  30. J

    Catenary supporting a beam problem

    A cable weighing 10kg/m supports a 250kg beam(AC) hinged at the wall(BC). The beam is 4.5m long. Find the length of cable AB. BC is the wall. AC is the beam. Distance AC is 4.5m. Cable runs from A to B and sags forming a catenary. The angle of the cable at A is 30 degrees from the horizontal...
  31. S

    Vibration of a cantilevered beam with a Tip mass

    Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone could point me in the next, correct direction for this problem. I understand how to determine the mode shapes and the natural frequencies of a cantilevered beam without a tip-mass, but adding the tip-mass baffles me a little bit. The boundary...
  32. H

    Static Equilibrium On a Beam Question

    Homework Statement A uniform beam of length L and mass m shown in the figure below is inclined at an angle of θ to the horizontal. Its upper end is connected to a wall by a rope, and its lower end rests on a rough horizontal surface. The coefficient of static friction between the beam and...
  33. P

    Optics: Determining focal length for collimated beam

    Hello all. I am in the process of designing a mechanism for collimating laser diodes for a personal project. I don't have training in optics so I am stuck with this problem: I need to determine the focal length of a lens that can be used to collimate a laser beam with divergence 45 degrees...
  34. K

    What is the hottest you can make a focused beam of sunlight?

    Some have said it was 6000 degrees K. I'm not so sure. I know for sure that you can increase solar intensity arbitrarily by using lenses and mirrors. What I don't get is why this doesn't increase temperature beyond a certain point. Is it somehow related to the photoelectric effect? I guess...
  35. M

    Please i with Beam Deflection problem

    Can anyone help me to find the answer,,, its a very difficult question! Q- calculate the safe inclusive UDL for a 356x171 UB67 simply supported at the ends of span of 9m. The permissible bending stress is 167N/mm*2 and the defluction must not exceed (1/360) x span, and I = 187.2x10*6mm*4...
  36. N

    Refraction of a beam of parallel light in a thick-walled wine goblet

    Homework Statement A thick-walled wine goblet sitting on a table can be considered to be a hollow glass sphere with an outer radius of 4.00 cm and an inner radius of 3.40 cm. The index of refraction of the goblet glass is 1.50. A) A beam of parallel light rays enters the side of the empty...
  37. StevieTNZ

    Quantum Teleportation / Beam Splitters

    In regards to this image - (a) when K is 45 degrees, when K reflects and E1 reflects, or K transmits and E1 transmits - the state of K gets teleported to E2. Photons E1 and E2 are entangled as |HV>-|VH>. Therefore if E2 is 45, then...
  38. D

    Deriving the Rotation Matrix of a Beam Element

    Homework Statement The rotation matrix below describes a beam element which is rotated around three axes x,y and z. Derive the rotation matrix. Homework Equations -The Attempt at a...
  39. K

    Drawing BMD & SFD for TRAPEZOIDAL LOAD on a beam with fixed supports

    I am a 3rd year civil engineering student and this is the first time i come across this problem and i am struggling with it. My problem here is that i don't know how to draw a shear force and bending moment diagram for a trapezoidal load on a beam with fixed supports at both ends. I know...
  40. S

    How do I calculate the bending moment in a beam for my ramp design?

    So for school I'm designing a ramp. The problem is that I need to calculate various things in it, none of which I've ever been taught, since I'm pretty sure it's all uni level. I've asked multiple teachers, including my physics teacher and my technology teacher, and they haven't been any help...
  41. E

    Help Needed on Architecture Beam Calculations with CSC Tedds

    hi, not sure if I am posting in the right section, had a good look through the search option but cannot find what I am looking for, probably because I am being stupid.. im working on some simple beam calculations, I am a studying architecture, however I am trying to get my head round load...
  42. S

    Finding Moments of a Beam: Where Did I Go Wrong?

    Homework Statement Find the Fay this is static equilibrium so ƩF=0 and ƩM=0 Homework Equations ƩMa=0 = 2x5 + (-4x25) + (2Fby) Fby= 45 Newtons Using ƩFy we get Fay= impossible! Now if take the moment about point B i get ƩMb=0 = (4x5)+(-2x25)+2Fay Fay = 15kN Using ƩFy we get...
  43. D

    Beam bending under a uniformly distributed load

    Homework Statement I have a bumper and I am trying to determine whether or not the rectangular tubing I am using to build it is strong enough to withstand a given load (rear end collision). The horizontal member is 4x3x.1875 tubing (4" base, 3" high, 95" long). Two 3x3x.1975 tubes are used as...
  44. N

    Opposing Moments on Levered Beam

    Homework Statement Calculate the force F1 to bend the beam AB to a radius of 7.5m. Assume the beam is a steel tube 200mm OD with wall thickness 20mm. The arm's AC and BD can be assumed rigid. The force F1 acts on pivots at C and D and is always in the x direction. Homework Equations...
  45. J

    Beam Bending Theory compared to Real-world examples

    Does anyone know of any good articles, journals or books that discuss the difference between simplified theoretical analysis of a beam under load and the actual real life effects? Need to do some reading up for an assignment but I'm having trouble finding anything of any merit! Cheers in...
  46. O

    How finite element analysis differs from mathematic derivation in beam bending?

    So I just started learning to use the finite element package abaqus for modelling beam tip deflection under different loading conditions. I think I understand the theory behind it but was wondering if some one could answer a few questions about it to further my understanding. Firstly, how do...
  47. C

    Calculating Forces and Tension on a Hinged Beam

    Homework Statement A purple beam is hinged to a wall to hold up a blue sign. The beam has a mass of mb = 6.7 kg and the sign has a mass of ms = 16.8 kg. The length of the beam is L = 2.43 m. The sign is attached at the very end of the beam, but the horizontal wire holding up the beam is...
  48. R

    Mode Shapes of a Beam: Exploring Unusual Patterns

    I have never been able to grasp why certain mode shapes are the way they are. For example, I ran a free vibration analysis on a vertical beam fixed at the ground. The second mode shape is vertically straight. This is the same case whether or not I have a lumped mass at the top of the beam. Any...
  49. photonkid

    What is the density of photons in a beam of light?

    I'm a "layman" when it comes to physics and I read in the FAQ that a photon is not a real particle but is described as one for the benefit of lay-people. I read that 65 billion neutrinos pass through a square centimeter every second so I wondered how many photons pass through a square...
  50. T

    LED Light - Beam Charactoristic?

    For some of the high powered LED lights, the beam seems to have bright and dimmer sections along its length when projected through air. They seem to be regularly spaced rather than random. Some people have described it as looking as though the beam would get thinner and wider along its...