Behavior Definition and 337 Threads

  1. T

    Exploring Electron Behavior: Photons, Lasers, and Beyond

    photons or lasers fired through a slit. an electron can be two places at one time. or are the electrons split into a rainbow. in spacetime towards a black hole are you drawn in or do you get thrown out. electrons maybe "visit" neighbour nuclei then maybe come back. if an electron accidently...
  2. K

    Two Black Holes: Reactions and Behavior

    What will happen if two black holes are coming nearby? what will be the reaction (change in behavior)?
  3. S

    Behavior of a circuit when values increase or decrease

    Homework Statement Consider the behavior of the circuit, when various values increase or decrease. (Select I-increases, D-decreases, If the first is I and the rest D, enter IDDDDD). A) If R3 decreases, the current through R4 ___. B) If R3 decreases, the current from the battery ___. C)...
  4. Y

    Olive Oil's Unexpected Behavior in Water

    I was using extra virgin olive oil recently and noticed something peculiar. I had always thought that oils will spread when in contact with water, but the olive oil didn't seem to do so. When the oil entered the water, they were pinched into spheres which quickly rose to the surface. The...
  5. R

    Determine limiting behavior as t goes to infinity(Differential Equation)

    Homework Statement Determine the limiting behavior of solutions as t \rightarrow \infty, for all possible values y_0 = y(0) Homework Equations \frac{dy}{dt}=4-y^2 The Attempt at a Solution I've obtained the constant solutions, they are -2 and 2. I sketched dy/dt to determine...
  6. S

    Behavior of Massive Electromagnetic Fields

    Can someone provide a qualitative description of how electromagnetic fields behave differently when one uses the Proca equations rather than Maxwells equations? That is, if I start with a nice classical EM problem like a plane wave, a moving charge, or an antenna, and then I gradually increase...
  7. V

    Exploring the Behavior of r=abs(sin n theta)

    Homework Statement Describe the behavior of r= abs(sin n theta) where n is a positive integer Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution I have no idea how to do this
  8. D

    Uncovering the Mystery of Bullet Flight: Investigating the Helix Theory

    I have been involved in a discussion concerning the behavior of a bullet during flight. It seems there are long distance shooters who expirence a better MOA at 300+ yards than at 100 yards. The theory pit forth is that when a bullet leaves the muzzle, it is not stable in its flight. This lack...
  9. G

    Tracking People's Behavior with Algorithms (Smart CCTV) I was going to title this post "Behavioral Algorithms-Not just for dating anymore!" But seriously, while I am always for the advancement of knowledge, does anyone else find these applications...
  10. Q

    Maximizing Usable Air from Decompressing a Scuba Tank

    Homework Statement I need to find the amount of usable air from decompressing a scuba tank from 3000psi to 100 psi. The tank is a standart 80cu ft scuba tank and the air is being drawn from the tank at a rate of 1.5 cubic feet per minute and 100 psi at 20 celsius.I know that air is not an...
  11. D

    How can you determine y's behavior from a direction field graph?

    How can you determine y's behavior from a direction field graph?? lets say i have the equation y' = 3 + 2y and i make a direction field graph. I find equilibrium position at y = -3/2. If question asks me to determine behavior of y as t approaches infinity, isn't this impossible, without...
  12. D

    What exactly does determine the behavior mean (differential equations)

    What exactly does "determine the behavior" mean (differential equations) Homework Statement Draw a direction field for the given differential equation. Based on the diection field, determine the behavior of y as t approaches infinity. If this behavior depends on the initial value of y at...
  13. fluidistic

    A question about electrons behavior in a conductor

    I'm only midway to finish my introduction to electromagnetism (level around Resnick-Halliday) so I understand the concepts I will talk about, but I never derived them. For example, in the case of a spherical (not empty) conductor or any other solid conductor. If we charge it with extra...
  14. A

    Quantum weirdness of photon behavior

    As a chemist, I'm accustomed to thinking of electrons in the wave/particle dualistic sense and their energy orbitals in terms of quantum mechanical wave equations and probabilities. But I would like some input on the following thought experiment relating to photons and the wave behavior of...
  15. P

    High Temperaure Plasma's behavior with other solids and liquids a Room Temp

    Recently, I came across some who suggested that a plasma between half the temperature of the sun (2889 K) and the temperature of the sun (5,778) would have the same burn patterns as lava. I felt skeptical about this for two reasons Lava's viscosity affects how it behaves. I did not think...
  16. snoopies622

    Are Dogs or Cats More Closely Related: DNA, Fossil Record, and Behavior

    Are people more closely related to dogs or to cats? Based on behavior I would guess dogs, but what does the DNA say? What about the fossil record? Anybody know?
  17. Topher925

    What is the meaning of Arrhenius behavior?

    I'm always reading about reactions or physical phenomena having Arrhenius behavior. But I can't figure out what that means. I obviously did a search and I learned a lot about the physical chemist Arrhenius, but nothing about what the adjective named after him means.
  18. S

    Behavior of a tangent light beam to an event horizon?

    Given present theory, how would a laser photon stream behave at a tangent point to an event horizon (EH)? Is it possible for a photon stream to orbit a black hole? Could the beam be split at the EH with one branch spiraling into the black hole while one branch follows some geodesic (perhaps not...
  19. K

    Behavior of Aurora Australis Around A Dark Spot on Composite Image

    On ), about 1/2-way down the page, there is an image of, quote, "Aurora australis (September 11, 2005) as captured by NASA's IMAGE satellite, digitally overlaid onto the The Blue Marble composite image." Next to it, there is a rolling video of...
  20. humanino

    Study says nearly every species of animal engages in homosexual behavior

    I'm not sure if I should post this in the politics part of the forum. I found in an excellent source of information claims that dolphins, penguins, frogs and birds engages in homosexual behavior. I was wondering what remains of the argument that homosexuality is against Nature, such as, for...
  21. D

    Is the behavior of light that remarkable?

    This analysis seems elementary but I haven't seen it anywhere: 1) In special relativity, we are amazed that a beam of light emitted by a spaceship moving at .99c and measured by either a stationary observer (relative to the space ship) or by an observer on the moving ship has velocity c...
  22. M

    Asymptotic behavior and derivatives

    If you take the derivative of, say, xk, you get kxk-1, a function that grows more slowly as x approaches infinity. On the other hand, if you take the derivative of xx, you get xx( ln(x) + 1), a function that grows faster than xx. In fact, if you do this experiment with most standard "nice"...
  23. D

    Phase Behavior of RL Circuits: Explained

    Homework Statement second part: the voltages across the resistor and the inductor are... The answer given is always out of phase. Can someone explain why? If the it is in resonance, wouldn't the impedance be equal to the resistance...
  24. M

    Strange behavior of 3d level of Helium

    Could someone explain to me the reason why the 3d level of Singlet Helium is lower in energy than the 3p, since it is supposed to be higher because of less penetration...? The energy diagram is here: Thank you!
  25. Evo

    Cooper's and Sharp-Shinned Hawks: Prey & Behavior

    No, they are not the NotAGoshawk. These are either Cooper's or sharp shinned hawks. I was sitting outside the other evening when a hawk swooped in and landed on a tree branch with a dead dove in his claws. He ate about 1/3 of it and left the rest on the branch, a few minutes later another...
  26. C

    Is this a valid example of macroscopic quantum behavior?

    In some discussions here about quantum effects in the macro world, ZapperZ will only admit that things like superconductivity, Bose Einstein condensates etc. are good examples. But these are just macroscpic quantum coherent phenomena. Of course, if you have a flux qubit, you can directly...
  27. B

    Odd Series Behavior: Exploring 1 + -1 + 1 + -1

    Today, my professor said something like "The series 1 + -1 + 1 + -1 and so on is defined to be one half... but let's not go into that." and then didn't feel like explaining when people asked him why. I have no idea why that would be true... It seems like a similar case might be...
  28. S

    Composite Mold behavior / Thermodynamics

    Dear All, Currently we have changed from our epoxy tooling (molds) to aluminium tooling to obtain more accuracy in the dimensions of our final product. Our resin is preheated to 50 degrees Celsius before injection and our epoxy tooling have similar temperature levels. At these levels the...
  29. C

    The behavior of the tracetrix( to verify properties)

    The behavior of the tracetrix(need help to verify properties) :( Homework Statement Howdy Given the parametric function \beta(t) = (sin(t), cos(t) + ln(tan(t/2)) where t is the angle between the tangent vector and the y-axis and where \beta: (o,\pi) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^2...
  30. Vanadium 50

    LaTeX LaTeX Strange Behavior - Image Offset on PhysicsForums

    If you check out", you'll see some LaTeX strangeness. Specifically, not all the images appear, and the ones that do appear seem not to match the LaTeX source. It's almost as if the images are offset: i.e. the n-th bit of source ends up...
  31. jacksonpeeble

    What is the Graph Behavior of a Polynomial Function?

    Homework Statement Sketch the graph of the polynomial function. Make sure your graph shows all intercepts and exhibits the proper behavior. No calculator allowed. P(x)=x(x-3)(x+2) Homework Equations P(x)=x(x-3)(x+2) The Attempt at a Solution P(x)=x(x-3)(x+2) 0(x-3)(x+2)=0...
  32. S

    How Does an Inductor's DC Behavior Affect Circuit Current Buildup?

    Homework Statement Assume that resistor R has a resistance of 34.2 Ω, inductor L has an inductance of 152 mH (milli-Henry), and the battery has a voltage of 33.7 V. Also assume that the circuit elements are ideal. If the switch S is closed suddenly, the time for the current to attain a...
  33. edward

    Why is My Dog Embarrassing Me in Front of Company?

    We had company Sunday evening and my old dog decided to do her half twist butt in the curtains routine. :redface:
  34. Somefantastik

    Finding the eigenvectors (and behavior of solution) around the

    finding the eigenvectors (and behavior of solution) around the critical points found in this thread: D_{f} = \[\begin{pmatrix}32x & 18y \\ 32x & -32y\end{pmatrix}\] D_{f}(1,1) = \[\begin{pmatrix}32 & 18 \\ 32 &...
  35. A

    Limiting Behavior of sin^2(x)/x^2 at x=0

    Homework Statement limit as x approaches 0 of (sin^2 (x))/x^2 Homework Equations i generally know how to solve the equation, but I'm not sure what to do about the top. is sin^2 (x) the same as sinx^2? The Attempt at a Solution
  36. C

    Behavior of light accelerating

    "Behavior of light accelerating" Imagine a spaceship which has got a small lightbulb standing on the floor. You turn on the lightbulb and the light shoots towards the ceiling, but before the light reaches the ceiling the spaceship accelerates a bit and stay at some velocity. My question is...
  37. Cincinnatus

    Genetics of feeding behavior in mice: finding the ob gene and the db gene

    There's lots of talk about finding "a gene for aggression" or "a gene for homosexuality" etc. I'm less interested in cases where the results are clearly ambiguous like in most (if not all) human studies. Rather I'd like to know what people think we even mean when we refer to a gene as being...
  38. G

    Why Do Systems Have Organization?

    Why is it that systems organize? For example, the planets orbit around the sun and the stars orbit around in their respective galaxies. Another example on a smaller scale is the atom. The electrons move about in probable clouds around the nucleus (if I got this right). Why do systems do this?
  39. M

    Basic Structure & Behavior of The Atom Oh, and hi

    Hiya. I've gotten behind in physics lately. Disturbingly so, in fact. I just can't stand how little I know, so I've recently undertaken the task of educating myself using Wikipedia, but it's terribly hard. I may have misinterpreted some things, and some things don't make much sense at all, so...
  40. M

    Understanding Seek Steering Behavior in Autonomous Characters

    Homework Statement I'm having trouble understanding the physics equations related to Steering Behaviors For Autonomous Characters (present in the book "Programming Game AI by example"). For those that don't know- Seek is a kind of behavior whereby an object with a given mass, current...
  41. M

    How Do Velocity Vectors Translate to Steering Forces in AI?

    Homework Statement I'm having trouble understanding the physics equations related to Steering Behaviors For Autonomous Characters (present in the book "Programming Game AI by example"). For those that don't know- Seek is a kind of behavior whereby an object with a given mass, current...
  42. X

    Why do some signal rerouting situations require cutting the existing connection?

    This is probably a complete noob question, but due to my general lack of experience in this area I wasn't able to find the answer on my own. When you want to reroute a signal on the PCB to an external location, or replace a signal with one of your own, what situations do you need to cut the...
  43. A

    Can Real Gases Have a Lower Pb/Pm Ratio Than Ideal Gases?

    Ok, let's say we have at our disposal a thermometer of constant volume gas. Inside it, we'll put a real gas, like Helium or Molecular Hydrogen. Ok, the gas compartment is placed inside a mixture of liquid water and ice, so we guarantee the gas inside is at 273.15 K. We measure its pressure...
  44. L

    Understanding Z-Pinch Plasma Behavior for Hydrogen Ion Stream Compression

    I am still trying to get a handle on plasma behavior, if I had a gap intended to apply a field for the purpose of compressing a hydrogen ion stream, using the Z-pinch effect could one discharge a current through the ion stream to affect the Z-pinch? I am thinking that it would, that the...
  45. F

    Mathematica Mathematica: text selection behavior

    Ok i love Mathematica... but theirs 1 ONE thing i hate about it... if i select text... and let's say i typed "1234" and i select "23", but i only wanted to select "2"... so i assume Mathematica's cursor works like every other program in the world and press [shift]+Left... my goal is to...
  46. E

    Load carrying behavior of shells

    Does anyone has some literature or any idea about this topic?More precisely i would like to know about the local and global effects due to neative and positive curvature.Thanks!
  47. P

    Wave vs. Particle-Like Behavior

    So it's been said that the wavefunction has no physical meaning except to predict the presence of a particle at a particular space and time. Yet quanta seem to exhibit wave-like properties even in isolation (single-electron interference, for example). Further, quanta _NEVER_ exhibit...
  48. K

    Logic Design for Unpredictable Behavior

    I have a design issue. I've programmed a CPLD so that it controls whether a MIC can activate or not. There are 8 MICs. A MIC is allowed to activate if there are no opens nor shorts on its lines. Each MIC has 4 wires (red, black, white, green). The red and black wires are for the...
  49. P

    Cooper Pairs: Non-Ideal Gas Behavior & BEC Comparisons

    Repulsive interactions are an attribute of Cooper Pairs, which mean that Cooper Pairs don't behave like an ideal gas . Are these the only attributes that prevent Cooper pairs to behave like an "ideal" boson? How could we show that the two superconductors of a JJ behave just like two BEC's?
  50. Simfish

    How do singularities of a function on a complex plane affect real line behavior?

    consider the function \frac{1}{\epsilon^2 + z^2} So we know that there are two poles, one at z = i \epsilon, one at z = - i \epsilon. So when this function never hits 0 on the real line, how do the singularities affect its behavior on the line? Okay, so poles are a subclass of singularities...