Binding energy Definition and 262 Threads

  1. R

    Mass is converted into energy which appears as Binding Energy

    We know that in nuclear reactions , mass is converted into energy which appears as Binding Energy. Now, when we consider electrons coming close to the nucleus during nuclear/atomic phenomenon, can we consider that the energy present in the electric and Nuclear fields is converted into mass?? Can...
  2. V

    Quantum Question and Binding Energy Question

    Hi, I have the following MC question and I do not understand it at all. Can you please help me with this. Determine which H atom transition (ninitial,nfinal) was responsible for the emission of a photon with a frequency of 6.17 x 1014 Hz. [RH = 2.18 x 10-18 J; h = 6.63 x 10-34 J s ]...
  3. A

    Binding energy between nucleons vs BE inside nucleons

    humm, I've been wondering: the mass of a nucleus is less than the sum of the masses of the constituent nucleons because of the binding energy. This is how we can get energy out of fusion and fission events. on the other hand, the mass of a proton or a neutron is MORE than the sum of the...
  4. Orion1

    Is there a formula for the elusive binding energy of heavy nuclei?

    Binding Energy... Is there a semi-empirical binding energy formula for the heavy nuclear 'island of stability'? The attachments are a plot of the nucleotide chart based upon the semi-empirical binding energy formula for the liquid drop model: '12a' is a surface plot. '12b' is a density...
  5. T

    Exploring the Mystery of Iron's High Average Binding Energy

    Why is the average binding energy of iron is biggest? Are there some theories about it?
  6. S

    What Are the Characteristics of Protonium?

    Protonium consists of Proton and an antiproton in a bound state first of all waht is a bound state - is it a proton orbiting an antiproton or vice versa?? a) what is teh Binding energy of protonium? do i use this formula?? E = \frac{ \mu e^4}{8 \epsilon_{0}^2 h^2} b) How far...
  7. X

    Is binding energy positive or negative?

    Hey Everyone, This is a quick question.. is binding energy positive or negative? I'm pretty confused now, because in some places the definition was: The energy released when the nucleus of an atom is formed by combining neutrons and protons. And in other places: the energy required to...
  8. L

    Adding Neutrons & Binding Energy

    how does binding energy decreases with addition of nuetron
  9. R

    Calculating Binding Energy of 24 Mg

    I'm trying to figure out the binding energy of 24 Mg. That is (12 protons and 12 neutrons. I keep getting a negative number. Using the equation: Eb (MeV) = (ZMp + NMn - Ma)931.494 MeV/u I should be able to get the right answer but my mass defect ( delta m) is negative. What am I missing...
  10. S

    Calculating Average Binding Energy per Nucleon and Decay of Free Neutrons

    Hey guys, simple question about binding energy. I'm asked to find the average binding energy per nucleon of Magnesium-26. Now I thought that I would have to use: Binding E = (Zmp + Nmn - Ma) X 931.494 MeV/u. Where Z is the atomic #, N is the # of neutrons, mp, mn, and Ma are mass of proton...
  11. J

    Binding Energy of the Deuteron

    It seems that for the case of the Electron in the Ground State of the Hydrogen Atom that when the value of the Binding Energy (13.6 eV), as calculated by Bohr, is divided by the separation distance (the Bohr Radius = 5.29 x 10^-11 m) we only get half of the Coulomb Force (4.11 x 10^-8 N) which...
  12. V

    Electron ls Orbital Binding Energy Equation

    I have produced the most accurate electron binding energy equation known to-date. This equation predicts the ls orbital electron binding energies from lithium to uranium to within an accuracy of +/- 5%. The averaged error for all the ls orbital binding energies from lithium to uranium is only...