Biological Definition and 141 Threads

Biology is the scientific study of life. It is a natural science with a broad scope but has several unifying themes that tie it together as a single, coherent field. For instance, all living organisms are made up of cells that process hereditary information encoded in genes, which can be transmitted to future generations. Another major theme is evolution, which explains the unity and diversity of life. Finally, all living organisms require energy to move, grow, and reproduce, as well as to regulate their own internal environment.Biologists are able to study life at multiple levels of organization. From the molecular biology of a cell to the anatomy and physiology of plants and animals, and evolution of populations. Hence, there are multiple subdisciplines within biology, each defined by the nature of their research questions and the tools that they use. Like other scientists, biologists use the scientific method to make observations, pose questions, generate hypotheses, and perform experiments to learn about the world around them.Life on Earth, which emerged more than 3.7 billion years ago, is immensely diverse. Biologists have sought to study and classify the various forms of life, from prokaryotic organisms such as archaea and bacteria to eukaryotic organisms such as protists, fungi, plants, and animals. These various living organisms contribute to the biodiversity of an ecosystem, where they play specialized roles in the cycling of nutrients and energy.

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  1. seouldavid

    Lectures on Biology and Biological Engineering

    This contains many links to websites providing audio/video courses and lectures in biology and biological engineering from colleges/universities. The courses and lectures include...
  2. A

    Theromodynamics: energy from biological oxydation of alanine

    The \delta Hcombustion for alanine is -1577kJ mol-1 and the \delta Hcombustion for urea is -631.6kJmol-1. The product of biological combustion of alanine is urea ((H2N)2CO) and not N2. Balance the following: (provided balanced) 2 C3H7NO2 + \frac{15}{2}O2\rightarrow 6CO2 + 7H2O + N2 1...
  3. J

    Is there anyother type of biological agent that can cause disease?

    As we all know, pathogens ( bacteria, viruses, fungi and prions ) cause diseases and illness to their hosts. I am just wondering if there is anyother type of biological agents or phenomena that can cause diseases besides pathogens?
  4. C

    The Myth of the Biological Clock: Separating Fact from Fiction

    The "biological clock" thing You know that concept expressed as "my biological clock is ticking", the purported compulsion on the part of women to have children while all their girlyparts are still, er, reproductively in the black? Before Ol' Mother Nature, y'know, revokes the franchise? (The...
  5. Cincinnatus

    Models of the diffusion of biological macromolecules

    I'm wondering if anyone is aware of any computational/theoretical work on solving the problem of describing the motion of a biological macromolecule in a cellular microdomain? This would have to mean setting up and solving a stochastic partial differential equation with boundary conditions...
  6. X

    Quantum effects in biological systems

    I am going into my fourth year of studying physics and math as an undergrad. So I'm starting to think about what I want to research after I graduate. So far I'm pretty sure I want to go into biophysics. Specifically, I'm interesting in studying quantum mechanical effects in biological or organic...
  7. B

    Biological Physics (BioPhysics) + Kinematics

    Hey everyone, I was interested in knowing what the application if it is large kinematics plays in Biophysics? Particularly or actually mostly Molecular Biophysics. Is it used largely by Biophysicists or are more advanced topics and concepts the prevalent thought in this field? I primarily...
  8. D

    Is pleasurable intercourse an evolved biological trait?

    The only two animals that have sex for pleasure, also have something else in common... self-awareness. These, of course, are dolphins and humans. Has reason caused these creatures to question whether to have sex or not? We know the most basic instincts are survival and replication, so maybe...
  9. E

    Need ideas for Biological Model

    I'm not sure if this should be in the homework forum or not, but anyhow. I'm taking an introduction to Biomathematics class and for a project we have to develop a model. Now, it's a relatively easy project--our professor says we can even get any model and change a few variables. But I...
  10. D

    Reconfiguring your biological clock

    I posted this on Academic and Career Guidance, but got 0 replies. So I'll repost it here and see if anyone can offer any help: I'm an engineering student in my first year. I find that I am most productive and and best able to concentrate at night. And not just at any time of night, but like...
  11. D

    Reconfiguring your Biological Clock

    I'm not sure where this thread should actually belong, either in General Discussion or here, but I'll post it here and leave the mods to move it if it's inappropriate. I'm an engineering student in my first year. I find that I am most productive and and best able to concentrate at night...
  12. O

    Heat Biological Material with Laser: Finding the Right Settings

    I need to heat a sample of biological materal to a certan tempature with a laser. How do I find the right amplitude/wavelength/power to reach the correct tempature? (sorry my spelling could be better) ^.^
  13. H

    Biological explanation for accelerated aging of amphetamine victims?

    I was seeing a documentary on amphetamines the other day and I was looking for a biological explanation for the accelerated aging that was apparent in the drug victims' faces. It doesn't list my observation on Wikipedia...
  14. C

    Medical Exploring Virtual and Biological Neural Networks

    I'm a novice here..but in virtual neural networks, does adding more virtual neurons improve the performance of the network in terms of recognizing patterns? Has this been experimentally verified anywhere? Can you then make an analogy that the same would happen in a biological neural network? Or...
  15. U

    Biological legs vs Cheetah prosthetic legs - wich is better for running?

    Biological legs vs Cheetah prosthetic legs - which is better for running? EDIT: I misspelled "which" in the subject line, how embarrassing. You may have heard of Oscar Pistorius, a double below-knee amputee from South Africa who recently won the silver medal in the 400m at the South African...
  16. baywax

    Awareness is a biological function

    I think most of you will agree that awareness is a biological function facilitated by the specific physiological functions of the nervous system of the more complex living systems residing on planet earth. But, if I'm failing in my assessment of you all, here are some definitions from the web...
  17. S

    Medical Biological components in computing

    Recently, someone pointed me toward this news report, which I have cross referenced (only to find that everyone got their information from the same limited source)." As I understand it, rat neurons formed an interactive network with an...
  18. E

    News How Does Biological and Chemical Warfare Target Human Physiology?

    I'm rather fascinated by chemical and biological warfare. Not only by the immense power behind it but more the specific targeting of our unique physiology, especially sections such acetylcholine and the prevention of its synaptic transmitter functions. << URL removed by berkeman >> The...
  19. A

    Does SR Affect Biological Processes? A Twin Experiment

    Is SR "real"? What I mean to say is that as SR predicts time dilation, do the biological processes also slow down? Suppose A and B are two twin of them(A) goes for a space tour in a spaceship with a velocity comparable with c, while the other(B)remains on earth. Clearly, for B...
  20. S

    Medical Biological limits to a Human's G - What's the limit?

    Hello. I've always wondered about the limit to Human's ability to think complexly, and what would be incorporated in that ability to think in such complicated terms. The general measurement used to quantify this is usually the IQ test, which is a measurement that depends solely on one's relative...
  21. S

    Inertia of the Earth and my biological cycle

    Greetings nerds! Please just read the bold-style basic question at the end of the message if you don't care what my personal problems are. You'll find out soon enough... when I have summoned founds for my 0.27 billion rockets engines. I have this problem: My "biological clock", the part of...
  22. EnumaElish

    Medical Biological roots of passive agressive (PA) personality? PA disorder?

    Does anyone have insights or a perspective on the possible biological roots of PA behavior (or disorder)? I am not a psychologist, psychiatrist, or biologist, but when I think of the evolution of the species it kind of seems obvious that the mammals lived a hard life under the dinosaurs' feet...
  23. J

    What is the biological definition for survival?

    What is the biological definition for survival? What does an organism need to survive?
  24. B

    A question about biological molecule's fluorescence

    many biological molecule can emit fluorescence. but is the quantum field of these molecules large? can u give me some examples that the molecule emits strong fluorescence, such as beta-carotene? for this field ,i know little. thank u
  25. L

    Mathematica Biological Thermodynamics & Evolution: Proving the 2nd Law

    I was wondering if it was possible, via biological thermodynamics, to demonstrate that evolution does not violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics in mathematical terms. From my understanding, the Earth is a closed system (this seemed odd, but I read this in a book on biological thermodynamics. I...
  26. G

    Sinthetic biological origin compounds

    Broad question from a completely layman point of view: What is the main problem for producing sinthetically (and at reasonable costs) fuel for internal combustion engines? When we hear about the running out of fossil fuels, we are always drawn to the alternative energies (hydrogen fuel...
  27. M

    Explain how a daughter can be biological older then here parents

    I need help with these. "Explain how a daughter can be biologicaly older then here parents" " Draw a diagram of all the forces at work for a 10kg robotic arm to lift a 1kg ball. Please Help Iv'e been staring at these questions for ever.
  28. M

    Biological system based on a wave function

    The Second Ring of Life; The Vesica Attractor by Christopher Humphrey Abstract The fossil record shows a disparity in the formation of complex body plans. The individual eukaryote cannot build these structures. They do not carry within themselves a blue print for an overall structure...
  29. M

    Unraveling the Mystery of Yawning: The Biological Reason

    Evening everyone, This is a rather odd question: why do we yawn? Is there any biological reason for it? Why do we yawn when we see other people yawn or think about it? Oh, just typing this post is making me yawn! :zzz:
  30. K

    Schools Graduate schools in the US for the biological sciences.

    Hi, I'm just wondering if I could be pointed to some good graduate programs in the US for the biological sciences. Things of interest to me are biochemistry, biotechnology, immunology, microbiology, and pathobiology. One thing to note is that I'm a Canadian student, and I would be interested in...
  31. M

    What if complex biological systems emerged as a result of a wave function?

    What if complex biological systems emerged as a result of a wave function firstly, and the biochemical components followed after. Can this new perspective better explain organizational gaps in evolution. The Phi-Wave Aether: a Wave Theory of Everything Caroline H Thompson...
  32. C

    Genetic Correlation Between Brain Size and Intelligence

    "Willerman, Schultz, Rutledge, and Bigler correlated brain size as measured through MRI within a sample of 40 unrelated participants. They found a correlation of 0.51, which was higher in men (0.65) than in women (0.35). In a follow-up study, Willerman, Schultz, Rutledge and Bigler suggested...
  33. iansmith

    Biological diversity and Taxonomy

    For bacterial species, it is hypothesised that only 1% of the species have been identified. Fewer species have been isolated are culturable. Most bacterial species are not culturable. Also you to include all other unicellular organism which includes, archea, some species of fungi, and protozoan...
  34. R

    Measuring Complexity in Biological Systems

    The term "complexity" is currently used in the study of non-linear dynamics. The main problem with this term arises when is applied to biological systems. For example, does evolution generate ever more complex organisms? A good measure of complexity is lacking. We can observe complexity at...
  35. N

    The concept of 'intelligence' within the biological sciences.

    Recently, the Biology section of PF got a new thread, Cranial Size and Intelligence. One exchange in that thread concerned the 'intelligence' of species other than Homo sap. Clearly, not wearing a biologist's hat, each of us may be able to give a description of what we think the intelligence of...
  36. R

    What's about a biological anthropic principle?

    Anthropic principle, in its different forms, is cause of discussion in Cosmology. My question here is restricted to Biology. Are conditions of life's origin and evolution restricted in so form that they allow the emergence of intelligent life? The great difference would be that a...
  37. J

    A grab-bag of biological questions.

    No one of these questions by itself is worth starting a thread over. But maybe collectively they amount to a modest-sized hill of beans... 1. I knew someone who claimed that the expression "fell and broke her hip" is putting it backward. He said an elderly person who is walking suffers a...
  38. Ivan Seeking

    Natural Phenomena Of Biological Antigravitation Associated With Invisibility

    For your amusement. For obvious reasons I assume this is completely bogus.
  39. jimmy p

    Poultry Combs: Uncovering Their Biological Function

    What's the deal with them?? what biological function do combs on chickens (and turkeys) have? They just look like ugly pieces of red flesh. I mean, other birds don't have them, why do poultry?
  40. Another God

    Electromagnetic Signature of Molecules - Biological Communication

    I had never really heard anything about this, and now that I am reading about it, I am finding the results convincing. (Although I am still only just starting to get my hands on the actual results themselves, so I can't be certain yet). I am talking about work done on measuring the frequency...
  41. Ivan Seeking

    Local Resident Presents bigfoot As Biological Fact

    Local Resident Presents "bigfoot" As Biological Fact ""The more evidence that comes forth, the harder it is to refute," Brown continued. "People just can't seem to come to grips with the fact that there is a possibility that one of the most important biological finds possibly exists right here...