Blocks Definition and 767 Threads

Code::Blocks is a free, open-source cross-platform IDE that supports multiple compilers including GCC, Clang and Visual C++. It is developed in C++ using wxWidgets as the GUI toolkit. Using a plugin architecture, its capabilities and features are defined by the provided plugins.
Currently, Code::Blocks is oriented towards C, C++, and Fortran. It has a custom build system and optional Make support.
Code::Blocks is being developed for Windows and Linux and has been ported to FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Solaris. The latest binary provided for macOS version is 13.12 released on 2013/12/26 (compatible with Mac OS X 10.6 and later), but more recent versions can be compiled and MacPorts supplies version 17.12.

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  1. L

    Troubleshooting Code Blocks: 'Hello World' Won't Stay!

    I just began a course on computer science and we're to use Code Blocks as the program to use, but I can't get the darn thing to work. The built in simple program called "hello world" is supposed to have a black window pop up that says "hello world", but the window pops up and disappears and I...
  2. M

    How Do You Calculate Forces and Accelerations in a Two Block and Pulley System?

    1. A block with mass m1 is placed on an inclined plane with slope angle α and is connected to a second hinging block with mass m2> m1 by a massless cord passing over a small frictionless pulley. The coefficient of kinectic freiction between mass ma and the incline is negligible. Find: (a) the...
  3. C

    Comparing Horizontal Forces on Stacked Blocks with Friction

    Homework Statement A block of mass 3kg sits on top of a block of mass 2kg. The static coefficient of friction between the blocks is μs=0.3, and this friction keeps the top block from sliding on the bottom block. There is no friction between the bottom block and the floor. A horizontal external...
  4. A

    Harmonic sum and a stack of blocks (check my work)

    Homework Statement Let S_n = 1 + (1/2) + (1/3) + (1/4) + ... + (1/n) a) What value of n is required such that S_n > 100? b) Show how one can form a stack of identical blocks (one per row), each 1 ft long, so as to form a "wing" (I don't know what the correct word in English is, but I...
  5. Newtons Apple

    Punch Down Blocks (Telephony or Ethernet Cables)

    I hope this is the right area of this.. Guys, I need to know... what does a Punchdown block do? I see these in wiring closets, where the telephone or ethernet cable is flayed open, and the wires inside are stuck into the blades of the block. I'm studying for the Network+ exams, and they mention...
  6. A

    Building blocks of the physical world.

    If I needed to describe a physical object it would be necessary to associate certain properties to it, properties I perceive as being related to this object. For example, when someone describes a massive soft blue ball bouncing in a white room what I would imagine is: a white background; a blue...
  7. D

    Calculating Common Velocity of Two Identical Blocks After Collision

    Homework Statement Two identical blocks of the same mass travel at velocities of 3v and 2v on a smooth surface as shown (same direction). Two blocks move together after collision. What is their common velocity? Homework Equations Conservation of momentum The Attempt at a Solution Let...
  8. H

    Frictional forces between two blocks (one over the other)

    Homework Statement A block of mass M_2 can move over another bigger block M_1=5.0M_2 . The coefficient of static friction between the small and big blocks is \mu _s=0.40 , the kinetic coefficient between them is \mu _{k,2}=0.30 , and the kinetic coefficient between the big block and the floor...
  9. L

    Calculating Forces and Friction in a Two-Block System with a Spring

    Homework Statement a 30 kg is restin on a flat horizontal table. on top of this block rests a 15 kg block, to which a horizontal spring is attached, as shown in the drawing. the spring constant is 325N/m. the coefficient of kinetic friction between the lower block and the table is 0.600, and...
  10. A

    Pully with 2 blocks friction question

    Homework Statement Two blocks are connected by a string that goes over an ideal pulley as shown in the figure and pulls on block A parallel to the surface of the plane. Block A has a mass of 3.00 kg and can slide along a rough plane inclined 30.0° to the horizontal. The coefficient of static...
  11. C

    Two blocks sliding down a rough inclined plane

    *****Homework Statement **** Two blocks, A and B, are sliding down an inclined (20 degrees) plane. Block A is sliding in front of block B with both of them touching. The blocks slide from a distance of 6.50m from the bottom (along the inclined plane, not the surface the plane rests on)...
  12. F

    Simple lab with two blocks and pulley

    Homework Statement I have 2 blocks. M1 is resting on a horizontal plane and attached to a string that goes over a pulley to M2. The plane is like an air hockey table to simulate very little friction. I attached spark tape to M1 so I could measure the time it took and distance traveled. Now...
  13. E

    Friction with two stacked blocks and friction

    Homework Statement Here is the problem: Block A in the figure weighs 1.05 , and block B weighs 3.90 . The coefficient of kinetic friction between all surfaces is 0.32. Find the magnitude of the horizontal force necessary to drag block B to the left at constant speed if and are...
  14. R

    Find tension between blocks 2 & 3

    Homework Statement There are three blocks connected by strings as shown in the figure. Each block has the mass as following mass, m1=0.8kg m2=2.2kg m3=1.7kg Assuming there is no friction, Homework Equations F=MA The Attempt at a Solution In my FBD of the hanging box...
  15. P

    Maximum Static Force before Blocks Slip

    An 6.40kg block rests on a 12.5kg block. The interface between the lower mass and the table is frictionless, but there is friction (static friction μs and kinetic friction μk) between the two blocks. A horizontal force F acts on the upper block and causes both blocks to accelerate. The...
  16. F

    Magnitude of force between blocks

    Homework Statement The last question on this page(#44): I haven't had any problems with any homework till now so I'm hoping for a little guidance here. I guess my main issue is I don't understand what it means by magnitude of force. Because it seems...
  17. F

    Understanding the Effects of Force on a Pulley System

    Homework Statement Two blocks of mass m1 and m2, resting on a frictionless tabletop, are connected by a massless string passing through a frictionless pulley of mass mp. The figure shows a top view of the arrangement. If a force of magnitude F is applied to the pulley in the direction...
  18. F

    Device that blocks waves of one phase, but transmits wave of opposite phase?

    Is there any process or device that blocks EM waves of one phase (by any means, absorption, reflection, refraction, etc) but allows the transmission of EM waves of an alternate or opposite phase? Such that only waves of a certain phase can transmitted? Alternatively, are there any...
  19. Drakkith

    Graphene Membraned Blocks Helium and Other Gasses, Allows Water Through

    Just read this article and figured I'd share it: However I do have a question. The article never explained why helium, hydrogen, and other gasses were being blocked, they only explained...
  20. D

    Finding acceleration in two blocks, one hanging and other on board.

    Homework Statement Two blocks are connected by a string as in the figure below. What is the upper block's acceleration if the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the table is 0.10? Express your answer to two significant figures and include the appropriate units...
  21. P

    Equilibrium of three suspended blocks

    Homework Statement The problem(s) are shown in the link, but I'm having trouble getting them started. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution For 3-12: I think what I need to do is find the tension force in the...
  22. T

    2D construction made of square blocks. Breaking by gravity

    Hi, Imagine: a computer program like 2D Lego with only 1 type of block (a small square one) with which you can create constructions. Blocks can be placed on an invisible grid. There is gravity, and boxes can't fly, so you need to build any construction from the ground up. Boxes are always...
  23. H

    How Do You Calculate the Total Acceleration and Force on Two Touching Blocks?

    Homework Statement For two touching blocks, a constant horizontal force Fa is applied to block A to the right, which pushes against block B with a 26.0 N force directed horizontally to the right. In figure (b), the same force Fa is applied to block B to the right (the blocks switched places)...
  24. F

    Dynamics - Blocks on an Incline Plane

    Homework Statement In the diagram below find the 1) acceleration of the system 2) T1 and T2 The ramp is angled 35degrees to the horizontal and coeff of friction is 0.15 Homework Equations The image at the top is the problem's figure...
  25. R

    Two blocks tied to a string with mass and accelerating

    Homework Statement The figure shows two 2.5 kg blocks connected by a rope that has a mass of 450g. The entire assembly is accelerated upwards at 7.4 m/s^ What is the tension at the bottom end of the rope, near block B What is the tension at the at the top end of the rope, near block A...
  26. L

    Inelastic collisions between two blocks

    Homework Statement A 2.0 kg block slides along a frictionless surface at 1.0 m/s. A second block, sliding at a faster 4.0 m/s, collides with the first from behind and sticks to it. The final velocity of the combined blocks is 2.0 m/s. What is the mass of the second block? Homework...
  27. T

    How Much Force Does a 15 kg Block Exert on a 20 kg Block on an Inclined Plane?

    Homework Statement We have an inclined plane, 20 degrees, with two blocks on it. The higher block (m2) is 15 kg and the lower block (m1) is 20 kg. A 200N force is applied to the blocks and they move up the inclined plane at a constant speed. What force does the 15 kg block exert on the 20 kg...
  28. D

    Strength of magnetic field to attract Iron blocks

    Hi everyone. I have a simple doubt related to magnetism and inspired by the Bollywood movie 'ROBOT' staring Rajnikant. In the spectacular chase scene where Chitti(the robot) is trapped on a bridge with Aishwarya Rai( the heroine of the movie) and are surrounded by multitudes of policemen, he...
  29. C

    Determine the velocity of the two blocks right after the collision

    Here's a (crude) drawing: A block with mass 1.5kg is pushed against a spring such that the spring compression is 0.2m. The block is then released from rest and is observed to have a velocity of 10m/s once it is released by the spring. The block then collides...
  30. G

    Newton's Law, tension, blocks, pulleys at an angle, friction

    Hi all, I'm really stumped at this question five of my assignment. Could anyone please give me some help? I don't even know where to start. Thanks
  31. G

    Resources for understanding haplotype blocks and linkage disequilibrium?

    Does anyone know of any good resources online of where I can get clear and simple explanations on this subject? I don't want to read journal articles about this or want websites with heavy duty math since I don't have time to go through all of that right now in that kind of depth. I just want...
  32. B

    Spring Propels Two Blocks Up Two Ramps

    Homework Statement A spring of negligible mass is compressed between two masses on a frictionless table with sloping ramps at each end. The masses are released simultaneously. The masses have the same volume, but the density of M1 is greater than that of M2. G-Greater than, L-Less than...
  33. M

    Cummulative blocks on a rope, tension problem

    This isn't a joke, I really don't know if this is right or wrong. Please let me know if this is wrong so I can learn what I am not getting right. Homework Statement Three different sets of boxes are being pulled along frictionless surfaces attached to a rope that ends with the rightmost box...
  34. J

    Max velocity of blocks after spring pushes them apart

    Homework Statement A light spring of force constant 3.75 N/m is compressed by 8.00 cm and held between a 0.250 kg block on the left and a 0.490 kg block on the right. Both blocks are at rest on a horizontal surface. The blocks are released simultaneously so that the spring tends to push them...
  35. I

    Basic Newton's Law Problem, 2 Blocks on a frictionless ramp/pulley

    Homework Statement Draw a free body diagram for the block on the frictionless ramp below. Break up any problem vectors into friendly vectors. Will you work in x and y components or parallel and perpendicular? Then, find the magnitude of each force you have labeled. Lastly, find the...
  36. nukeman

    Linear momentum (2 blocks and spring question)

    Homework Statement Here is the problem: "Two blocks of masses 1m and 3m are placed on a frictionless surface. A light spring is attached to the massive block, and the blocks are pushed together with the spring between them. A string holding the 2 blocks together is cutt, sending the 3m...
  37. S

    2 blocks with an angled force problem

    Homework Statement block 1 of mass m1 = 2.4 kg and block 2 of mass m2 = 1.4 kg are connected by a string of negligible mass. Block 2 is pushed by force of magnitude 23 N and angle θ = 40°. The coefficient of kinetic friction between each block and the horizontal surface is 0.18. What is the...
  38. T

    Two blocks, a pulley, and an inclined plane.

    Homework Statement An 8kg block rests on an inclined plane where theta=37 degrees. The coefficient of kinetic friction on the plane is .23. The 8kg block is connect by a massless, frictionless pully to a hanging 16kg block. The blocks are released from rest. What is the acceleration...
  39. I

    Accelerating Blocks: Calculating Frictional Force

    Homework Statement Two wooden crates rest on top of one another. The smaller top crate has a mass of m1 = 22 kg and the larger bottom crate has a mass of m2 = 94 kg. There is NO friction between the crate and the floor, but the coefficient of static friction between the two crates is μs =...
  40. L

    Kinetic Friction with Blocks Need Help.

    Homework Statement Suppose the coefficient of kinetic friction between m1 and the plane in the figure is μk=0.20, and that m1=m2=2.2kg. a) As moves down, determine the magnitude of the acceleration of m1 and m2 given θ=28o. b) What smallest value of μk will keep this system from...
  41. Z

    What is the solution to the Moving Blocks Problem?

    Homework Statement I'm stuck on this one, A 32.5-kg block (m1) is on a horizontal surface, connected to a 6.9-kg block (m2) by a massless string as shown in the Figure. The pulley is massless and frictionless. A force of 223.3 N acts on m1 at an angle of 30.1o. The coefficient of kinetic...
  42. C

    Finding the coefficient of kinetic friction of 3 blocks

    Homework Statement When three blocks are released from rest, they accelerate with a magnitude of 0.500 m/s2. Block 1 has mass M, block 2 has 2M, and block 3 has 2M. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between block 2 and the table? (The blocks are arranged with block 1 hanging from...
  43. T

    2 blocks on top of each other, applied force, friction, and tension

    Homework Statement A 4.32 kg block is placed on top of a 9.16 kg block. A horizontal force of F = 66.6 N is applied to the 9.16 kg block, and the 4.32 kg block is tied to the wall. The coefficient of kinetic friction between all moving surfaces is 0.169. There is friction both between the...
  44. E

    The Physics of Frictionless Blocks

    Homework Statement Blocks with masses of 2kg , 4kg , and 6kg are lined up in a row on a frictionless table. All three are pushed forward by a 60 force applied to the 2 block. how much force does the 4kg block exert on the 6kg block? how much force does the 4kg block exert on the 2kg...
  45. zoobyshoe

    Guy Raises Stonehenge Size Blocks By Himself

    Using extremely simple techniques:
  46. A

    Solving the Puzzle: Calculating Acceleration of Blocks

    Homework Statement in the given diagram all the stings and pulley are mass-less ad there is no friction calculate the magnitude of acceleration of the two blocks? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution the acceleration of the blocks is obtained by me to be g/20 but...
  47. T

    Force on the blocks and its acceleration

    A slab of mass m1 = 40 kg rests on a frictionless floor. a block of mass m2 = 10 kg rests on top of the slab ? Between block and slab, the coefficient of static friction is 0.60, and the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.40. The block is pulled by a horizontal force with a magnitude of 100 N...
  48. S

    Two blocks tied with massless rope sliding down an incline

    Homework Statement On 20 degree incline, there are two blocks tied together with a rope, sliding down. the block on the top has mass of 2.0 kg (m1) and u_k1(coefficient of kinetic friction for block 1) = .30 the block on the bottom of the incline has mass of 3.0 kg (m2) and u_k2 = .20 What is...
  49. S

    Finding Tension of String Connecting Two Blocks on a Flat Surface

    Homework Statement Two blocks mA= 5.0 g and mB= 10.0kg are connected to a string. Both blocks sit on a smooth inclined surface where the angle on the inclined plane is 30.0°. Block A is about block B on the incline. Find the acceleration of the system of two blocks. What is the tension TB in...
  50. J

    How does Jordan form connect to the kernel of a matrix?

    For some of my homework exercises, the lecturer has specified the values for a kernel of a square matrix minus the scalar product of the eigenvector and the identity matrix. Mathematically, I am given kernel(A - λI) = some integer value where A is a nxn square matrix lambda is the...