Ok I've done quite some reading on neutron bombs.
What exactly is the difference between them in the way they work?
The way i see it now its a nuke, but not focused on heat/blast damage but radiation.
How does it work? Other material used?
And what isn't really clear to me is if they have...
Homework--- Build Atomic Bomb
What is the general output of enriched uranium from an electrolysis and fractional distillation process?
I have already researched the outputs for gas diffusion, thermal diffusion, gas cenrifuge, laster isotope separation, and mass spectroscopy. If you could give...
Atomic Question-- bomb
What is the general output of enriched uranium from an electrolysis and fractional distillation process?
I have already researched the outputs for gas diffusion, thermal diffusion, gas cenrifuge, laster isotope separation, and mass spectroscopy. If you could give me any...
What is the general output of enriched uranium from an electrolysis and fractional distillation process?
I have already researched the outputs for gas diffusion, thermal diffusion, gas cenrifuge, laster isotope separation, and mass spectroscopy. If you could give me any information on its...
I am wondering, if a bomb exploded in the "vacuum" of space, without an atmosphere to cause a pressure wave, what would be the destructive area of the bomb, or would there be any?
Hi everyone. I've been searching google for a clear formula and formulas for atomic/nuclear bomb shockwave and blast radius. I haven't come across anything remotely close that details the effects of time on the effects of the bomb as it crosses a set distance. Can some one help me with the...
Hello everyone I am new to PF actually this is my first thread. I am looking for the equation to see how far and how, the radiation from the Nuclear Blast using E=mc^2. Can anybody help? Please[?]
There is the hydrogen bomb and there is the nuclear weapon that uses plutonium. As far as I know the atomic structure of hydrogen versus plutonium are at the opposite ends of the chemical chart spectrum. Hydrogen having the least atomic weight of all elements and plutonium having a very high...
The Microwave Bomb
Well, it's pretty hard to miss the fact that there is a war going on right now...
One rumor going around is that the US will test a new type of munition, a so-called microwave bomb.
Does anyone have an idea how this device works?