Bonds Definition and 203 Threads

Barry Lamar Bonds (born July 24, 1964) is an American former professional baseball left fielder who played 22 seasons in Major League Baseball (MLB) with the Pittsburgh Pirates and San Francisco Giants. He received a record seven NL MVP awards, eight Gold Glove awards, a record 12 Silver Slugger awards, and 14 All-Star selections. He is considered to be one of the greatest baseball players of all time.Bonds holds many MLB hitting records, including most career home runs (762), most home runs in a single season (73, set in 2001) and most career walks. He led MLB in on-base plus slugging six times, and placed within the top five hitters in 12 of his 17 qualifying seasons.Bonds, an all-around baseball player, won eight Gold Glove awards for his defensive play in the outfield. He stole 514 bases, becoming the first and only MLB player to date with at least 500 home runs and 500 stolen bases (no other player has even 400 of each). He is ranked second in career Wins Above Replacement among all major league position players by both Fangraphs and, behind only Babe Ruth.However, Bonds led a controversial career, notably as a central figure in baseball's steroids scandal. In 2007, he was indicted on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice for allegedly lying to the grand jury during the federal government's investigation of BALCO. The perjury charges against Bonds were dropped and an initial obstruction of justice conviction was overturned in 2015.Bonds became eligible for the National Baseball Hall of Fame in 2013; he has not received the 75% of the vote needed to be elected, with his highest share of the vote coming in 2021 balloting, his 9th of 10 years of eligibility, when he received 61.8%. Some voters of the Baseball Writers' Association of America (BBWAA) have stated that they did not vote for Bonds because they believe he used performance-enhancing drugs.

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  1. BWV

    Pauli exclusion and covalent bonds

    Curious about the wave functions of elections shared in covalent bonds. If you have two hydrogen atoms w elections in the lowest energy state with the same spin and they join together to form a molecule H2 The spin of one of the elections will change (randomly?) The electons of the two...
  2. T

    ECON: Confusing math regarding bonds?

    Here is a screenshot of a slide that the professor went over in class (PV = Present Value): I think the reason why I don't understand what's going on in the math is because I don't understand the question at all. So the bond pays $100...
  3. M

    Σ and ∏ bonds and hybridization

    I am having difficulties understanding the concept of hybridization and the σ and ∏ bonds. My current understanding is that basically you just mix up a p and s orbital and it gives you an sp orbital, and if the bonds touch they are σ bonds, and if the bonds are parallel the are ∏ bonds. I don't...
  4. D

    Question about conductivity and metal bonds

    Hello everybody. I would like to ask the following: Imagine a source of strong electric filed. For example a positively charged metal sphere. Then we put a small (relatively to the source of the electric field) metal object in the electric field. Electron inside the metal move in such way, that...
  5. M

    How do you find the number of hydrogen bonds between molecules?

    Hey, I'm wondering how you figure out the number of hydrogen bonds acting between molecules. I know each water molecule supposedly makes 4 hydrogen bonds with other water molecules through my reading, but I want to know how many for isopropyl alcohol, which has only one OH group. I know its less...
  6. M

    What Is the One-Year Forward Rate in Year 2 for Government Bonds?

    hi. i have a problem. it's task 13. please help =) 12. Based on information about the yields of government bonds you have the following term structure: Time to maturity 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years Yield 5% 8% 9% 8% What is the expected...
  7. Q

    What is the role of hydrogen bonds in holding water molecules together?

    I'm a little confused on hydrogen bonds. Here's a sample question and answer I'm having trouble with:1) In a single molecule of water, two hydrogen atoms are bonded to a single oxygen atom by A) hydrogen bonds. B) nonpolar covalent bonds. C) polar covalent bonds. D) ionic bonds. E) van der Waals...
  8. N

    Can Vibrational Frequencies Weaken Water Bonds to Enhance Electrolysis?

    Is it possible to weaken the bonds of H2O with by inducing a specific vibrational frequency? This idea had been rolling around in my mind for years. My thought is that if the bonds could be weakened by less energy then electrolysis alone it may become economical. I realize that some research is...
  9. A

    Bonds in Diborane: Exploring Hybridization

    I was reading about the chemistry of diborane, and there's something puzzling me. John B. Russell, in his "General Chemistry" book states that the boron atom in the diborane "uses all its orbitals in the valence shell forming four hybrid sp3 orbitals, two of which will be used in the bonding...
  10. R

    What is the Correct Electronegativity Values for Defining Bond Types?

    I recently found a table of electronegativity differences, where certain differences where used to define certain types of bonds. However I found different values at different sites so I wonder if someone could help sort this out. Link 1...
  11. M

    Possible Errors Made Regarding Polarity and Intermolecular Bonds

    Hello, I wouldn't necessarily regard this as homework. While these are errors I believe I have found within an online course in which I am currently enrolled, my asking is simply carried out with interest in acquiring an accurate knowledge of entry-level chemistry. While studying polar...
  12. R

    How do electrons revolve around in molecule bonded by covalent bonds?

    How do electrons revolve around in molecule bonded by covalent bonds? An electron revolves around one nucleus. But if it is going to be shared by another nucleus(as in covalent bond), then how will the electron revolve? does it go all around both the nucleus? Please explain a little deeply.
  13. Saitama

    Do f-orbitals participate in sigma bonds?

    Homework Statement This is not a homework question. I found a question in my book that which orbitals form sigma bonds. I am wondering if any of the f-orbitals form sigma bonds? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  14. B

    Why energy released when bonds formed

    In chemistry its often said that energy must be added to system to break atomic bonds and conversely when atoms bond energy is released. I can picture why it takes energy to break a bond, for instance to ionize a hydrogen atom you have to exert a force on the electron to overcome the...
  15. rhody

    Took my balance in my 401K program out of all stocks, bonds

    I just took my balance in my 401K program out of all stocks, bonds, and corporate stock funds and put the into FIXED. I never thought I would see this day happen, but what I see (not happening) in Washington in addressing the debt limit gives me cause for concern. IMHO, it is better to...
  16. K

    How Many Carbon-Carbon Double Bonds in C11H19COOH?

    Homework Statement An organic acid has the formula C11H19COOH. How many carbon-carbon double bonds does a molecule of the acid have? 2. The attempt at a solution I drew the entire structural formula and got 2. But apparently, under exam conditions, I would not have time to draw the...
  17. I

    Covalent bonds in p-type semiconductor

    Hi, I am from an engineering background and I am in the process of learning about semiconductor physics to get a more generalized picture on the operation of the devices rather than just the operating characteristics. To start with I am studying about the p-type and n-type semiconductors...
  18. D

    Why Are Chemical Bonds More Stable at Cooler Temperatures?

    Homework Statement I was wondering why bonds are more stable at cooler temperatures than at higher temperatures. This question came from a research project about annealing (heating then colling) plastics and why polyethylene maintains its shape when it's cooled.
  19. Oxymoron

    Mortgages & Bonds: YTM of Zero Par Value

    Homework Statement If a bank issues a mortgage to a borrower, let's say that it was for $P, for t years with an annual interest rate i% compounded monthly. Then, to the bank, can this essentially be treated like a bond with price $P, coupon rate i% and maturity t years? It could be...
  20. H

    Are coordination bonds always Lewis acid/base bonds?

    I read that coordination bonds can be formed when a Lewis base like NH3 uses its lone pair of electrons to bond to an empty d orbital on a transition metal. I don't get how this applies to elements with 5 or more electrons in their d orbital though. For example cobalt has 7 d electrons so I'm...
  21. J

    Comparing Pi-Bond Contribution to Enthalpy of C-C & N-N Bonds

    Hi- I have been working on a problem and cannot figure out the last part. First, I needed to calculate the average pi-bond contribution to the enthalpy for C-C single, double, and triple bonds. Given: C-C single=348, doube=614, triple=839 kj/mol I calculated: 839-614=225 614-348=226 So the...
  22. R

    What Determines Bonding Energy in Atomic Systems?

    I have some basic questions on bonds. Take two identical particles in their ground state. When separated, the Hamiltonian can be written as the matrix: 1 0 0 1 where 1 is the energy. When brought close together, there is the possibility of transitions through off-diagonal terms, and the...
  23. A

    Why do the PE of atoms decrease when they form bonds

    In fact, why do the PE of atoms decrease when they form bonds, in terms of molecular interpretation, i.e. what actually happened in the atoms making they have lower energies?
  24. 1

    Why don't dissolved ionic bonds revert to the elemental properties?

    Sodium is a soft, reactive metal. Chlorine is a poisionous, reactive gas. Expose them to one another and they will form table salt, through ionic bonding. The compound is bonded throughout, forming a geometric matrix of bonds. If submerged in water, it will be dissolved into free Na+ and...
  25. S

    Why does ferrous iron make 6 covalent bonds?

    Hello everyone, Is their simple reason for this. Like how there must be 8 electrons in outer shell,I know that is very basic and probably not applicable, or is this something to do with sub shells etc. Also in billirubin metabolism. Why do red blood cells produce hemin which is iron in...
  26. L

    Are ionic bonds results of redox reactions?

    Because if redox is the transfer of electrons between atoms, and ionic bonding is when one or more electrons go are transferred from one atom to another, wouldn't that mean it is basically a redox reaction?
  27. J

    Need lamen explanation of ionic vs. covalent bonds

    Hi I am new on here and also new to science. I am in College getting my Biology 12 and Chemistry 11. I am having a really hard time understanding the difference between the ionic and the covalent bond. I am having trouble understanding: a) the net charge that creates an ion b)the ionic...
  28. F

    Melting-Why do intermolecular bonds weaken?

    When describing change of phase, it is very commonly said that molecules in hotter materials vibrate more, weakening the intermolecular bonds within them. My question is "How can increased vibrational velocity weaken these bonds?" It certainly makes sense that greater vibration increases...
  29. R

    Hybridization and Sigma and Pi bonds

    Say we have sp2 hybridization of nitrogen, can the unhybridized p orbital form sigma bonds too or can it only form pi bonds? So in the case of nitrogen, it would be able to form molecules with 2 sigma bonds and one pi bond, correct? Thanks
  30. L

    The compounds of acids are held together in ionic bonds?

    The strength of an acid is determined by the amount of it per volume ionizes right? So is it safe to say acids, when not in water, are composed of ions? So for example, HCL has the potential to be an acid,as it is made of a H ion and a CL ion, but cannot be until it reacts with water, because...
  31. N

    Electron delocalisation in conjugated bonds

    Hello! I'm confused about something I've read. It says that double bonds that are separated by single bonds can delocalise the electrons, forming conjugated bonds. I guess this is what happens in benzene with the formation of the pi-ring of electrons. It also states that this lowers the energy...
  32. L

    Bonds Form When Energy is Gained: Na Cation

    When energy is to be gained correct? It takes more energy to take a valence electron off Na than energy is gained when it is put on another atom to make a cation. I know the energy didn't just disappear, energy never does, what happened to the remaining energy that wasn't gained?
  33. C

    How Do You Correctly Draw Enantiomers of Ibuprofen?

    Homework Statement Draw the two enantiomers of ibuprofen using the correct dash and wedge bonds. Homework Equations (I was given a flat molecule like the one above.) The Attempt at a Solution I put a wedge from the asymmetric carbon to the hydrogen and a dash from the asymmetric carbon...
  34. L

    What are the principles of covalent and ionic bonds?

    I have gotten the principles of them down, but I still have some more detail to cover. From what I know about Ionic bonds is the following. -When an atom reacts with another atom in order to gain a full valence shell, the atom can either lose and electron, or gain one depending on the number of...
  35. H

    Chemistry Chemistry: Elements, Molecules and Bonds

    Homework Statement For a biology lab dealing with chemistry, we are supposed to make models (ball and stick) of molecules, and then we need to write the structural and molecular formulas. The models should represent single or double bonds based on the molecular composition. The problem is...
  36. S

    Do 4' to 5' Phosphodiester Bonds Exist in Oligonucleotides?

    Can 4' to 5' phosphodiester bonds, rather than 5' to 3' bonds, in reference to oligonucleotides exist? If so, then what would the structure look like (especially since carbon 4 on the sugar lacks a hydroxyl group)? Thank you.
  37. S

    Resonance of DNA O-H and N-H bonds?

    Hi, I'm trying to figure out if it is possible to induce (hydrogen) bond breakage between DNA base pairs by resonance. Does anyone know if this is possible or even aware of bond breakage in other molecules by similar methods? Thanks!
  38. L

    What are coordinate covalent bonds and how do they form?

    How does one determine when a coordinate covalent bond will occur?
  39. L

    How does sulfur form 6 bonds with fluorine?

    I was looking at sulfur hexafluoride and noticed that the sulfur forms 6 bonds with fluorine. Wouldn't 2 bonds put it at 8 valence electrons? How does it form so many extra bonds when it only needs 2? Edit: I should word this as "How does sulfur form 6 bonds with fluorine? Wouldn't that give it...
  40. D

    Polar Covalent Bonds: Carbon vs. Phosphorous

    I had a question in a lab about which elements are least likely to form polar covalent bonds with hydrogen. From what I understand, what governs how polar a bond is, is the electronegativity of the element. The answer said that Carbon was the one which was least likely to form the bond, but...
  41. N

    Hydrogen Bonding of Molecules: NH3, H2O, CH4, CH3OH & CH3OCH3

    1. NH3 ,NH3 2. H2O , NH3 3. CH4 ,NH3 4. CH4 ,CH4 5. CH3OH ,CH3OH 6. H2O ,CH3OH 7. CH3OCH3 ,H2O 8. CH3OCH3 ,CH3OCH3 9. CH3OH ,CH3OCH3 which one of those pair molecules could make hydrogen bonds? i know i law that H bonds with N O F so its 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 pairs but...
  42. P

    How Do Phenyl Groups Stabilize the Intermediate in Cis-Trans Isomerization?

    Homework Statement 1,2-difluoroethylene has two isomers, cis and trans, and they do not interconvert readily. However, cis and trans isomers of (C6H5)HC=CH(C6H5) do interconvert (but slowly). How is the intermediate required for that interconversion stabilized by the phenyl groups...
  43. K

    Why are intermolecular HCl molecules among them not considered hydrogen bonds?

    A hydrogen bond is the attractive force between one electronegative atom and a hydrogen covalently bonded to another electronegative atom. Doesn't this apply to hydrochloric acid?
  44. H

    Understanding Lewis Structures: When to Form Double Bonds

    Is this how you tell when to form double bonds when drawing lewis structures, such as with CO2?
  45. B

    Surety Obligations for Performance and Payment Bonds in Contractor Default

    A contractor furnished a performance bond having a face value of $100,000 and a payment bond of $100,000. The contract price was a lump sum of $1,000,000. The contractor had completed 60 percent of the work and had been paid $540,000 by the owner. Then the contractor defaulted, leaving unpaid...
  46. K

    After a ligand bonds to a receptor through intermolecular forces

    After a ligand bonds to a receptor through intermolecular forces, how is it unbound and what happens to it after it is?
  47. S

    Frequency of Virbration in Covalent Bonds

    I came across an interesting problem involving covalent bonds that I'm having trouble solving. If you're given a bond energy and a bond length, how would you find the frequency of vibration of the covalent bond? I tried to approach this through dimensional analysis and I'm not seeing how I would...
  48. B

    Are C-H Bonds Polar or Non-Polar?

    Are bonds between Carbon and Hydrogen polar?
  49. M

    Background study of molecular/atomic bonds needs clarification

    Hello, This is not a 'homework problem' but I think it fitted more correctly in this thread than other more advanced ones. Basically, I am a first year undergraduate who did not study Chemistry at A-level. I am quite a serious student and I am trying to increase my background understanding of...
  50. D

    Ionic Bonds and ionic Crystals

    is that at equilibrium, energy,U=0 from the equation below? U(R) = −(A /R6 )+ (B/R12 ) i nid to differentiate the equation and equate U=0?