Brain Definition and 740 Threads

  1. e-realmz

    Medical Brain tumor linked to depression?

    A brain tumor was recently experienced. It was on the surface tissue of the brain and was about 3 inches in diameter. Non cancerous. There was no reported brain damage. Everything healed up great. For a good month or two, way of thinking was altared a little. Presently that way of thinking is...
  2. P

    Medical Nonorganic Brain? Can Machines Think Like Humans?

    Our brians are made out of organic material. It is very likely that the macro features we have such as consciousness, mind, qualia etc are an emergent property from these complex physical properties. But could these emergent properties come from an extremely complicated device that is not...
  3. B

    Brain Teaser - How does 12=11?

    The following statement is true: 12=11 There are no mathematical operators (+, −, *, /), exponents, parentheses, etc. missing. How can 12 and 11 be equal? Hint 1: The given is not false. Hint 2: How did the first humans count?
  4. DaveC426913

    How Can I Calculate an Unbiased Average Movie Rating?

    My website posts my movie reviews and rates them from 1 - 5. I want to post an average*, and I can't figure out how to do it. Rating Number of movies 1....6 2...10 3...41 4...37 5...12 I can't figure out how to average* them without biasing them in favour of the higher numbers...
  5. T

    Can You Solve This Engineering Brain Teaser?

    I was looking through some old exams for my engineering class and uncovered the following question... If you would like to know the answer please scroll down and highlight the text But I don't have any clue how to get it. If anyone can figure it out that would be great... thx -tom...
  6. C

    Medical Where The Brain Combines What's Heard And Felt

    Where The Brain Combines What's Heard And Felt When sense perceptions from various sense organs are processed in the brain, this information is integrated - for example, when we are watching a ventriloquist, our brain combines information pertaining to both language and vision. Using functional...
  7. S

    How many dimensions is the brain equipped to handle?

    Is the brain's perception of space trained or is it ingrained and locked to 3? That is, would a baby raised in a 4 *evident* space dimensional world be able to adapt or only cope?
  8. Ivan Seeking

    Medical Are Mice with Human Brain Cells Ethically Acceptable?
  9. iansmith

    Does Brain Size Affect Testicle Size in Bats?

    Big brain means small ...
  10. F

    Medical How Can Living Brain Cells Control a Fighter Jet? my blog post about this:
  11. A

    Medical Maths and the Brain: Does It Run in Our Genes?

    erm..i always seem to relate maths to everything i think...i don't do it on purpose ..but when i think of people they always seem to have a corresponding maths symbol or even plain numbers...and they change throughout that thought. so one person doesn't all ways have an asociated(sp) maths...
  12. B

    Does Studying Advanced Physics Make Your Brain Feel Fried?

    I not sure if this has happened to any of you guys but I always slightly "special" after finsihing an hard midterm I have been studying all week (9-13 hour days). Now that's is over I feel great, althought I feel completely retarted. Does this happen to any of guys, after taking a course in...
  13. L

    Medical Exploring Brain Function: Can Braindead Patients Come Back to Life?

    I want to know have braindead people came back to life. I don't know that they can. Different from legal and clinical death brain death can be a last sigh on wether a person is alive or not. The reason I want to know is cause one of my family members has fallen into a comma and is on life...
  14. E

    Medical Do certain colors trigger certain areas of brain activity?

    I know nothing about this science, but i was on mushrooms the other night and came up with an idea.. I've seen scans done on the discovery channel on the brain during certain thought processes. If you were to show a screen of red, compared to a screen of yellow to the subject, would...
  15. G

    Optimization- oh how the brain hurts

    Q: A solid if formed by adjoining two hemispheres to the ends of a right circular cylinder. The total volume of the solid is 12 cm^3. Find the radius of the cylinder that produces the minimum surface area. OK, I got about halfway through my problem before I got lost. V of shpere= 4/3(pi)r^3...
  16. S

    How do I solve these physics problems?

    I need some direction with two homework problems. 1) A 215kg crate rests on a surface that is inclined above the horizontal at an angle of 26.1 degrees. A horizontal force, 528 N, is required to start the create moving down the incline. What is the coefficient of static friction between...
  17. H

    Medical 'Thoughts read' via brain scans [BBC]
  18. T

    What Happened to Einstein's Brain After His Death?

    Cite: Read the rest of the article here Brain
  19. H

    Medical Can Brain Scans See Depression? [NY Times]
  20. P

    Is a split brain consistent with a soul?

    I have posted this elsewhere and it failed to get any response so I am trying it in its own thread. AP wire service. June 15 20XX, Seoul, Korea. In an historic 14 hour operation yesterday, Dr. Kim Sun Hi succeeded in transplanting the right hemisphere of the brain of an unidentified twin into...
  21. Lisa!

    Medical Brain scans might be better lie detectors
  22. N

    Medical Have anyone heard about brain wave ?

    I recently heard about brain wave . Where can I find the explanation on brain wave ?
  23. P

    Medical Moving consciousness inside the brain

    Is it possible to move ones own consciousness inside the brain? For example is it possible to move it to the left or right a little bit, or to the back, or even down the brainstem?
  24. F

    Medical More can't turn the brain into a compuational process

    more can't turn the brain into a computational process! Firstly, I apologize for being so against the computational idea, but my idea about the little man in the head looking up ideas in a library in the head ad infinitum kept nagging at me and suggesting to me there was something there. It...
  25. bayan

    Medical Can magnets affect the human brain?

    hi guys. was wondering if human brain is effected when it is in a magnetic field. cheers
  26. Artermis

    Medical International Brain Bee Competition

    Has anyone heard of the IBB? I think I might participate in it seriously, and if so, I'm going to need some assistance on what to study, how to go about it, and maybe even a mentor that I could talk to ;P Basically this is a contest about neurology, and all stuff relating to the brain. A...
  27. S

    Medical Verbal communication and the brain.

    What part of the brain is involved in turning thoughts and ideas into verbal communication, and why are some people able to communicate their thoughts easily and fluently while others become tongue tied and find it difficult to put their thoughts into words?
  28. R

    Medical Games, the brain, and sleep. How are they connected?

    Hi, I'm new to PF. So here goes... If i get a new game, i usually play if a lot (since it's new and all). I probably play it late. That night though, i get a lot of trouble sleeping. I keep waking up (sleep walking, or some form of that) and i'll have my hands infront of me thinking...
  29. S

    Medical Is the Human Brain Still Evolving?

    Breaking news; see this NY Times story. Two separate genes for brain size have been shown to have developed rapidly in recent times under selection, one since -37,000 (Cro-Magnon era), the other since only -5300 (neolithic, just before writing invented). The papers describing the research are...
  30. C

    Can the cannibals and regular people safely cross the river?

    There's a boat to cross a river, and it can carry 2 people at once. There are 3 cannibals and 3, well, regular people on one side of the river. They want to get across. If there are more cannibals on one side than regular people, you lose. The boat cannot travel empty. Have fun! :biggrin:
  31. A

    Factoring a Quadratic Expression

    sorry this is such a stupid question...but i have been sitting her for half an hour trying to solve it. what does a^2-4a-12 factorise to?
  32. B

    Is Free Will Just an Illusion? A Look at Benjamin Libet's Research

    Has anyone Benjamin Libet's work on free will ( is a brief summary). Does anyone know of any objections to why his work does not suggest that all behavior is brain based. Does it seem really weird to anyone one else that all this I/ you are doing could...
  33. N

    How Can Water Heat Up with Negative Heat Transfer?

    perhaps I'll get more replies here "explain how liquid water can go from 25C/1 atm to 30C/1 atm in a process for which q<0" I was thinking perhaps that since , q=mc_p \Delta T how can q be negative when the temperature change is positive? , maybe it has something to do with the specific...
  34. Q_Goest

    Medical What part of the brain is conscious?

    The 15 July 2005 issue of Science has an interesting article regarding something called anosognosia. It seems very strange that one is unaware of their own paralysis while they are completely aware of the person they are being interviewed by asking them about it. The patient in this case...
  35. T

    Medical What is the truth about human brain power?

    My friend was saying that *it is only physically possiable for the average human to use 10% of their brain at once. (She wasn't saying we always use the same 10% of our brain though) Is that true?
  36. N

    High-Resolution Brain Atlases in CyberSpace

    High-Resolution Brain Atlases in CyberSpace (I-Newswire) - After a long decade of the U.S. sponsored Human Brain Project, we still have not advanced our understanding of brain structure and function very far. In particular, the availability of online high-resolution brain atlases has been...
  37. H

    Medical What is the IBM/EPFL Blue Brain Project? see also
  38. I

    Why Does Tying a Knot on a Rectangular Piece of Paper Form a Perfect Pentagon?

    Take a long rectangular piece of paper, and tie a simple knot. Carefully pull it into place and the location of the knot will be a perfect pentagon. Why? (Not a brain teaser, I really don't know the answer.)
  39. B

    Math Puzzle: Find the Missing Piece

    I posted this in the Brain Teasers forum, but nobody's really taking a stab at it. It is more mathematical than a brain teaser. This is not homework; hope it's all right posting the link here.
  40. Evo

    Schiavo Autopsy Shows Massive Brain Damage

    The parents insisted an autopsy be performed on their daughter and the results show that the husband was right all along. Even with the results showing she was blind and in a permanent vegetative state with no chance to improve, her parents remain in denial of the truth. "An autopsy on...
  41. K

    Are There Fun Math Brain Twister Books Focused on Calculus and Algebra?

    Are they any kind fun math brain twister books that are restricted to calculus (up to sequences) and require engaging algebra manipulation and forethought? Can anyone suggest such a book?
  42. C

    Good Books about the Human Brain?

    This isn't a book review, so forgive me if I'm posting it in the wrong place. o:) Anyways, I am looking for some reccomendations on books about how the human brain works... consciousness, subconciousness, dreams, memories, telekenesis, recent research findings, etc. I don't want anything...
  43. Adrian Baker

    OK, forget the Sistine Brain What's this?

    OK, forget the Sistine Brain... What's this?? Surely some symbolism here?
  44. Math Is Hard

    The brain on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

    This painting is being used for the cover of my behavioral neuroscience text for the reasons mentioned at this link: I am sure it is all purely coincidental but it is still fun to look at.
  45. marcus

    What were the findings on toy preferences in young vervet monkeys? any comment? research reported includes vervet monkey M and F, as well as human, if I remember correctly. yeah see if you can get the sidebar called "wired preferences?" young vervets...
  46. G

    Has there really been an increase in brain size

    In the Earth's fossil record, some people say "yes" and some people say "no", not just in humans but mammals.
  47. R

    What Number Completes the Math Pattern?

    Help Please! What number should replace the question mark? Tis is driving me crazy. I can't see no pattern. 389----21----492 |...\.../...| |...\.../...| |...\.../...| 16...?...10 |.../...\...| |.../...\...| |.../...\...| 613----5----841
  48. F

    The body is essentially the powerhouse of the brain right?

    The body is essentially the powerhouse of the brain right? Do you think we could use robotic- non-biological- bodies to power our brains? Because I keep on hearing about how people can have electrodes implanted in their brain that will allow them to see and hear and feel etc. And I read...
  49. B

    The Mystery of Consciousness: Electrical Impulses in the Brain

    how can a seires of electical imoulses in the brain generate consiusness
  50. S

    Injected human growth hormone into the brain

    If you injected human growth hormone, or something like that, into the brain, would it grow