Branch Definition and 217 Threads

  1. K

    1 pipe branching into 3 pipes, pressure of each branch?

    Hello all, I am a mechanical engineer, graduated just last year. Although I am not working with fluid mechanics right now, I was browsing through my fluids book from school and saw the section on pipe networks. As I was reading, I developed this question which I could not find an answer to in...
  2. Peter25samaha

    Courses Study Physics Easily: Branch Order & Grouping

    I have to study a little of all that before undergrad anyone can help me and put it from the easiest one to the harder ? so i can study them in turn : -classical mechanics -quantum mechanics -particle physics -high energy physics -relativity -astrophysics -atomic molecular and optical physics...
  3. Peter25samaha

    B Where Do Quantum Gravity and Cosomology Fit in Physics?

    In which branch of physics we can put Quantum Gravity and Cosmology ? -astrophysics ? -relativity ? -quantum mechanics ? -classical mechanics? Or other ?
  4. Peter25samaha

    What's the best physics branch to start with

    I want to study all physics branches but i want to start with a branch that could help me with all other branches and in the same time the easiest . These are the branches: -optical physics -electromagnetism -condensed matter physics -high energy physics -nuclear physics -thermodynamics...
  5. nothing909

    Adding resistance and finding current in each branch

    Homework Statement I have to calculate the current through each branch - I1, I2 and I3. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution The only reason I'm having trouble with this problem is because the voltage source is in the middle and I'm a little confused. I am struggling even to add up the...
  6. F

    Engineering Which engineering branch is better for starting your own business?

    Hey guys! How are you? This month I have to decide which engineering branch I want to study. The ones I like most are civil and mechanical. But I don't hate any of the other branches. My goal is possibly to become an entrepreneur and start my own business. Which one would be better? Thanks a...
  7. alexmahone

    MHB What Does the Branch of the Cube Root Function Mean?

    Let $f(z)=z^{1/3}$ be the branch of the cube root whose domain of definition is given by $0<\theta<2\pi$, $z\neq 0$ (i.e. the branch cut is along the ray $\theta=0$.) Find $f(-i)$. Could someone please help me understand the question? I'm not too clear on "branches" and "branch cuts".
  8. Suraj M

    What is the Current Passing Through a 5mH Inductor in Steady State?

    Homework Statement Find the current passing through the 5mH inductor in steady state. Homework Equations I=V/R The Attempt at a Solution Since it says steady current, so no change in current which implies that the inductors act as conductors so the current should just split equally So I...
  9. victorhugo

    Which branch of physics would I enjoy most?

    In H.S. physics, chemistry & maths: I liked everything about the communication unit (lots about waves, refraction and light) I loved the space unit which includes a lot about satellites, space and spacetime which I am also really passionate about (relativity). I love watching crash course...
  10. DoobleD

    Direction of current in a "middle" branch?

    Consider the following circuit (arrows represent current direction) : How does one determine the direction of the current in the middle branch ? Would it be correct to assume that : - if emf 1 > emf 2, current directionin middle branch is up, - if emf 2 > emf 1, current direction in middle...
  11. L

    Why is ##\frac{1}{\sqrt{z}}## a branch point and ##\frac{1}{z}## a pole?

    I am a bit confused. Why ##\frac{1}{\sqrt{z}}## is branch point and ##\frac{1}{z}## is pole. And why we cannot use Cauchy integral theorem when we have branch point? Why we need to cut off branch point when we integrate? Thanks a lot for the answer.
  12. Rectifier

    Complex currents and voltages - current in a branch

    The problem I want to calculate ## |I_1| ## The attempt ## V_m = Z_{total}I_1 \\ I_1 = \frac{V_m}{Z_{total}} ## ## Z_{total} = \frac{ \frac{1}{jwC }\cdot (R + jwL) }{\frac{1}{jwC} + R + jwL} \\ \frac{ R + jwL }{1 + jwCR + jwCjwL} \\ \frac{ R + jwL }{1 - w^2LC + jwCR } \\ ## ## I_1 =...
  13. S

    Branch of study: geology + chemistry + mathematics

    Dear fellows, I was wondering about what lies inbetween the fields of geology, chemistry and mathematics. I mean, is there a branch of study that uses the three areas? Thanks in advance. JGSeg.
  14. S

    Branch Cuts for Complex Powers: How Should We Choose the Branch?

    I need to perform the following integration: ##I(s) = \frac{1}{2\pi i} \int_{\gamma}\text{d}z\ z^{-s} \frac{\text{d}\ln\mathcal{F(z)}}{\text{d}z}##, where ##\mathcal{F(z)}## is analytic everywhere on the complex plane except at the zeroes of the function. For the purpose of integration, the...
  15. N

    How do I create complex structures with interconnected gooseneck tubes?

    Where does one buy long stretches of gooseneck tube?? Need lots of it to create complex structures made of strands of interconnected gooseneck. Need help to identify the receptacle socket for this threaded ball joint. I plan on having some kind of universal termination at both ends on each...
  16. A

    Favorite and least favorite branch of chemistry?

    I was just curious to see what everybody enjoyed the most (or enjoyed the least) in terms of chemistry classes. I finally get to take Inorganic next year, which I feel like I am going to enjoy a lot along with biochemistry.
  17. liometopum

    Horizontal Branch Star: A Planet-like Object Found on ALADIN

    In researching a planned post about M87's globular clusters, I again have been diverted. Being a rank amateur, I was studying how to use Aladin. Looking at some YouTube videos, I found this odd one, "Planet Like Object Found on ALADIN". The object looks bizarre, like the guy drew it in the...
  18. Amrator

    Is Cosmology a Branch of Physics or Astronomy?

    I have always considered cosmologists to be physicists because I noticed that cosmologists usually apply (Correct me if I'm wrong) general relativity. They seem to take approaches similar to those of physicists. Astronomy is the study of celestial objects, while cosmology is the study of the...
  19. I

    Finding Branch Points and Branches for Complex Functions

    I have lately been trying to understand branch points and branches used for complex, multivalued, functions. From doing questions and reading online, however, I get an unclear view of what branches points are. Take the function: f(z)_a = (z^2+1)^\frac{1}{2} or f(z)_b = log(z-1) Based on...
  20. M

    Branch points [Complex Analysis]

    Homework Statement Hi, I'm stuck with this question: How many branches (solutions) and branch points does the function f(z) = (z2 +1 +i)1=4 have? Give an example of a branch of the multi- valued function f that is continuous in the cut-plane, for some choice of branch cut(s). Now by choosing...
  21. S

    What branch or branches of physics is the following?

    Prof said that it may be more than one branches that includes the following. and I'm having a hard time knowing the difference of branches to sub branches. Please make sure i got the right answer/s. 1. Fusion: Nuclear physics 2. Ticking of the clock: Quantum Physics, Classical Mechanics 3...
  22. A

    IUPAC naming - choosing the main branch doubts

    What are the rules for choosing main branch ? Wikipedia states - "Identification of the parent hydrocarbon chain. This chain must obey the following rules, in order of precedence: 1 It should have the maximum number of substituents of the suffix functional group. By suffix, it is meant that...
  23. M

    Torque problem -- Squirrel standing on the end of a branch

    Homework Statement A 600-g squirrel stands on the end of a 2.5-m-long branch that makes an angle of 60 degrees with the vertical trunk of the tree. What torque acts on the branch due to the squirrel? Homework Equations Torque= FxD torque=torque The Attempt at a Solution I'm pretty stumped on...
  24. M

    How to derive the branch cuts for complex arcsin(z)

    I notice that the branch cuts for arcsin(z) are from -infinity to -1 and 1 to infinity. How do these choices for the branch cuts make the function single-valued? I am having trouble understanding the reasoning here even though these choices for the cuts are widely used/accepted.
  25. D

    MHB Defining Branch Cuts for f(z) = z^(1/3)

    Given the function \(f(z) = z^{1/3}\). Can the branch cuts be defined by the rays from zero through the three roots of unity and to infinity?
  26. L

    Complex analysis - an integral with branch cuts

    Homework Statement Hi, I need to calculate the following integral: \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}dx \frac{(\pi+\sqrt{x^2+m^2})^2(1+\cos x)}{(x^2-\pi^2)^2\sqrt{x^2+m^2}} The Attempt at a Solution I tried complexifying it: \oint dz...
  27. D

    MHB Branch Points & Cuts: Definitions & Examples

    I am trying to remember how to define a branch point and cut. Given the following functions: \[ f(z) = \sqrt{\frac{z}{1 - z}} \] The branch points are then \(z = 0\) and \(z = 1\) and the branch cut is the line from \((0, 1)\), correct? \[ f(z) = (z^2 - 4)^{1/3} \] Here the branch points are...
  28. shounakbhatta

    Which branch of topology to study

    Hello, I learned that there are 4 types of approach to topology: (1) General (2) Algebraic (3) Differential (4) Geometrical To have a rough understanding of General relativity, which branch of topology should I study? Thanks.
  29. F

    Are there complex functions with finite, nonzero branch points?

    I just completed a brief introduction to branch points in complex analysis, and I find it difficult to imagine/come up with functions with nonzero branch points. My difficulty is this: for the point to be considered a branch point, f(r,θ) and f(r,θ+2π) must be different for ANY closed path...
  30. A

    What is your favorite branch of physics?

    Guys can you tell me your favorite physics branches (even theories) i want to start reading one
  31. djh101

    Schools Which branch of physics to pursue going to grad school from chemistry?

    I will be applying for schools soon in physics, although my bachelors is in chemistry. Although I have decided that I would rather pursue physics than chemistry in graduate school, at the moment, I do not have my heart set on any specific sub-discipline of physics. So, assuming I have absolutely...
  32. J

    How to study feedback? Which branch of Mathematics does it?

    Hello, I want to study a system, and I have realized that all variables in it are dependent. There is no independent variable. So everytime you modify the input, you get an output but at the same time that output modifies the input itself, there is an important feedback. So the system...
  33. A

    MHB What is the Branch Cut for log(z)?

    What is the Branch cut for the log(z) ? Correct me if I am wrong. I know that the function $f(z) = e^z$ , is periodic function with period $2 \pi $ so to define the function $\log(z) $ we have to restrict the domain of $e^z$ for example taking the points $D : z \in \mathbb{C} $ such that...
  34. F

    Solving the Branch Cut Question on f(z) = arccot(z)

    Just covered branch cuts in my undergraduate course but stuck on one of the questions... Find the domain on which f(z) = arccot(z) is single valued and analytic. Now, we've looked at ln(z) in class and I understand the principal of limiting the domain but I'm not having much success and...
  35. M

    Circuits (Nodal and loop anal. finding current through branch)

    I am trying to solve for isc. The correct answer is isc = 6mA but I got 0 mA. My equations must be correct... If they are not please someone explain why. Thank you.
  36. X

    Which Branch of Physics is more Rewarding?

    Hi! At the moment I am in high school and have been considering to become a physicist. I just have a couple questions though: Which branch of physics is more rewarding? and what classes should i take to prepare myself? In regards to the first question, I am asking about which branch would...
  37. G

    Integral of 1/z=log(z), which branch?

    Suppose you have the integral: \int^b_{-a}\frac{dx}{x+i\epsilon} where epsilon is a tiny positive number. The integral should be a log shouldn't it? =log[b+i\epsilon]-log[-a+i\epsilon]=log[b]-(log[a]+...) where the ... is 'i' times the angle of the point -a+iε. Doesn't this depend on...
  38. N

    Branch of physics with many challlenges

    Hello everyone, The next year i am going to join a UG course in India. And i am going to take physics. From my childhood i loved astronomy. I used to attend every lecture held on astronomy in our area. My dream is to become a researcher in physics. I don't want to become a professor in physics...
  39. M

    Finding g(-i) using branch cuts in ln(1-z^2)

    Homework Statement Given that g(z) = ln(1-z^2), defined on \mathbb{C}\backslash \left(-\infty, 1\right], i.e. the branch cut is from -\infty to 1 along the real axis. Find g(-i) given g(i) = ln(2). Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I tried drawing it out but I'm having...
  40. J

    Calculating Voltage in a Parallel Branch

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Using KCL at the top node of the branch whose voltage I'm supposed to find, I get this equation 5 - 1- i2 + 6 = 0 i2 is the current in third branch from left, whose direction has been chosen arbitrarily by me. Solving this gives...
  41. CrimsonFlash

    Branch Cut for (lnz)^2: Determining Branch Points and Range

    Homework Statement It is simply the same as the one for lnz i.e. does it go from 0 to ∞? Also, is there any proper way to figure out branch points of a function? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  42. AGNuke

    Which engineering branch to opt for Nanotechnology

    I've finally given my college entrance test (The IIT-JEE). And I am expecting a decent rank to join in one of the premier institutes of India. I want to pursue my interests in Nanotechnology, because I think it has a great scope for future research and I want to do the same. But I don't know...
  43. N

    Finding pressure in a branch with known flows

    Hey! So we have these equations that describe flow through and pressure in a pipe. ∂p/∂t = -β/A * ∂q/∂x ∂q/∂t = -A/ρ * ∂p/∂x - F/ρ + g*Acos(α(x)) where A = cross area, β = bulk constant for water, p = pressure, q = flow, ρ = density, g = gravity constant, F = forces due to friction, α =...
  44. V

    Sum of branch currents more than total current?

    Homework Statement An impedance of 7-2jΩ and an impedance of 4+2jΩ and a current source of 97.5A are all connected in parallel. Find the individual branch currents. Homework Equations Current-divider rule: I1=I*Z1/(Z1+Z2) (only have to consider the magnitudes of the impedances, not the angle)...
  45. N

    Model Flow Pressure in Branch Pipe

    Hello guys So I'm trying to model flow through a branched pipe. The equations I've used are the standard partial differential equations for a hydraulic transmission line: ∂p/∂t = -β/A * ∂q/∂x ∂q/∂t = -A/ρ * ∂p/∂x - F/ρ + g*Acos(α(x)) I've discretized and linearized these so that I can...
  46. M

    Asymptotic behavior of a power series near its branch point

    I was reading a paper the other day that made the following claim, and provided no reference for the assertion. I would like to find a reference or figure out how to derive the asymptotic behavior myself. The situation is as follows: Suppose we have a function ##f(z)##, defined as a power...
  47. S

    Understanding the Algebra of Branch Cuts in Multi-Valued Functions

    How does one deal with finding the branches & branch cuts of a multi-valued function of a complex variable that is itself the sum of two multi-valued functions, something like the following: f(z) = \sqrt{z} + \sqrt{1 - z} f(z) = \sqrt{z} + \sqrt{z - 1} f(z) = \sqrt{z} + \sqrt{z(z -...
  48. A

    To become physicist which branch i should take ?

    First of all i am an eleventh class student who has just passed his tenth standard . I don't know much about engineering branches . I always admire the work of stephen hawkins and michio kaku . Please tell me the way to get my dream career as a theoretical physicist.
  49. A

    Flow rate distribution on multiple branch

    Let say I have a simple fan/duct system delivering air at standard conditions with one branch at inlet and one branch at discharge. The fan is operating in its stable region with known flow rate and system pressure. Now if I add a branch on the inlet side (not necessarily at the fan) to...
  50. C

    Which engineering branch to take?

    which engineering branch to take?? I am thinking about which engineering branch to take up . I love physics and mathematics . I have shortlisted 4 engineering majors that i liked after looking up its courses on electronics engineering aerospace engineering computer science nuclear...