Break Definition and 293 Threads

CONFIG.SYS is the primary configuration file for the DOS and OS/2 operating systems. It is a special ASCII text file that contains user-accessible setup or configuration directives evaluated by the operating system's DOS BIOS (typically residing in IBMBIO.COM or IO.SYS) during boot. CONFIG.SYS was introduced with DOS 2.0.

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  1. Simon T

    MHB What will the profit be if 1500 units are sold next year?

    the first year of operation for a small company yielded a loss of \$5000. The company has \$15,000 per year tied up in fixed costs and spent 40,000 on raw materials and labour. Since the company was not well known, they were only able to sell 500 units of their product that year. It is hoped...
  2. GhostLoveScore

    Other How Can I Balance Returning to College After a Long Break?

    I recently got decent job and that allowed me to go back to college and finish my physics studies. I stopped half way into a bachelor degree. I admit I forgot half of what I knew 3 years ago when I took a break. So, do you have any advice on how to do parallel work/college thing? If you have...
  3. E

    Small pipe break for an ideal gas

    Homework Statement A large tube filled with an ideal gas at pressure p1 and temperature T1 has a small break in it towards an envirronement at p2, with p1 much larger than p2. What is the flow rate through the hole to the outside of the tube. Homework Equations pv=rT Δh+Δc2/2=δq-δl h1 + c12 =...
  4. C

    What angle will the vine break and what's the max tension?

    Homework Statement You come to a river and you see a vine you will use to swing across. Your mass is 75.0 kg, the vine is 18.0 m long, and the vine breaks when under 655 N of tension. a) at what angle from the vertical will the vine break? b) what should be the maximum tension supported by the...
  5. L

    Can the P vs NP Problem Explain the Mechanics of Comedy?

    I don't have any understanding of P vs NP past the colloquial explanation of it, but it occurred to me that it is essential that P ≠ NP for comedy to function. For almost all comedy to work it relies on a "punchline" that is not easily predicted but, once revealed, can be easily and near...
  6. chikou24i

    A Break points in band structure

    What do we mean by break points in band structure ? and what that sentence means : "if the band index were chosen in such a way that the energies are indexed in ascending order for any k then break points would appear in the εnk vs. k plot (with n fixed) wherever two lines intersect." ...
  7. D

    Break down nitrous oxide by automotive catalytic converter?

    Can nitrous oxide be broken down for use as an oxidizer by passing through a matrix type automotive catalytic converter? If so, will the matrix need to be heated? Also, will the process create enough heat to combust gasoline, ethanol, kerosene, or LPG? I want to fabricate a "stand alone"...
  8. D

    Why do light bulbs break? (burn out)

    Homework Statement When a light bulb brakes it is usually when the circuit is complete, like when there is no cut in a thread or anything. give a reason for this that has something to do with physics. the only thing I can come up with is that the current gets too high and the effect gets too...
  9. T

    Find the time for the string to break

    Hi all! I am currently working on an assignment for my dynamics course in which we need to create our own "real world" problems. I chose to do a problem which would solve the time at which the string of a lanyard would break when it is swung in a circle. My problem is with my end numbers. They...
  10. Nikki1357

    How fast to spin object hanging by thread to break thread

    Homework Statement If an object is hanging by a thread, how fast must it be twirled around in order to break the thread? (must also provide explanation of why this is the velocity). As a part of a lab, pick a certain mass. Attach to light string (easily breaks) and pull the string through a...
  11. H

    Will this rope break due to the tidal forces or not?

    While I was thinking about how tidal forces can make objects float at the surface of a planet orbiting a massive object like a black hole, the fact that any material on the Earth isn't held together by gravity only, but also by chemical bonds which give it its tensile strength came into my mind...
  12. R

    Break Strength of Net: Falconer's Question

    My question doesn't come from any homework, or from a text, or any course work. I am just curious, but horrible with physics. I am a falconer. I trap hawks and falcons for my hobby, and yes, I have a license for it. We use a trap called a dho gazza, which is a small net suspended by two...
  13. our7thheaven

    Build a piece of equipment that can break the descent....

    9th grade student is struggling trying to come up with a design that can meet the below requirement. Any help is appreciated. 1. Homework Statement The purpose is to build a new piece of equipment that can break the descent of an object from a certain height. The object in this situation a...
  14. M

    Why does it keep getting harder to break a pencil in 2?

    Consider a pencil. Now break it in 2. Do it again and it s obvious it gets harder to do it. Why is that? I thought of modeling the problems as a hinged beam with moments applied at both ends having opposite directions and same torque. So basically the length of the beam doesn't affect the moment...
  15. T

    Winter Break Reading: Tom's Recommended List

    Hope all you students are enjoying the break. What's on your reading list? -I'm working through Feynman's "Classic Feynman" which has been very enjoyable, as well as trudging through Kline's Calculus. It is rather wordy, but I like the approach it has. I also just discovered 'Understanding...
  16. N

    Does H = XX+YY spontaneously break symmetry in 1D?

    Hello, I am working in 1D here. For the ferromagnetic Ising model ##H = -\sum_k X_k X_{k+1}## (or ##H = -YY##) we know that the ground state is gapped and has a twofold degeneracy due to SSB (spontaneous symmetry breaking) of the spin flip symmetry ##P = Z_1 Z_2 Z_3 \cdots##. I am now...
  17. I

    Calc 2 References for Winter Break?

    Hey everyone, I am winding down of finals next week, and will be off of school for a month. I was planning on beginning Calculus 2 over winter break to get a head start, and I don't want to lose the information I've already learned. We left off on U-Substitution on some basic integrals. I was...
  18. M

    Heat sealed glass jar with water- will it break?

    If you fill a glass jar with water, or any other liquid, then seal the jar tightly , then heat the jar, will the jar break as the liquid inside tries to boil? Is it a dangerous experiment to try?
  19. D

    How does a whip break speed of sound?

    I'm trying to understand by what mechanism a whip can multiply the velocity of the initial arm motion until it reaches the speed of sound, how is it doing this?
  20. mousheng xu

    Will detecting 1 of the 3 slits break the wave patterns?

    In a double slit experiment (say, of electrons), when putting a detector to examine the passing of electrons through one slit, the wave pattern of the electrons disappears and instead the particle pattern appears. The classical explanation is that an electron exists both as a wave and as a...
  21. A

    Why does heat make objects break?

    Homework Statement I need to proove that temperature changes make objects break. I used a stone, and heated it for about 10 minutes. After that I put it in cold water. According to my teacher that should've broken the stone, but it didn't. I had to give it a few hits, not too many or too...
  22. d w

    How much mass with the centrifugal forces of earth to break gravity?

    I'll start with this question, how much "mass" does something have to have before centrifugal force exceeds gravity on earth? I used basic physics of centrifugal force and gravity, used force vectors, and the math doesn't jive. This is what I mean. There are 2 forces on Earth that everything...
  23. NicolasPan

    Comp Sci How to break a number into separate digits in Fortran

    Mod note: Fixed indents in code below !this program accepts a 5 digit integer !and calculates the harmonic and geometric means of it's digits !the program checks and denies numbers with length diffrent than 5 digits !The harmonic mean should be calculated only when !all of the number's digits...
  24. R

    What force am i overcoming when i move an object? break it?

    Homework Statement What force am i overcoming when i move an object? break it? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I don't know if there's a forum for more basic conceptual topics but I'm learning about Newtons. I learned the famous for action there is an = and opposite reaction. When...
  25. Buzz Bloom

    How/Why does GR break down in Planck Epoch?

    Wikipedia says: Traditional big bang cosmology predicts a gravitational singularity before this time, but this theory relies on general relativity and is expected to break down due to quantum effects. Although I found other pages, I have...
  26. gracy

    Do internodes break in runners?

    Runners are stems that grow horizontally above the ground. They have nodes where buds are formed. These buds grow into a new plant. The thing I want to ask is does internode break?In a video I have seen internodes break and then the new plant lives independently ,is it right?Do internodes...
  27. Anand Wilson

    Can we break the hydrogen bonds in DNA with Phonon?

    Double stranded DNA are bind with hydrogen bonds in between the nitrogenous bases, Usually we use high temperature for denature,so can we break the hydrogen bonds with phonon because shorter wavelength give rise to heat, weather it is possible to denature the DNA?
  28. N

    Can a Bullet Break a Bike Chain at 6m Underwater?

    < Mentor Note -- OP has been reminded to use the HH Template and show their work in future posts... > A man fires a bullet into a swimming pool. There is a distance of 6m from the gun to the bottom of the pool. Does the bullet have enough force through the water to break an average bike chain...
  29. T

    Why does gauge fixing break gauge symmetry?

    By fixing a gauge (thus breaking orspending the gauge symmetry), the model becomes something easier to analyse mathematically, such as a system of partial differential equations (in classical gauge theories) or a perturbative quantum field theory (in quantum gauge theories), though the...
  30. O

    Mass is independent of tendency to break static friction?

    Hello, I'm trying to reconcile what seems to me to be a contradiction. Last week, I did a lab experiment where we stacked some metal bars in a tray and measured the force required to pull the tray into motion and break away from the force of static friction. As we predicted, the more mass we...
  31. QuantumCurt

    Who else is on summer break and already bored?

    Here I am 1 week into my summer vacation. Many students are overjoyed to be done with school for the next 3-4 months. Me? I'm just getting bored. During finals week I was so ready for break to get here, and after a week I'm finding myself doing little more than listlessly scrolling through...
  32. N

    Finding the force to break static friction

    Homework Statement Samantha and Rebekah each push on a stack of doughnuts equally. If the coefficient of static friction is .28 and the box has a mass of 18kg, what force does each push individually to break static friction? Once it's moving, the coefficient of kinetic friction is .17, how much...
  33. M

    How does the Levitron "break" Earnshaw Theorem?

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
  34. A

    Python Python: how to break two times to results

    Homework Statement I need a program, which would break and show results once a 0 is entered in input name and input grade. I figured how to do that in name, but how do I add another break? Like grade !="0"? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution students = [] grades = [] while True...
  35. N

    Why does Newtonian dynamics break down at the speed of light

    I tried searching the web for this topic but got an answer like "formulae used in classical mechanics are approximations or simplifications of more accurate formulae such as the ones in quantum mechanics and special relativity". My question is that why do the laws of Sir Isaac Newton no longer...
  36. T

    Can an Allen Wrench Withstand Maximum Force Before Breaking?

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone here knew of (or could come up with) an equation relating the tensile strength and the maximum force that could be applied to an allen wrench? Any help is appreciated.
  37. B

    Partner study for grad students on winter break: Success stories?

    I'm a grad student studying electrical/computer engineering. Since I have a month of winter break coming up soon, I want to use it to study some more about probability theory and stochastic processes. Has anyone previously done a self study or partner study over a break like this? If so, how did...
  38. M

    How does the train scene in The Wolverine break physics?

    I think it may have something to do with momentum or vectors, but I'm not sure? Can you explain to me why Wolverine jumping off the train and then flying several feet backwards in a perfect straight line is unrealistic?
  39. Delta31415

    What should I do for a three week break for Christmas?

    what should i do for a three week break for Christmas?
  40. M

    Magnetic Field -- break in the continuity of a conductor

    Hi! Just curious... Does a break in the continuity of a conductor's volume affect its magnetic field, resistance, etc?
  41. T

    Is glass the only material you can break with sound?

    Would it be possible to use a 3D printer to print plastic (PLA for example) that could be smashed or warped by sound under 110dBs? I'm a biologist, trying to recreate what happens to hair cells in the inner ear when you damage them. Thanks.
  42. K

    Momentum to Force: Calculating the Velocity Needed

    << Moderator Note -- thread moved from General Physics to HH/Intro Physics >> If a force F is needed to deform or break an object, with what velocity, V, must I hit it with a hammer of mass, m?
  43. U

    Is full month break enough time to learn?

    ok, is 15 days of 3+hours a day, and then 1 month of totally hardcore studying(at least 10+hrs a day, doing this during the break) enough to qualify for the physics olympiad semifinals, IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE? do you think it could be done, if right now i don't know physics, but i do know cal 1...
  44. majormuss

    Schools Physics major taking a 1 year break between undergraduate and graduate school?

    I am a physics major currently scheduled to graduate next May. However, I want to take a 1 year break before going on to graduate school. What are some worthwhile things that I can do during that 1 year break? I definitely want to do something/ or join a program that is travelling-related...
  45. N

    At how many rpms will a blade tip break the sound barrier

    Homework Statement The windmill is 400 feet tall and each of it's three blades are 130 feet long. At how many rpms will a blade tip break the sound barrier? Speed of sound: 1125ft/sec Homework Equations Linear speed: v = rω Angular speed: ω = Θ/Time The Attempt at a Solution...
  46. I

    What are ways in which a multimeter can "break"?

    The digital multimeter I have says "Overload protection: F 250mA/250V Fused (10A range unfused) Max. Input Current: 10A (For inputs >2A: measurement duration<10 secs, interval > 15 minutes)" It also says in the manual that the 10A jack is not fused...
  47. H

    Using graphite as a catalyst to break down Ozone

    Can graphite be used as a catalyst to break down ozone into oxygen without serious oxidization? The applied use for this is to break down ozone at the output of an ionic wind "fan". Similar operation to an ion thruster used by NASA but instead of using stored gasses and propelling them into...
  48. D

    Why does circuit break when jumper inserted to power?

    Please bear with me as I'm relatively new to hands-on circuitry. I have a breadboard powered by a 9V alkaline battery. If I hook up an LED to the positive strip and ground to the negative strip, the circuit completes and the bulb lights. If, however, I take a simple 22 AWG wire to jump from...
  49. Q

    Is the Conventional Wisdom of Energy and Bond Formation Always Accurate?

    Just double-checking myself on something: Typically at the high-school level, we say that it takes energy to break a bond, but energy is released to form a bond. This has always bothered me because even with a naive understanding of enthalpies we can see formations with different signs. To me...
  50. Y

    Do heavier elements break down during supernova?

    Heavier elements like gold, uranium etc. are formed at the end of a star's life. As the star explodes into a supernova, it gives rise to nebula which is the birthplace of new stars. But as the star has already fused lighter elements into heavier elements, where does the new hydrogen required for...