What is Bsc: Definition and 124 Discussions

A Bachelor of Science (BS, BSc, SB, or ScB; from the Latin baccalaureus scientiae or scientiae baccalaureus) is a bachelor's degree awarded for programs that generally last three to five years.The first university to admit a student to the degree of Bachelor of Science was the University of London in 1860.Whether Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degrees are awarded in particular subjects varies between universities. For example, an economics student may graduate as a Bachelor of Arts in one university but as a Bachelor of Science in another, and occasionally, both options are offered. Some universities follow the Oxford and Cambridge tradition that even graduates in mathematics and the sciences become Bachelors of Arts, while other institutions offer only the Bachelor of Science degree, even in non-science fields.At universities that offer both Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees in the same discipline, the Bachelor of Science degree is usually more focused on that particular discipline and is targeted toward students intending to pursue graduate school or a profession in that discipline.

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  1. W

    US College Admission for 3 Year BSc (Hons.)

    I had been talking to my seniors about applying to colleges once one is done with a BSc. In India, BSc degrees are only for 3 years, and I've heard that many colleges in US do not accept 3 year degrees when applying for masters, but only 4. I have also heard that since certain colleges offer BSc...
  2. X

    Electric Power & Machines BSc Possible Nuclear Engineering MSc ?

    I'm a fresh graduate with a BSc degree in Electric Power & Machines. However, my MSc thesis should be nuclear related due to some issues with my university. What do you think a proper field of research in Nuclear Engineering where I could use my BSc electric power background ? It worth...
  3. B

    Physics Theoretical physics Bsc jobs in uk

    I hope to do my bachelors in theoretical physics and after i need to do a job due to my financial problems.So i want to know how about the job opportunities for theoretical physics Bsc in UK and how much do they earn? I heard jobs for theoretical physics Bsc are very rare? is it true...
  4. K

    Biology Careers & Benefits with a BSc Human Biology Degree

    Hi. Do you guys have an idea of what kind of careers are open with a BScHuman Biology degree! And, according to you, which may be more beneficial, a fourth year doing an undergraduate Master (research based) or a 4th year spent on industrial experience? Thank You Kushal
  5. A

    Got a BSc in EE, eligible for an MSc in Math, interested in theoretical physics

    Well, to get straight to the point, I've got a BSc in electrical engineering and have developed an interest in theoretical physics. Since string theory and theoretical physics in general is heavy on math I was wondering if a possible way into the field of theoretical physics might be an MSc in...
  6. N

    Doing BSc in Europe and MSc in US

    Hi all. If a student takes his/hers BSc in e.g. physics in a European country, is it possible to do the MSc in the U.S.? And do you know what must be done by the student in order for the to be possible? Also, is a graduate program in the US equivalent to a MSc program in Europe? Any input...
  7. W

    Programs Advice please, I don't know what Master's degree my BSc qualifies me for

    Hi, I've been lurking around the forums unregistered for a while now and it's been very helpful, I just recently registered for specific advice. I'm a first year student at the Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt. I'm taking a computer and communication engineering BSc, and...
  8. R

    MSc in Physics for Indian BSc Student: Eligibility & Admission

    Hi All, I am a BSc Physics Honours student at the University of Delhi in India. I am interested in pursuing an MSc in Physics from a good university in the U.K. I am looking for information regarding the univs offering MSc in Physics, TA's/RA's /funding for foreign students, information on...
  9. P

    Can I Pursue a Masters in Physics with a BSc in Electrical Engineering?

    I am currently working on an undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering, but I think that for my graduate studies I would like to pursue a masters degree in Physics. Is this possible? My school (University of Waterloo) awards a Bachelor of Applied Science to its engineering graduates...
  10. S

    Standard Ref. for basic subjests in BSc in Physics

    General Physics: Halliday, Feynman Classical Mechanics: Gregory, Kibble, Goldstain, Landau Waves: Main, Pain, Coulson, French ElectroMagnetism: Reitz, Griffths, Jackson, Schwinger Optics: Born, Hecht Relativity: Resnick, French, Russer, Wheeler Quantum Mechanics: Merzbacher, Gasiorowicz...
  11. E

    Choosing Between BSc and BEng: Factors to Consider for Your Engineering Degree

    Hey Having a little debate if i should change my degree classification? Are people with a BEng more employable that BSc engineers? Reason i ask, is that the modules on BSc are more interesting, and less mathmatical, but the entry requirements are less, and they almost offer it as a...
  12. D

    Is it possible to do MSc and BSc at the same time?

    I was looking through my college's staff listing and came across one of my professors. I read a short biography and it read like: What does this mean? That she graduated with an MSc the same time she completed her BSc?
  13. J

    Physics BSc student looking for physics related work over the summer

    Im a physics BSc student in my second year of my degree in london at Kings college london. I am looking to work within the field over the months june, july, august and september. I am willing to do unpaid work and to travel. If anyone has imformation. please can they message me...
  14. K

    BSc in Maths/Physics by Correspondance: 6 Yrs IT Exp

    I have been working in the IT field for over 6 years. I am very interested in mathematics and physics. Since I have a fulltime job and a family, it is not feasible for me to return to school at this stage in my life. Is it possible to complete a BSc in mathematics or physics through...
  15. qspeechc

    Welcome! I'm a 1st Year BSc Student in Maths

    :smile: Hi, I'm new here (duh!). I just wanted to introduce myself. I am a first year BSc student hoping to major in maths. Seems like a fantastic site!
  16. B

    Pursuing MSc in Physics After BSc | Career Alternatives

    hi..i want to do MSc in physics and have just finished my Bsc in the same.. i wrote JEST N IIT but did nt clear either.. say if i don't get anywhere this year . would cld i do.?cld u pls help me with some alternatives.
  17. C

    Physics into Comp Eng after BSc.

    Bottom line: I want my BSc. in physics! I love to study it and don't think I'd feel comfortable majoring in something else. Call me crazy if you like :) My question: How hard would it be to get into computer engineering at a master's level after I get my BSc.? Can I ever get my professional...
  18. R

    Programs What can I do with a BSc. Degree in Physics

    I am finishing my BSc. in Physics degree this year and would like to know what jobs this qualifies me for.
  19. E

    Programs Second degree in Engineering w/ BSc Physics

    Hi all. Great forum, lots of good advice. Here's my question... I have a BSc in Physics and have work experience mostly at a technologist level in various industries. I find that most of the "good" jobs out there that interest me require an Engineering degree if not PEng credential. I have...
  20. P

    Programs Will a 3-Year General Science BSc Lead to a Job and What Are the Prospects?

    will getting this degree lead to an actual job? if so, what kind of job? and approx how much pay? (starting pay and average pay after 5-10 years on the job). here's the program I am somewhat thinking about: http://de.uwaterloo.ca/faculty_of_science_requirements.html btw, this program is a...
  21. N

    Programs Is It Bad to Earn All Degrees at the Same School?

    Is it bad to do all 3 degrees at teh same school. I heard its frowned upon but is it that bad?
  22. N

    What kind of employment opportunities are there for only a BSc

    Does anyone know someone with only a BSc. Astrophysics? Or rather, what kind of employment opportunities are there for only a BSc. Astrophysics when most of the employment positions require a PhD for this field whether it be for Universities or Observatories?
  23. S

    Physics What career paths can you pursue with a BSc in Physics?

    Hello there, i am a third year undergrad physics student in ireland i have to give a talk on careers with a basic physics degree. id like to hear from people that have gone straight into work after getting their degree in physics. does anyone know what areas people go into? is it mostly...
  24. N

    Welcome! 2nd Year BSc Physics/Astrophysics Student

    Hi all, I've just joined this place. It looks really active here :biggrin:. I'm about to start the 2nd year of a BSc Physics and Astrophysics degree.