Bullet Definition and 650 Threads

A bullet is a kinetic projectile, a component of firearm ammunition that is shot from a gun barrel. The term is from Middle French, originating as the diminutive of the word boulle (boullet), which means "small ball". Bullets are made of a variety of materials, such as copper, lead, steel, polymer, rubber and even wax. Bullets are made in various shapes and constructions (depending on the intended applications), including specialized functions such as hunting, target shooting, training and combat. bullets are often tapered, making them more aerodynamic. Bullet sizes are expressed by their weights and diameters (referred to as "calibers") in both imperial and metric measurement systems. For example: 55 grain .223 caliber bullets are of the same weight and caliber as 3.56 gram 5.56mm caliber bullets. Bullets do not normally contain explosives (see Incendiary ammunition and Exploding bullet), but strike or damage the intended target by transferring kinetic energy upon impact and penetration (see terminal ballistics).
Bullets are available singly (as in muzzle-loading and cap and ball firearms), but are more often packaged with propellant as cartridges ("rounds" of ammunition). Bullets are components of paper cartridges, or (much more commonly) in the form of metallic cartridges. Although the word bullet is often used in colloquial language to refer to a cartridge round, a bullet is not a cartridge but rather a component of one. A cartridge is a combination package of the bullet (i.e., the projectile), the case (which holds everything together), the propellant (which provides the majority of the energy to launch the projectile) and the primer (which ignites the propellant). This use of the term bullet (when intending to describe a cartridge) often leads to confusion when a cartridge, and all its components, are specifically referred to. The cartridges, in turn, may be held in a magazine or a belt (for rapid-fire weapons).
The bullets used in many cartridges are fired at muzzle velocities faster than the speed of sound—about 343 metres per second (1,130 ft/s) in dry air at 20 °C (68 °F)—and thus can travel a substantial distance to a target before a nearby observer hears the sound of the shot. The sound of gunfire (i.e. the "muzzle report") is often accompanied with a loud bullwhip-like crack as the supersonic bullet pierces through the air creating a sonic boom. Bullet speeds at various stages of flight depend on intrinsic factors such as sectional density, aerodynamic profile and ballistic coefficient, and extrinsic factors such as barometric pressure, humidity, air temperature and wind speed. Subsonic cartridges fire bullets slower than the speed of sound, so there are no sonic booms. This means that a subsonic cartridge, such as .45 ACP, can be substantially quieter than a supersonic cartridge, such as the .223 Remington, even without the use of a suppressor.Bullets shot by firearms can be used for target practice or to injure or kill animals, or people. Death can be by blood loss or damage to vital organs, or even asphyxiation if blood enters the lungs. Bullets are not the only projectiles shot from firearm-like equipment: BBs are shot from BB guns, airsoft pellets are shot by airsoft guns, paintballs are shot by paintball markers, and small rocks can be hurtled from slingshots. There are also flare guns, potato guns (and spud guns), rubber bullets, tasers, bean bag rounds, grenade launchers, flash bangs, tear gas, RPGs, and missile launchers.

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  1. Greg Bernhardt

    Why Won't My Magic Bullet Blender Turn On?

    So I bought the magic bullet blender last xmas and loved it. Used it for several months and then one day it just stopped working. The blender base that you press down on just didn't respond anymore. So I thought it died. I bought a new base on ebay and that didn't work either, so I thought...
  2. J

    Bullet Proof Material: How Does It Work?

    How do they make it? is it just a stronger material? Another one: in movies, the hero neutralize bomb by dropping in water. Is it according to physics principles?
  3. L

    Bullet and pendulum bob initial speed help momentum.

    bullet and pendulum bob...initial speed...help! momentum. Homework Statement An 7.0 g bullet is fired into a 3.5 kg pendulum bob initially at rest and becomes embedded in it. If the pendulum rises a vertical distance of 8.0 cm, calculate the initial speed of the bullet. ________m/s...
  4. J

    Bullet Velocities: Jet Firing 600mph Bullets

    Hello to all. I am merely looking out of interest peeked by a friend who asked me,mistakenly thinking I am smart enough to answer, this particular question. (probably very simple for you guys !) Here goes. If you are flying a jet at say 600 mph and it has a weapon that fires a bullet...
  5. D

    Understanding Bullet, Block, and Kinetic Energy in a Loop-the-Loop System?

    [SOLVED] Bullet, block, kinetic energy 1. A small block of mass 2m initially rests on a track at the bottom of a circular, vertical loop-the-loop, which has a radius r. The surface contact between the block and the loop is frictionless. A bullet of mass m strikes the block horizontally from the...
  6. F

    Calculating Average Force of Bullet Impact on Block

    Homework Statement A bullet, having a mass of 18g and traveling with a velocity of 1200 m/s strikies a wooden block and pentrates 2.5m. What is the average force exerted by the block on the bullet? Homework Equations W= F*total distance W= .5*m*V2^2 - .5*m*V1^2 The Attempt at a...
  7. M

    Momentum of bullet fired into target

    [SOLVED] Momentum of bullet fired into target In a ballistics test, a 23.0 g bullet traveling horizontally at 1100 m/s goes through a 40.0 cm-thick 250 kg stationary target and emerges with a speed of 800 m/s. The target is free to slide on a smooth horizontal surface. What average force does...
  8. C

    Does a Bullet Speed Up After Being Fired?

    Does a bullet speed up after leaving the gun?
  9. V

    Bullet speed and thermal equilibrium

    [SOLVED] bullet speed and thermal equilibrium Homework Statement A 11.7 g lead bullet is tested by firing it into a fixed block of wood with a mass of 1.15 kg. If the block and imbedded bullet together absorb all the heat energy generated and, after thermal equilibrium has been reached, the...
  10. S

    Linear momentum acting on a bullet

    I recently had a test question that gave a force acting on a bullet. The bullets mass is 0.016KG, and the force acting on the bullet is f=7000N-2.2*10^6N/s*t. The bullet is traveling 800 k/h when it leaves the gun It asked to find the total linear impulse on the bullet, and then how much...
  11. I

    Find the speed of the bullet as it emerges from the block

    Homework Statement 1. Homework Statement [/b] A 10.0g bullet is shot through a 1.0 kg wood block suspended on a string 2.0m long. The center of mass of the block rises a distance of 1.0cm. find the speed of the bullet as it emerges from the block if its initial speed is 450m/s.Homework...
  12. I

    Find the speed of the bullet as it emerges from the block

    Homework Statement A 10.0g bullet is shot through a 1.0 kg wood block suspended on a string 2.0m long. The center of mass of the block rises a distance of 1.0cm. find the speed of the bullet as it emerges from the block if its initial speed is 450m/s.Homework Equations I think this has to do...
  13. Z

    Inelastic Collision of a Bullet into a Block

    Homework Statement A rifle bullet with mass 8.00g strikes and embeds itself in a block with mass 0.992 kg that rests on a frictionless, horizontal surface and is attached to a coil spring. The impact compresses the spring 15.0 cm. Calibration of the spring shows that a force of 0.750 N is...
  14. B

    Finding the Velocity of a Bullet Inside the Barrel

    Ok, I'm not the best physics student and I may have bitten off a bit more than I can chew with this project I am trying to find the velocity of a bullet while it is inside the barrel of a gun at three different points. The mass of the bullet is 13g, and the Force acting on the bullet is...
  15. E

    What Happens When You Fire & Drop a Bullet from a 2 Story Building?

    If you are standing atop a 2 story building and fire a bullet vertically towards the ground and drop one from the same height will they arrive at the same time? I am not a physics person but my girlfriend is in it now and tells me that they would arrive at the same time. I don't see this to be...
  16. B

    Horizontal Speed of bullet fragment

    [SOLVED] Horizontal Speed of bullet fragment Homework Statement A 14-kg shell is fired from a gun with a muzzle velocity 125 m/s at 33o above the horizontal. At the top of the trajectory, the shell explodes into two fragments of equal mass. One fragment, whose speed immediately after the...
  17. M

    Calculating the Vertical Displacement of a Block After a Bullet Collision

    Homework Statement A gun is fired vertically into a 1.80 kg block of wood at rest directly above it. If the bullet has a mass of 21.0 g and a speed of 190 m/s, how high will the block rise into the air after the bullet becomes embedded in it? _____m Homework Equations Vf^2-Vi^2=2ax...
  18. T

    Speed of a bullet after passing through a block of mass

    Homework Statement A bullet with a mass of 3.55 g is fired horizontally at two blocks resting on a smooth and frictionless table top as shown in the Figure. The bullet passes through the first 1.00 kg block, and embeds itself in a second 1.95 kg block. Speeds v1 = 1.80 m/s and v2 = 3.00 m/s...
  19. J

    Can a bullet knock someone back as hard as a semi truck?

    A friends father told him that a hydroshock bullet (a type of hollowpoint bullet that spreads out on impact and ussually doesn't exit the target) shot into a mans palm from ten feet away would impart a force on the rest of his body equal to being hit by a semi truck. I know this is ridiculous...
  20. K

    How Far Does a Bullet Travel When a Gun Recoils 2mm?

    Homework Statement A 500g pistol lies at rest on an essentially frictionless table. It accidentally discharges and shoots a 10g bullet parallel to the table. How far has the bullet moved by the time the gun has recoiled 2.00mm? Homework Equations 0=m1v1+m2v2 m1v1= (m1+m2)Vf The...
  21. S

    How Is Bullet Speed Calculated Using Angular Displacement in Circular Motion?

    Homework Statement Derive a formula for the bullet speed v in terms of D, T, and a measured angle between the position of the hole in the first disk and that of the hole in the second. If required, use \pi, not its numeric equivalent. Both of the holes lie at the same radial distance from...
  22. C

    What happens when you fire a gun in a zero gravity environment?

    This is my first physics question (and hopefully not my last) I've been wondering about what happens when you fire a gun in a situation with no gravity (or atleast no gravity of the Earth's) but when there is air and frictional forces present. People have tried to convince me that the bullet...
  23. A

    Projectile Motion of rifle bullet

    Homework Statement A rifle is aimed horizontally at a target 44m away. The bullet hits the target 3.0 cm below the aim point. a.) What was the bullet's flight time? b.) What was the bullet's speed as it left the barrel? Homework Equations Xf = Xi +Vixt + 1/2(a)(t^2) Vfx = Vix + at...
  24. B

    Equal Forces - Bullet and train (opposite directions)

    Hi I've been having an argument with a few friends about a theory of mine (based on what i can remember from my physics lessons and common sense (i think lol). My theory is this. There is a train traveling at 100mph in one direction There is a man with a gun standing at the back of the...
  25. J

    Bullet striking block, maximum height obtained?

    Homework Statement A 10-g bullet moving 1000 m/s strikes and passes through a 2.0-kg block initially at rest, as shown. The bullet emerges from the block with a speed of 400 m/s. To what maximum height will the block rise above its initial position? Homework Equations K = (mv^2)/2 W...
  26. H

    Will I Die if I Shoot a Bullet to the Sky?

    if i shoot a bullet to the sky and then the bullet falls to the ground at the same point that I am standing...will i die? the bullet's start velocity should be same as final velocity...from the equation E=1/2mv^2 shows that the energy when i start shooting = energy when the bullet falls to the...
  27. J

    The Curious Phenomenon of the Moving Bullet

    Hi. If you were on a train going 700mph and you shot a gun out the back that fired at 700mph. Would the bullet drop straight to the ground relative to the earth?
  28. S

    Bullet stopped by sandbag: heat and temperature changes

    Homework Statement 1. A bullet traveling at a speed of 360 m s-1 is stopped by a sandbag. Assuming half of the energy of the bullet becomes heat energy that is absorbed by the bullet, calculate the increase in temperature of the bullet. (Specific heat capacity of bullet = 160 J kg-1 C-1)...
  29. N

    What Determines Bullet Lethality?

    Perhaps this question involves too many factors to consider and lends itself to being overly speculative but... What would seem to be the most important ballistic property of a bullet in determining lethality? (coming from another forum trying to get an answer from a more qualified group -...
  30. B

    Bullet & Pendulum Homework: Determine Horiz. Displacement

    Homework Statement An 16.2 g rifle bullet traveling 240 m/s buries itself in a 3.54 kg pendulum hanging on a 2.90 m long string, which makes the pendulum swing upward in an arc. Determine the horizontal component of the pendulum's displacement. Homework Equations I used the Y center...
  31. E

    Calculating force on a bullet, given mass + velocity + barrel length

    Homework Statement An 8.9 g bullet leaves a rifle's muzzle at 456.6 m/s. The barrel is 0.5 m long. What is the force exerted on the bullet as it travels the length of the barrel? Answer in N. Homework Equations F = ma V = d/t (so T = d/v) a = v/t The Attempt at a Solution I tried to do...
  32. B

    Investigating the Mass of Ice Melted by a 2.65g Aluminum Bullet

    A 2.65g aluminum bullet at 31.4°C is fired at a speed of 209 m/s into a large block of ice at 0°C, in which it embeds itself. What quantity of ice melts? Q=(9.00E2)(.00265)(31.4)=74.889J 74.889J=m(33.5E4)=2.23E-4kg so i get a final answer of 2.23E-4kg but its wrong. i think I am either...
  33. Ivan Seeking

    Scientists cast doubt on Kennedy bullet analysis

    http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18709539/ The never ending saga...
  34. R

    Understanding Resistive Forces for Decelerating a Bullet

    I am a little confused over a problem I found whilst reading through an example A-level Mechanics exam paper. The problem is on the Mechanics M2 paper, question 2. This question asks for the magnitude of a resistive force that slowed a bullet, of mass 6 grams, from 400m/s to 250m/s. If...
  35. A

    Bullet hits door, find angular velocity

    Unfortunately I was absent when a similar example was done in class... Homework Statement A 10 g bullet traveling at 400 m/s strikes a 10 kg, 1.0-m-wide door at the edge opposite the hinge. The bullet embeds itself in the door, causing the door to swing open. What is the angular velocity of...
  36. P

    Conservation of energy of bullet into sandbag

    Homework Statement Hi I am taking a self study physics course and not sure about the following question. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks 1. A 15.0 g bullet is fired at 840 m/s into a ballistic pendulum consisting of a 24.0 kg bag of sand. If the bag rises to a height of...
  37. T

    Bullet fired at a Block at rest.

    Bullet is fired at a block resting on a table. The velocity of the bullet is 390 m/s and has a mass of .007kg. The mass of the block is .850kg. The bullets penetrates the block and exits it with a velocity of 130 m/s causing the block to slide a distance of .410 m. What is the coefficient...
  38. G

    Solving the Bullet & Spring Momentum Problem

    Homework Statement A bullet of mass 4 g moving with an initial speed of 300 m/s is fired into and passes through ta block of mass 5kg. The block, initially at rest on a frictionless horizontal surface, is connected to a spring of force constant 600 N/m. If the block moves a distance of 1.6...
  39. C

    Conservation of Energy bullet of mass

    Homework Statement A bullet of mass m is fired with a velocity of 50m/s at an angle x. At the top of its trajectory it hits a bob of mass 3m hanging by a string 3.3 m long and gets imbedded in it. The string rotates by an angle of 120 degrees. Find x and the coordinates of the bob wrt the...
  40. D

    Bad @ math needs help w/ bullet deflection

    Hello, thanks for even stopping in here... My Q: (and beggin' for help ;/ ) Is there a basic mathematical "sentence", where you can "plug in" variables, ie- Vel / angle / projectile weight/ target impacted (makeup) ,etc? I, and this will probably make you laugh, am TERRIBLE @ math. I...
  41. K

    Calculating Bullet Accuracy: A Game %Guide

    Hi. I was wondering if it's possible to calculate bullet accuracy in terms of percentage in a series of ranges, given bullet's max effective range, a series of ranges, bullet mass and velocity with gravity (assuming no wind resistance, or any frictional resistance). I'm looking for a...
  42. E

    What was the force exerted on the bullet bringing it to rest?

    Homework Statement a 3 gram bullet traveling at 350m/s squared hits a tree and slows down uniformly to a stop while penetrating a distance of 12 cm into the tree's trunk. What was the force exerted on the bullet bringing it to rest? Homework Equations The Attempt at a SolutionI...
  43. J

    Is Mythbusters' conclusion about bullet velocity accurate?

    Hey guys, I just discovered this forum and have a question for yall. I am by no means an expert in physics. I've taken general physics I and II, but my physics knowledge stops there. Hate to do this, but I've got to ask a question pertaining to a Mythbusters episode that I just saw. They...
  44. P

    Calculating Linear Momentum of a System with a Bullet and a Rod Collision

    Homework Statement a rod with mass 'M' and length 'L' is pivoted about a frictionless axle through it's end .a bullet with mass 'm' and speed 'v' is shot and sticks to the rod a distance 'a' from the axle. I need to find the LINEAR momentum of the system just after the hit. Homework...
  45. G

    How Does a Bullet's Mass Change After Penetrating a Wall?

    A bullet with an initial velocity of v0, temperature t0(melting temperature), goes through a wall, and its velocity reduces to v. You know Lb(latent specific heat). You are asked to derive the ratio between the final mass of the bulet and the initial one.Oh, and you know that the energy lost by...
  46. D

    Bullet through block and spring

    Homework Statement A bullet of mass 9 g moving with initial speed 300 m/s passes through a block of mass 4 kg, initially at rest on a frictionless, horizontal surface. The block is connected to a spring of force constant 904 N/m. If the block moves 2 cm to the right after the bullet passed...
  47. himanshu121

    Probability of Bullet Firing in First Shot

    u hv a gun wid 6 bullets.NOw... 1) u take out 3 bullets in sequence one by one and revolve it. 2) u take out 3 bullets randomly with no sequence and revolve it. After revolvin it.. u fire! in which case u have higher probability of bullet being fired in the first shot!
  48. K

    Calculating Velocity of a Bullet Using Conservation of Energy and Momentum

    Homework Statement A 7.45g bullet has vi = 353 m/s. It strikes the 0.725 block of a ballistic pendulum and passes completely through the block. If the block rises through a distance h = 12.1 cm, what was the velocity of the bullet as it emerged from the block? Homework Equations...
  49. E

    Ideal Spring and bullet Problem

    I worked this problem out, but my numbers make me think that my solution is wrong. Can you check this for me? A 5.00 g bullet moving with an initial speed of v0 = 420 m/s is fired into and passes through a 1.00 kg block. The block, initially at rest on a frictionless horizontal surface, is...
  50. C

    What is the speed of a bullet fired into a block on a spring?

    Homework Statement A 1.01x10^-2 kg bullet is fired horizontally into a 2.49kg wooden block attached to one end of a massless, horizontal spring (k=831 N/m). The other end of the spring is fixed in place, and the spring is unstrained initially. The block rests on a horizontal, frictionless...