Cannon Definition and 194 Threads

A cannon is a large-caliber gun classified as a type of artillery, and usually launches a projectile using explosive chemical propellant. Gunpowder ("black powder") was the primary propellant before the invention of smokeless powder during the late 19th century. Cannons vary in gauge, effective range, mobility, rate of fire, angle of fire and firepower; different forms of cannon combine and balance these attributes in varying degrees, depending on their intended use on the battlefield.
The word cannon is derived from several languages, in which the original definition can usually be translated as tube, cane, or reed. In the modern era, the term cannon has fallen into decline, replaced by guns or artillery, if not a more specific term such as howitzer or mortar, except for high-caliber automatic weapons firing bigger rounds than machine guns, called autocannons.
The earliest known depiction of cannons appeared in Song dynasty China as early as the 12th century; however, solid archaeological and documentary evidence of cannons do not appear until the 13th century. In 1288 Yuan dynasty troops are recorded to have used hand cannon in combat, and the earliest extant cannon bearing a date of production comes from the same period. By the early 14th century, depictions of cannon had appeared in the Middle East and Europe, and recorded usage of cannon began appearing almost immediately after. By the end of the 14th century, cannons were widespread throughout Eurasia. Cannons were used primarily as anti-infantry weapons until around 1374, when large cannons were recorded to have breached walls for the first time in Europe. Cannons featured prominently as siege weapons, and ever larger pieces appeared. In 1464 a 16,000 kg (35,000 lbs) cannon known as the Great Turkish Bombard was created in the Ottoman Empire. Cannons as field artillery became more important after 1453, with the introduction of limber, which greatly improved cannon maneuverability and mobility. European cannons reached their longer, lighter, more accurate, and more efficient "classic form" around 1480. This classic European cannon design stayed relatively consistent in form with minor changes until the 1750s.

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  1. V

    Supersonic ping pong ball cannon

    Video: Description: So I though I would do a back-of-envelope check if that was even possible. I decided to model that as adiabatic expansion from the pressure plenum into the barrel, ignoring any effect the nozzle could make. So...
  2. F

    Scaling up a test cannon to a life sized cannon

    Homework Statement Your task is to determine: a.the length and bore of cannon that is required to accommodate an 80 kg Clown with an over-arm measurement of 48 inches b.the amount of fuel that is required to launch the Clown at the same angle as you did with your model...
  3. T

    Cannon ejecting bullets moving on surface with friction

    Homework Statement A cannon of total mass m_{0} is at rest on a rough horizontal road.It ejects bullets at rate of λ kg/s at an angle θ with the horizontal and at velocity u (constant) relative to the cannon .The coefficient of friction between the cannon and the ground is μ .Find the...
  4. C

    Extra Credit- Taco Cannon Projectile (how do I find the function of the curve?)

    Homework Statement In Austin, Texas there is a Taco Cannon (modified T-shirt cannon) that will be spreading the joy of taco'ey goodness to festival goers. The only information I have is that it can fire 200 feet (60.96 meters). My physics professor allows us extra credit for applying...
  5. C

    At what velocity does the cannonball leaves the cannon?

    Yeah I cannot figure this out... Homework Statement .A cannon fires a cannonball 500.0m downrange when set at a 45.0o angle. At what velocity does the cannonball leaves the cannon? Given Angle : 45 Distance: 500m Vi : ? Homework Equations dy = viy(t)+ 4.9(t)^2 The Attempt at a Solution...
  6. S

    Finding the Initial Velocity and Angle of a Cannon Ball Launched from a Cliff

    Homework Statement Classic cannon ball launched with an initial horizontal velocity from an elevated position. Initial hvelocity: v Final velocity (when hits the ground): 4v High of the cliff: 16m Find the initial velocity and the angle at which the ball strikes the ground. Homework Equations...
  7. T

    Projectile Motion Cannon Ball Question

    Homework Statement A cannon shot a ball at 90° and reached 2.19m high. From this I need to find Vi of that and find time, Vx, Vy, Dx, and Dy of a projectile being shot from this cannon at 35.00°. I would just like to confirm I have done this correctly. Dy=2.19m θ=90.00° Homework Equations...
  8. D

    Newton's Cannon: Finding the displacement, velocity, acceleration

    I'm working on a Java project to simulate Newton's Cannon (example: How do I find the x and y components of displacement, velocity and acceleration of the projectile after a time Δt? I know that I need to use Newton's law of gravitation, however I...
  9. S

    Pneumatic Golf Ball Cannon Distance HELP

    Alright, So for my Grade 11 class our project was to design and build something that shows scientific characteristics. I decided to make a golfball cannon It uses a regulator with a schraeder valve to fill with air. In one shot we used 80 Psi to shoot a golfball with a diameter of 1.68...
  10. J

    How Far Will a Human Cannonball Travel When Their Acceleration is 0?

    Homework Statement A man acts as as a human cannonball. When the cannon is fired, he has a velocity of 18ft/s. How far will the man have traveled when his acceleration is 0? When will this occur? Neglect friction. Also given is: Man is 120 lb-m Homework Equations kinematics...
  11. R

    Newton’s cannon ball and the moon

    This applet was used for the hw: Explain or critique the following statement: “Just like Newton’s cannon ball, the moon orbits the Earth because it falls around the earth.” I agree with the statement. Is there...
  12. R

    Calculating Time for Cannon Ball to Orbit Earth at 4000mi Radius

    How long would it take a cannon ball to orbit the Earth given that the radius of the earth is 4000 miles and the height of the (quite fictitious) mountain is 800 miles? Me = mass of earth Mc = mass of cannon ball R = Earth's radius v = 2piR/T 4000 mi = 6437200 meters a = acceleration...
  13. J

    Calculating Range of a Cannon at an Angle

    Homework Statement A cannon fires projectiles on a flat range at fixed speed but with variable angle. The maximum range of the cannon is L. What is the range of the cannon when it fires at an angle \frac{\pi}{6} above the horizontal? Ignore air resistance. Homework Equations Four...
  14. M

    Finding Horizontal Displacement for Spring Cannon Launch

    A spring cannon is located at the edge of a table that is 1.2 m above the floor. A steel ball is launched from the cannon with speed Vo at 35.0 degrees above the horizontal. (a) Find the horizontal displacement component of the ball tothe point where it lands on the floor as a function of Vo...
  15. H

    Cannon Velocity after firing Cannonball

    Homework Statement A stationary 2000 Kg cannon fires a 25 kg cannonball horizontally at 250 m/s. Find the velocity of the cannon after firing the cannonball . You may assume friction is negligible. Homework Equations M1V1+M2V2=(M1+M2)V' The Attempt at a Solution (25)(250)+...
  16. M

    Brave Fish launching himself in a cannon

    Homework Statement The brave fish launches himself from a 6 cm cannon straight up in the air. When he leaves the cannon he is traveling at 6.5 m/s. assume constant acc while in the cannon. How long was the fish in the cannon? Homework Equations v^2=Vo^2+2ax X= Xo + Vot + 1/2at^2...
  17. M

    Is My Air Cannon Safe After Winter?

    I left my Air cannon outside during the winter. I was wondering if it is still safe to use or if the cold might have left it unsafe. The air tank is made of 2 PVC caps attatched to a PVC T pipe, in between there is ABC pipe spacers... The center of the T pipe is connected to a valve, which...
  18. B

    How Do You Calculate Accurate Muzzle Velocity in an Air Cannon Project?

    ok I am doing a project where i shoot a baseball from an air cannon. i am trying to solve for the muzzle velocity of what i should get at certain pressures. also i used the cross sectional area of the baseball, is that what i should use? when i solved for the force i used the force acting on the...
  19. B

    Pumpkin in Cannon Acceleration Problem

    Homework Statement Someone wants to build a Jack-o-lantern launching cannon. He wants to launch a 5kg pumpkin a distance of 50m, but he also knows that an acceleration of more than 5 g's will crush the pumpkin in the cannon. What length does the barrel of the cannon need to be, and how much...
  20. D

    Cannon in a railway carriage; recoil

    Homework Statement A cannon is bolted to the floor of a railway carriage, which is free to move without friction along a straight track. The combined mass of the cannon and carriage is M=1200 kg. The cannon fires a cannonball, of mass m=1.2 kg, horizontally with velocity v=115 m/s. The...
  21. N

    Trajectory Problem: Shooting a cannon

    Homework Statement A pirate ship is on a waterfall above a fort. The height of the waterfall is 200m above the fort. The pirate captain fires a cannon with an initial velocity 40m/s at angle of 40 degrees. If the cannonball makes a direct hit on the fort, how far away(horizontally) was the...
  22. D

    Firing Cannon to Start Avalanche: Angle Calculation

    Homework Statement A cannon has a muzzle speed of 1000 m/s, and it is used to start an avalanche on a mountain 1000 m from the cannon horizontally and 500 m above the cannon. What angle above the horizontal should the cannon be fired? v_0 = 1000 m/s y_t = 500 m x_t = 1000 mHomework Equations...
  23. O

    Conservation of momentum of cannon balls

    EDIT: MASS OF CANOE IS ACTUALLY 50G I typed it wrong the 1st time :/ Homework Statement 50kg girl sits in a 50kg canoe at rest on the water. She holds two 10 kg cannon balls. she throws them over the stern of her canoe one at a time, each ball leaving her hands at a velocity of 5.0m/s...
  24. M

    Small Cannon Displacement Problem

    I had a small cannon on a desk where the projectile was shot out at 1.08 meters above the floor. The projectile's time taken to hit the floor was 0.452 seconds. The cannon is set to 0 degrees above horizontal. The horizontal distance traveled is 2.3 meters. Acceleration is gravity or -9.81...
  25. P

    Calculating Cannon Ball Barrel Length: Impulse and Velocity

    Homework Statement The impulse on a human cannon ball is 2.5  103 N·s. The cannon ball has a mass of 65 kg. Homework Equations How long is the barrel of the cannon if the cannon ball leaves the cannon at 120 km/h? The Attempt at a Solution I used the formula J=ma(delta t)...
  26. C

    Maximizing Distance Traveled with 1200 Joules of Fuel in a Potato Cannon

    Homework Statement We are given an amount perfume, that has an energy level amounting to 1200 joules. Using this as the fuel, i need to build a potato cannon. How can i build the cannon to maximize the distance the potato travels when shot with this amount of fuel? Homework Equations...
  27. Eagle9

    Firing the payload to space with cannon

    Good day :smile: As you know there are a lot of projects for launching the payload into space by means of huge cannons, for example the" project. Imagine that such cannon is ready to be used and can launch the payload with initial speed let’s say 8 km/sec...
  28. X

    Tennis Ball Cannon Pressure & Exit Velocity

    I'm designing a tennis ball launcher using compressed air that will hopefully be able to hit a target at some distance away. We won't know the exact distance until the day of the competition, but I was curious if there was some relatively simple equation relating the pressure of the compressed...
  29. J

    Calculating Force of a Small Potato Cannon

    Hello, I built a small potato cannon out of PVC pipe/steel. It's 15.5 cm long, and about 7.6 cm wide on the inside. It's made of 2 parts the barrel and combustion chamber (or as i refer to, "the death chamber"). the "death chamber" is cylinder about 7.6 cm long and 7.6 cm thick. and the...
  30. M

    Spring cannon question involving conservation of energy.

    Homework Statement Two children are playing a game in which they try to hit a small box on the floor with a marble fired from a spring-loaded cannon mounted on a table. The target box is 2.2m horizontally away from the edge of the table. The spring is compressed 1.1cm, but the ball falls...
  31. P

    Velocity leaving a cannon, hitting landing cushion, and acceleration experienced

    Homework Statement An 80 kg stuntman is shot from a cannon at a circus. The cannon is 3m in length and angled at 35 degrees above the level floor. The landing cusion is 30m away from the cannon. What velocity will the stuntman have 1)when he leaves the cannon and 2)when he first hits the...
  32. A

    Conservation of Momentum: Solving a Cannon Firing Problem

    Homework Statement You load a 100kg cannon with a 10kg cannonball. Initially the cannon is at rest. You fire the cannonball at a velocity of 150m/s. Homework Equations Momentum = mass • velocity The Attempt at a Solution I'm having trouble coming up with the scenario for the...
  33. J

    Fun with baseball and cannon sim. ?

    fun with baseball and cannon sim. please help? hey all, I was just curious about a few questions. ok assuming a baseball weighs 5 ounces (and has a mass of .142kg) how many Newtons of force would it take to shoot the baseball 500meters at a 45degree angle assuming the target was level with...
  34. H

    How Can You Build an Effective Air Cannon to Extinguish Candles from a Distance?

    Physics air cannon project task: Extinguish candles on tables using a vortex ring launcher/ air cannon rules: No dimension over .305 m cannon is placed 1-6 m from target *no foreign objects may be used to help it fire 6 candle targets at increments of 1 meter distancing away...
  35. G

    Air Cannon Projectile Velocity Calculations help please

    Hi everyone, I am new here at Physics Forums and this is my first post. Earlier this evening, my dad and I were trying to figure out the initial velocity of our projectiles. We were successful in calculating the initial velocity in a vacuum, but we are perplexed as to how to calculate the...
  36. O

    Build a Vortex Air Ring Shooter with 32 Gallon Bin

    Physics: Vortex air ring shooter? Using air only & a PUSH or a PULL with a 32 GALLON bin how do i make a vortex ring that travels Furthest? - Whats better than a regular plastic trash Bag? - Use a bungee cord? - How big does the hole in the 32 Gallon Bin have to be in order to shoot...
  37. B

    Cannon recoil WITHOUT projectile?

    Hi, I am trying to figure out why I think that if a cannon fires a heavy projectile, the cannon's recoil is greater than for a cannon that doesn't fire any projectile at all. Is this correct? Will the cannon firing a heavy projectile have a greater recoil than the empty, firing cannon...
  38. K

    Path of a projectile from a cannon

    Homework Statement Part 1 We fired a cannon 0 degrees to the horizontal line and had to calculate Vo. We then measured Delta x and Delta Y. Part 2 We were then given a degree in which to fire the cannon at, which was 12 degrees. We then had to calculate the projectile's path through...
  39. G

    Help with air pressure/volume in an air cannon

    Hey I am new here and I've got a small physics problem for you guys (and any gals out there). I am making an air cannon for use in scenario paintball. The way its set up now is with a small expansion chamber that holds very high pressure air. I am wondering if i can use a much larger...
  40. M

    What is the acceleration and g-force of a space cannon on the moon?

    Homework Statement What are the acceleration of the cannon and the g-forces experienced if there was a guy on it... Cannon is 215m long Velocity is 1.66x10^4 ms^-2Homework Equations V2=u2 + 2ay The Attempt at a Solution (1.66x104)^2=0 + 2xax215 a = (1.66x104)[SUP]^2/2x215Ok... So i think...
  41. I

    Cannon at rest shot on frozen pond. what is cannon balls v after cannon recoil?

    A 253.5 kg cannon rests on a frozen pond. The cannon is loaded with a 6.8 kg cannon ball and is fired horizontally. If the cannon recoils to the right with a velocity of 6.9 m/sec , then what is the velocity (in m/s) of the cannonball just after it leaves the cannon? Also would like a hint...
  42. Z

    Projectile motion cannon shell problem

    Homework Statement A coastal defence cannon fires a shell horizontally from the top of a 50.0m high cliff directed out to sea with a velocity of 60.0m/s. Determine the range of the shell's trajectory.Homework Equations delta x = ut (horizontally) delta y = ut + 1/2 at^2 The Attempt at a...
  43. S

    Cannon Ball Chain Shot Impulse Problem

    Homework Statement Image you have one of the old fashion chain shots from the 1800’s where they had two cannon balls connected by a chain. Now let’s say you wish to try to fire the chain shot from two cannons. The synchronized cannon firing nearly works, but one cannon ball receives a...
  44. I

    Avg force on projectile shot from cannon?

    A cannon has a barrel 6.8 m long and fires a 1.2 kg projectile with a muzzle velocity of 88.3 m/s. What is the average force (in N) on the projectile?
  45. A

    Build a Vacuum Cannon | Hacked Gadgets I was wondering how this can possibly work. There's even instructions on how to make it but theoretically, i don't know how a vacuum can do this
  46. R

    Projectile motion of a cannon ball

    a ball is fired from a cannon at an angle of 40 degrees to the horizontal and it travels 300m before hitting the side of a cliff which is 10 meters higher than the cannons position. Determine the initial velocity. The ball has a negative velocity when it hits the cliff. My attempt: Where v =...
  47. K

    Generalized version of cannon ball problem

    For All p in Natural Number, Is \exists n , n > 1, \sum^{n}_{k=1} k^p = C^2 where C is arbitary natural number (not constant) ??
  48. B

    Cannon Ball r(t) - Find Max Ø for Increasing r2

    Homework Statement Question: A cannon shoots a ball at angle Ø above the horizontal ground. Neglecting air resistance, and letting r(t) denote the ball's distance from the cannon, What is the largest possible value of Ø if r(t) is to increase throughout the ball's flight? [hint: Write down r2...
  49. P

    Recoiling Cannon Projectile Velocity

    Homework Statement A circus cannon, which has a mass M = 4000 kg, is tilted at q = 45°. When it shoots a projectile at v0 = 40 m/s with respect to the cannon, the cannon recoils along a horizontal track at vcannon = 1.5 m/s with respect to the ground. a) At what angle to the horizontal...
  50. P

    Air Cannon Physics: Pot. Energy & Barrel Depth

    Homework Statement Hey guys, I'm currently working on an air cannon for my physics assignment. We are attempting to determine the effects of chamber pressure, barrel length and the depth of the projectile into the barrel on the muzzle velocity of the fired object. Now I'm not asking for a...