Career advice Definition and 211 Threads

Career counseling is a type of advice-giving and support provided by career counselors to their clients, to help the clients manage their journey through life, learning and work changes (career). This includes career exploration, making career choices, managing career changes, lifelong career development and dealing with other career-related issues. There is no agreed definition of career counseling worldwide, mainly due to conceptual, cultural and linguistic differences. However, the terminology of 'career counseling' typically denotes a professional intervention which is conducted either one-on-one or in a small group. Career counseling is related to other types of counseling (e.g. marriage or clinical counseling). What unites all types of professional counseling is the role of practitioners, who combine giving advice on their topic of expertise with counseling techniques that support clients in making complex decisions and facing difficult situations.

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    Discover the Truth About Career Happiness: Insights from Mike Rowe | Forbes This might be something to keep in mind. With the economy tanking hard and competition stiff already, not all of us are going to get into to grad school and even fewer will become...
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    Should I Pursue a PhD in Physics or Settle for a Master's in Mathematics?

    To make things short, I would like to teach college level physics as my future career choice. I am currently a junior at my local university starting their upper-level physics courses, spring semester 2009, therefore, I am still unaware as to what I am getting into. However, I did make A's on...
  3. A

    May please have some career advice

    Hello, I am new to Physics forum, and i have found that this site offers great advice to those who need it, I am sixteen and have just started A level physics, I am really enjoying it, and i wish to possibly take this to Uni as a undergraduate for further study at Bacholer, masters and maybe...
  4. X

    Is a Career in Theoretical Physics Possible After a Computer Science Degree?

    Help: Career Advice needed! Hi guys I am from India I did my 3year - Bachelors in Computer Science (ended April 2007) from University of Pune I have been working since... But my desire remains to study theoretical physics and do a PhD in it... Right now I am planning to change my...
  5. D

    Engineering Career advice sought: Aerospace engineering or physics.

    Hello. Maybe this sort of question has been answered before so excuse my laziness. At the moment I'm doing my 2nd year in aerospace engineering and my grades won't go much higher than 14. Still, I'd like to get your opinion about my odds if I follow a theoretical physics career or if that's...
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    Advice on Choosing a Career After Engineering Graduation

    I have graduated with an electrical engineering degree last May, and have been on the job hunt since then. Right now I have three job offers, all of which expire on Monday, and I do not know which one is the best job for my career. One of the jobs is as a software engineer, and although it...
  7. J

    Career advice for an entry level chemist

    I am not really hardworking or talented enough for PhD level chemistry (bad as that may sound but unless you are in the top 2% of the public in both talent and work ethic you'll have a hard time), and I know that finding a job in industry is much harder with a PhD than a MS or BS. I don't need...
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    Physics Medical Physics Career Advice for MS

    Sorry if this post appears twice; I couldn't figure out if it actually posted the first time. I'd really like some career advice about medical physics. I've just finished an M.S. (with thesis) in accelerator physics, my research was about radiation and superconducting magnets. I'm very...
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    Career Advice for Physics Undergraduates

    I am currently on towards my undergraduate degree in Physics, with a minor in Computer Science. Besides physics and math, I enjoy working with computers, programming, and using CAS's such as Maple and Matlab. I am planning to work towards a master's degree in applied science but a PhD in...
  10. S

    Seeking Career Advice After Difficult Journey

    Ok, here's my situation. Most of the people on here seem like they are pretty straight shooters, but perhaps there is someone out there can give me some advice. I finished my bachelors in CS in 2001, but after graduation was unable to find employment despite having internships. So I took up a...
  11. D

    Navy Recruit Seeking Career Advice

    I'm currently enlisted in the military and I have signed up for the Navy's nuclear school. I've heard that it has challenging coursework and the demands are high, which is why I was initially attracted to obtaining that job rating. Sometime down the road, I'm going to have to make a choice about...