Cart Definition and 320 Threads

A cart or dray (Aus. & NZ) is a vehicle designed for transport, using two wheels and normally pulled by one or a pair of draught animals. A handcart is pulled or pushed by one or more people.
It is different from the flatbed trolley also known as a dray, (for freight) or wagon, which is a heavy transport vehicle with four wheels and typically two or more humans.
Over time, the term "cart" has come to mean nearly any small conveyance, including shopping carts, golf carts, gokarts, and UTVs, without regard to number of wheels, load carried, or means of propulsion.
The draught animals used for carts may be horses, donkeys or mules, oxen, and even smaller animals such as goats or large dogs.

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  1. S

    Acceleration due to gravity - cart pushed up an inclined air track (discussion)

    Say I launch an object (a cart) up a frictionless inclined plane at an angle of 'theta' to the horizontal. Question: What would be the acceleration of the cart right after it is launched? My guess at the answer: 9.81*cos(theta) since the cart is launched at an angle. BUT I'm not sure...
  2. R

    Acceleration of a cart being pulled by falling weights

    Homework Statement For my physics practical I have to conduct an experiment where I have to investigate the acceleration of a small cart, its a block of wood with wheels on it. The set up is I have a one metre distance marked on a desk from the edge of the desk. at the edge of the desk...
  3. J

    Finding coefficient of fuzzy block and dynamics cart.

    Homework Statement Calculate the coefficient of friction between a fuzzy block and dynamics cart? This is a Lab task so I have all the materials but I don't know where to start. Homework Equations u=ff/fn uk=fk/fn us=fs/fn The Attempt at a Solution I tried using the formulas...
  4. M

    What is the acceleration needed to prevent block A from sliding down the cart?

    Homework Statement A block is placed against the vertical front of a cart as shown in the figure. (see attachment) What acceleration must the cart have in order that block A does not fall? The coefficient of static friction between the block and the cart is u_s. Homework Equations f_s=u_sn...
  5. K

    What Is the Final Velocity of a Flatcar When Hoboes Jump Off?

    Homework Statement Five hoboes, each with mass m, stand on a railway flatcar of mass M. They jump off one end of the flatcar with velocity u relative to the car. The car rolls in the opposite direction without friction. (a) What is the final velocity of the flatcar if all the men jump at...
  6. L

    Pushing a cart, using Newton's Third Law

    I am trying to fully understand Newton's Third Law. I am getting there, but there are a few examples that sort of have me scratching my head for a bit. Me and a cart are stationary, then I decide to push the cart. I exert a force on the cart and simultaneously, the cart exerts an equal and...
  7. T

    Self Propelled Golf Pull Cart

    Self Propelled Golf "Pull" Cart Hello everyone. I am quite the novice when it comes to stuff like this but I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me with a project I would like to undertake. My idea is to build a golf “pull” cart with some sort of DC motor that might run off a battery...
  8. A

    Will the cart reach the end of the ramp?

    Homework Statement A student flings a 23g ball of putty at a 225g cart sitting on a slanted air track that is 1.5m long .The track is slanted at an angle of 25° with the horizontal. If the putty is traveling at 4.2m/s when it hits the cart, will the cart reach the end of the track before it...
  9. I

    Force required to move a 6 wheel cart

    I am currently working on an idea of mine and have an issue. I have a car with 6 wheels on it with an estimated weight of 400 Lbs. It will be using 8" pneumatic tires and would like to calculate the how much toque in need in the motor to drive it. I plan on it going no faster than about 1 Foot...
  10. D

    Block Sliding on Moving Cart: Determining Time and Distance with Friction Forces

    Homework Statement A block is sitting on top of a cart (block A). The cart is being pulled at 200N to the right. If a force F = 200N is applied to the 30 kg, cart, show that the 20kg block A will slide on the cart. Also determione the time for the block A to move on the cart 1.5m. The...
  11. 1

    Finding Force to Accelerate a Wheel Cart for Bending Moment Calculation

    I am having trouble trying to find the force required to accelerate a wheeled cart. so that i can calculate the bending moment in a stopping bracket, the bit I am stuck on is The Acceleration of the cart, the situation is; An 80,000Kg Wheeled cart runs on rails from rest and hits a stop...
  12. A

    Calculating Time for Guys to Go from A to C in Cart

    Homework Statement Two guys are sitting in a cart. At point C, they jump off to avoid the cliff below. How long in time(total) will it take the guys to go from Point A to C? How long will it take them to roll from A to B, and from B to C? Homework Equations t = square root[2*(l)/(g)(sinө)]...
  13. G

    Calculating Change in Kinetic Energy of Cart

    Homework Statement Figure 7-40 shows a cord attached to a cart that can slide along a frictionless horizontal rail aligned along an x axis. The left end of the cord is pulled over a pulley, of negligible mass and friction and at cord height h = 1.4 m, so the cart slides from x1 = 4.0 m to x2...
  14. P

    Elastic Cart Collision of a stationary and a moving cart

    I'm having some trouble with some homework and I'm hoping someone can help me. PROBLEM: #6. Cart1, with mass m, is initially at rest and is struck by cart2, which has a mass of 336 kg and initial speed of 1.81 m/s. The collision is elastic and after the collision cart2 continues to move in its...
  15. B

    Can a light beam stay trapped in a moving cart with ideal mirrors indefinitely?

    Consider a light clock, i.e. two ideal mirrors, mounted in parallel with a vacuum in between, such that, in principle, a beam of light or just a single photon will keep bouncing between the two forever. Now consider the light clock on a cart. If the cart, from the beginning, has constant...
  16. S

    Cons. of momentum: person moves at angle atop free-to-move cart

    Homework Statement A 63kg student stands on 34kg cart that is free to move in any direction. The cart and student are moving together with a velocity of 3.2 m/s [W]. The student then starts to walk so that her velocity is 1.8 m/s [25 degrees W of N] relative to the floor. Calculate the new...
  17. S

    How to Design a Delayed Spring Mechanism for a Physics Project?

    Homework Statement So pretty much, the goal of the project is to create a car which has a launcher on it (elastic powered). The car starts at one zone, rolls 4m forward (for maximum marks, it has to hit 4m on the mark), then fires at the perpendicular angle from its initial direction at a...
  18. S

    Mechanics (rolling motion of ball on cart)

    Homework Statement A homogeneous disk A of a radius R is resting on a cart B (on wheels, assume no work against friction) when a force F is applied to the cart. Assuming the slip does not slip, determine: (a) minimum coefficient of static friction required to prevent slipping (b)...
  19. A

    Calculating Friction and Acceleration for a Grocery Cart on an Inclined Plane

    Homework Statement a grocery cart is being oused with a force of 450 N at an angel of 30degree to the horizontal. if the mass of the cart and groceries is 42kg. a) calculate the force of friction if the coeffcient of friction is 0.60. b) determine the acclecration of the cart...
  20. N

    Relationship between mass of cart, mass on a pulley and resulting acceleration

    1. So the problem is rather simple. And the descriptive solution is a piece of cake. But I need help finding the mathematical relationship that exists between the mass of the pulley, mass of the cart, and the acceleration. In other words our lab consisted of a cart which had a mass of 500 grams...
  21. T

    Incline question with a moving cart and a pebble is launched ?

    Incline question with a moving cart and a pebble is launched...? Homework Statement A cart is rolling down an incline with angle thetha and the cart's speed is Vo when a pebble in the cart is launched. When the ball returns to the same initial distance above incline, will it fall into the...
  22. R

    Relative motion with cart and ball

    Homework Statement A cart moves with velocity vC = 10 m/s in the horizontal direction as shown below. [PLAIN] A ball is ejected from the cart with an initial velocity vB...
  23. X

    Block and cart friction problem

    Block and cart friction problem - SOLVED Homework Statement You and your best pal make a friendly bet that you can place a 2.0-kg box against the side of a cart, and that the box will not fall to the ground, even though you guarantee to use no hooks, ropes, fasteners, magnets, glues, or...
  24. B

    What Is the Minimal Force Needed to Keep a Block Suspended by a Cart?

    Homework Statement A cart of mass mA = 5.7 kg is pushed forward by a horizontal force F. A block of mass mB = 0.76 kg is in turn pushed forward by the cart as show on the picture: (The picture shows 9.8m/s^2 pointing down, Force coming from left to right point at the cart which weighs...
  25. T

    Acceleration and velocity of cart travelling down an inclined plane.

    I'm having problems of calculating the acceleration and velocity of a cart traveling down an inclined plane. I also need help calculating Sin theta. I've used 2 formulas to try calculating the acceleration and i get different answers. the first formula is a=2s/t2(squared), the 2nd formula was...
  26. T

    Help me build the fastest downhill cart

    No rules besides u cannot use a shopping cart,bicyle to build off of and u cannot use a motor or pedals with chain. I am going to use bicycle wheels. 2 rear and one front. where should i go from here? Anything goes really. ill post some pics from the past cpl years of what people did...
  27. T

    How Far Will a Cart Travel Up a Ramp at Different Angles?

    Homework Statement A cart is pushed up a ramp with an initial speed v0=2.5m/s. For this problem, you may assume that the cart is frictionless and the acceleration of the cart a=gsin\theta. A) If the angle of the ramp is \theta=20, what is the maximum distance d that the cart will travel up...
  28. B

    How to Build a Cart Using Household Materials for a Physics Project

    Homework Statement I must build a cart that is no more than 30cm long, 20 cm wide, and 20 cm tall. The maximum weight of the cart is 5 Newtons or a mass of 500 grams. I have to use materials found around the house. The wheels must be made of something that has never been used as a wheel...
  29. S

    How Long Does It Take for the Cart to Complete One Rotation?

    Homework Statement An energetic father places his 20 kg child on a 5.0 kg cart to which a 2.0 m long rope is attached. He then holds the end of the rope and spins the cart and child around in a circle, keeping the rope parallel to the ground. If the tension in the rope is 100 N, how much...
  30. C

    Calculating Work on an Inclined Plane

    Homework Statement How do you find the effort force of pulling a cart up a ramp with no friction and you know that the weight of the cart is 7.6734 N? Homework Equations W=F\DeltaXcos\theta Efficiency=(work output / work input) x 100 The Attempt at a Solution My main goal is to...
  31. G

    What is the change in kinetic energy of the cart during the move

    Homework Statement A cord is attached to a cart that can slide along a frictionless horizontal rail aligned along an x-axis. The left end of the cord is pulled over a pulley, located at height h = 1.2m. There is negligible frictional force. The cart slides from x1=3.00m to x2=1.00m. During the...
  32. L

    How Does a Student Walking on a Cart Affect Its Velocity?

    Homework Statement A 63-kg student stands on a 34-kg cart that is free to move in any direction. The cart and student are moving together with a velocity of 3.2 m/s (W). The student then starts to walk so that her velocity is 1.8 m/s (25 degrees W of N) relative to the floor. Calculate the...
  33. T

    Hamiltons Principle on Moving Cart with Fixed Beam

    Homework Statement -Use Hamiltons Principle Homework Equations \int _{t _{1}}^{t _{2}}({\rm }\delta T -\delta U -\delta V _{E }) dt} The Attempt at a Solution Here are my energy equations. So we have kinetic energy from the base and the beam. T_{{{\it beam}+{\it base}}}=1/2\,\int...
  34. M

    Graph of a cart in motion using ticker tape

    Homework Statement Ok this is more of a problem I am having within a lab exercise. The scenario is this, I have a cart attached to a string that is attached to a mass of 100g hanging off the ground with a pulley.. So the cart is on a table, the string goes upwards, hooks around a pulley and...
  35. R

    Will the Cart Roll Down the Hill Despite Friction?

    Homework Statement An 0.80-kg cart rolls down a 30.0° hill from a vertical height of 0.50 m. The distance that the cart must roll to the bottom of the hill is 0.50 m/sin 30.0°=1.0 m. The surface of the hill exerts a frictional force of 5.0 N on the cart. Does the cart roll to the bottom of the...
  36. A

    How Does h2 Compare to h1 for a Leaking Sand Cart?

    Homework Statement A cart containing sand starts at rest and then rolls, without energy loss to friction, down into a valley and then up on a hill on the other side. The initial height is h1 and the final height is h2. If the cart leaks sand along the way, how does h2 compare to h1...
  37. H

    Solving the Cart Wheel Problem: Find Min. Tyre Diameter & Temp.

    Homework Statement This is from Strength of Materials. A cart wheel of diameter 1.2m is to be provided with a thin steel tyre. Assuming the wheel to be rigid and if the stress in steel is not to exceed 140 MPa, find the minimum diameter of the tyre and the minimum temperature to which it...
  38. C

    How Much Force Is Needed to Tip a Loaded Cart?

    Attached is a sketch of a sheet rock cart. The cart weighs 79 pounds and I have indicated the location of the centroid. The load on the cart consists of several sheets of material that weigh 1200 pounds. I am trying to determine the pulling force required (F) to tip the cart over (assuming...
  39. M

    What is the distance between the motion sensor and the cart

    Homework Statement a.) The ultrasonic motion sensor sends pulses of the ultrasound toward a cart on the low-friction track and determines the distance by the time an echo takes to return. The temperature in the lab is equal to 20 °C. What is the distance between the motion sensor and the cart...
  40. W

    Solving the Cart Friction Problem: Calculating Work Done by Force of Friction

    a horizontal force of 200 Newtons is applied to a 55 kg cart across a 10 meter surface. If the cart accelerates at 2 meters/second squared, then what is the work done by the force of friction as it acts to retard the motion of the cart ?? Work= FX work= maX 55 kg x 2 x 10 = 1100 - 200 N...
  41. F

    Cart in equilibrium on an incline.

    Right I'm not stuck on the whole question it's just one bit i need advice on rather than answers.I have a cart with 2 wheels on a 30degree slope and it is in equilibrium, i know how to work out the forces directly down onto the slope mg*cos30 and the force pulling it down the slope mg*sin30. as...
  42. M

    "Collision Homework: Find Mass of Cart & Impact Force

    Homework Statement A cart is driving on straight tracks with a velocity of 2 m/s. In the opposite direction, with an angle of 60º according to the tracks, a child with a mass of 2 kg is running with a velocity of 2m/s, he jumps on the cart and stays there. - Find the mass of the cart, if its...
  43. M

    Child jumps on a cart, cart slows down, find mass of the cart and thrust force

    Homework Statement A cart is driving on straight tracks with a velocity of 2 m/s. In the opposite direction, with an angle of 60º according to the tracks, a child with a mass of 2 kg is running with a velocity of 2m/s, he jumps on the cart and stays there. - Find the mass of the cart, if its...
  44. E

    Comparing Momentum of Two Carts with Different Masses

    Hello there, I am having difficulty with this question: A 0.2 kg plastic cart (Cart a) and a 20 kg (Cart b) lead cart can both roll without friction on a horizontal surface. Equal forces are used to push the two carts forward for a distance of 1 m, starting from rest. Which cart has the...
  45. H

    Ticker-Tape Cart, moving down ramp Experient, determine acceleration w/o graphs

    I have just done this experiment where i have a cart roll down a ramp and a ticker tape timer does its ticks on a tape atached to the cart. already i can make a postion (or displacement from a dot of reference)- time table. for 1.0 second going down the ramp i all ready have finished the...
  46. D

    Father and Child Cart Spin: Calculating Rope Tension

    An energetic father stands at the summit of a conical hill as he spins his 24 kg child around on a 5.7 kg cart with a 2.0-m-long rope. The sides of the hill are inclined at 24 degrees . He keeps the rope parallel to the ground, and friction is negligible What rope tension will allow the cart to...
  47. B

    Running a 1/4 - 1/2 hp electric off 12 volt car/golf cart battery

    Hi, Newby here trying to design a small piece of lawn equipment in my shop. I want to design my own leaf blower using a small electric motor to turn the shaft of a squirrel cage blower. A friend of mine built himself this same system except he used an old lawnmower motor. It works great but...
  48. B

    Momentum Head on Collision Cart Problem

    Homework Statement Two remote control cars with masses of 1.11 kilograms and 1.81 kilograms travel toward each other at speeds of 8.75 meters per second and 3.39 meters per second, respectively. The cars collide head-on, and the less massive car recoils with a speed of 2.99 meters per second...
  49. A

    A cart and pulley problem with a twist

    A friend and I were imagining a physics problem for fun: A 3kg rectangular cart has a pulley system on its front edge. 1kg weight suspended is down the front, and it's attached by a rope through a mass-less pulley to a 1kg mini-cart on top of the cart. There is no friction between the ground...
  50. F

    Change in Kinetic Energy of a Cart + Pulley System

    Homework Statement Figure 7-42 shows a cord attached to a cart that can slide along a frictionless horizontal rail aligned along an x axis. The left end of the cord is pulled over a pulley, of negligible mass and...