Cdf Definition and 113 Threads

In statistics, cumulative distribution function (CDF)-based nonparametric confidence intervals are a general class of confidence intervals around statistical functionals of a distribution. To calculate these confidence intervals, all that is required is an
independently and identically distributed (iid) sample from the distribution and known bounds on the support of the distribution. The latter requirement simply means that all the nonzero probability mass of the distribution must be contained in some known interval


{\displaystyle [a,b]}

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  1. J

    Deriving cdf of ricean distribution + help

    Im aware that the generalised form of the Marcum Q function, which is Q_{M}(\alpha,\beta)=1/(\alpha)^{M-1}\int_{\beta}x^{M}.exp(-x^{2} +\alpha^{2})/2.I_{M-1}(\alphax)dx and the pdf of the amplitude in rice distribution is f_{r}(r)=r/\sigma^{2}exp( (-r^{2}-A^{2})/2\sigma^{2}...
  2. D

    Finding Expectation from the inverse CDF.

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The most relevant identity to the part that I'm confused about is the following identity: for any cumulative distribution function F, with the inverse function F-1, if U has uniform (0,1) distribution...
  3. S

    What is the Meaning of Inverse CDF?

    Homework Statement Hi, There is one theorm in my Applied Probability course that I am having trouble understanding. It has to do with how to derive various types of random variables from the transformation X= g(U) It says, Let U be a uniform (0,1) random variable and let F(x) denote a...
  4. arivero

    ArXiv:0810.5357 CDF looks into itself for new physics

    This is pretty new. Perhaps detector effect, perhaps not.
  5. P

    Having problems with PMF, CDF and PMF.

    I'm having a course in Probability in undergrad EE and I'm having too much difficuly understanding the concepts. Would anyone explain to me, in SIMPLEST and DETAILED words the difference between these three i.e Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF), Probability Mass Function (PMF) and...
  6. pluviosilla

    Calculating a CDF Identity: Derivation and Explanation

    I ran across this identity in some actuarial literature: Pr( (x_1 \le X \le x_2) \ \cap \ (y_1 \le Y \le y_2) ) = F(x_2, y_2) - F(x_1, y_2) - F(x_2, y_1) + F(x_1, y_1) First of all, I am not certain this is correct. I think the expression on the LHS is equal to the following double...
  7. M

    Estimating & Plotting PDF & CDF of Random Variable X in MATLAB

    halw could anyone help me in writing this project in MATLAB ?? A random variable X is observed at certain experiment. 100,000 samples of this random variable are stored in a vector called samples. 1. Use MATLAB to read the samples of this random variable. To read these samples you...
  8. H

    Question on the maximum probability of CDF?

    Hi guys, i would like if people can tell what is the maximum probability value that a cumulative density function (cdf) can have? i have been confused by the definition... however i have come to think that the maximum will be 1.. because all events can only be between 0 to 1 (100%) chance...
  9. T

    CDF ZZ Event Display: Lepton 1 Ambiguity

    I was looking at this event display from CDF on their discovery of ZZ production. Why is lepton 1 having an ambiguity of either an electron or muon ?
  10. S

    Find cdf, pdf and expextation value of a random variable

    Homework Statement Let X represent the random choice of a real number on the interval [-1,1] which has a uniform distribution such that the probability density function isf_{X}(x)=\frac{1}{2} when -1\leqx\leq1. Let Y=X^{2} a. Find the cumulative distribution F_{Y}(y) b. the density function...
  11. E

    How can I calculate the PMF from a given CDF?

    How do I find PMF if I have CDF? For example: F_X (x)=\left\{\begin{array}{cc}0,&\mbox{ if }x\leq -1 \\0.2, & \mbox{ if } -1\leq x < 0 \\0.7, & \mbox{ if } 0\leq x < 1 \\1, & \mbox{ if } x \geq 1 \end{array}\right.
  12. Z

    Is the Proof of Joint CDF at NTNU Correct? Or am I missing somthing obvious?
  13. S

    How Do You Convert a PDF to a CDF Using Integration?

    I"m not understanding CDF... My textbook doesn't seem to give enough information on it. I"m not understanding what do to when involved with CDFs in general. So if I want to convert a pdf to cdf, given a function fy(Y) = 0 for y <0 2y for 0 <= y <= 1/2 6 - 6y for 1/2 < y <= 1 0 for...