Centripetal acceleration Definition and 411 Threads

In mechanics, acceleration is the rate of change of the velocity of an object with respect to time.
Accelerations are vector quantities (in that they have magnitude and direction). The orientation of an object's acceleration is given by the orientation of the net force acting on that object. The magnitude of an object's acceleration, as described by Newton's Second Law, is the combined effect of two causes:

the net balance of all external forces acting onto that object — magnitude is directly proportional to this net resulting force;
that object's mass, depending on the materials out of which it is made — magnitude is inversely proportional to the object's mass.The SI unit for acceleration is metre per second squared (m⋅s−2,




{\displaystyle {\tfrac {\operatorname {m} }{\operatorname {s} ^{2}}}}
For example, when a vehicle starts from a standstill (zero velocity, in an inertial frame of reference) and travels in a straight line at increasing speeds, it is accelerating in the direction of travel. If the vehicle turns, an acceleration occurs toward the new direction and changes its motion vector. The acceleration of the vehicle in its current direction of motion is called a linear (or tangential during circular motions) acceleration, the reaction to which the passengers on board experience as a force pushing them back into their seats. When changing direction, the effecting acceleration is called radial (or orthogonal during circular motions) acceleration, the reaction to which the passengers experience as a centrifugal force. If the speed of the vehicle decreases, this is an acceleration in the opposite direction and mathematically a negative, sometimes called deceleration, and passengers experience the reaction to deceleration as an inertial force pushing them forward. Such negative accelerations are often achieved by retrorocket burning in spacecraft. Both acceleration and deceleration are treated the same, they are both changes in velocity. Each of these accelerations (tangential, radial, deceleration) is felt by passengers until their relative (differential) velocity are neutralized in reference to the vehicle.

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  1. K

    Does changing radius or speed affect centripetal acceleration?

    Does changing the radius or changing the speed affect centripetal accelereation more? Why?
  2. B

    Archived Centripetal Acceleration and string tension Question

    Homework Statement A 6.0kg object is attached to two 5.0m-long strings and swung around in a circle at 12 m/s. Determine the tension in the two strings, and explain why the tensions are not the same. Given: m=6.0kg v=12m/s length of string= 5.0m Homework Equations ƩF=m.a ac=v^2/R...
  3. G

    Centripetal acceleration question: car moving around banked curve

    If the wheels and tires of a car are rolling without slipping or sliding when turning, the bottom of the tire is rest against the road at each instant, so the force of friction is the static friction. Essentially if you are moving around a banked curve and the car is not skidding, then friction...
  4. P

    Normal Force during centripetal acceleration

    General Question Here: Let's say you are swinging a ball around on a string. Will there be a normal force?
  5. B

    Finding centripetal acceleration of a CD

    1. A CD with a diameter of 12.0 cm starts from rest and with a constant angular acceleration of 1.0 rad/sec2 acquires an angular velocity of 5.0 rad/sec. The CD continues rotating at 5.0 rad/sec for 15.0 seconds and then slows to a stop in 12.0 second with a constant angular deceleration. What...
  6. W

    Finding Centripetal Acceleration?

    Homework Statement In the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, the electron revolves around the nucleus and has a mass of 9.1 x 10^-31 kg. If the radius of the orbit of the electron is 5.3 x 10^-11 m and the electron makes 6.6 x 10^15 r/s, find The centripetal acceleration Homework...
  7. D

    Centripetal acceleration: angle at which one will leave a dome

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  8. J

    Centripetal Acceleration must equal Gravity in a Space Station

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  9. S

    Centripetal acceleration and outward motion?

    I'm in my first year of physics and I'm having trouble understanding some aspects of centripetal force. When someone is spinning rapidly on, say, an amusement park ride, they tend to be pushed outward the faster they go. Is this the tangential velocity? Or does it involve a different aspect of...
  10. G

    Calculating Centripetal Acceleration of a 7200 RPM Hard Drive

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  11. V

    Uniform circular motion (centripetal acceleration & force)

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  12. D

    Circular Motion - Speed, Accel & Friction

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  13. R

    Simple Pendulum Centripetal Acceleration

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  14. M

    Centripetal acceleration changing radians/s into rpm's

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  15. R

    Find the Centripetal Acceleration at 2.5m from a Rotating Platform

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  16. A

    Grade 12 Centripetal Acceleration Question- Universal Law of Gravitation

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  17. D

    Calculating g with centripetal acceleration

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  18. P

    Ratio Problem Dealing with Radius and Centripetal Acceleration

    Homework Statement Two identical satellites orbit the Earth in stable orbits. One satellite orbits with a speed v at a distance r from the center of the earth. The second satellite travels at a speed that is less than v . At what distance from the center of the Earth does the second...
  19. P

    Centripetal Acceleration with Tarzan

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  20. J

    How Do I Calculate the G Forces of a Car on an Elliptical Path?

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  21. G

    Centripetal Acceleration with distance

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  22. D

    Proving Centripetal Acceleration - Lab

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  23. B

    Maximum Centripetal Acceleration

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  24. D

    Calculating Centripetal Acceleration in a Speed Skater's Turn

    Homework Statement A short track speed skaer is making a turn at one end an ice rink, increasing his speed frm uniformly 10 m/s t 20 m/s in two seconds. The radius of the turn is 5 meters. While he is in the middle of the turn, and mving at 15 m/s, what is a. tangential acceleration b...
  25. A

    Acceleration due to centripetal acceleration

    if there was acceleration toward the centre, then why doesn't the distance from the centre to the object reduce? what provides the equal and opposite counter force to centripetal force? (it's a pretty silly question, but i get confused)
  26. C

    Centripetal acceleration/ motion question

    I am trying to calculate the speed of an object at the point that it flys off the half circle ramp, and I was wondering if it would be correct to use the formula v2=v20+2aΔx to calculate the final velocity of the object as it exits the half circle thing.
  27. H

    Centripetal acceleration at two different points on the earth

    Homework Statement This is a question from my OCR A levels book. City X is on the equator of the Earth whlie another city (City Y) is located latitude 52° N. What is the centripetal acceleration on a piece of rock located in each city. Homework Equations data given : angular velocity...
  28. M

    Centripetal acceleration of an orbit to the earth help

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  29. S

    Compare centripetal acceleration of Mars and Earth

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  30. L

    What is the centripetal acceleration?

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  31. S

    What is the centripetal acceleration of the Ferris wheel?

    A 39.0 kg child takes a ride on a Ferris wheel that rotates four times each minute and has a diameter of 17.0 m. (a) What is the centripetal acceleration of the child? (b) What force (magnitude and direction) does the seat exert on the child at the lowest point of the ride? (c) What...
  32. W

    Electron centripetal acceleration

    hi experts electrons certainly have centripetal acceleration - and we learned that accelerated particles do emit EM waves - than does electron radiate while revolving around nucleus?
  33. P

    Need Quick Help - Centripetal Acceleration and Tension

    Homework Statement Find the centripetal force of an object that is being swung in a horizontal circle on a string above your head given the constant velocity of the object, the period, and the circumference of the circle. Hanging from the bottom of the string is another mass (50g).Homework...
  34. L

    FBD of centripetal acceleration

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  35. S

    How to find magnitude of centripetal acceleration and of net force?

    Homework Statement A ferris wheel at a carnival has a radius of 12 m and turns so that the speed of the riders is 8m/s a) what is the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the riders? b) what is the magnitude of the net force required to produce this centripetal acceleration for a...
  36. L

    Centripetal Acceleration with infinite Radius?

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  37. J

    Turning car Centripetal Acceleration behavior?

    Hi all! A professional race-car driver is asked to make 2 different "quarter-circle" turns on a racing track. He completes them at the highest possible constant linear speed (he is well familiar with the car and the road so it's an easy task for him). Turn 1: Radius is R1=20m. Linear...
  38. B

    Simple banked curve, centripetal acceleration problem

    If a car can negotiate a curve of radius 200 m at 30 m=s without any frictional force being required, what is the banking angle r = 200 m v = 30 m/s tanΘ = v2/r Θ = tan-1(v2/r] Θ = tan-1(302/200] Θ =77.47 degrees I thought this problem was a simple one, but the answer that is...
  39. K

    Bead on a vertical ring centripetal acceleration

    Homework Statement There is a vertical ring with a bead strung on it. The vertical ring spins at 4 revolutions per second, and the the bead moves up the ring at what angle from the bottom of the ring will the bead be at equilibrium? Is it possible for the bead to make it all the way up to the...
  40. H

    Roller Coaster and Centripetal Acceleration

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  41. M

    Centripetal Acceleration of a satellite above a planet of the Earth's radius.

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  42. R

    Centripetal Acceleration on a car

    Hey guys, Ok so for my final year project I've researched about traction and slip, etc, and I came across the traction circle, where each tyre has a specified 'budget' of friction that should never be exceeded during cornering. Now the longitudinal acceleration exerted will be different for...
  43. Alpharup

    Can centripetal acceleration be called centripetal? jerk?

    Well I am now confused about centripetal acceleration. I have heard sometime ago that the change of acceleration is jerk. Let a body in centripetal acceleration change its velocity from 'v' to 'v1' in time 't'. The formula for centripetal acceleration is v^2/r. Let this acceleration be 'a'. Can...
  44. I

    Why does the gravitional force causes only centripetal acceleration?

    why does the gravitational force causes only centripetal acceleration? Hello, here I was studying the chapter on gravitation on our introductory mechanics course.I know I should ask that this question to my course teacher but he scares me a lot.Moreover, I sometimes don't even understand what...
  45. Femme_physics

    Is radial acceleration and centripetal acceleration the same thing?

    In uniform circular motion, Is radial acceleration and centripetal acceleration the same thing? Just a vector pointing towards the center? i.e. a synonym?
  46. A

    Centripetal acceleration fan problem

    Homework Statement A ceiling fan is turning at a rate of 100 revolutions per minute. A spiders is clinging to a blade of the fan. If the spider experiences a centripetal acceleration greater than 0.3g, it will lose its grip on the blad and be flung off. How far from the centre of the fan can...
  47. E

    Centripetal Acceleration increases with greater radius?

    Does centripetal acceleration increase with a greater radius? According to a = v^2/R, it does not. According to a = (omega)^2R, it does. So which is it? I think that as you go further out to a greater radius, speed also increases, and so a = v^2/R would also make sense in terms of a greater...
  48. H

    Angular motions and Dynamics - centripetal acceleration

    Hi all , I'm new here, studying computer aided product design and in my second year. We do a lot of physics and maths. I am stuck on a current question, probably not too hard but I am struggling to know what to do and the lecturers notes are not very helpful. Homework Statement Calculate...
  49. V

    Does Centripetal Acceleration Result in a Higher Velocity for a Released Mass?

    I wondered what would happen to a steel mass that was spun around an axis in a circular motion and then suddenly released. What would happen to the velocity of the mass? Would it be the same as the tangent velocity? What about the direction of the mass as it heads off in in a new direction...
  50. 2

    Find centripetal acceleration with two masses and radius.

    Homework Statement We are given the mass of the sun, ms = 1.99 x 10^30 and the mass of the venus, mv = 4.83 x 10^24. The distance from each other radius is r = 1.08 x 10^8. What is the centripetal acceleration? mv = 4.83 x 10^24 kg ms = 1.99 x 10^30 kg r = 1.08 x 10^8 km G= 6 67x10^-11 N m2...