Hello, just as a thought, we are used to describe spin systems of either fermions or bosons (for example, the Ising or Heisenber models, where spins are considered to be all of the same type, in both cases fermions).
However, I was wondering if it makes some sense to have a system where, for...
1. https://gyazo.com/a298396e34c32669755a5caffe82290e https://gyazo.com/a298396e34c32669755a5caffe82290e A small ball of mass m = 30 g hangs from the ceiling on a l = 50 cm long light rope. From the side a chain is attached, as seen on the picture. Whats the mass of the chain? Heres the part I...
Homework Statement
The statement of the question is:A chain of uniform linear mass density ##\rho##, length ##b## and mass ##M## hands as shown in the figure below. At time t=0, the ends A and B are adjacent, but end B is released. Find the tension in the chain at point A after end B has...
F(r,s,t,v) = r^2 + sv + t^3, where: r = x^2 +y^2+z^2 /// s = xyz /// v = xe^y /// t = yz^2
find Fxx
i have 2 solutions for this and i am not sure what is the right one
the first solution finds Fx then uses formula : Fxx = Fxr.Rx + Fxs.Sx + Fxv.Vx+Fxt.Tx
the 2nd solution find Fx then uses the...
during my reading of ender's game, there was a device that could split molecules and cause a chain reaction of destruction. this seems possible yet impossible to me. can such a weapon be created and if so what causes the reaction to be so destructive.
I would like to ask for your help with understanding a few things connected to the following problem:
1. Homework Statement
There is an (infinitly) long thread, on which small beads can move without friction. The beads with mass m are lined up on the thread with a constant distance d...
Homework Statement
We have a heavy chain with length of L and weight of m placed on a table. we take an end of it and move it with constant velocity of v upwards. so each moment it gets heavier. If the force needed for this uniform speed is called F, and length of chain which is higher than the...
I am reading Joseph J. Rotman's book: Advanced Modern Algebra (AMA) and I am currently focused on Section 7.1 Chain Conditions (for modules) ...
I need some help in order to gain a full understanding of some remarks made in AMA on page 526 on modules in the context of chain conditions and...
I am reading Joseph J. Rotman's book: Advanced Modern Algebra (AMA) and I am currently focused on Section 7.1 Chain Conditions (for modules) ...
I need some help in order to gain a full understanding of some remarks made in AMA on page 526 on modules in the context of chain conditions and...
Homework Statement
Homework Equations
Chain rule, partial derivation
The Attempt at a Solution
dx/dt=-4t -> evaluate at (1,1) =-4
How can I find the missing dv/dx in order to get a value for dv/dt? Thanks!
Say I have a function of three variables, ##F=F(s_{12},s_{23},s_{13}) = F(s,t,-s-t)##, where ##s_{12}=s,s_{23}=t## and ##s_{13}=u = -s-t##. I want to compute the differential operators $$\frac{\partial}{\partial s}, \frac{\partial}{\partial t}\,\,\text{and}\,\,\frac{\partial}{\partial u}.$$...
Homework Statement
Homework Equations
dz/dt = dz/dx⋅dx/dt + dz/dy⋅dy/dt
The Attempt at a Solution
I am getting :
=[-sin(x+7y) ⋅ 10t] + [-sin(x+7y) ⋅ 7 ⋅ (-1/ t2)]
then changing x and y terms:
=[-sin((5t2)+7(1/t)) ⋅ 10t] + [-sin((5t2)+7(1/t)) ⋅ 7 ⋅ (-1/ t2)]
I am reading P.M. Cohn's book: Introduction to Ring Theory (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series) ... ...
I am currently focused on Section 2.2: Chain Conditions ... which deals with Artinian and Noetherian rings and modules ... ...
I need help with understanding a feature of the Theorem...
Homework Statement
For the following Markov chain, find the rate of convergence to the stationary distribution:
\begin{bmatrix} 0.4 & 0.6 \\ 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I found the eigenvalues which were \lambda_1=-.6 or \lambda_2=1 . The...
Consider model of one dimensional spin chain with a random couplings J. The Hamiltonian is the following:
$$ H = \sum_i J_i (S_i^x S_{i+1}^x+ S_i^y S_{i+1}^y)$$,
Which by Jordan-Wigner transformation we can transform it to the fermionic representations.
$$ H = \sum_i J_j/2 (c_i...
Homework Statement
A loop of flexible chain, of total weight W, rests on a smooth, frictionless right circular cone of base radius r and height h. The chain rests in a horizontal circle on the cone, whose axis is vertical. Find the tension in the chain.
Homework Equations
Virtual work, but...
Im stuck on theorem 5 where the book used chain rule then used product rule then again using the chain rule. How in the world does it work? I don't get product rule used and chain rule used after.
Homework Statement
Consider a system made up of joining together ##N## beads and ##N-1## springs. The positions of the beads is indicated by ##N## real numbers ##\left\{x_i\right\}_{i=1,...N}.## The Hamiltonian which characterises it is $$\mathcal H =...
1. The problem statement
Given a stochastic matrix P with states s_1...s_5:
P =
1 & p_2 & 0 & 0 & 0\\
0 & 0 & p_3 & 0 & 0\\
0 & q_2 & 0 & p_4 & 0\\
0 & 0 & q_3 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 0 & q_4 & 1
and the matrix A (which is obviously related to P, but I can't see...
Homework Statement
Chain of mass M hangs between 2 walls with its ends at the same height. The chain makes an angle θ with each wall. Find the tension at the lowest point of the chain.
a) By considering the forces on half of the chain.
b) By using the fact that the height of the chain is...
Hello Forum,
I have a couple of kinematics questions.
The position of a point object is given by the position vector x(t). Speed is v(t)=dx(t)/dt and the acceleration a(t)= dv(t)/dt. What if we wanted to know the velocity and/or the acceleration as a function of position, i.e v(x) or a(x)...
As I know, when a link in a kinematic chain is fixed, the kinematic chain will become a mechanism. And, I only know the definition of the DOF of a mechanism. Is there the definition of the DOF of a kinematic chain ?
Homework Statement
1. (30 points) A very flexible uniform chain of mass M and length L consisting of very small links is suspended from one end so that it hangs vertically, the lower end just touching the surface of a table. The upper end is suddenly released so that the chain falls onto the...
Hey all,
I am reading Goldstein and I am at a point where I can't follow along. He has started with D'Alembert's Principle and he is showing that Lagrange's equation can be derived from it. He states the chain rule for partial differentiation:
\frac{d\textbf{r}_i}{dt}=\sum_k \frac{\partial...
Homework Statement
z = ƒ(x,y), x = rcos(θ), y = rsin(θ)
Use the chain rule to show that:
\frac{1}{r^{2}}\frac{\partial ^{2} z}{\partial \theta ^{2}} = sin^{2}(\theta)\frac{\partial ^{2} z}{\partial x^{2}}-2sin(\theta)cos(\theta)\frac{\partial ^{2} z}{\partial x \partial...
Homework Statement
A flexible chain of length \ell hangs from one end at x=0 but oscillates horizontally. Let the x axis point downwards and the u axis point to the right. Assume that the force of gravity at each point of the chain equals to the weight of the part of the chain below the point...
Homework Statement
Figure shows a massless wheel of radius R on which at a point a mass m is fixed and a uniform chain of mass 2m is tied to it which passes over the rim of the wheel and half of its length is hanging on other side as shown in the figure. When a small clockwise jerk is given to...
Homework Statement
Markov process has probabilities p_{j,j+1} = 1-p_{j,0} = (\frac{j+1}{j+2})^k for j=0,1,2,...
If T_j = min[n>1 : X_n=j]
What is E[T(j)|X_0=j] for j=0,1,2,...?
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
I figured that T(j)|X_0=j is j+1 but don't know how to work out the...
Hello there,
I'm starting S382 astrophysics with the OU. The course book says "The proton-proton chain converts four hydrogen nuclei (protons) into a ^4_2He nucleus, two positrons that quickly collide with electrons and are annihilated, and two neutrinos. Hence, branch I of the p-p chain may be...
Homework Statement
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
I have the solution to this problem and the issue I'm having is that I don't understand this step:
Maybe I'm overlooking something simple but, for the red circled part, it seems to say that ∂/∂x(∂z/∂u) =...
Hi, I'm a beginner in mechanics so I need some help with a project I started. My project consists of a small kart-like car.
The car will be Rear-Wheel-Drive and Rear-Engine too (RR layout). and I am willing to use a small 110cc moped engine.
I have a trike Differential Gear for the rear shaft...
< Mentor Note -- OP has been reminded to use the HH Template and show their work in future posts... >
A man fires a bullet into a swimming pool.
There is a distance of 6m from the gun to the bottom of the pool.
Does the bullet have enough force through the water to break an average bike chain...
Homework Statement
I am trying to solve the model analitically just for 2 sites to have a comparison between computational results.
The problem is my professor keeps saying that the result should be a singlet ground state and a triplet of excited states, but when I compute it explicitally I...
Hi I'm learning about The chainrule, and I understand how to apply the chain rule on various problems, but there is a problems I don't understand how works: 1) The book I'm reading writes acceleration as
And IT argues that v=ds/dt and a=dv/dt (which i understand)
So therefore by...
Homework Statement
A uniform chain of length L = πR and mass M is placed on the upper half of a
uniform thin disc of radius R and mass M. The disc is placed vertically and can rotate freely
about its center that is fixed in space. With a small disturbance the chain starts to fall. Find out
Hello! (Wave)
A family of sets is called chain if any two sets of the family are comparable, i.e. the first set contains the second or the second the first.
How many sets can a chain of subsets of an infinite set contain?
More specifically, is there an infinite set, each chain of which is...
Homework Statement
The polyacetylene chain is a 1D chain of Carbon atoms with single bonds and double bonds in succession. Spacing for single bond is ##a_s = 0.144~nm## and spacing for double bond is ##a_d = 0.136~nm##.
Describe the structure using a "lattice" and a "basis".
Sketch the...
Homework Statement
Ok, don't get angry with me. The original problem is from Solid State Physics but my problem is very well in "Introductory physics". Here is the problem:
The chain consists of molecules, which has three atoms, each with mass ##M##. Spring constant between the atoms inside...
Hi. Here's the dispersion relation for a diatomic linear chain, where the distance is a/2 between each atom.
My issue here is that if you set m_1=m_2=m, i.e. set both atoms equal to each other, it doesn't automatically reduce to the old acoustic dispersion relation as the ± term doesn't...
Hello all,
I have two rollers that will be rotated which will in turn rotate another tube on top of them. The connection will be made with a drive chain between the motor sprocket and the roller sprocket(s). My question is, would it be better to connect the chain to one roller, or to both?
Homework Statement
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
I sort of want to make this into a linear program problem, but I think that it should be solvable without it, since I never learned about it in this particular course.
I will just work with Fuel Process 1 as an example, and I can...
Homework Statement
hi could some body please help me factorise this please ? any chance of a few stages would be much appreciated
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
my attempt , but my solutions say otherwise ?
Homework Statement
Consider the function of two variables:
u(x,y) = f(x-y) + g(x+(1/3)y)
where f(s) and g(t) are each arbitrary functions of a single variable.
Using the change of variables:
s = x-y
t = x-(1/3)y
use the chain rule to determine the first and second derivatives of u with...
I'm in Calc 1 and the Chain Rule is giving me one hell of a rough time. I've spent about 10-12 hours over the last few days just on the homework problems in this one section (only getting about 15-20 problems done) and still feel like I barely understand it. Does anyone have any tips, tricks...
Homework Statement
##J=r^{2}\dot{\phi}## [1]
##\dot{r^{2}}=E^{2}-1-\frac{J^{2}}{r^{2}}+\frac{2MJ^{2}}{r^{3}}+\frac{2M}{r}##. [2]
(the context is geodesic equation GR, but I'm pretty sure this is irrelevant).
where ##u=r^{-1}##
Question: From these two equations to derive...
Homework Statement
Homework Equations
W = F d
F = ma
The Attempt at a Solution
so in order to get the whole chain on the table, we need to pull the chain 0.65 meters onto the table.
since 0.65 meters is hanging off the table, the gravity is acting on it, therefore F=ma where m is half the...
Homework Statement
Given that the surface x^7y^2+y^4z^6+z^8x^8+9xyz=12 has the equation z=f(xy) in a neighbourhod of the point (1,1,1) with f(x,y) differentiable, find the derivatives.
df/dx (1,1) = ?
d^2f/dx^2 (1,1) = ?
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
df/dx (1,1) I got -24/23 or...
When can I do the following where ##h_{i}## is a function of ##(x_{1},...,x_{n})##?
\frac{\partial}{\partial x_{k}}\frac{\partial f(h_{1},...,h_{n})}{\partial h_{m}}\overset{?}{=}\frac{\partial}{\partial h_{m}}\frac{\partial f(h_{1},...,h_{n})}{\partial x_{m}}\overset{\underbrace{chain\...
I have a deadline tomorrow, and I need some urgent help now. I don't have a background in Markov chain, so I would be very very very very thankful if you can help with solutions step-by-step.
Thanks a lot in advance. Below come the questions:
2) Give an example of birthrates λ(i) > 0 such...