Chances Definition and 220 Threads

  1. E

    Help: Chances at MSE/MBA with Math Undergrad

    Hello everyone, I am a recently graduated senior with a cum GPA of 3.4 with degrees in Applied Mathematics (with a concentration in Physics and Biology) and Chemistry. It would have been higher, save the 2 semesters that I was a biochem major and dropped below 3.0. I am interested in doing a...
  2. G

    Chances of Acceptance to MIT: International Applicant

    Hi, MIT admissions decisions are coming up and I'm starting to get nervous so what do you think my chances are (be as cruel as necessary)? I'm an International Applicant and my SAT grades are: Math Level 2 - 800 Physics - 800 Critical Reading - 800 Math - 800 Writing - 600 I skipped a...
  3. P

    Programs Haven't heard anything from my PhD applications: Any chances left?

    Sorry for bringing up a somewhat vacuous question. I've applied for PhD study in particle theory at 9 US graduate schools. 6 of them are among the most prestigious schools, and the remaining 3 schools are Chicago, Rutgers, and Stony Brook. Half of these schools have given out their first wave of...
  4. planethunter

    Can a Second Bachelor's in Physics Boost My PhD Aspirations?

    Ok- I graduated from a CA state school in 2005 with a bs in math and an overall gpa of 2.98. I started off strong (I was the valedictorian of my high school) but then with work and other obligations in the last few years of my degree my grades sucked big time. For some odd reason I was even...
  5. S

    Chances of acceptance (M.Sc, pure math) / personal statement advice

    Hello, I'm finishing up my personal statement for grad school, and wondering how much the things I'm worried about we also be cause for concern for the admission's committees? Briefly, my background is this: I switched to mathematics late, and did very few of the 1st/2nd year courses. My...
  6. G

    Chances of Transferring to Top-Tier Engineering School

    Hi everyone. I've been lurking here for a while, and this forum played a big part in my decision to go back to school to become an engineer, but this is my first post. I am now 28 but first went to school when I was 18. I studied physics at Boston University for two semesters. I had a GPA...
  7. R

    Are your chances of working with Astrophysics/Astronomy diminished if study Physics in general? I'm namely most interested in Astronomy and Astrophysics, but altough at first I was meaning to apply for those specializations I was studying Physics in general (but choosing courses from said fields) would leave more doors open in terms of finding...
  8. I

    Average GCSE's/top A levels? What are my chances at top Uni?

    Hi guys I'm new to the forum, I'm currently studying in the UK. I Wanted to know peoples views on applying for top uni's such as Cambridge, MIT etc. I didn't do to well in GCSEs because I wasn't serious at the time. I got into AS and completely was overwhelmed by the amount of home...
  9. L

    Schools Theoretical Physics Program: GPA Requirements & Chances of Acceptance

    Which do you think would be better for getting into a theoretical physics program: -- a 2.5 cumulative gpa with a 3.5 physics gpa or -- a 3.0 gpa, both cumulative and physics Also, if your gpa is around 3.0 (+- 0.2), what are your chances of actually getting into a phd program?
  10. A

    Gap after MSc in Astronomy, will it hinder my chances of getting a PhD position?

    gap after MSc in Astronomy, will it hinder my chances of getting a PhD position?? hi all, I am an Indian student and I got my BSc in physics (Distinction) in 2006 followed by an MSc from UK in Astronomy (Merit) in 2007 (one year). I did not apply for a phd after my MSc as i thought that...
  11. S

    Schools Summer REU programs - question about chances for people from small schools

    Hey guys. I'm a currently a junior physics major at a state school in the south. It's not known for physics in any way. My question is how difficult is it to get into a Physics/Materials Science REU program? My school does not have many research opportunities in physics, though the department...
  12. DaveC426913

    Flowcharting Boardgames: 49/216 Chances of Landing on Scenario 1

    I'm having a heckuva time flowcharting a boardgame. First hurdle: Here's the first six squares. Roll a 1 6-sided die: Begin [ ] [ ] [Scenario 1] [ ] [ ] [Scenario 2] What are the total chances of landing on Scenario 1? They could roll any of the following: 3 1,2 1,1,1...
  13. A

    Chances of getting pregnant when using 2-3 contraceptives together. Just curious

    Ok, so I started Sprintec birth control pills a week ago, and the chances of getting pregnant while on it alone is 1% per year of use (a little less actually, but for the sake of simplicity, we’ll stick with 1%). I also have condoms, the Today sponge, and can also use the withdrawal method...
  14. F

    Improving chances for Theo. Phys. graduate studies ?

    First of all, I want to apologize in advance for contributing to the pollution of the forums by the "I want to be a Theoretical physicist...but how?" type threads. Honestly, I thoroughly searched for an answer to my question, but was unsuccessful in finding direct answers. With broad...
  15. N

    Schools Graduate school chances with bad GRE

    Im planning on applying to math graduate school and taking the GRE subject test for math this weekend. However I don't think I am going to do well, but the small glimmer of hope that I have is that the schools I am applying to, either don't require it at all or "strongly recommend" it, so I am...
  16. C

    Discussing Probability & Odds: Does Flipping More Cards Increase Chances?

    I am trying to settle a score on probability and odds, and I just wanted to see what everybody thought. This springs from the fact that when you watch "Deal or No Deal" and cases are removed one at a time, Howie frequently announces that there is a 15% chance that the case holds a million...
  17. C

    Schools My Grad School Chances for AMO Physics

    Here is my deal. I went to college once and graduated with a BS in chemistry. I worked for a couple of years and decided to finish a physics BS. I want to go to grad school for physics. I would like to study AMO physics. Bose-Einstein Condensates in particular. However, I am open to many areas...
  18. G

    Chances of Pursuing MSc in Physics: B.E. Mechanical to Astrophysics/QM?

    B.E. to Msc? i am currently doing my B.E. Mechanical Engineering. I am very interested in doing my post graduation MSc in a foreign university in US like MIT, Caltech, Cornell etc (Even others would be wonderful but I can't recollect any as of now:) ). I have very good grades. I have been...
  19. N

    Chances of Going to a US Univ. with Low Undergrad Grades & 1 Recommendation

    Hello friends,I am doing my MSc equivalent coursework in Physics in a reputed research Institute in India.However,I do not want to continue here (Ph.D).The thing is that they would not give me an MS if I wish to leave. I wish to appear for general G.R.E and subject G.R.E next year (2010)...
  20. P

    Medical What are the chances I'll inherit schizophrenia from my father?

    Given that I'm not a psychologist or therapist, I don't know much about the disease or even his diagnosis, but he is paranoid and talks of his phone being tapped, hidden cameras, has grandiose ideas, claims experiencing things that could only be hallucinations, and makes illogical connections...
  21. E

    How can I improve my chances for a medical physics program?

    Hello all! I just got a B.S. in physics from a large public university this past spring, and I am planning on applying to some Ph. D. programs in medical physics for Fall 2010. Unfortunately, my background isn't particularly strong. I have: -3.4 GPA -60th percentile on physics GRE -No...
  22. C

    Schools How can i best salvage my chances of going to grad school for chemistry?

    I've bolded the essentials of this topic. My background as an applicant to grad school is not very strong at all. Here are the main obstacles I'm facing: -No relationships with professors -No research experience -Mediocre grades at the first university I attended I am a transfer...
  23. C

    Programs Cosmology PhD in oxbridge - what are my chances?

    Hello everybody! I'm about to make an important decision concerning my PhD, and I'm totally lost. Here is my situation: I'm about to finish my MSc in physics (cosmology) in my home country (which is neither in the USA nor in Europe). I suppose my university is quite good by international...
  24. P

    How can I improve my chances for a PhD in HEP-th?

    Hello to everyone, I know there is a barrage of these sort of threads at this time of year, so please bear with me. I am from the UK, and planning to do a PhD in HEP-th. This is a long story, so might as well start at the beginning...I got straight A's at A-level (highest in my college for...
  25. K

    Schools Ways to improve my chances to get into grad school?

    Okay, long story short, I am a sophomore looking at eventually getting into a Ph.D. program in Chemical Engineering but my grades aren't up to par. Due to slacking off Freshman year and a heavy work load (due to a double major and work) my gpa is only a 3.25. I'm just afraid because my classes...
  26. D

    Improving My Chances: A Biophysics Graduate School Plan

    My GPA isn't all that great, it's a 2.507. I have another semester left to bring it up some, but it won't be much. But I still will like to take what I have left and bring as much into my favor as possible. My plan is to do good in my GRE and PGRE and apply for graduate school at my current...
  27. T

    Chances of picking a basketball team

    Homework Statement A 3 person basketball team consists of a guard, a forward and a center. If a person is chosen randomly from each of 3 different such teams, what is the probability of selecting a complete team? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Well my reasoning...
  28. E

    Are my chances for getting into Caltech zero?

    Only recently have I taken an interest in science (halfway through 10th grade). I'm a junior now in 1st semester. The aforementioned lack of interest was due to my not being exposed to the interesting things in science, the mind numbing math, the mysterious bonds that occur within substances...
  29. C

    Chances of advanced life existing

    is the chances pretty rare that advanced and intelligient life exists somewhere else in our universe, I mean it seems like we got pretty lucky here on Earth to get these conditions to have such abundant life. I am not doubting that bacteria and other simpler organisms exist elsewhere but it...
  30. A

    Schools How are my chances for graduate school in math?

    I'm a senior planning on going to graduate school for math. I'll take a year off and apply next year. I decided all of this kind of at the last minute, and as a result, my application is looking a little weak: Projected GPA: ~3.7 Projected Math GPA: ~3.62 (not including Calc 1,2,3 and Diff...
  31. B

    Took GRE Chances of MS in Engineering

    Hey Guys, A bit a about me BS in physics from a Top 75 small state school GPA: 3.07 GRE: 640 Quant 490 Verbal Research: 1 optical research with a prof at my college Work experience: IT for a pharma company this past summer IT for the school of engineering...
  32. P

    Schools Chances of getting into grad school

    will i stand any chance of getting into a top 10 grad school if my only research experience consists of 2 REUs (no research done at my big state university) and no publications?
  33. D

    Schools Another What Are My Chances? Grad School Post

    Another "What Are My Chances?" Grad School Post I'm trying to get my applications done early this year, so hopefully I'm in before the deluge of questions like this. This is my second try at applying to grad school. Last time I got fairly far into the application process, but a disappointing...
  34. D

    Admissions Masters before PhD improving chances of admission?

    Hi Everyone, I graduated from MIT in June as a double in physics and ChemE, but with a GPA of 3.1/4. I'm published and I have research experience, but my GPA still doesn't measure up to what I've seen other physics majors compete with. Add to that I'm in the navy and won't be able to start a...
  35. K

    Schools Can Distance Learning Offer a Fresh Start for Struggling Students?

    I've wasted so many years, and so much money, and all I have now is a terrible transcript. I don't think it was because I couldn't do it, though it's mostly my fault, but I'm not going to go into the details. Now I'm stuck. I can't transfer to a good school as they'll look at my transcript...
  36. K

    How Does Community College Enhance Your Understanding of Physics?

    Well I have a question. I just started community college and I'm trying to get my A.A. to get transfer to UCF. I'm 21 yrs old and I just started community college. I love math and I'm curious about the universe and its beauty. I'm new to physics and this forum by the way. Albert Einstein is...
  37. C

    Programs What are my chances at getting accepted to a PhD program in Astrophysics?

    So rather than give my life's story, I'll make it relatively short. I got my BS in Physics last year, and am currently working on my MS in Astronautical Engineering at a top 10 engineering school. I will be done in December, and lately I have been thinking about getting my PhD in Astrophysics. I...
  38. N

    Chances of Technology Supression

    As many of you have seen on the internet, there are a few nut-cases out there who believe in free-energy suppression, MIBs, UFOs, aliens, etc, etc, without proof. But, IF it were possible to make something potentially dangerous to the world with readily available parts/components. Would the...
  39. L

    Timid Smart Person: Chances of idea acceptance?

    I know someone in school who I would consider extremely bright and who would make a good scientist...except for one tiny problem. If a superior says he's wrong (even though he's not), he will accept it and continue on. He really won't try to defend it and will make excuses on why the superior...
  40. A

    What Are My Chances of Getting into MIT or Caltech?

    Hi everyone, I'm a junior in Czech Republic and I'm thinking about applying to one of the US' top universities. I really love physics and even though we have a good university here I think that my chances of pursuing career in theoretical physics will increase if I go to the US. One problem...
  41. V

    Grad-school chances looking slim: how can I improve them?

    I'm a 3rd year Physics undergraduate student at the University of Toronto, and my academic career seems to have hit rock bottom. The grades from my past term were absolutely dismal and I have (consequently?) been rejected by various professors for summer work. Since I am effectively unemployed...
  42. P

    Path Counting - Chances of two people meeting?

    Homework Statement I am having trouble with this problem. A network of city streets forms square bloacks as shown in the diagram below. Jeanine leaves the library and walks toward the pool at the same time as Miguel leaves the pools...
  43. X

    Spot the Odd Ball: Weighing Challenge in 3 Chances

    You have 12 balls, and a weighing machine with no standard weighs. One of those 12 balls is either lighter or heavier than the others. Spot the ball in 3 chances with the weighing machine.
  44. A

    What are my chances at getting this REU?

    I am a sophmore in a physics BS program at University of Minnesota, and I applied for an REU at University of Indiana. What am I looking at for my chances of getting this? It seems like a really good deal as far as doing actual research, shopping around for possible grad schools, etc. Here is...
  45. Ivan Seeking

    News Double your chances of being homeless: Join the military

    Okay, that's probably not fair, but the stats don't bode well for military service. I have long argued that joining the military is no way to improve your life. Sure, it can work out great for some, but not everyone who smokes...
  46. U

    Another one of those what are my chances? threads

    Another one of those "what are my chances?" threads So I finally got my physics GRE subject scores, and I wanted to throw my stats up and my list of schools and see what everyone thinks. I'm hoping to work in condensed matter and/or AMO, in theory and/or computational physics. Large US State...
  47. S

    Chances of Admission to Graduate Programs in Physics/Math: Joe's Story

    Hi All, I know this gets posted allot, I just feel I need some external feedback on my chances. I'm primarily considering programs in Elementary Particles and Mathematical Physics, and am particularly interested in the mathematic underlying physics. I am a mathematics and physics double major...
  48. V

    Schools Chances of getting into graduate school

    Hey guys, What do you think are my chances of getting into graduate school (either in AMO, condensed matter, or optics)? I go to the University of Toronto and am in the Physics Specialist program. I used to be in the Mathematics and Physics Specialist program but switched out after my junior...
  49. I

    What Are My Chances of Getting Into Princeton?

    Hi, I am a final year undergraduate majoring in engineering (Materials Engineering) at a university in Sri Lanka which consists of the students who have obtained the highest marks for their advanced level exam. My GPA during the first year was 3.1 and over the past three years I have...
  50. M

    Chances of Acceptance to Graduate School for Matt

    Hello, I'm freaking out about whether I'm being realistic in my choices of graduate schools. Here are my qualifications: CGPA: 3.82 Major GPA: 3.78 I started at Portland Community College, transferred to UMass Amherst, and then to Portland State University for my last two years...