What is Charges: Definition and 1000 Discussions

Electric charge is the physical property of matter that causes it to experience a force when placed in an electromagnetic field. There are two types of electric charge: positive and negative (commonly carried by protons and electrons respectively). Like charges repel each other and unlike charges attract each other. An object with an absence of net charge is referred to as neutral. Early knowledge of how charged substances interact is now called classical electrodynamics, and is still accurate for problems that do not require consideration of quantum effects.
Electric charge is a conserved property; the net charge of an isolated system, the amount of positive charge minus the amount of negative charge, cannot change. Electric charge is carried by subatomic particles. In ordinary matter, negative charge is carried by electrons, and positive charge is carried by the protons in the nuclei of atoms. If there are more electrons than protons in a piece of matter, it will have a negative charge, if there are fewer it will have a positive charge, and if there are equal numbers it will be neutral. Charge is quantized; it comes in integer multiples of individual small units called the elementary charge, e, about 1.602×10−19 coulombs, which is the smallest charge which can exist freely (particles called quarks have smaller charges, multiples of 1/3e, but they are only found in combination, and always combine to form particles with integer charge). The proton has a charge of +e, and the electron has a charge of −e.
Electric charges produce electric fields. A moving charge also produces a magnetic field. The interaction of electric charges with an electromagnetic field (combination of electric and magnetic fields) is the source of the electromagnetic (or Lorentz) force, which is one of the four fundamental forces in physics. The study of photon-mediated interactions among charged particles is called quantum electrodynamics.The SI derived unit of electric charge is the coulomb (C) named after French physicist Charles-Augustin de Coulomb. In electrical engineering it is also common to use the ampere-hour (Ah). In physics and chemistry it is common to use the elementary charge (e as a unit). Chemistry also uses the Faraday constant as the charge on a mole of electrons. The lowercase symbol q often denotes charge.

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  1. O

    What charges on my hair after comb?

    After I comb my hair, does it supposed that my hair is positively charged and the wood comb is negatively charged? since the electrons went from your hair to the wood comb. Thanks in advance for any suggestions
  2. D

    Electric potential between two point charges

    Homework Statement Two point charges are separated by a distance r. If the separation is reduced by a factor of 3/2, by what factor does the electric potential between them change? A. 3/2 B. 2/3 C. 9/4 D. 4/9 E. Sqrt(3/2) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Honestly I...
  3. A

    Coulomb's Law with 3 Point Charges

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  4. Roodles01

    Forces on symmetrical electrostatic charges

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  5. S

    What is the electric potential midway between the two charges?

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  6. R

    Does Coulomb's Law apply to more than point charges?

    I read an article on Coulomb's law which read, ''Coulomb's law only applies to point charges'' (or something along those lines). Am I wrong, or is there an equivalent that can work for magnets/big electric charges?
  7. O

    Any components to determine the charges?

    I would like to make an electronic electroscopes based on following concept, but its design cannot determine whether the charges are positive or negative. Does anyone have any suggestions what kind of components I can add into this device to determine the charges? Thanks in advance for any...
  8. T

    How do we arrive at Q = -1 from T3 and Y?

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  9. B

    Electric Fields and point charges

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  10. S

    Electric field and potential of 2 point charges

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  11. G

    Force (potential, I think) to Kinetic Energy - Two charges

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  12. C

    How Do You Calculate Equilibrium Position Between Charges Using Coulomb's Law?

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  13. B

    Electric field of two point charges

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  14. M

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  15. J

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  16. tom.stoer

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  17. A

    Electric Potential Energy: Work Required to Move 3 Charges Out to Infinity

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  18. B

    Find all the points along the line passing through both charges

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  19. O

    What kind of charges is within the smoke from cigarette?

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  20. D

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  21. G

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  22. Gliese123

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  23. G

    Electric Force Calculation with Two Point Charges on Axis - Step by Step Guide

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  24. G

    Electric field stregth between charges

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  25. K

    Three negative point charges lie along a line

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  26. J

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  27. phosgene

    Work done moving two charges together

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  28. M

    Where an electric field is equal due to two charges?

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  29. N

    Solving for Electric Force: Two Point Charges

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  30. R

    Two charges are placed at the corners of a square

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  31. G

    Electrostatics problem: solve for where E=0 given a configuration of charges

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  32. D

    Where Am I Going Wrong in Solving Repulsive Charges Problem?

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  33. M

    Finding Charges: Electric Force & Polystyrene Foam

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  34. M

    Using 5 point charges, finding the charge of q1 and q2 using given force

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  35. P

    Electric Force of Two Charges on Third Charge

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  36. K

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  37. T

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  38. S

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  39. K

    Does Relativity Affect Electric Flux Through a Gaussian Surface?

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  40. G

    How Do You Calculate the Net Charge of a Substance?

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  41. G

    Electric Force Between +2.8 µC & -4.8 µC: Calculate Now

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  42. G

    Finding the electric field at 3 points due to 2 identical charges.

    3 points (a,b and c) and two identical positive charges. How do you find MAGNITUDE of the electric field at the 3 points? I just need to rank them, don't need numbers. all points are on the x-axis: A (x=0); charge +Q(x=1); B (x=3); c(x=4); charge+Q(x=5) (Picture attached in the 3rd post)...
  43. C

    Electric Field of Three Point Charges

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  44. O

    Charges, Electric Fields, and Work?

    Homework Statement a +70µC charge is placed 50 cm from a -50µC charge. How much work would be required to move a -.5µC test charge from a point 10 cm from the +70µC charge to a point 20 cm from the -50µC charge? Homework Equations F=k(q_{1}q_{2}/r^{2}) PE=Fd ...that's all I could get...
  45. D

    Static equilibrium for three point charges

    The result I got seemed sort of messy and I'm not sure I've gotten the basic idea correctly, so I thought I'd make it sure. I think this was the easiest problem we had to solve for charge distributions and point charges and whatnot, so I know for sure I'll have to practice more if I made any big...
  46. J

    Coulomb's law point charges distance for 0 net force

    Homework Statement One charge of (+5µC) is placed in the air at exactly x = 0, and a second charge (+7µC) at x = 100cm. where can the third charge be placed so as to experience zero net force due to the other charges? Homework Equations F=KQ1Q2 / D^2 The Attempt at a Solution Q1 =...
  47. P

    Two Charges - Electric Potential Question

    Homework Statement Two charges q = 4.0μ C are fixed in space a distance d = 4.0 cm apart, as shown in the figure. With V = 0 at infinity, what is the electric potential at point C? You bring a third charge q = 4.0μC from infinity to C. How much work must you do? What is the potential...
  48. J

    Generating Noether charges for Dirac Lagrangian

    I have been calculating the currents and associated Noether charges for Lorentz transformations of the Dirac Lagrangian. Up to some spacetime signature dependent overall signs I get for the currents expressions in agreement with Eq. (5.74) in http://staff.science.uva.nl/~jsmit/qft07.pdf . What...
  49. E

    Question about the motion charges moving within an electric field

    I've almost certain that I have read/ seen from MIT's OCW that the motion of a charge within an electric field does not follow the field lines. Today my physics teacher said the opposite, that the path of motion of a charge within a field will follow a field line. Who is right? And why? EDIT...
  50. H

    Magnetic Forces on Conductors and charges- the motor principle

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