Charging Definition and 407 Threads

A charging station, also called electric vehicle charging station, electric recharging point, charging point, charge point, electronic charging station (ECS), and electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), is a machine that supplies electric energy to charge plug-in electric vehicles—including cars, neighborhood electric vehicles, trucks, buses and others.
Some electric vehicles have on-board converters that plug into a standard electrical outlet or a higher voltage outlet. Others use custom charging stations.
Charging stations provide connectors that conform to a variety of standards. For common direct current rapid charging, chargers are equipped with multiple adaptors such as Combined Charging System (CCS), CHAdeMO, and AC fast charging.
Public charging stations are typically found street-side or at retail shopping centers, government facilities and parking areas.

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  1. F

    What Happens to an Insulator When a Charged Metal Ball Approaches?

    [b]1. i have the answer, but just don't understnad it A small metal ball is given a negative charge, then brought near (i.e., within a few millimeters) to end A of the rod. What happens to end A of the rod when the ball approaches it closely this first time? Select the expected behavior...
  2. G

    Mobile charging using batteries

    hi am going to do my mini project this feb...i have chosen this as my topic.. if anybody has information about this topic it may be of greater can also give suggestion about some advanced technology in this particular field...
  3. A

    Resolving the Problem: Charging Spheres A and B

    Homework Statement Initially, sphere A has a charge of –10e and sphere B has a charge of +20e. The spheres are made of conducting material and are identical in size. If the spheres then touch, what is the resulting charge on sphere A? a) +10e, b) -10e, c) -5e, d) +5e The attempt at a...
  4. K

    Charging by induction - Electrons the ONLY mobile charge carriers?

    Hi, This is my virgin post. This forum has been a great source of information for the past one year. I am a high school teacher from Singapore. In the study of electrostatics (more specifically induction), we often encounter the scenario below: Two insulated metal spheres touching...
  5. M

    How Do You Calculate Charge and Current Over Time in a Defibrillator Circuit?

    **EDIT: I solved the second part of the problem, I just need help on the syntax for the 2 equations of q(t) and I(t). Homework Statement Homework Equations First Part: q(t) = Q(1-e-t/RC) I(t) = (emf/R) e-t/RC The Attempt at a Solution...
  6. T

    Charging a car battery with dry cells?

    If eight flashlight batteries in series have an emf of about 12 V, similar to that of a car battery, could they be used to start a car with a dead battery? Why or why not? My friend posed to me this question and then I just sort of stumbled and was dumbfounded. I answered it by saying the...
  7. K

    Charge by Contact: Net Charges on Each Sphere?

    Homework Statement Two uncharged spheres are touching (they are held by insulating stands). A negatively charged rod touches the sphere on the left. After, rod is taken away and the adjacent sphere (the one that the rod did not touch) is separated. What are the net charges on each sphere...
  8. S

    Laptop Not Charging? 19V 3.42A Charger Issue

    I have a 19V 3.42A laptop charger, I cannot charge my laptop with it .I hae checked for continuity and its clear the cable is not broken and the charging voltage is 19V but somehow it doesn't charge my laptop.But other chargers work fine.Whats this miracle in Science I can't understand.
  9. A

    Current Flowing Through RC Circuit (Charging)

    Hey, everyone. Just a quick question here. If I have the following circuit, with it's switch initially opened, what will happen to the current through resistors 1 and 2, after I close the switch? 1) When the switch is first closed...
  10. C

    Automatic charging in cell phones

    how do automatic battery chargers in cell phones work? pleasezz give me a detailed explanation on this , as i couldn't find information on the net
  11. T

    Lithium phosphate battery charging curve

    Is there someone here who have a good link for the charging curve of a lithium copper oxyphosphate battery. Thanks.
  12. S

    Battery charging of cell phone using solar energy

    hi... i have a thought in advance, that i can charge my cell phone through solar energy itself . actually I am doing my activities regarding that... giva me some suggestions which is helpful for me.. and i want to know why this is still not in project is reasonable or not ?...
  13. A

    Calculation of power for battery charging

    Hi - I am trying to calculate the power required to charge a battery in order to compare the energy requirements of an electric scooter versus an internal combustion scooter. The electrical scooter specifications state: battery: 12V/50AH x 4 time to 90% charge: 4.5 - 6 hours charger: 400W...
  14. G

    Why Does a Charged Tape Attract to a Metal Sphere After Being Touched?

    Homework Statement You observe that a negatively charged plastic pen repels a charged piece of magic tape. You then observe that the same piece of tape is repelled when brought near a metal sphere. You are wearing rubber soled shoes, and you touch the metal sphere with your hand. After you...
  15. C

    Conservation of energy for charging a capacitor

    one capacitor is charged with a battery. then the capacitor is disconnected away from the battery. Then, the capacitor is hooked up to another capacitor. the result involves losing of energy to thermal radiation and light as the charges from one capacitor moves to the other capacitor...
  16. edward

    Some gas stations are charging extra if you pay with a credit card

    I gassed up today at what used to be a Unocal. It is now an independent station. The gas was 9 cents per gallon more for those paying with a credit card. It is automatically added at the pump if people swipe a credit card. Cash and debit were 9 cents less.
  17. I

    Charging a deep cycle battery from cigarette lighter socket

    hi, I'd just like some advice on how best to charge a 70 amp hour deep cycle battery from a cigarette lighter socket. I use the battery to run my 35 litre waeco fridge when I'm camping for a couple of days, but would then like to charge the battery while travelling. I'm guessing a flat 70AHr...
  18. A

    Simple charging by induction problem

    Homework Statement A small positively charged sphere is lowered by a nonconducting thread into a grounded metal cup without touching the inside surface of the cup. The grounding wire attached to the outside surface is disconnected and the charged sphere is then removed from the cup. What best...
  19. B

    Charging a Capacitor with Another Capacitor Switch 1 is turned on until the 12 microF capacitor is completely charged. Then Switch 1 is switched off, while switch 2 is switched on. How do you write a differential equation that may be used to find charge on the 4 mircroF...
  20. J

    Charging Capacitor with 12v battery

    How would I go about upping the voltage from 12V to 300-400V for charging capacitors
  21. rocomath

    Does My Phone Need to Be Recognized by My Computer to Charge via USB?

    Ok, so my phone died :( and my outlet charger is broken so I charge it thru the USB. Does my computer have to actually recognize my phone in order for it to start charging it? I've had it hooked for an hour now ... but it still hasn't turned on even for a second.
  22. I

    Charging a capacitor through a high resistance

    Please help me with this question. Thanks... i read from book that in order to charge an uncharged capacitor, we have to connect the capacitor and a resistor with high resistance in series to a battery with emf E. I don't understand what is the use and the effect of the resistor in this...
  23. U

    What Causes the Charging Sound of a Capacitor?

    when you charge a capacitor (camera flash for instance) you hear a sound that increases in pitch and dies out i wonder what causes that ? i think you also hear in on tv when they charge the defibrillator before they zap someone to restart the heart
  24. S

    Charging a capacitor with a switch

    If you have the positive terminal of a battery connect to a switch then to one plate of a parallel plate capacitor and the negative terminal connected to the other plate, what happens when the switch is still open? Does charge build up on the bottom plate of the capacitor only or does nothing...
  25. tony873004

    Charging current - jumpstarting a car

    A 12-V battery with internal resistance of 0.02 Ω is used to charge a battery with an emf of 10.5 V and an internal resistance of 0.15 Ω. What is the charging current? We don't have any examples in the book or class notes about connecting 2 batteries of differing voltages in parallel. My...
  26. W

    Is 1.5 Amps Too Much Current for Charging Lithium Ion Batteries?

    I have a couple of different lithium ion battery packs. On one pack charging current reads 0.1 amps, and on the other 1.5 amps. I already charged the 0.1 amp pack with 0.1 amps, and seems to be working. Now, I'm sort of weary charging the other pack with 1.5 amps. Doesn't that seem too much...
  27. J

    Capacitance Experiment: Determining Time Constant and V_0 Value

    I was doing an experiment to determine the capacitance of a capacitor in a circuit with a particular resistor R. This was also set up to an oscillator and oscillscope. Now t=RC, where t is the time constant. At a time of t, the value of V across the capacitor is .63(V_0), says my guide. So if...
  28. K

    Capacitor Charging, Energy Flow

    Gentlemen and Ladies - Requesting a little clarification on this. Heres the setup: I have "steady" voltage source - In this case from a battery (Vb) Have three capacitors (C1, C2, C3). Have 2 Resistors R1 and R2. Here are the relationships: Capacitance Voltage...
  29. A

    How Long Does It Take for Charge to Reach 1/e of Maximum in an RC Circuit?

    Homework Statement A 1.47 micro F capacitor is charged through a 123 Ohm resistor and then discharged through the same resistor by short-circuiting the battery. While the capacitor is being charged, find the time for the charge on its plates to reach 1/e of its maximum value. Homework...
  30. I

    Charging a capacitor: energy dissipated

    Consider a simple circuit where resistance R is connected in series with a capacitor C and a voltage source V. The switch is connected at t=0. After t>>RC, the capacitor is fully charged with energy Es=1/2*CV^2 and R dissipates energy of Ed=1/2*CV^2. Question. 1) How can one design a...
  31. P

    Charge Capacitor in Circuit: When Fully Charged?

    given an arbitrary circuit when can u say that a given capacitor of course in the circuit has been fully charged
  32. M

    Is Wireless Charging the Future of Energy Transfer?

    Hey guys, I was thinking about the possibility of charging a device, such as a battery, through wireless means. Does anyone know if there has been any research in this area? Or perhaps a method already in existence? I was thinking that perhaps you could use light to heat up a receiver...
  33. S

    Wireless Cell Phone Charging: The Revolution is Coming!

    i read about a month ago that cell phone charging is about to be 'revolutionized.' Apparently, cell phones of the near future will have a wireless charging system where you plug a radio transmitter into the wall, and the cell phone receives the signal and uses it to charge it's batteries. My...
  34. S

    Charge Equality Between Different Size Pith Balls

    Suppose you let identical pith balls come in contact to make q1=q2. Would the charges be equal if the pith balls were of different size?
  35. N

    Calculate Charging Current of Generator & Battery

    Charging current?? i have a question that says a generator is charging a normal battery the internal resistance of the generator and battery are given, and i must calculate the charging current how might this be done? generator is 30v with 4 ohm internal resistance. battery is 24v with a...
  36. A

    Cascading RC circuit w/ DC voltage. How will capacitors charging time vary?

    In the following schematic, will the RC time constant be the same for all capacitors using the equivalent resistance of all the resistors? When I plug it into pspice or electronics work bench, it has that the First capacitors voltage as a function of time will always be twice as much as the...
  37. D

    Charging Up Particles: Proton Charge Explained

    Hi, Given that a " up " quark has charge of 2/3e ; a "down" quark has a charge of - 1/3e, where e is the elementary charge (+1.6 x 10^-19 C). can is say that a proton contain 3 " up " quark and 1 "down" quark? the charge in the end seems to add up to +1. is what is have said correct...
  38. A

    Charging a parallel plate capacitor

    Hi guys, I've been reading the forums and finally I have something to post :smile: I've got a question regarding charging parallel plate capacitors. Take this for example: Connect a 6 Volt power supply to a resistor of 2Mohm and in series with a 15uF capacitor initially uncharged, with...
  39. M

    Charging a Battery: Finding the Current in a Series Circuit

    Problem: "A 12.0 V battery with an internal resistance of .02 Ohms is used to charge a battery with an emf of10.5 V and an internal resistance of .15 Ohms. What is the charging current?" Question: I'm pretty much stuck on the set up of this problem. I know how to find the current if...
  40. I

    Charging a capacitor in sereis and discharge in parallel?

    Ok. So putting capacitors in series decreases the capacitance of the circuit (and correct me if I'm wrong any where in this, and I'm likely to be). So this would mean it would take less time to charge, I'm assuming. What if you charged a set of, say 3, capacitors in series, then hooked them up...
  41. G

    What is the Work Required to Charge a Spherical Shell?

    the problem is: "Calculate the work that must be done to charge a spherical shell of radius R and total charge Q", and I have no idea where to start. You probably have to write some sort of an integral but I don't know how. Can anyone give me a hint?
  42. C

    Max Charging Current for SLA Batteries: Avoiding Damage

    What is the max current for a rapid sealed lead acid battery charger? Most recommend 0.1C up to 1C where C = Ah rating. I have a max 30-32A regulated 13.8VDC power supply and the battery is 12V, 170Ah. Would charging the battery at the max 32A damage the battery?
  43. C

    Is Charging a 170Ah SLA Battery at 32A Safe?

    What is the max current for a rapid sealed lead acid battery charger? Most recommend 0.1C up to 1C where C = Ah rating. I have a max 30-32A regulated 13.8VDC power supply and the battery is 12V, 170Ah. Would charging the battery at the max 32A damage the battery?
  44. Omegatron

    Potential/voltage, and charging up one side of a capacitor

    I'm an electrical engineer, so I'm used to circuits and components and know them pretty well. What I don't know is "broken circuits"; the physics of a charged object hanging out in space by itself, discharging into other objects, etc. So I'd like to ask a few things that have been confusing me...
  45. D

    Calculating Cost of Charging a Battery

    A battery is being charged by a voltage v=11+0.5t V and a constant current of 2 A. The price of a kWh is 10 cent. How much is 5 hours battery-charging? My work: p = 22 + t w= \int_{0}^{5} x dt = 25/5 + 22*5 = 122.5 W 122.5 W in 5 h = 5 * 122.5 Wh = 0.6125 kWh
  46. B

    Capacitors charging capacitors

    I'm completely boggled by this problem: "A 12.0V battery is used to charge a 4.00μF capacitor. A switch is then thrown disconnecting that capacitor from the battery and connecting it to a circuit with two capacitors (3.00uF and 6.00μF) connected in series. What are the final charges on the...
  47. B

    Electron Chart: Finding Charging Ease of Objects

    elctron chart? does anybody know what the cart is that you look up if its takes or gives up electrons easily. you know for objects like ebonite rod, and fur. i printed it of the internet awaile ago and i can't find it so i would like to print it but i don't remember what it is called. thanks
  48. J

    What is the final charge on the capacitor in this circuit?

    So I have done most of this problem, but can't seem to find the final charge on that capacitor. It says that there was a switch, even though it is not in the image, and that at t=0 the switch is closed, and that the capictor had no charge initially. I solved for and know that I1 = 4.2 A, I2 =...
  49. R

    Gravity > Perpetual Motion > Charging by Induction and energy

    So according to my common sense and logic and some disscussions I had with other people on IRC, theoretically in space if you had a exactly/perfectly spherical planet with a cylinderical hole through it, and you dropped something -a huge permanent magnet to be specific- through that hole, the...
  50. A

    Charging of Ions: Attraction or Process?

    Just a quick question i wonder some one could help me with, when ions charge do they attract the charge in some way or does the charge have to be some how taken to them throught a thrid party reaction or process, and does enviorment have any affect in the charging process thankyou