Chemistry Definition and 993 Threads

Chemistry is the scientific study of the properties and behavior of matter. It is a natural science that covers the elements that make up matter to the compounds composed of atoms, molecules and ions: their composition, structure, properties, behavior and the changes they undergo during a reaction with other substances.In the scope of its subject, chemistry occupies an intermediate position between physics and biology. It is sometimes called the central science because it provides a foundation for understanding both basic and applied scientific disciplines at a fundamental level. For example, chemistry explains aspects of plant chemistry (botany), the formation of igneous rocks (geology), how atmospheric ozone is formed and how environmental pollutants are degraded (ecology), the properties of the soil on the moon (cosmochemistry), how medications work (pharmacology), and how to collect DNA evidence at a crime scene (forensics).
Chemistry addresses topics such as how atoms and molecules interact via chemical bonds to form new chemical compounds. There are two types of chemical bonds: 1. primary chemical bonds e.g covalent bonds, in which atoms share one or more electron(s); ionic bonds, in which an atom donates one or more electrons to another atom to produce ions (cations and anions); metallic bonds and 2. secondary chemical bonds e.g. hydrogen bonds; Van der Waals force bonds, ion-ion interaction, ion-dipole interaction etc.

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  1. G

    Software to simulate an atom and chemical reactions?

    Hi, I am trying to simulate in 3D a bunch of chemical reactions. Some of them are complex and I would like to be able to just spawn the elements and molecules and watch them collide to see what happens. Is their any free software to do this?
  2. shihab-kol

    What Makes Light Energy Essential in the AgBr → Ag + Br2 Reaction?

    AgBr →Ag + Br2 This reaction takes place in presence of light energy, but why only light ?? Why not electricity, heat or any other forms of energy?
  3. Wrichik Basu

    A problem in volumetric calculations in Chemistry

    Homework Statement :[/B] The density of a 2.05 molar solution of acetic acid is 1.02g/ml. The Molality of the solution is: (a) 1.14 mole/kg (b) 3.28 mole/kg (c) 2.28 mole/g (d) 0.44 mole/kg Homework Equations :[/B] The Attempt at a Solution :[/B] I tried it out very simply using unitary...
  4. yecko

    How Do You Solve Enthalpy Cycle Problems in Chemistry?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Conservation of energy in an enthalpy cycle The Attempt at a Solution I can't complete draw the enthalpy cycle! Can anyone help me? Thank you very much!
  5. yecko

    Chemistry: First principle of thermodynamics

    Homework Statement Homework Equations First principle of thermodynamics: E=q+w The Attempt at a Solution E=q+w=-17+21=4kJ>0 ∴Endothermic (absorb heat from surrounding) (a) false (from surrounding to the system) (b) false (does...
  6. C

    Is Chemical Engineering right for me?

    Hello all, So I've finished my first year of classes. Since my school has a credit window for declaring engineering majors, I need to lock in my life-long career decision. I definitely want to stick with engineering, but I was curious if ChemE is the right one for me. From what I've read, the...
  7. W

    What is the Chemistry Behind Refrigerant Blends?

    I think this is a chemistry question... Due to the Montreal Protocol ( and subsequent phase-out schedule for all the “conventional” refrigerants, many/most of us in the HVAC service industry are consequently working with “interim” alternatives for...
  8. A

    SN1 Rxn: is hyrdride shift major product or the LG position?

    Homework Statement So LG is on 2° position, and you have a hydride shift. So you form one product on 2° and one product on 3°. Which product will be major which will be minor? Homework Equations none. The Attempt at a Solution I know hydride shift will be more major than a methide shift...
  9. CheesyPeeps

    PH of Water at Various Temperatures

    Homework Statement If the text is too small, it reads: 'A student measured the pH of water at various temperatures using a pH meter and obtained the following results: (table showing pH decreasing as temperature increases) The student was unsure whether the results were accurate or if the pH...
  10. R

    Courses What other chemistry courses use the periodic table?

    So far, I have taken General Chemistry I and II, and Organic Chemistry I. Out of these classes, only General Chemistry I seems to make use of the periodic table, but it is mostly just going through the basics of the periodc table. Not so much in Gen Chem II or Orgo I. I mean they give it to you...
  11. N

    Uncovering the Chemistry Behind Ammonia Production

    Homework Statement Hi, following Wednesday I'm going to produce ammonia in the lab at school but we have 3 questions we have to solve beforehand. The first one asks the global reaction being ammonium chloride reacting with calcium hydroxide to form ammonia, water and calcium chloride, but it...
  12. J

    Courses How much maths in my chemistry course?

    I'm starting a chemistry course in a few months & I'm a little nervous as my math skills aren't that good. Could anyone tell me which type of maths I'll be using in the course based on the modules that I need to complete? I'll like to work on my math skills in advance. Thank you :). Here's a...
  13. A

    Simple distillation of compounds with similar boiling points

    I just had a lab, and the results really aren't adding up to what i expected. And this is specifically about simple distillation, not fractional distillation. Lets say i have a solution of two liquids, one's boiling point is 90°C and the other is 110°C, a 20°C difference which is pretty close...
  14. Ryaners

    Finding order of reaction & rate constant

    I'm trying to solve one of the problems in my textbook (Atkins Physical Chemistry) and I just can't get it out. Here's the problem: "The data below apply to the formation of urea from ammonium cyanate. Initially 22.9g of ammonium cyanate was dissolved in enough water to prepare 1.00 dm3 of...
  15. N

    [Organic Chemistry 1:College] Predict Major Product

    Homework Statement Predict the major product and type of reaction mechanism (E1/E2/SN1/SN2) Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Could someone just double check my work for this? From top to bottom I got: E2, E1, SN1, E1
  16. N

    Organic Chemistry Predict Major Product

    Homework Statement Predict major product and what type of reaction mechanism Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Top Problem: So the Bromine is a good leaving group, and is in the secondary position so you cannot rule out anything right away. The nucleophile is charged, so it will be...
  17. frostysh

    Looking for a good books on Chemistry

    I want to refresh my skool-achieved knowledge about Chemistry, and then I want to move in direction of Chemistry of Computer Systems, Chemistry of Brain, Chemistry of Neurons, Chemistry of DNA, etc. Any good advises about literature? For now I have this book in digital form - "Introductory...
  18. A

    How Can Breakthroughs in Tech, Physics, and Chemistry Propel Your IT Career?

    I am interested in breakthroughs in technology, physics and chemistry. Every once in a while I will post a challenge question to see if anyone has ever been confronted with this challenge or has experimented in that field.
  19. allanwinters

    Energy changes and rates of reaction

    Homework Statement The complete combustion of methane is represented in the following equation: CH4(g) + 2O2 -> CO2(g) +2H2O(g) +802.5 kJ Assume that natural gas is essentially methane. The emission level of Carbon monoxide, CO(g) from the burning of natural gas is 19.14kg/MJ of energy...
  20. B

    What Is the Nuclear Binding Energy of N-14 in Joules per Mole?

    What is the nuclear binding energy of N-14 in joules per mole of nuclei? The mass deficit is 0.11278. Atomic mass is 14.00307. Total mass is 14.11585. I keep getting stuck after converting and substituting it into the equation. First I converted the mass deficit into kilograms. 0.11278 =1.1278 ×...
  21. T

    Analytical Chemistry Concentration Calc Question

    A lab mate and I are discussing how to properly interpret LCMS results and coming to different conclusions. We are taking a solid food sample and extracting it with 50:50 acetonitrile/water to determine the concentration of melamine in the food sample. Standard solutions were made that range...
  22. T

    Want to pursue chemistry but don't like structures

    I'm in Cegep in Canada, which is basically between high school and University. I strongly liked chemistry in the past, and I was very strong. Last semester, our chemistry class was Chemistry of Solutions (covering equilibrium, kinetics, acids-bases, etc), and this semester we have to take...
  23. A

    Combustion Chemistry: Meaning of OH, H2O2 in Combustion

    What is the meaning of the appearance of the following species in a combustion: -OH -H2O2
  24. allanwinters

    Grade 12 chemistry homework help -- 2n^2 electrons possible in each energy level

    Homework Statement A classmate says "Since there are 2n^2 electrons possible in each energy level, and the atom with the greatest number of electrons has 118 electrons, that must mean that u is the highest possible value for n, because a value of 7 gives 2n^2 = 98 nad a value of 8 gives...
  25. B

    Calculating thickness of insulation, rate of T rise and fall

    Homework Statement A.[/B] Someone is walking outside when the temperature of the air is -10°C. The metabolic rate of walking is 140 Cal/m2hr, and the usual muscle efficiency (20%) applies. They are completely covered by clothing with a coefficient of thermal conductivity of 0.36 Cal-cm/m2hr...
  26. Y

    Programs Is a Physics Major with a Chemistry Minor a Good Combination for a PhD?

    Hello How is this degree? Is it hard? Is this combination is good? I would like to do a PhD on physics and for now I know the basics of C++ programming and in the future I want to expand my knowledge with Microsoft courses or something like that.. Thanks!
  27. cliffordlim

    How Do You Calculate Equilibrium Concentrations in a Redox Reaction?

    Homework Statement Fe2+and Cr2O72- react as follows: 6Fe2+ + Cr2O7 2− + 14H + >>> 6Fe3+ + 2Cr3+ + 7H2O. The equilibrium constant for the reaction is 1×10^57. Calculate the equilibrium concentrations of the iron and chromium species if 10 mL each of 0.02M K2Cr2O7 in 1.14M HCl and 0.12M FeSO4...
  28. N

    Why Are These Ring Structures Considered Diastereomers?

    Could someone explain to me why the ring structures in this photo are diastereomers? From looking at them, I see a plane of symmetry, and no chiral centers so I'm unsure how they're diastereomers without have R/S characteristics
  29. Lafith

    Measure Entropy: Can Absolute Entropy be Zero?

    Can we measure 'absolute entropy' of a system. Also can entropy become zero at 0 it possible only theoretically?
  30. T

    Understanding the chemistry behind: Why O2 and not I2?

    We were doing O2 estimation by Winkler's method The procedure and reactions involved in this experiment are: Carefully fill a 300-mL glass stoppered bottle brim-full with sample water. Immediately add 2mL of manganese sulfate to the collection bottle. Add 2 mL of alkali-iodide reagent (NaOH +...
  31. I720I

    What is the purpose of hobby chemistry?

    I've recently picked up chemistry as a hobby. It's very educational while also being entertaining. I've started an element collection, and made some simple compounds as well. The thing is, I get asked quite frequently what is the practicality of hobby chemistry, and I have trouble providing a...
  32. R

    Programs Chemistry Major Advice for Struggling Students

    Hi all, sorry if this is a little emotionally charged but I am a second semester sophomore chemistry major and I am very hard on myself about the grades I received in my major. First of all, I took the hardest possible general chemistry class as a first semester freshman because I wanted to be...
  33. Kaura

    How Can You Accurately Separate and Quantify Components in a Mixed Sample Lab?

    Homework Statement In this lab we are going to be given a mixture containing sodium chloride [NaCl], silicon dioxide [SiO2], Iron filings [Fe], and calcium carbonate [CaCO3] The goal of the lab is to use separation and measurement techniques to determine the percent by mass of each specie in...
  34. C

    Negative Free Energy - Physical Chemistry

    Homework Statement Hydrogen peroxide can be prepared in several ways. One method is the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, another method is the reaction between water and oxygen. Given the ΔG°rxn values for each reaction, which method (reaction 1 or 2) requires less energy under standard...
  35. Jay the EE

    Mixing of Strong acid and Weak acid

    Hi! I want to clarify what will happen if you mix two acids. One is stronger and One is less stronger. What will be the pH level result? for example if the acid is the juice from lemon which is at 2.0 be mix with orange ph level of 3.0, will it be greater than less than 2.0? or will it be 2.5...
  36. A

    Around how much do hot plate heat knobs increase per number?

    In my labs we use hot plates with a 0-10 temperature knob. The hot plates don't have a temperature monitor, so i have no idea how hot each number can increase it or how hot it is at the time. Sometimes i have labs where i have to heat something to more specific temperatures or else the reaction...
  37. Xell

    Chemistry What is a good, basic organic chemistry textbook?

    I would like to buy a textbook to learn about this subject, and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on what to buy, thank you very much for any responses. Not too expensive please. I am teaching this to my self if matters. Not part of university or other courses.
  38. Giuseppe96

    Chemistry Guys i in some chemistry mole exercises please

    1)When Mg is burned in air,a mixture of MgO and Mg3N2 is produced.If 3,6g of Mg produces 5,7g of mixture,what is the percentage by mass of each compound in the mixture? 2)A solution of an acid having the formula H3NSO3 is prepared by dissolving 9,7g in water and making up the solution to...
  39. ReidMerrill

    Physical chemistry: Energy operator and eigenfunction

    Homework Statement The energy operator for a time-dependent system is iħ d/dt. A possible eigenfunction for the system is Ψ(x,y,z,t)=ψ(x,y,z)e-2πiEt/h Show that the probability density is independent of time Homework Equations ĤΨn(x) = EnΨn The Attempt at a Solution [/B] I understand the...
  40. Ryaners

    Chemistry Calculating the number of water molecules in trans. metal complex

    Homework Statement [/B] I had an inorganic lab this week which involved making VO(acac)2 from VOSO4⋅xH2O. In order to calculate the percentage yield, I need to work out x, that is, the number of water molecules coordinated with the vanadyl sulfate n-hydrate before the reaction. I'm stuck...
  41. Carl Loomis-Anderson

    Fortran Fortran77 data compiler problem

    So I am doing a chemical simulation of titans atmosphere and I have potentially 1000 data files to sort through to retrieve concentration values written in Double format. The issue is that each chemical has its own line with well over 80 columns (1993 currently, though it is subject to...
  42. B

    Help please with this precipitation exercise

    Knowing Ks=6⋅10−38 for Fe(OH)3 in neutral solutions, calculate the minimum pH of an acidic solution in order to completely dissolve 10 mg of Fe(OH)3. Data: Volume = 0.1 L. I set out the equation for the equilibrium constant. having first calculated the concentration or iron ions (9.35899*10-4...
  43. T

    What additional courses should I take as a chem major?

    I am a sophomore chem major taking my second semester of organic. I plan on going to grad school. I took calc 2 last semester but calc 3 is not offered next semester so that is sadly out of the question. I can't take classical mechanics without calc 3 and I've already taken prob. and stats. No...
  44. JeremyC

    What Was the Original Mole Percentage of O2 and H2 in the Mixture?

    Homework Statement The total pressure of a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen is 1.00 atm. The mixture is ignited and the water produced is removed. The remaining gas is pure hydrogen and exerts a pressure of 0.34 atm when measured in the same volume and at the same temperature as the original...
  45. G

    How Do I Solve Double Displacement Reactions for Chemistry Homework?

    I am so stressed right now and am on the verge of a nervous breakdown. My chemistry homework is just really confusing and I need to pass this class, could someone please help me out? I need to hand this in tomorrow and I have already answered the questions myself but I feel like my answers are...
  46. L

    How to write equations for salt dissolving in water/ionizing

    Homework Statement Write separate equations for each potassium salt (KH2PO4) dissolving in water and for the ionization reaction of the weak acid anion that each of these salts contains. Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution I just needed to clarify when it dissolves in water do...
  47. G

    Courses Need Help deciding which classes to take

    Merry Christmas everyone! I have a question and I want some honest answers. So this semester I took Organic Chemistry 1 and Calculus 1. I both passed but with a D, sadly the courses won't transfer to my school I want to attend in the future (waiting for a response from the schools I applied...
  48. P

    with "Triprotic Acid Titration" Question

    Hey guys! So I have this chemistry problem which I'm finding very difficult. QUESTION: You have an unknown triprotic acid, H3X, and have titrated it with 22.53mL of NaOH. The pH of the unknown solution is 2.04 and the concentration is 48.028g/2L. While the concentration of the NaOH is...
  49. B

    Chemistry What should I do with this bad book? (lots of typos)

    I brought a physical chemistry book by Wiley. Its printing is just awful. You can expect a printing mistakes in a fat (lack of vocabulary) book but this book is riddled with these. Eg :- Virial 2nd coefficient is given as ##b-a\over RT## instead of ##b -{a \over RT}## and best part, is that they...
  50. A

    Could water chemistry be altered to make swimmers faster?

    At swim practice last week I started thinking about how the composition of the water was affecting how fast my teammates and I were able to swim. The mechanical properties of the water--viscosity, density, surface tension, etc.-- are what determine how much force swimmers are able to generate by...