Chi Definition and 73 Threads

Tai chi (simplified Chinese: 太极; traditional Chinese: 太極; pinyin: Tàijí), short for T'ai chi ch'üan or Tàijí quán (太極拳), sometimes colloquially known as "Shadowboxing," is an internal Chinese martial art practiced for defense training, health benefits, and meditation.
Developed as a martial art, it is practiced for reasons including competitive wrestling, competitive demonstrations, and health/longevity. Tai chi has practitioners worldwide.
Yang Shaohou, Yang Chengfu, Wu Chien-ch‘üan and Sun Lutang promoted the art for its health benefits beginning in the early 20th century. Its global following often for its benefit to personal health. Medical studies of t‘ai-chi support its effectiveness as an alternative exercise and a form of martial arts therapy.
Many forms are practiced, both traditional and modern. Most modern styles trace their development to the five traditional schools: Chen, Yang, Wu (Hao), Wu, and Sun. All trace their historical origins to Chen Village.

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  1. N

    Confidence interval for poor Chi squared fit

    I have a set of data that consists of about ~1000 data points, each of which has two measurements. I have a series of models with two parameters that I have fit to this data to find the best fitting pair of parameters. There is quite a spread around the best-fitting model, because none of the...
  2. M

    Chi Square Test for Gaussian Distribution

    Hi there, I have very naive to statistics. I have a set of data points. that can be like 10, 12, 13, 14 ,15 , 15, 12, 13 17, 18, 19, 12, 19, 20 .... Now i need to know if these days points follows any gaussian distribution / normal distribution or not? IS chi -square test the right...
  3. M

    Help involving Chi squared test

    URGENT help involving Chi squared test! Hello, I am doing a chi squared test for a project due soon and everything is fine, except for one thing...for one of my rows the expected value is zero!...and the equation is (O-E)^2/E...but I can't divide it by zero because that will give
  4. E

    Chi Squared vs. Coefficient of Determination

    I am confused about the meanings of these two goodness-of-fit descriptors. If I have two independent variables and I wish to test the validity of a proposed functional relation between them (say I have measured electric potentials and currents and wish to test if the data reflects a linear...
  5. E

    What is the Generalization of the Chi-square Distribution?

    What is the Multinomial expansion of the CDF of the Chi-square distribution? Thanks in advance
  6. D

    MGF Techniques for Chi-Square Distribution on 2n Degrees of Freedom

    Homework Statement rvX has f(x) = \alpha \exp^{-\alpha x} , and \ W = 2n \alpha \overline {X} defines a random sample from the distribution. Use moment generating function techniques to show that the distribution of W is chi-square on 2n degrees of freedom. Homework Equations The Attempt...
  7. D

    O: "Solving Chi Square Problems: E(s^2) and Var(s^2) Using MLE

    Homework Statement W = \frac{vS^2}{\sigma^2}, distributed as X^2_v Find E(s^2) and Var(s^2) Homework Equations E(W) = v , Var(w)=2vThe Attempt at a Solution Have been trying to figure this out with no luck. Can I use MLE for variance to show Var(s^2)= \sigma^2? Really don't know how to get...
  8. M

    Chi squared with confidence interval

    I am trying to calculate the chi squared function for life data and a confidence level of 95%. I have 10 data points, a specified confidence level (95%), and 1 degree of freedom. I also have the alpha and beta parameters. Based on this information how can i calculate the chi squared statistic? I...
  9. M

    China's Chi Haotian Speech: Legit or Scam?

    I had this article emailed to me, and I want to see if there are others here who have seen this "speech" to know if it is legit or not. I googled and found the entire article on a website, and I will post the link to the website instead of copying and pasting the entire article as it is long...
  10. S

    Chi sqaure & confidence interval

    Lets say you have 5 trials, and 5 output let's say {5, 43, 60, 30 , 4} how would u get the chi sqaure from here & the confidence interval. i haven't work on prob &statc in years, thanks a lot for help folks
  11. S

    IMP: chi sqaure & the confidence interval

    Lets say you have 5 trials, and 5 output let's say {5, 43, 60, 30 , 4} how would u get the chi sqaure from here & the confidence interval. i haven't work on prob &statc in years, thanks a lot for help folks
  12. M

    Is a Reduced Chi-Squared Value of 0.75 Acceptable for a Good Fit?

    Hi all, just a quick query about data analysis: Homework Statement Having been asked to use Chi Squared analysis to test the validity of a fit, I have calculated my data to have a reduced chi squared of ~ 0.75 to 2 dp. I know that a reduced chi squared (chi squared / number of degrees of...
  13. C

    Reviewing Image Retrieval Performance Using Chi-Square

    Hi ll, I have been asked to review a new image retrieval technique that has improved the retrieval performance compared with the old technique, ie, the hypothesis is that retrieval performance is influenced by retrieval techniques. The following table summarises the retrieval results. (They...
  14. S

    Is Gender Linked to Brand Preferences According to Chi-Square Analysis?

    The following table shows brand preferences against gender on the basis of a random sample of size 100 from population. It is intended to examine possible association between gender and brand preferences. Brand A Brand B Men 30 20 Women 20 30 At 5% level of significance will you...
  15. L

    Medical Exploring the Science Behind Chi Energy and Martial Arts

    I'm not sure if this is the right subforum for this thread, but I was wondering what everyone's opinion is on chi energy (AKA qi), specifically the role it supposedly plays in martial arts and medicine. Is there any science to this, or is it just an ancient belief that hasn't completely...
  16. P

    Having Trouble Understanding Chi Squared Stuff

    So I have my fit for my data (in this case it's the e/m lab, where the slope of my trend line = e/m). And I calculated the required y - (Ax + B) values, but I have no idea what to use for standard deviation to divide each value by. To be honest, I'm just lost in the notation. I remember in...
  17. Math Is Hard

    Can Chi Square be Used for a Mixed Design with Repeated Measures?

    My lab partner and I are trying to recreate this experiment: This appears to be a mixed design. Half the participants were put in a positive mood and half were put into a neutral mood. After the mood induction, each...
  18. L

    Is Chi Real? Exploring the Concept of Chi in Chinese Philosophy

    In Chinese philosophy they talk of a force called Chi. It's an electrical current that runs through your body,everything around you, and Earth. I'm thinking maybe they weren't wrong. There is an electrical current that runs through you. It's the currents of your nervouce system. his may be...
  19. J

    Testing Phenotypic Ratios: Results of Chi Square Test

    Hi, My Question: Problem 1. The expected phenotypic ratios for each of the crosses below is 1:1. Determine whether the observed ratios are differ significantly (p < 0.05) from the expected. I used a Chi Square test to help me determine that answer and found the there is no probability of...
  20. L

    Do you really think there is a mythical force called Chi?

    Do you really think there is a mythical force called Chi? The Chinese said it was electricity flowing through our bodies down channels called meridians. While electricity does flow through our bodies it's not down meridians but nerves. Do you think that the chinese were really taping into our...
  21. H

    How to Determine the Goodness of Fit in Fluorescence Lifetime Measurements?

    Hi, I am trying to measure fluorescence lifetimes. Typically, the excitation pulse is measured and convoluted with an exponential decay function. This result is compared with the measured fluorescence curve in order to adjust the parameters in the decay function. The process is repeated until...
  22. A

    Chi square is useful - but why square?

    Hello! While conducting chi square -tests I asked my teacher what the "square" means, and why it was there? Why chi squared, and not just chi? He couldn't give an answer so he told me to find out, as a homework :surprise: ... After a quarter of "Googeling" I gave up. So, is there anyone out...
  23. A

    Attn: chi meson re. explination of bose-Einstein condensation

    Chi Meson offline Joined: Aug 2003 Location: Posts: 40 [1.08 /day] Member #: 1431 This might be jumping the topic, but...Other areas: The proof of Bose-Einstein condensate. Old theory, but refined physics? Isn't this "evolution"?... how is bose einstein condensation explained...