Children Definition and 108 Threads

Biologically, a child (plural children) is a human being between the stages of birth and puberty, or between the developmental period of infancy and puberty. The legal definition of child generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority. Children generally have fewer rights and less responsibility than adults. They are classed as unable to make serious decisions, and legally must be under the care of their parents or another responsible caregiver.
Child may also describe a relationship with a parent (such as sons and daughters of any age) or, metaphorically, an authority figure, or signify group membership in a clan, tribe, or religion; it can also signify being strongly affected by a specific time, place, or circumstance, as in "a child of nature" or "a child of the Sixties".

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  1. JaredJames

    Should Children Be Subjected to Cultural and Religious Indoctrination?

    I'm starting this thread as I would prefer not to keep posting comments regarding the above subject in the French Burqa thread. Throughout a child's life they are subject to various cultural and possibly religious doctrines and they can have a significant impact on the way that child thinks...
  2. Ivan Seeking

    Life lessons for children: Idealism vs Pragmatism

    When raising a child, is it most important to stress the practical aspects of life, and the reasonable limits of expectations in life, based on the life experience of the parent, or to stress the possibilities for life, and to encourage following ones heart, or dreams? In another sense: Is...
  3. W

    A Twist on the Two Children Problem (Not a HW question)

    On this website (, I recently came across a twist on the Two Children Problem. The problem is deceptively simple: "I have two children, one of whom is a boy born on Tuesday. What is the probability...
  4. Gokul43201

    Does having children make you happy?

    I was listening to a short piece on NPR a few days ago, and heard some rather surprising stats. I later tried to dig up more about this online, and while I didn't find the actual NPR piece, I did find this related article: When I read this, I thought of...
  5. rootX

    Why people have so many children?

    I don't understand why someone in the first world would want more than 1-2 children. Even now, some people prefer to have more than 3 children.
  6. W

    Is Unschooling Beneficial or Harmful for Child Development?

    Is this a good or bad thing?
  7. J

    News Project Hero: Scholorships for children of Deceased soldiers.

    I am not sure if any of you have heard of this, but it is the drama of my home town currently, and I am interested in what you think of it. Essentially the University of Regina (one I attend) as well as many other Canadian Universities gives scholarships to children of Deceased Canadian...
  8. W

    Children watching my TV and the Extenze

    Is anyone else tired of seeing the "Extenze" commercials? These "male enhancement" commercials used to air every 15 minutes at 2:00 AM, now they're even on in prime time. I've actually had situations when there...
  9. G

    Schools Is it possible to balance graduate school and raising children?

    Does anyone here attend graduate school and have children to raise? What are your experiences? Would you recommend it to others? Read "Graduate School With Children" from the Chronicle of Higher Education:
  10. Dadface

    How old are the children? A puzzle for the curious mind.

    The postman had an unusually large number of cards to deliver to the house at the end of the street and rather than spend a long time stuffing them through the letter box he knocked on the door.The lady of the house came to the door and explained that her three daughters all had their birthday...
  11. Loren Booda

    Why get married? Why have children?

    I have not been married by age 50 because, among other things, I am afraid of divorce, eventual incompatibility or the randomness of choosing one from a billion nubile women ("the grass is greener"). I know all too well what falling in love feels like - one of the most intense passions...
  12. K

    Binomial distribution of children

    I'm trying to figure out this problem but i keep getting stuck. Homework Statement A woman wants to have a 95% chance for a least a one boy and at least one girl. What is the minimum number of children that she should plan to have? Assume that the event that a child is a girl and a boy is...
  13. rootX

    Having children while below the poverty line

    Should people below the poverty line, who can't feed themselves, have children?
  14. S

    Conditional Probability of children

    This is probably relatively easy, but I'm still a bit confused... The question: A family has j children with probability p1 = .1, p2 = .25, p3 = .35, p4 = .3. A child is randomly chosen. Given this child is the eldest in the family, find the conditional probability that a) Family has 1...
  15. B

    3 children and a balancing a seesaw

    Homework Statement Three children are trying to balance on a seesaw, which includes a fulcrum rock acting as a pivot at the center (x = 0), and a very light board 5.2 m long (see figure). Two playmates are already on either end. Boy A has a mass of 50 kg, and boy B a mass of 35 kg. Where...
  16. vincentm

    The Children of Hurin: Has Anyone Read It?

    Found out about this book not too long ago, and was quite surprised that it came out a few years ago. Has anyone read this? If so, what did you think about it?
  17. K

    Christmas, Easter, TF, etc.: lies to your children?

    I was thinking about this tonight. I'm in my mid 20's, working on my PhD. When I'm done and get married/have a kid or three I was trying to reason out what I would do about Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, etc. for my kids. On the one hand, I would hate to lie to my children, in any way shape...
  18. E

    Having children in US, how does it work?

    My girlfriend and I have started thinking of the possibility of moving to US (probably New York city) after finishing our PhDs, which should happen in about two years. We are then in the age when it is time to start reproducing, and this is indeed a major concern I am having about our plans. Not...
  19. Y

    Why aren't children accessing this site?

    Why do I not see any children accessing the site ? Is it true that they don't like the forums better than their friends out there, music, games ?
  20. S

    Speed Ratio of Two Children with Different Masses

    Two children are facing each other. Child one has mass of 45kg and the other 65 kg. They push off one another and move in opposite directions. What is the ratio of child one's speed to child 2's? Answer choices: a 45:65 b 45:110 c 1:1 d 65:45 e can't tell from this info I don't know...
  21. lisab

    Medical Dry Drowning: A Little-Known Risk to Children

    "Dry drowning"? I read an odd story today about a 10-year-old boy who died by drowning an hour after he left the water. It's called "dry drowning": I've never heard of such a thing! Does this happen mostly to children? Can it happen to anyone, or...
  22. A

    What are some kid-friendly synonyms for common words in a children's book?

    I'm working on a project, which is writing and illustrating a children's book for age 4-6 now, the illustrations are going smooth, but i have a problem with what text to put in. my story is that a boy goes to a shopping mall, gets lost. a sales clerk finds him, takes him to the cash counter...
  23. F

    Anyone still in school and have children?

    I have a 14 month old, and I'm in my junior year of college. I'm pursuing a physics degree, but it's tough. I can only fit 2 classes in a semester, though I might be able to swing 3 classes for the fall semester. I am a stay at home mom during the day and work nights and weekends. I was...
  24. S

    Medical New Superbug in Children: Streptococcus Pneumoniae 19A

    I'm sure most of you have seen this already but it seems we have a new superbug on our hands, a substrain of streptococcus pneumoniae called 19A. Here is a link for anyone interested. It...
  25. W

    How Many Children Does the Man Have?

    A man invites his friend to his house for a small chatter over some tea. There is a good number of children playing in the backyard, and upon seeing this, the guest asks his host whether all these children are his. The host gives him a brief "no" and tells him that the children belong to himself...
  26. C

    Why does kwashiorkor affect mostly children?

    Why does kwashiorkor affect mostly children and not as many adults in areas with starchy foods and protein deficiency?
  27. A

    A new way to raise your children?

    Food for thought:
  28. Zenparticle

    Do You Have Kids? Age, Timing & More

    Just for curiosity's sake, do you have children, and if so how old were you when they were born? Also, if you don't have children but want to someday, what age would you want to have them?
  29. A

    How Often Will Two Children Swinging at Different Rates Sync Up in a Minute?

    1. Two children are swinging on swings side by side. One completes 20 cycles in 1.0 min while the other completes 26 cycles in 1.0 min. If they start out together, how many additional times will they be swinging together during that minute? Explain. 2. The attempt at a solution f=N/t f1=20/60...
  30. A

    What is the Potential Impact of Sun Exposure on Children?

    This is a quite telling picture, I think:,,5342678,00.jpg :smile:
  31. K

    Are Children Fighting and Adult Neglect Common in American Communities?

    and the adults are allowing it. Is this a common practice for americans? I just want to "wow" you.:rolleyes:
  32. B

    How Many Logs Are Needed to Keep Children Afloat?

    Three children, each of weight 356 N, make a log raft by lashing together logs of diameter 0.30 m and length 1.80 m. How many logs will be needed to keep them afloat in fresh water? Take the density of the logs to be 800 kg/m^3. I'm interpreting this problem as a buoyancy problem for...
  33. G

    Never Let Your Children Out of Your Sight

    I read a story about a sex offender who attempted to kidnap an 8-year-old girl while she and her family were shopping at Wal-Mart in Waterville, Maine. This happens every day but it's not such a common occurrence in rural Maine. It serves as a reminder that our children should never be out of...
  34. G

    Medical Mortality rates for autistic children

    Recently, the subject of this autistic teenager scoring 20 points in ~4 minutes has been prevalent in the news. Anyone know of any articles on the nature of the mortality rates for autistic people (unfortunately I'm not able to edit the title, meant "autistic people/individuals")?
  35. W

    Medical Experiment with smaller children

    There has been an experiment with smaller children. First, there was a smaller container which had a certain amount of liquid (Let's say 355 mL, the same as a coke can). Then, there was a taller glass, with the same amount. Without saying which had more, they were asked which one had more liquid...
  36. H

    Medical Children Learn by Monkey See, Monkey Do. Chimps Don't. [article] Zimmer (the article author) notes in his .
  37. J

    Probability of Girl in Family of 3 Children

    Hi people. I have a short question from a homework. given a family with 3 children, the sexes of which are unknown: if the eldest child is a boy and there is at least one other boy, then what is the probability one child is a girl? To me it seems obvious that there are at least...
  38. C

    Why are women and children saved first?

    (Atleast I think) that women and children are saved first during a disaster, Why? :confused: And also when there is a massacre or some large scale killing, arson ,etc. The newpapers carry that line "blah!blah!more than 200 people were killed...including women".
  39. samalkhaiat

    Children Are Source Of Embarrassment

    This morning my eight years old daughter asked me: "why is it so difficult to balance on my bicycle when it is not moving?". It was very embarrassing moment, I simply could not give her a convincing answer.Then I thought of other things which "I" can not explain without using mathematics. So I...
  40. D

    Are Children Getting More Aggressive and Violent?

    Got home from a long day at work around 7:50. Check this out... And feel free to add other work related rants if you wish. Employer: CEC Entertainment, Inc. Store #510 :: Princeton, NJ Position: Costume Character (Chuck E. Cheese) Today a pack of birthday children decided I was something...
  41. R

    Science based games for children

    I couldn't really find a forum in which this problem could fit so I try to post it here. I have to prepare a science based (physics, math, chemistry) game/competition for children aged 9-13. It should be about some funny and exciting experiments, solving various problems in mentioned fields...
  42. N

    Lesson ideas for 10-11 year old Children (MATHS)

    Hey, I'm going into a school tomorrow an dhad a plan to teach the kids (10-11) about algebra in a different weay to they are used to. I.e. give them a deeper understanding of what is going on - to try and liven things up a bit. For example, most children can give a reasonable definition of...
  43. T

    Determine normal force and friction of a toboggan with children

    I've tried it but I got stuck at the part to find the coefficient of friction. A parent pulls a toboggan with three children at a constant velocity for 38m along a horizontal trail. The total mass of the children and the toboggan is 66kg. The force the parent exerts is 58N[18 above the...
  44. N

    Is Homework Causing More Harm Than Good for Our Children?

    With regard to our 'hot-house' system of education in the UK, I would like to see homework made optional, so that children can socialise more and be under less pressure. We are only young once and not everyone is suited to the academic scene. Much of what we learn in school is in any case soon...
  45. R

    Finding the Total Combinations When Two Oldest Children Cannot Be Both Chosen

    4 children out of 8 will be selected. But two oldest children can not be both chosen. Total number of combinations = ? The mutually exclusive situations are really confusing me. I know if they were independent, total n. of combinations would be \frac{8!}{(8-4)!4!}=70 I need to subtract...
  46. T

    What are the ages of T@P's children?

    ignoring the fact that i have no children, here is the question: (this is really a dialogue between dimitry and fred) dimitry: hi fred fred: hi dimitry: hows it going? fred: fine, you? ... (after 1 hour of small talk) dimitry: hey fred, how old are T@P's children? fred: if...
  47. hitssquad

    Global national-IQ map posted at Children of Millennium

    Children of Millennium has posted a rather impressive-looking global map of national IQs. Here is the map: It is linked from this article on national IQs:
  48. pelastration

    News Killing children is no longer a big deal

    If you are part of the human race, you should read this link. Is this all normal and acceptable business? If yes, is this justified in your moral, religious and ethical framework?
  49. Clausius2

    News Should gay couples be allowed to adopt children?

    Our loved president Zapatero wants to establish the legal adoption of children by gay couples. What do you think of that? What would happen if it was established in your country?. If it is established yet in your country, what has happened with the children?.
  50. Saint

    What did the children do in the pool during our KL vacation?

    We spent our vacation in KL.