What is Christoffel symbols: Definition and 102 Discussions

In mathematics and physics, the Christoffel symbols are an array of numbers describing a metric connection. The metric connection is a specialization of the affine connection to surfaces or other manifolds endowed with a metric, allowing distances to be measured on that surface. In differential geometry, an affine connection can be defined without reference to a metric, and many additional concepts follow: parallel transport, covariant derivatives, geodesics, etc. also do not require the concept of a metric. However, when a metric is available, these concepts can be directly tied to the "shape" of the manifold itself; that shape is determined by how the tangent space is attached to the cotangent space by the metric tensor. Abstractly, one would say that the manifold has an associated (orthonormal) frame bundle, with each "frame" being a possible choice of a coordinate frame. An invariant metric implies that the structure group of the frame bundle is the orthogonal group O(p, q). As a result, such a manifold is necessarily a (pseudo-)Riemannian manifold. The Christoffel symbols provide a concrete representation of the connection of (pseudo-)Riemannian geometry in terms of coordinates on the manifold. Additional concepts, such as parallel transport, geodesics, etc. can then be expressed in terms of Christoffel symbols.
In general, there are an infinite number of metric connections for a given metric tensor; however, there is a unique connection that is free of torsion, the Levi-Civita connection. It is common in physics and general relativity to work almost exclusively with the Levi-Civita connection, by working in coordinate frames (called holonomic coordinates) where the torsion vanishes. For example, in Euclidean spaces, the Christoffel symbols describe how the local coordinate bases change from point to point.
At each point of the underlying n-dimensional manifold, for any local coordinate system around that point, the Christoffel symbols are denoted Γijk for i, j, k = 1, 2, ..., n. Each entry of this n × n × n array is a real number. Under linear coordinate transformations on the manifold, the Christoffel symbols transform like the components of a tensor, but under general coordinate transformations (diffeomorphisms) they do not. Most of the algebraic properties of the Christoffel symbols follow from their relationship to the affine connection; only a few follow from the fact that the structure group is the orthogonal group O(m, n) (or the Lorentz group O(3, 1) for general relativity).
Christoffel symbols are used for performing practical calculations. For example, the Riemann curvature tensor can be expressed entirely in terms of the Christoffel symbols and their first partial derivatives. In general relativity, the connection plays the role of the gravitational force field with the corresponding gravitational potential being the metric tensor. When the coordinate system and the metric tensor share some symmetry, many of the Γijk are zero.
The Christoffel symbols are named for Elwin Bruno Christoffel (1829–1900).

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  1. Breo

    Variation of the Christoffel Symbols

    So, it is defined that: Γλμυ = Γλμυ + δΓλμυ This makes obvious to see that the variation of the connection, which is defined as a difference of 2 connections, is indeed a tensor. Therefore we can express it as a sum of covariant derivatives. δΓλμυ = ½gλν(-∇λδgμν + ∇μδgλν + ∇νδgλμ) However...
  2. K

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  5. F

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  6. Demon117

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  7. L

    Calculating Christoffel Symbols for g=f(u,v)

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  8. L

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  9. T

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  10. D

    Christoffel Symbols Explained: Uses & Definition

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  11. R

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  12. P

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  13. L

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  14. C

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  15. T

    Confusion about Christoffel Symbols

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  16. S

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  17. T

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  18. P

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  19. C

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  20. A

    Another christoffel symbols from the metric question

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  21. W

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  22. S

    What do I do with these christoffel symbols?

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  23. 3

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  24. T

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  25. T

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  26. E

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  27. W

    Christoffel symbols vanishing on a curve

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  28. atomqwerty

    Determining Christoffel Symbols: Subscripts Explained

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  29. Z

    Can someone please explain to me what the Christoffel symbols symbols are?

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  30. W

    Timelike Geodesic and Christoffel Symbols

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  31. Z

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  32. C

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  33. M

    How Do You Derive Christoffel Symbols from These Equations?

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  34. L

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  35. F

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  36. Q

    Calculating Christoffel Symbols from Metric Tensor

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  37. R

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  38. A

    How to Derive Christoffel Symbols for a Given Metric in General Relativity?

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  39. W

    Christoffel Symbols for Schwarzschild Metric (?)

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  40. J

    Christoffel symbols etc. via Lagrangian

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  41. T

    Christoffel symbols and Geodesic equations.

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  42. M

    Christoffel symbols and tensor analysis

    Hi all! I read about tensor analysis and came about following expressions, where also a questions arose which I cannot explain to me. Perhaps you could help me: I: Consider the following expressions: d\vec v=dc^k e^{(k)} d\vec v=dc^k e_{(k)} where: dc^k=dv^k+v^t\Gamma_{wt}^k dx^w...
  43. S

    Christoffel Symbols: Exploring the First and Second Kinds

    Hi guys, I'm studying C. symbols for my G.R. class and have some doubts I hope you can clear out. First, I just saw this in the wikipedia article for C.s.: 0 = gik;l= gik;l - gmk \Gammamil - gim \Gammamkl By permuting the indices, and resumming, one can solve explicitly for the Christoffel...
  44. F

    Invariant divergence and christoffel symbols

    Homework Statement show that the definition of the invariant divergence divA = 1/√g ∂i (√g Ai) is equivalent to the other invariant definition divA = Ai;i Ai;k = ∂Ai/∂xk + ГiklAl Гkij = gkl/2 (∂gil/∂xj+∂glj/∂xi-∂gij/∂xl) Homework Equations g is the metric tensor...
  45. N

    Christoffel Symbols: Solving GR Homework | Fred

    Hey Guys, I'm new here on the forum, and I hope someone can help me out. I'm solving one of my GR homework exercises and I'm asked to find the christoffel symbols corresponding to cylindrical coordinates. I'll post my work and please correct if you see mistakes. I found the metric to be dR^2 +...
  46. N

    How do I find Christoffel symbols for cylindrical coordinates?

    Hey Guys, I'm new here on the forum, and I hope someone can help me out. I'm solving one of my GR homework exercises and I'm asked to find the christoffel symbols corresponding to cylindrical coordinates. I'll post my work and please correct if you see mistakes. I found the metric to be dR^2...
  47. N

    Christoffel symbols from definition or Lagrangian

    I asked this question in the tensor analysis formum but did we did not reach a satisfactory conclusion. Here is the problem: Let \mathbf{x} : U \subset\mathbb{R}^2 \to S be a local parametrization of a regular surface S. Then the coefficients of the second derivatives of x in the basis of...
  48. N

    Christoffel symbols from definition or Lagrangian

    Hi, Let \mathbf{x}(u,v) be a local parametrization of a regular surface. Then the coefficients of \mathbf{x}_{uu},\mathbf{x}_{uv} etc. in the basis of the tangent space are defined as the Christoffel symbols. On the other hand, if we write the first fundamental form \langle,\rangle in...
  49. C

    From Christoffel symbols to connection 1-forms

    I have Christoffel symbols for a metric and I want to find the connection 1-forms. I have the relation: w(^i j)=Chr(^i j k)*dx(^k) w: conn. 1-form Chr: Christoffel symbols But Christoffel symbols do not share the symmetries of the conn. 1-forms. Do you know any way to make this...
  50. T

    Need help with Christoffel symbols? Here are some examples to practice with!

    i'm having a hard time computing these so could people show me several examples to help me get a better feel for them before I move on to curvature?