Classes Definition and 592 Threads

The Olympic sailing classes have been used in the sport of Sailing/Yachting during the Olympic Summer Games since 1896. Since then, 46 different classes have been used.

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  1. S

    How Do Stiefel-Whitney Classes Determine Immersions in Algebraic Topology?

    Stiefel-Whitney Classes and immersions Homework Statement I don't know whether this goes here or somewhere in the math section of these forums as I am brand new here. My algebraic topology professor is rather cryptic and the other two guys in the class are just as stuck as I am. I have gone...
  2. W

    Math Major: Jump to Linear Algebra or Pad GPA?

    I am currently in BC Calculus. Next year, assuming I do well on my AP tests and placement exams, I will be able to go into Linear Algebra. I plan to major, or at least minor, in mathematics. The school I am going to will not require me to take Calculus 3 next year since I have BC and will be...
  3. J

    Schools UC schools view of retaking classes , what do you tihnk?

    How negatively do UC schools in California view retaking classes ? By the way, altogether it would be about 8 W's & repeating about 6 classes total. How about, if you have a 4.0 but retook classes and got A's, however got D's in them ALL the first time, would you have a very good chance of...
  4. Z

    Programs Best math classes for a physics major?

    Best math classes for a physics major?? So I'm double majoring in physics and math, what are some beneficial math classes? REQUIRED FOR A MATH MAJOR: - Calculus I - Calculus II - Calculus III - Linear Algebra - Abstract Algebra - Differential Equations - Intermediate Analysis -...
  5. C

    Schools Are Community College Classes Considered Weak?

    I know this may be a naive question but here is my situation. I'm going back to undergrad this fall for a 2nd bachelors degree in Physics, so I'm planning on getting a head start by taking Calc II and Physics I with calc at a community college this summer. I plan on applying to grad school in a...
  6. H

    Schools Deciding High School Classes for Junior Year

    I am currently a junior in high school and I am deciding on what classes to take for next year. As of now I am signed up for Physics C(mechanics) and AP chemistry as my science classes. I took Calculus AB this year and I didn't do too well(didnt stay caught up with the homework) and I'm not...
  7. C

    Engineering Do engineering classes go towards a physics degree

    I am in a program at a community college to get my associates in engineering. I was thinking about changing my major to physics but they don't have a physics program. i was wondering if i could put the classes i take for the associates in engineering towards a bachelors degree in physics.
  8. D

    Which Electives Should I Take for My Engineering Degree?

    I'm currently in a transfer program at my local college. I have a few choices on what electives to take for my engineering degree, and I'm looking towards mechanical engineering (I'm fairly sure it will be mechanical but it's possibly I may go for electrical in the future). I was wondering which...
  9. I

    Dihedral group D5 - Symmetry of a Pentagon - Conjugacy classes

    Hi I am struggling to get my head fully around the conjugacy classes of D5. Everywhere I have looked seems to say that there are 4 irreducible representations of D5 which implies that there are 4 conjugacy classes. However, when examining the symmetry of the pentagon I am only able to see 3...
  10. D

    Prove property of classes (introductory set theory)

    this problem is from Apostol's Calculus Vol.1, i just started doing proofs so I'm still getting used to it. B - U (A) = ∩ (B-A) the U is the union of sets in a class F and ∩ is the intersection of sets in a class F. written under both the U and the ∩ are A∈F. so i let an element x ∈ B...
  11. S

    Programs Which math classes should I take to compliment a Physics degree?

    I'm working on a Physics/Mathematics double major at Oregon State, primarily focusing on physics, and I want to know which upper division math courses best synthesize with a physics program in graduate school. Right now I'm leaning toward Astrophysics. Of the classes described...
  12. F

    What Classes should I take next year?

    Hi all, First I just want to say that I find this forum really interesting and very helpful - so thanks to all those who answer these questions! Onto my questions - I am a Junior physics major considering what classes to take next year. I am lucky enough to have all of my requirements...
  13. L

    Level of difficulty between some of these math classes

    Intermediate algebra and algebra 1 are both 5 units and then college algebra is only 3 units, so is college algebra easier then since it is only 3 units ? (At a 2 year college)? going from algebra 1 to algebra 2 (Is there much difference in the level of difficulty between the two?) or going...
  14. J

    Upper level physics classes, weak DiffEq

    Is it possible to do well in upper level physics classes with a weak foundation in differential equations? I've never taken a DiffEq class. Some of the extreme basics were covered in Calc 2, and there will be a crash course in DiffEq in my Mathematical Methods in Physics class (using the Boas...
  15. P

    Is it better to take condensed summer math courses or spread them out?

    Hi all, I am 31 years old, and have decided to go back to school to get a second degree(My first degree was in Political Science) in Math. I tested into Intermediate Algebra. We are about half way through the clas and I have an almost a perfect average. I would like some advice about condesed...
  16. P

    Need help deciding summer classes.

    I have just decided to go back to school at 31 to pursue a second degree in Math (My first degree is in Political Science). I tested into intermediate Alegbra after not having any Math since the 10th grade. I am about half way through, and have a very almost a perfect average. My question to...
  17. M

    Describing Equivalence Classes

    Hey guys! So I am having trouble understanding equivalence classes. How are they determined?? Anyways here is my problem! Homework Statement Let A and B be two sets, and f: A-->B a mapping. A relation on A is defined by: x~y iff f(x) = f(y) a) Show ~ is an equivalence relation b)...
  18. P

    Conjugacy Classes of n-cycles in An and Their Elements

    (Moderator's note: thread moved from "Set Theory, Logic, Probability, Statistics") the question is if n is odd then there are exactly two conjugacy classes of n cycles in An each of which contains (n-1)!/2 elements. also there is a hint says let An act on itself i know the fact that since An...
  19. H

    Studying Recommended mathematics classes for studying solid state devices/physics

    I recently completed a degree in Computer Engineering and am looking to pursue a Masters and eventually a PhD in Electrical Engineering; specifically in solid state devices. One of my concerns is the potential lack of knowledge in mathematics I may have. As a Computer Engineering undergrad I...
  20. R

    Equivalence relations and equivalence classes

    Hey! Hoping you guys could help me with a small issue. No matter how hard I try, I don't seem to fully understand the notion of an equivalence relation, and henceforth an equivalence class. What I do understand that, in order to have and equivalence relation, it is defined to satisfy three...
  21. C

    Summer Upper-Level Physics Classes

    Hey, Does anyone know of anywhere in the USA (or even the world) one can take summer physics coursework that is not freshman level general physics? (I'm particularly looking for something along the lines of a junior level E & M I class...) Thanks much.
  22. R

    What kind of math classes are normal requirements?

    I am a freshman Physics major and I always thought I would be required to learn a lot of higher level maths. But I picked up a major requirement sheet today and found out I only need to take the 3 level calc sequence, linear algebra, and DiffEQ. Thats it. Now I understand I CAN take more, and...
  23. Barnak

    Star populations by spectral classes and masses

    I need the % of stars in our galaxy, sorted by spectral classes and also by masses. Is there any such information somewhere ?
  24. M

    What Classes Should I Take to Emphasize Computer Engineering?

    Let me start off by saying I am about to start my second semester of my senior year as an electrical engineer. It has always been my interest to design computers, and I have really enjoyed learning about electrical engineering. So, it would be much appreciated if people on this forum...
  25. MotoH

    News Berkeley High Poised to Eliminate Science Classes Because They’re Too White

    Berkeley High Poised to Eliminate Science Classes Because They’re Too “White” SOURCE: I am not sure if I fully understand this, the city that has a whole bunch of extremely gifted individuals in the science field, is cutting the...
  26. C

    School and Classes Recommendations

    Hi all, I'm looking to get into college and I'd like to get a degree in physics. I'm looking at taking some online classes and getting an associates degree through some offcampus courses. I work freelance but I'm not sure what school I physically want to go to yet. I thought I'd take time...
  27. C

    Auditing mechanical engineering classes?

    I just graduated with my BS in physics and applied math. In a year or so, I may apply to grad schools in materials or mechanical engineering or applied math. I chose not to apply this fall since I don't have enough background in engineering to know for sure that I will enjoy graduate studies in...
  28. Z

    What Classes Should I Take for a Physics Transfer Program?

    I am going to a transfer school for 2 years and then transferring to a better college to ultimately get my doctorate and do research in particle physics, what classes should i take during the 2 years in the basic school? Am I supposed to just take basic courses such as english and math or do I...
  29. P

    Equivalence Classes Homework: (a) & (b)

    Homework Statement \forall (a,b), (c,d) \in (Z^2), (a,b)D(c,d) \leftrightarrow a\equiv c\mod\2\and\b\equiv d mod 3 *edit* Sorry the b = d mod 3 is all part of the same line. (a) List four elements of the equivalence class [{5,3}] (b) How many equivalence classes of D are there in total...
  30. D

    Should I focus more on my physics and math classes ?

    Should I focus more on my physics and math "classes"? To get things straight, I'm not talking about learning the subjects (physics and math) I mean going through the motions such as calculating how much time to study for each subject so as to get x and y grades. Do physics graduate schools...
  31. Q

    Math Course Overload: Is it Wise to Take 3 Classes at Once?

    I'm on pace to take Differential Equations and Signals & Systems I (EE course) simultaneously in the 4th semester; the course catalog says that it is highly recommended that I take Diff. Eq. prior to Signals & Systems I. So, if I switch Diff. Eq. with a literature course (which I can take...
  32. C

    Can I bypass General Physics I-III for theoretical classes?

    Currently I am back in school taking some math courses to finish an undergraduate degree while getting credit for a master's program in math. I am fairly competent in calculus and did well in the first half of an introductory physics class that I had to withdraw from for other reasons. My long...
  33. N

    A question about the search for normal subgroups- Conjugacy classes ?

    A question about the search for normal subgroups- Conjugacy classes!? Homework Statement Aut(Z*_24) has Conjugacy classes of order 1, 21, 24, 24, 42 and 56. Show that Aut(Z*_24) is simple. Note: Aut(Z*_24) is sometimes written as U(Z_24) Thanks for any idea or answer... Homework...
  34. H

    Field of modulo p equiv classes, how injective linear map -> surjectivity

    Field of modulo p equiv classes, how injective linear map --> surjectivity Homework Statement Let Fp be the field of modulo p equivalence classes on Z. Recall that |Fp| = p. Let L: Fpn-->Fpn be a linear map. Prove that L is injective if and only if L is surjective. Homework Equations...
  35. L

    Schools How can someone do well at a University if they repeat classes at 2 yr college

    If you've repeated math classes just at 2 year college and want to transfer to university but feel afraid? due to, you've had to repeat math courses at junior college and junior college is supposed to be far easier than 4 year college , it feels scary to think about taking upper level classes at...
  36. H

    Equivalance classes and integer addition

    Homework Statement Prove: If a and b are in N the [(1,1+a)] + [(1,1+b)] = [(1,1+a+b)] Homework Equations Definition: We define + over Z as follows: if [(a,b)] and [(c,d)] are any two equivalence classes, we define [(a,b)] + [(c,d)] = [(a+c,b+d)]. The Attempt at a Solution So...
  37. L

    Schools Question about classes at 2 year college vs. university level courses

    How much more rigorous are the science and math courses at a university compared to science and math courses at a 2 year college. On this website called , it shows you all of the classes you would need to take at a particular 2 year college to get to transfer to a 4 year college...
  38. A

    What math classes should I take?

    So I'm a second year undergraduate physics major, and I'm taking quantum mechanics and classical mechanics next semester. I have all the basic math requirements completed (calculus and diff eq) Currently, I'm interested in doing PhD work in particle physics/atomic physics once I graduate. And I...
  39. M

    Interpreting equivalence classes geometrically

    Homework Statement For (x, y) and U, v) in R2, define (x,y)~(u,v) if x2+y2 = u2+v2. Prove that ~ defines an equivalence relation on R2 and interpret the equivalence classes geometrically. Homework Equations (none) The Attempt at a Solution The first part is easy. I proved...
  40. E

    Taking Two Math Classes Simultaneously

    I am thinking of taking Multivariate Calculus & Differential Eq/Linear Algebra both during summer semester. Doing will save me an entire semester and both have the same Calculus II pre-req. My questions is: are these two classes okay to take at the same time? Or should one be done before the...
  41. A

    Proving equivalence classes bijective to the set of points on the unit circle

    Homework Statement De fine a relation on R as follows. Two real numbers x, y are equivalent if x - y \epsilon Z . Show that the set of equivalence classes of this relation is bijective to the set of points on the unit circle. Homework Equations N/A? I don't think there are any special...
  42. N

    Achieving Success in University Without Attending Classes?

    Started uni this year. I'm going to every single class, but I feel that I don't learn anything while in my classes (it's generally been like this all through school). At the end of the day after spending anywhere from 4-8 hours sitting in front of a lecturer I rush home in a panic to try to...
  43. C

    Is There a More Efficient Way to Compute Centralizers in S_6?

    Homework Statement Given (1,2,3)(4,5,6) in S_6, compute all the elements in the centralizers. Homework Equations Well I know that cycle structure is preserved. Etc. I just want to know if there is a less brute force way to compute all 18 instead of going...
  44. C

    Conjugacy classes of an elements in S_12

    I 'cheated' and used GAP to compute these, but I want to make sure I am thinking through these properly. This isn't homework as much as given answers in an example and I'm not sure how they computed them. S_12 (1,2)(3,4)(5,6)(7,8)(9,10)(11,12) - 10,395 This stems from...
  45. D

    Inclusive and exclusive classes.

    Am I right about this - Inclusive - This basically means that suppose in the interval - x – y The range starts from x and ends after y, that is including all possible values of y. So if we have a class interval 5 – 10 which is inclusive, then it will include...
  46. N

    Do Grad Students Collaborate on Homework?

    I just want to get an idea of how taking courses as a physics grad student differs from that of undergrad. As an undergrad, I usually find a friend to work on physics homework, mainly because it saves a lot of time and can sometimes help clarify a difficult problem when two people are working on...
  47. M

    Choice between two grad math classes, DG vs. PDE

    I am trying to decide between two different graduate math classes in the fall. These are the only classes that sound really interesting to me, as well as fitting in with the rest of my schedule. My other courses will consist of several physics type courses, notably, Jackson's electrodynamics...
  48. M

    Methods of theoretical physics vs normal math classes

    "methods of theoretical physics" vs "normal math classes" Hey. I am in a dilemma. Originally, I was going to go the math minor route but I think I am deciding against it mainly because of the structure. I wanted to take an advanced calculus class to prepare myself for EM, but I really want...
  49. S

    All-in-One Physics Book for Classes +1 and +2

    Help me guys... Could anybody please refer me a book in physics for class +1 and +2 that covers all the concepts in detail?? No single book covers all the concepts and I am mad after referring 5 different books and still getting nothing to improve my concepts. Please help me guys... I need an...