!Artificial rain cloud machine created by Israel scientists!
Yesterday, while seeing spanish news, I was seeing are report of Israel scientists created a machine that produces artificial clouds with rain!The machine is a clear tube with an apparatus at the bottom and closed at the top...
[?] I'm thinking of building a simple cloud chamber in order to detect small particles such as muons, neutrinos, and the like. I have read some handbooks but I would be grateful if someone could lend me a hand by providing some instructions. I only have three months to prepare this so I need the...
Has anyone heard the statement that a cloud of electrons neither reflects, transmits or absorbs any light therefore making it "invisiable"?
Is this true?
Something I've thought about before but never asked anybody...The existence of short-period comets is a problem if one believes the solar system is 4 billion years old, because obviously after that length of time all of the short-period comets would have disintegrated. So, we need a way of...