Coil Definition and 906 Threads

  1. M

    Calculating Induced EMF in a Changing Magnetic Field

    Ok, so here's the problem: Induced EMF A 5.80 cm diameter wire coil is initially oriented so that its plane is perpendicular to a magnetic field of 0.770 T pointing up. During the course of 0.140 s, the field is changed to one of 0.240 T pointing down. What is the average induced emf in the...
  2. Jonathan

    Measuring Self-Capacitance & Self-Inductance of a Coil

    the self-capacitance and self-inductance of a coil? Are there equations for these where I won't need to know the number of turns? Since I think #2 is no, are there meters I can buy to measure this, or can I use the measurements from a volt/resistence meter I already have?
  3. S

    Plastic disc with a coil wound around is axis of rotation

    A question, I have a plastic disc with a coil wound around is axis of rotation. The coil carries current I. Now the disc carries charges at its circumference. Now the current flowing in the coil is brought to 0 instantaneously. This creates Electric Field to be produced that travel in...
  4. D

    Finding the Inductance of a coil

    I'm stumped by the following problem. To determine the inductance of a coil used in a research project, a student first connects the coil to a 12.0V battery and measures a current of 0.630 A. The student the connects the coil to a 24.0-V(rms), 60.0-Hz generator and measures an rms current of...
  5. D

    Watching Light Travel in a Coil: Is It Possible?

    my uncle was describing something that showed light traveling at a slow speed and i had no idea how it worked. he said it was a clear solid plastic like tube wrapped around in a coil and when you shined a light in one end you could watch it enter the coil, spin around the coil, and then exit...
  6. A

    Would the Induced Current Change Direction Inside a Solenoid with a Search Coil?

    if we were to insert a search coil inside a solenoid, (plane of coil perpendicular to B), would the induced current change direction in the middle of the solenoid ? it would have to wouldn't it since it would now be approching the opposite pole --- ??