College Definition and 1000 Threads

A college (Latin: collegium) is an educational institution or a constituent part of one. A college may be a degree-awarding tertiary educational institution, a part of a collegiate or federal university, an institution offering vocational education, or a secondary school.
In most of the world, a college may be a high school or secondary school, a college of further education, a training institution that awards trade qualifications, a higher-education provider that does not have university status (often without its own degree-awarding powers), or a constituent part of a university. In the United States, a college offers undergraduate programs; it may be independent or the undergraduate program of a university, it is generally also used as a synonym for a university while in some instances a college may also be a residential college. A college in francophone countries—France (see secondary education in France), Belgium, and Switzerland—provides secondary education. However, the Collège de France is a prestigious advanced research institute in Paris.

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  1. D

    Schools AP Physics C and College Introductory Physics

    Hi everyone, I want to know that if a five on Ap Physics C exam can replace college's two introductory physics courses. Also, what topic should I study after Physics C that helps me to be better off in college higher-level physics? Thank you.
  2. N

    A very very hard college algebra problem

    Homework Statement Note: I'm saying it's very very hard because I still couldn't solve it and I've posted it in stackexchange and no answer till now. I'm posting here the problem statement, all variables and known data in addition to my solving attempts. Because I'm posting an image of my...
  3. A

    Review book for College Physics I and II

    In September I will be a Junior in high school (11th grade). I am already taking Chemistry, and thinking about taking Physics also. I have basic trigonometry knowledge (I will also be taking A2T (Algebra 2, Trig) at the same time as this course. The first half of the year is College Physics I...
  4. davidbenari

    Schools Dual citizenship, which should I use for college application

    I am a dual mexican and american citizen but I study in Mexico and I need to apply to other colleges for an international exchange. My question to you is: do you think I should apply to other colleges as a mexican or as an american? I'm applying to Canada, Europe, and the US. I was thinking...
  5. E

    Intro Physics College Physics with Calculus help book suggestions

    Hello everyone, Im currently taking my first semester of College Physics with Calculus and i need a good book to help me study concepts and maybe have example problems that have step by step analysis. Any Suggestions?
  6. kq6up

    Physics Tips for Preparing for an Adjunct Professor Interview at a Community College?

    I have an interview with a community college physics department for a part time teaching gig. Can anyone provide me with some tips of what to expect. I am going to give a 10 minute presentation on elliptical orbits as well for a sample lecture. I am not so nervous about that bit -- it is the...
  7. F

    Schools About my future: college choice EE or ME?

    Hi! I already posted something here, but I think there's no problem in asking something different yet a bit related with my previous post. In the future, I see myself starting a company of electrical motors and generators. I want to master the designing and the technology used in order to build...
  8. F

    Schools I'm about to go to college: I need advice

    Hi! I'm 17 years and I'm from Europe, I'm going to college in september to the course electrical and computer engineering. And this is what I really love: The pure science of electricity, I love building alternators for generating electric power, I also build electric motors and so, I love...
  9. MidgetDwarf

    Schools Considering Transferring to College: Financially Based Decisions

    So I am transferring to a university in the Fall semester. My major is mathematics. Due to my economic situation I have to choose between Cal State Long Beach or Cal State La. So I am having trouble finding housing around the Long Beach area. I do not drive. I found a place with other students...
  10. G

    Schools How many college courses are "TOO" many?

    I am in high school and my school offers very little in the way of higher level STEM classes. I want very badly to delve deeper into this topics so I want to take college classes over the summer. I want to take a Computer Science class and if possible I want to take an Enginnering or Science...
  11. Newfrickinshow

    Schools Online College Advice: Overcome Life Obstacles

    To be honest, my life right now has hit kind of a rough patch. I'm living in the middle of nowhere with no little job prospects, no transportation, and working a dead end part time job. For a long time I've been fascinated with the hard sciences and have begun thinking about pursuing a degree...
  12. B

    Schools Navigating a Busy College Schedule: My Experience and Tips

    Hey guys, I have something to say, is not a question, i just want some guidelines about me college experience. Here is some background info: Currently, i am working 40 hours a week (Monday-Friday) and lectures in college at night (Electric Engineering), 18 hours a week with 4 subjects...
  13. G

    Admissions Academic Appeal, you think they will give me another chance?

    I am .01 points away from the required gpa. Also if i have any grammatical and/or punctuation errors let me know!I am writing to appeal my academic dismissal from xxxxxxxx. I was upset to recently receive a letter informing me that I am subject to academic dismissal. I am ashamed to admit that...
  14. tommyxu3

    Programs Can a math major excel in physics research?

    Hi, guys. I'm interested in so issues. Everyone says math provides a solid bedrock for physics, of course and other science. But does there really exist someone deciding to devote himself to physics research, but take the major in mathematics in college? I have heard Feynman is in the major of...
  15. BruceW~

    Do you need a decent PC for college level computer science?

    Hi guys I'm going to study CS in college this fall, but don't know if I need to upgrade my computer or not. I understand you need a lot of computing power for some heavy caculation but just wondering is that going to happen at the college level courses. My current set up is a pc with i3 3220...
  16. obstinatus

    Programs Should I Switch from Physics to Economics for Better Career Prospects?

    As I've posted in another thread, I'm struggling with having failed to make significant progress in my physics degree; continuing to pursue it as an undergraduate major would likely result in another two years of school (and including a couple semesters off, I've already been an undergrad for 5...
  17. M

    Schools How can I find topics to write college essays?

    Hi, I was reading a book by Cal Newport which advises students on how to study in college. There's a whole section devoted to writing college essays, and how to research and collect material for it. The prospect of applying those ideas and writing essays excited me. In the college system I'm...
  18. obstinatus

    Schools Will transferring solve anything?

    I'm a physics undergrad with a year's worth of credit remaining to complete my degree, all 300 and 400 level courses as I've already done gen eds/ humanities. After graduating high school, I attended a noncompetitive state school for a year and was very alienated, the school lacking support for...
  19. E

    Schools What school is good for my undergrad?

    I live in Texas, and I'm going on my senior year of high school. I've come to a problem, I don't know what college/university I should continue my education at. I've already decided what I hope to do when I'm older- qft and quantum gravity, but I don't know what place is good to further ones...
  20. Q

    Schools Which college is better for physics and computer science: Brown or Northwestern?

    I'm a sophomore in college studying physics and computer science, and I'm in the process of considering a transfer. I have offers to Brown and Northwestern, and I'd like to get some more opinions on the quality of each school for these fields. I currently attend Vanderbilt. In physics, beyond...
  21. Hercuflea

    Physics Community College lecturer with foreign masters?

    Is it possible to teach community college physics in the US with a foreign (UK) master's in physics? I know they require 18 graduate credit hours of physics, but will they accept foreign credit especially since they don't use credit hours and the course titles might be different?
  22. E

    Schools Take College Algebra and study for Trigonometry?

    Hello. I am a sophomore and I attend an Early College High school. I am currently in Geometry this year and I will be taking Algebra II during the first half of summer. To account for the second half-credit of Algebra II, I will be taking College Algebra in the second half of summer. Throughout...
  23. O

    Schools Imperial College MSc in QFFF - Do I still have a chance?

    So I'm your overly ambitious first year Physics student at Imperial College. I am currently planning out possible life routes. The following is written by me in the future, hopefully (it's just easier): So I finished my Physics degree with a first (hopefully), but I have since been abroad for...
  24. D

    Learning control theory first job out of college

    Hello everyone, so my dilemma is this: I graduated with a degree in physics which had a curriculum that did not cover control theory. I recently got a job as an EE and am now likely to be tasked with designing controllers. How can I most quickly and or thoroughly gain a good applicable...
  25. M

    Other Best career move? Opportunity at a local community college....

    Hello all, I could really use some advice. Here's my backstory: I used to work as an actuarial analyst; however, I wanted to get into a job that actually does more in the way of value creation in the economy. I want to do this as I want to eventually be in a position that allows me to sort of...
  26. F

    Schools College choice: UCSB or Cambridge?

    As an international student who has recently completed high school, I now need to decide what college I will go to. Since "Cambridge, duh" gets a bit irritating after one has heard it a thousand times, I decided to write up a little list of the pros and cons I associate with each of the two...
  27. C

    Courses Can I Skip Math 1314 for Calculus I with a TSI Score of 350?

    I took the TSI in January this year. I scored ok in the English part, and I'm confused on the math part. Here is my math score from the TSI paper: TSI Mathematic Placement: 350 MATH 1314, 1324, 1332, 1342 Enroll in Math 1314, College Algebra. You also qualify for Math 1324, 1332, 1342. I'm...
  28. F

    Engineering Chemistry or Engineering major for environmentally-minded?

    Hi! I'm entering college this Fall and I'm not sure whether I want to pursue a Chemistry degree or an Engineering degree. The college I'll be attending has a very strong chemistry program, and a comparably weaker engineering program, but they have both programs nonetheless. I'm interested in...
  29. D

    How to study future and previous subjects over the summer.

    I am an incoming 4th year Electronics Engineering student. I sort of want to address my problem over the summer, the problem being that I have a weak foundation in maths. I do get above average scores in class despite this problem but I feel like it is holding me back. Also, I want to study my...
  30. AlwaysSometimesNever

    Physics Afraid of not getting a physics-related job after college

    I really don't want to end up working a job unrelated to physics after college What are some tips to increase my chances of actually getting a job in the field of physics
  31. M

    Schools Community College College Calulus 1&2 vs. AP CALC BC

    As a sophomore, I am deciding whether to jump into AP CALC BC or the college credit plus program; CALC I&II. Now this summer, I am taking honors pre-CALC at the same community college so I hope I will be prepared. Should I take the AP class because it looks good on an application or community...
  32. C

    Schools Undergrad college choice for physics

    I'm hoping you can give me some advice on undergraduate college choice for physics. Places being considered are Pomona, UCSB (CCS/Regents), UCSD (Regents), USC, Brandeis and possibly Reed. I know UCSB has an excellent graduate program, but would a smaller school such as Pomona or Brandeis be a...
  33. E

    Calculus Really need to read the textbook?

    Hello everybody, I am taking a calculus 1 course at my local community college this summer. I was wondering if it is absolutely necessary to read the textbook in math because I see it that the professor teaches the theory and techniques in lecture, and covers the same exact material. Right? What...
  34. Derek Francis

    What's the best way to spend one's 20s?

    I'm 24. I've spent time in university, thinking that I was behind everyone else and I was missing out on having a life. I also spent time out of university and now I know that I wasn't missing anything. I now realize that the most important than I can spend my 20's doing is building a career...
  35. Derek Francis

    Schools 18 year olds shouldn't go to college immediately

    I feel like there is an expectation from society for every 18 year old to go to college immediately after high school. In my opinion, this results in millions of people being pressured to enter into a program that they are not ready for. Me, personally, I went into the wrong program at the...
  36. G

    Schools Which Is Better for Physics: Boston University or UC Davis?

    Hi everyone! I'm an international student who just got accepted to those two great Unis! I'm really happy, however, I really don't know where to go. I plan to major in Physics, and to continue my grad school in physics too, especially, theoretical physics. Could someone give me an objective...
  37. AstroBoogie

    Schools Looking to enhance my transition from a community college

    Hi everybody! I'm currently attending a community college in California and have a goal set to transfer to UC Berkeley. My current academic progress is a second semester of Chemistry and Trigonometry, so I'm quite a ways away from transferring (2018 is the plan). I'm looking into programs...
  38. I

    Schools Taking College Physics 2 before Engineering Physics 2?

    Hey everyone, I am trying to strategically plan my semesters ahead. This Summer I am planning on taking Engineering Physics 1 and Cal 3 (or College Physics 2 in place of Cal 3). Prior to this semester, I had no experience with Physics, so I enrolled in College Physics 1 to see how it goes. I...
  39. Matejxx1

    Schools Maximizing Success in College Math: Overcoming Doubts and Challenges

    A little background: I'm 18 years old and am attending the last year of high school and and was accepted to attend a mathmatical university in our capital next year. I have really loved math basically my whole life but I'm starting to get doubts where I am really good enough for it. I have...
  40. E

    Studying Comparing AP Calculus to College Calculus

    Hello everyone, I was just wondering what AP Calculus is compared to a regular college class and if they are comparable. For example does AP Calculus teach computational skills over conceptual over vise-versa? Or how does the AP Calculus curriculum compare to a regular college calculus class...
  41. Christopher Perschke

    Schools Will Junior college for my first two years be a detriment?

    So, Basically the question is in the title. I'm just about to start My undergrad and For many reasons, I'm strongly considering getting an As in physics before transferring to a bachelors program. However, I really don't want to miss out on anything, or for my junior college roots to affect my...
  42. K

    Schools How Can I Secure Acceptance and Scholarships for Mechanical Engineering College?

    So I'm in 10 grade and have pretty good grades and a GPA of 3.625, but I was concerned about getting accepted into college for engineering. Some of the kids in my engineeeing and physics class are crazy smart and that concerns me for futurely applying to college.My dad is a mechanical engineer...
  43. MarkCJ

    Schools Can International Students with a GED Secure Scholarships at Top U.S. Colleges?

    Hi, I'm Mark. Currently I self-study Physics and Mathematics. I have secondary school and GED degree, and I'm not a native English speaker. I'm wondering if I want to apply to college for 2017, what I have to do? What test do I need. Who am I suppose to get a recommendation letters from, can I...
  44. M

    Atomic Nucleus (first year college)

    1. If we have sixty atomic nucleus that decay under ten days. How can we figure out their half life, their activity and a function? This graph shows how they decay: x axis illustrates times given in day, y-axis illustrates number of atomic nucleus decay2. No equations...
  45. B

    College physics problem -- Find gravitational acceleration

    Homework Statement Here's the question: As space colonization expands, it's important to build new stations from local materials instead of bringing everything from Earth. Your latest task (besides asking for a raise) is to check the long-term stability of a proposed configuration of asteroids...
  46. Anithadhruvbud

    Schools Get into american med school after college in india?

    Is it possible to get into an American medschool like Harvard after completing MBBS from a reputed college in India? I heard from my friends that I need to be rich enough to study in foreign countries.Won't I get any scholarship at all?
  47. Q

    College Sophomore, Advice on Path to Graduate School

    Hi all, I'm a college sophomore studying physics and computer science, and I was hoping to get a bit of perspective on graduate school and careers with respect to physics. In high school, I was very much a slacker, who would slide by in the "Honors Classes", but would occasionally do quite well...
  48. youssef99

    Schools How can I pursue a career in quantum computing through college?

    Hello I have recently taken interest in physics and mostly Quantum computing and i was wondering what is the best way of tackling that field . Is it to have a major in Computer Science and possibly a major/minor in physics? or to aim for colleges that have specific classes of quantum...
  49. J

    Schools Can't decide on which college to attend

    I've been accepted into two schools, the only ones that are really options for me, and I have received a nasty surprise when scholarships came in. The first school, Arkansas State University, is closer and cheaper. However, as a result I doubt it's curriculum and the opportunities for...
  50. T

    What steps can I take to break into the alternative energy career field?

    Hello, I have been thinking about this for awhile and struggling with what I want to do so some guidance would be helpful. Right now I am studying astrophysics and I've been in love with it for the better part of a year being that I find a lot of interest in solving problems in physics and...