Compact Definition and 325 Threads

  1. mattmns

    When is a Discrete Metric Space Compact?

    Here is the exercise: ---------- Let (X,d_{disc}) be a metric space with the discrete metric. (a) Show that X is always complete (b) When is X compact, and when is X not compact? Prove your claim. --------- Now (a) is pretty simple, but for (b) I am still not sure. Here is our definition of...
  2. Q

    Exploring the Paradox of Infinite Subcovers in Compact Spaces

    According to definition, a compact set is one where every open cover has a finite sub-cover. So let say I have C1, which is an open cover, I have C2 subset of C1 which is also an open cover. But C2 is finite. But since C2 is an open cover then there is a finite subcover C3 which is subset of...
  3. A

    Rotational Motion of compact disc

    Homework Statement A digital audio compact disc carries data, with each bit occupying 0.6 (mu)m, along a continuous spiral track from the inner circumference of the disc to the outside edge. A CD player turns the disc to carry the track counterclockwise above a lens at a constant speed of 1.3...
  4. S

    Question on If a set is unbounded, then it cannot be compact

    question on "If a set is unbounded, then it cannot be compact" Hello, I am not a mathematician so wanted to understand by picturizing and got stuck in between. While trying to understand the proof as given in Wikipedia I was not sure...
  5. F

    How do I show that the real numbers are not compact?

    A trivial, yet difficult question. How would one prove that the real numbers are not compact, only using the definition of being compact? In other words, what happens if we reduce an open cover of R to a finite cover of R? I let V be a collection of open subset that cover R Then I make the...
  6. D

    Compact Fusion Reactor: High Potential Difference Effects

    What would happen if we applied high potential difference to a mixture of deuterium and tritium gases in a superconducting tube?:confused: Would the electric discharge give suffecient energy and conditions for fusion to occur??:rolleyes:
  7. T

    Compactness of Sets in Real Numbers: A Proof Using Closed Subsets

    Suppose K\subset\mathbb{R}. Prove that K is compact \Leftrightarrow (whatever be the indexing set I, i\in I, F{i}\subset\mathbb{R}, F_i are closed such that for all finite J\subset I, with \bigcap_{i\in J}F_i\bigcap K\neq\emptyset\Rightarrow\bigcap_{i\in I}F_i\bigcap K\neq\emptyset). I can't...
  8. R

    How do closed, bounded, and compact concepts relate in metric spaces?

    Could someone explain me how these three concepts hang together? (When is a set bounded but not closed, closed but not bounded, closed but not compact and so one?)
  9. T

    Proof question - extremes of continous function on compact

    Hi all, you all sure know this theorem. We've it as follows: Let (P,\rho) be metric space, let K \subset P be compact and let f:\ K \rightarrow \mathbb{R} is continuous with respect to K. Then f has its maximum and minimum on K. Proof: f(K) is compact (we know from previous...
  10. benorin

    Show R^2 is locally compact with non-standard metric

    The Q: Define the distance between points \left( x_1 , y_1\right) and \left( x_2 , y_2\right) in the plane to be \left| y_1 -y_2\right| \mbox{ if }x_1 = x_2 \mbox{ and } 1+ \left| y_1 -y_2\right| \mbox{ if }x_1 \neq x_2 . Show that this is indeed a metric, and that the resulting...
  11. benorin

    Show R^2 is locally compact with non-standard metric: I

    EDIT: I posted this in the wrong forum, will repost in textbook questions. Please delte this (or move it). The Q: Define the distance between points \left( x_1 , y_1\right) and \left( x_2 , y_2\right) in the plane to be \left| y_1 -y_2\right| \mbox{ if }x_1 = x_2 \mbox{ and } 1+...
  12. benorin

    Describe the set of all compact sets which are supports of continuous functions

    The question reads: Is it true that every compact subset of \mathbb{R} is the support of a continuous function? If not, can you describe the class of all compact sets in \mathbb{R} which are supports of continuous functions? Is your description valid in other topological spaces? The answer to...
  13. M

    Is there a compact subspace of real numbers?

    This is something that I think I should already know, but I am confused. It really seems to me that the set of all real numbers, \Re should be compact. However, this would require that \Re be closed and bounded, or equivalently, that every sequence of points in \Re have a limit...
  14. Oxymoron

    Compact Hausdorff space with continuous function

    Question Let X be a compact Hausdorff space and let f:X\rightarrow X be continuous. Show that there exists a non-empty subset A \subseteq X such that f(A) = A. At the moment I am trying to show that f is a homeomorphism and maybe after that I can show that f(A) = A. But I am not sure if this...
  15. P

    The Black Hole in a Spatially Compact Spacetime

    The last paragraph of states this conclusion: See these references also:
  16. B

    Are Orthogonal Matrices Compact?

    How can you prove that the set of orthogonal matrices are compact? I know why they are bounded but do not know why they are closed.
  17. G

    Compact sets and homeomorphisms

    Hi there. I'm taking a course in analysis and I was thinking about the relation between compact sets and homeomorphism. We know that if f is an onto and one-to-one homeomorphism then it follows that for every subset K: K is compact in M <=> f(K) is compact in N Now, does this go the...
  18. P

    How can you tell if a specific topological space is compact?

    eddo's thread got me thinking: How can you tell if a specific topological space is compact? It seems like it would be hard to do just starting with the definition of compactness.
  19. E

    A function on a compact set is compact

    If f : U → R is continuous on U, and E ⊂ U is closed and bounded, then f attains an absolute minimum and maximum on E. How do you prove this theorem? I asked about this a while ago, but now I have a chance to redo the assignment and I need to fix my proof. I started by proving it for the 1...
  20. S

    Show whether S-omega is SC, CC, LPC, or compact

    :bugeye: This is a topology question. Does anybody have any suggestions on how to prove that a topological space X is COUNTABLY compact (i.e. every COUNTABLE open cover has a finite subcover), IF AND ONLY IF, EVERY NESTED SEQUENCE of closed nonempty subsets of X has a nonempty intersection...
  21. F

    Construct compact set of R with countable limit points

    Construct a compact set of real numbers whose limit points form a countable set.
  22. phoenixthoth

    Hints only please: compact iff bicompact

    I'd like hints only please. I have an analysis book and I could look up the proof myself but I'm trying to prove it myself as an exercise; so giving the full proof would be redundant as well as counterproductive to my own learning. X is a metric space. In this other book, K is compact iff...
  23. G

    Introducing Yourself to Compact and Non-Compact Lie Algebras

    Hi I'm looking for a guide to introduce muyself in the study of compact and non compact Lie algebras. Please take a minute to signal me some bibliography al the respect. Thank very much Guillom
  24. V

    Manufacturing compact pulsed microlaser source in blue/green

    can you list out the companies manufacturing compact pulsed microlaser source in blue/green wavelengths?
  25. K

    A compact car, mass of 725 kg, is moving at 100

    A compact car, mass of 725 kg, is moving at 100 What is its momentum? At what velocity is the momentum of a larger car, mass 2175 kg, equal to that of the smaller car? this is what i have so far: p=725(100 km/hr) but i don't kno how to change km/hr into m/sec. And i don't know...