Complete Definition and 404 Threads

  1. B

    Operators and Complete State Descriptions in Quantum Mechanics

    What for do we need operators in QM. Where is the complete state description of a quantum object?
  2. S

    Complete basis for quantum oscillator Hilbert space

    In the creation/annihilation operator picture the Hilbert state of a quantum harmonic oscillator is spanned by the eigenstates |n> of the number operator. I've never seen a proof that: 1. the ground state |0> is unique 2. the states |n> form a complete basis i.e. any state in that Hilbert...
  3. P

    Techniques to show a space is complete?

    Homework Statement What are some ways to show that a space is complete? It is tricky because to show completeness, must show every Cauchy sequence converges to a point in the space. The Attempt at a Solution One way is by contradiction? Suppose that there exists a Cauchy sequence that...
  4. P

    Showing that the following isn't complete

    Let's have a look at \left\{ \neg,\equiv\right\}. How could one show that this isn't complete? I've tried finding some sort of invariance that propositions built with these might have, but I couldn't find anything... I'm going crazy! :smile:
  5. P

    Mathematica Simple but complete mathematical methods book?

    Can anyone recommand a simple but complete mathematical methods book written especially for undergrad physics students?
  6. quasar987

    Complete ordered fields are Archimedean

    Homework Statement I'm troublde by the proof appearing in my book that complete ordered fields are Archimedean. It says, "Suppose F is not Archimedean, i.e. that given an x in F, there are no "integer" N with x < N. And consider the monotone sequence 1,2,3,..." (and then it goes on to show that...
  7. P

    Can a Complete Metric Space Have Empty Interior?

    Homework Statement Can a complete metric space have empty interior? Homework Equations In mathematical analysis, a metric space M is said to be complete (or Cauchy) if every Cauchy sequence of points in M has a limit that is also in M. The Attempt at a Solution But if M has no...
  8. hagopbul

    Complete Physics Studies: Sign Up for 4th Year Specialization

    i am studing physics and i Sign up for this courses and I think it is to much: 1st year: Introduction to physics I Introduction to physics II Mathematic (matrixes) Mathematic (Calculus & Analysis) Mathematic (matrixes & Vectors) Mathematic (probability theory) Introduction to chemistry...
  9. C

    (C[0,1],|| ||2) is a complete metric space

    Homework Statement I am required to show that (C[0,1], || ||2) is a complete metric space, or to disprove that it is Homework Equations C[0,1] is the set of continuous functions on the bounded interval 0,1 The Attempt at a Solution I am immediately confused as I am told in my...
  10. P

    Which Thermodynamics Book Offers the Most Comprehensive Coverage?

    I have used Shroeder's Intro to Thermal Physics but found it a bit non rigorous and uncomplete. It tries to cover every aspect of thermal physics in a non detail fashion. Does anyone know of any good thermodynamics book that covers the thermodymaics very completely and clearly?
  11. R

    A complete course in relativity.

    I was wondering what book would be useful in learning special relativity and basic general relativity. I know vector calculus, multivariable calculus, and a bit of variational calculus. I'm looking for something that takes an informal approach to the underlying mathematics(but still rigorous)...
  12. C

    Complete the balanced reaction if it will occur.

    State "does not occur" if the reaction will not take place. please let me know if i am right a) Na + HNO3 ---> NaOH + NO2 b) Ni(II) + Cu2O --> Cu + NiO c) Zn + Mg(NO3)2 --> does not occur
  13. L

    I need a COMPLETE math tutorial

    When I say complete, I mean all things 8th-12th grade level. I want to take a time out and do a through review and make up for things I missed by not listening in class (there are maaaany of them). basic algebra geometry ...etc. Preferably one that is clear and straight forward. I am...
  14. A

    What Book Provides Easy Daily Examples to Understand Electricity?

    Hello.. I want a book of electricity (electrostatics and electromagnatism) that cover all topics with daily examples .for example the example of current is water flow or flow of traffic.charge store on capacitor with the example of water short all topics are very very easy to...
  15. A

    How Do You Complete a Ray Diagram for an Optical Microscope?

    Homework Statement For an optical microscope, complete a ray diagram for an objective lens and relate the relate the relative distances to the lens equations. If you want to increase the magnification, should the objective lens have a shorted or longer focal length (illustrate this on the same...
  16. M

    Energy Conservation in Pendulum Swing: Finding v for Complete Circle "A bullet of mass m and speed v passes completely through a pendulum bob of mass M. The bullet emerges with a speed of v/2. The pendulum bob is suspended by a stiff rod of length l and negligable mass. A) What is the minimum value of v...
  17. M

    Do All Smooth Manifolds Admit a Complete Riemannian Metric?

    Is it true that any smooth manifold admits a complete riemannian metric? Can you prove it? If not can you give a counter example? Obviously we can always put a riemannian metric on any smmoth manifold the question is does the differentable structure allow us to find a complete one.
  18. B

    String theory is a complete scientific failure by Daniel Friedan

    "string theory is a complete scientific failure" by Daniel Friedan to make it clear, I am quoting Daniel Friedan, a former string theorist at Rutgers from hep-th/0204131 "The long-standing crisis of string theory" "String theory has no credibility as a candidate theory of physics...
  19. C

    Complete preorders (and other binary relations)

    Is there a commonly-used name for a complete preorder (a transitive and total relation, Sloan's A000670 and A011782 for labeled and unlabeled, respectively) within set theory? (Not a total order, mind you -- it need not be antisymmetric.) I've heard the term "weak order", but that's from the...
  20. -Job-

    What is the connection between NP-Complete problems and this puzzle game?

    There's a variety of NP-Complete problems like the Clique problem, the Hamiltonian cycle problem, Satisfiability, etc. Recently i discovered a simple puzzle problem that is NP-Complete (the proof involves a straightforward reduction of the Clique problem). Anyway, i built the actual puzzle...
  21. S

    Complete Solution of Poincare Conjecture

    Announced in" . Differential Geometry meets Geometric Surgery on three-manifolds; Perelman clarified and (perhaps) corrected. A COMPLETE PROOF OF THE POINCAR´E AND GEOMETRIZATION CONJECTURES – APPLICATION OF THE...
  22. Pengwuino

    Outrageously complete and so so wrong explanations

    Something i noticed while laughing at the people on yahoo answers was that some people can make very elaborate and lengthy answers yet be completely wrong! I see that on this forum as well (and its fun when mods/science advisors tear them down). It's just amazing to see nearly page long...
  23. T

    At what age you complete your phD?

    hi, At what age you competed your phD? As I have calculated, I would have completed my phD right at the age of 28, is it too LATE? I have heard that some professors completed their phD at 23 or even 21. terrible.. ... Twukwuw.
  24. E

    Is a complete graph meaningful ?

    Is "a complete graph" meaningful ? Is "a complete graph" meaningful ?
  25. Loren Booda

    Can planetoids repair complete fractures?

    If a planetoid undergoes a complete fracture between substantial portions of its mass, how often will gravity maintain its spheroidal integrity, and how often repair the break?
  26. 7

    Complete search about Z-transform

    I was asked to prepare a complete search about Z-transform can anyone help me find files or resources about it.
  27. C

    Programs After You Complete a Bachelor's Degree

    I have a question regarding what to do after you complete your undergraduate study period of 3 or 4 years. Once you graduate, what is best for students interested in economics or management degrees? Is it best to work for a few years and then apply for a Master's degree, or go on directly to...
  28. C

    Maxwell's Equations: are they complete?

    Maxwell's Equations: \nabla \cdot D= \rho \nabla \cdot B=0 \nabla \times E=- \partial B/ \partial t \nabla \times H=J+ \partial D/ \partial t Together with the continuity eq: \nabla \cdot J=- \partial \rho / \partial t There are 9 scalar equations and 16 scalar unknowns (B, E, D, H, J...
  29. D

    Can an aerospace Engineer please complete this interview for a PLTW student?

    Please read, it's for a PLTW term paper! Hello, I am a high school student enrolled in the PLTW (Project Lead the Way: Principles of Engineering) Program, and I was instructed to do a term paper on any type of engineering. I have chosen aerospace engineering, and I am required to conduct an...
  30. Q

    Which Height for Rolling Object to Complete Loop the Loop?

    Compared to an object that does not roll, but instead slides without friction, should a rolling object be released from the same,a greater, or a lesser height in order just barely to complete the loop the loop? A The rolling object should be released from a greater height. B The...
  31. R

    Draw a complete truth-table for the following sentence

    I need someone to tell me if I answered these questions correctly and if not explain what I did wrong. My answers are in bold. 1. Indicate which of the following are true and which are false in an interpretation in which A and B are false and C is true. a) (A v (B ^ C)) (false) b) (-A ^ (B...
  32. Y

    Now no complete theory to explain supernaturals

    Our scientists are still stepping at the original place. Although many scientists want to detect the supernatural power and study the supernatural abilities, but now still are no breakthrough. Now really there are many supernaturals, we don't know why! But we have no complete and reliable...
  33. A

    How much heat is liberated from the complete combustion

    The complete combustion of RDX is 2C3H6N6O6 + 302 --> 6H2O + 6CO2 + 6N2. How much heat is liberated from the complete combustion of 10g of RDX? delta H values: H20 = -286, CO2 = -394, RDX = +65 (all in kJ/mol) I thought it'll be (6*-286 + 6*-394) - (2*65) = -4210 kJ/mol Then divide...
  34. E

    What is exactly the definition of a complete binary tree?

    Hi Ho! ^_^ Actually, what is the definition of a complete binary tree? I have searched the Internet and come up with several definition. This problem is confusing enough. According to , "A complete binary tree is a binary tree...
  35. A

    Can you find the solution with this additional property?

    A[r,c] = \left(\begin{array}{cccccc} \frac{1}{2}\multsp \left(1+{\sqrt{5}}\right)&-&-&-&-&...\\ \frac{1}{4}\multsp \left(2+{\sqrt{8}}\right)&\frac{1}{4}\multsp \left(1+{\sqrt{5}}\right)&-&-&-&...\\ \frac{1}{6}\multsp \left(3+{\sqrt{13}}\right)&-&\frac{1}{6}\multsp...
  36. P

    Find the Minimum Height Needed to Complete a Loop-the-Loop Track

    A solid marble of mass m=35 and radius r=7 cm will roll without slipping along the loop-the-loop track if it is released from rest somewhere on the straight section of the track. From what minimum height h above the bottom of the track must the marble be released to ensure that it doesn't leave...
  37. S

    Calculus : A Complete Course (5th Edition)

    Hi I've looked at the website of the university I have applied to, and they use these three books the first semesters. (physics bachelor degree) Calculus : A Complete Course (5th Edition) Robert A. Adams Linear Algebra and Its Applications David C. Lay Elementary Differential...
  38. D

    Whether or not the particle performs complete oscillations?

    If you have a particle that is attached to two elastic strings moving with SHM. How can I determine whether or not the particle performs complete oscillations? For example I have a particle that's at a point equidistant from A and B (which are the ends of the two strings), and say that the...
  39. J

    Complete Destructive Interference?

    I searched for a topic already about this and i couldn't really see one so here we go. A teacher of mine showed this problem to me and could not see a solution just as i cannot either. A single laser beam is sent on a path as in the diagram enclosed as an attachment. If you look in the...
  40. M

    Calculating Time to Complete 10,000 m Run in 30 Minutes

    A runner hopes to complete the 10,000 m run in exactly 30 minutes. After exactly 27 minutes, there are still 1100 meters to go. The runner must accelerate at .20 m/s^2 for how many seconds in order to achieve the desired time? Assume the runner ran with constant velocity for the first 27...
  41. P

    News Al-Qaqaa Chaos: US Troops Witness Looting . Though like many impresarios his management style is a bit heavy-handed:
  42. I

    How Do You Complete the Square for x^2 + 3x + 4?

    Complete the square - Help please :) Not to good with fractions, so I'm posting this here. x^2 + 3x +4 Complete the square. Ill try: (x + 3/6)^2 + ? lol best i can do sorry :) Thanks
  43. P

    Who makes the best complete PCs these days?

    My mom is a self-employed accountant and does all of her work on an old HP Pavilion that is just too slow, so she wants a new one. Just buying a complete PC is probably the most reliable and safe thing for her to do but I really don't know where to shop from. Are there any companies that are...
  44. C

    Is it possible to complete QuantumTheory by Hidden Variables?

    I think that fon Neumann's Theorem about unpossibility of Hidden Variables does not include the all kind of Hidden Variables. There is HV, which does not have the corresponding to one operator to one quantitative which measurable. In addition Bell's Inequality does not include this class of...
  45. Loren Booda

    Complete data transfer from one Windows 98 computer to another

    I am giving my ladyfriend my old Dell computer with Windows 98 OS. I would like to transfer all of the files in her old computer (also Windows 98) to her "new," gift computer. I seek to do this by means of intervening cable. Where can I get instructions on how to do this? (The Windows 98...
  46. Antonio Lao

    Is Cosmic Matter Composition Complete ?

    Is Cosmic Matter Composition Complete ? Convincing theoretical and observational evidence indicate that 5% of mass of the universe is made up protons, neutrons, and electrons (.05%). 25% of the mass is from dark matter. What is dark matter? Nobody is certain. 70% from dark energy of repulsive...
  47. T

    Complete the following: If I were 18 again I would

    I would absolutely concentrate on going to and finishing college with a degree in either Forestry or Physics, then, after that, I would go thru the process of becoming a family man.
  48. G

    Understanding the Need for a Complete Circuit

    Hi,why do we need a complete ciruit required in order to have a continious flow of current.An early reply will be appreciated. Thanks in advance Ariel:frown:
  49. S

    Holistic thinking - formulating a more complete physics

    In comparison with other physics forums I enjoy the special qualities of this one. People here seem to be more open to a friendly dialogue (rather than indulging in personal aggressions, as is widespread) in the aim of developing more complete views and insights. The implied capacity to 'listen'...