Complex analysis Definition and 784 Threads

  1. S

    Entire Functions Bounded by Exponential Growth

    Homework Statement Find all entire functions f such that |f(z)|\leq e^{\textrm{Re}(z)}\quad\forall z\in\mathbb{C} Homework Equations \textrm{Re}(u+iv)=u The Attempt at a Solution I tried using Nachbin's theorem for functions of exponential type. I also tried using the Cauchy...
  2. D

    Is (-i)^(-m) Equal to cos((m*pi)/2)+i*sin((m*pi)/2) in Complex Analysis?

    is this relashion true? or false? if it is true how can I proof it? (-i)^(-m) = cos((m*pi)/2)+i*sin((m*pi)/2)
  3. J

    Complex analysis - graphing in complex plane

    Homework Statement Graph the following in the complex plane {zϵC: (6+i)z + (6-i)zbar + 5 = 0} Homework Equations z=x+iy zbar=x-iy The Attempt at a Solution Substituting the equations gives 2(6x-y) + 5 = 0 => y = 6x + (5/2) But that's a line in R^2. The imaginary parts...
  4. A

    Complex analysis (conformal?) mapping question probably easy

    Homework Statement We're supposed to find a bijective mapping from the open unit disk \{z : |z| < 1\} to the sector \{z: z = re^{i \theta}, r > 0, -\pi/4 < \theta < \pi/4 \}.Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution This is confusing me. I tried to find a function that would map [0,1), which...
  5. A

    Complex analysis / Using analyticity of f to prove f is constant

    Homework Statement I'm supposed to show that, if f is analytic and |f| is constant on a domain D \subset \mathbb{C}, f is constant. Homework Equations The hint is to write f^* = |f|^2 / f. I might also need to use the fact that if f^* is analytic too, then f is constant. The Attempt...
  6. S

    Bilinear Maps Complex Analysis

    Homework Statement Find a function g analytic in |z|\leq 2, with g(2/3)=0 and |g(z)|= 1 on |z|=2 Homework Equations Bilinear maps B_{\alpha}(z)=\frac{z-\alpha}{1-\overline{\alpha}z} |B_{\alpha}(z)|=1 on |z|=1 The Attempt at a Solution I tried using the maximum...
  7. S

    Please very my solution: complex analysis

    Homework Statement 1) consider az - b*conj(z) + c = 0 where a,b,c are complex unknown constans express z in terms of a,b,c Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solutionok so i took the conjugate of the original equation to get a second equation: a*conj(z) - b*z + c = 0 so my two...
  8. S

    Analyzing Complex Functions with a Given Inequality - Homework Problem

    Homework Statement suppose that f(z) is an analytic function on all of C, and suppose that, for all z in C, we have |f(z)| <= sqrt{|z|} Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I'm unsure of how to start the proof. any help is greatly appreciated.
  9. L

    Complex Analysis Qn: Show Constant Function in B(z0; r)

    Homework Statement Suppose z0 = x0 + iy0 2 C, and r > 0. Further, suppose that f(z) is a real valued function that is analytic on the open box B(z0; r) = { x + iy | x0 < x < x0 + r; y0 < y < y0 + r }. Then show that f(z) must, in fact, be constant on the box B(z0; r). The Attempt at...
  10. D

    Proving |z|<1 and n is a positive integer: Complex Analysis Proof

    Homework Statement Given |z|<1 and n a positive integer prove that \left|\frac{1-z^n}{1-z}\right|\le n The Attempt at a Solution I try to find the maximum of the function by differentiation \frac{d}{dz}\frac{1-z^n}{1-z}=\frac{-nz^{n-1}*(1-z)+(1-z^n)}{(1-z)^2}=0\Rightarrow...
  11. N

    Complex Analysis: Inverse Laplace Transform

    Homework Statement Hi all. I have found the Laplace transform of the following piecewise function: f(x) = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {0\,\,\,\,{\rm{for}}\,\,\,\,x < 0} \\ {x\,\,\,\,{\rm{for}}\,\,x \in (0;1)} \\ {0\,\,\,\,{\rm{for}}\,\,\,\,x > 1} \\ \end{array}} \right. I...
  12. N

    Contribution of Semi-Circle in Complex Analysis Integration

    Homework Statement Hi all. I have the following integral: I = \int_{2 - i\infty}^{2+i\infty}{f(s) \exp(st)ds}, where f(s) is some function. In order to perform this integral, I will choose to close the vertical line with a semi-circle in some halfplane (in order to use Cauchy's integral...
  13. N

    Analyzing Singularities in Complex Functions

    Hi all We look at f(z)=\sqrt z . Here the point z0=0 is a branch point, but can/is z0=0 also regarded as a zero?
  14. N

    Can the Complex Plane Extend to Infinity?

    Homework Statement Hi all. We we look at z\rightarrow \infty, does this include both z=x for x \rightarrow \infty AND z=iy for y\rightarrow \infty? So, I guess what I am asking is, when z\rightarrow \infty, am I allowed to go to infinity from both the real and imaginary axis? If yes, then this...
  15. S

    Rudin's real and complex analysis solutions

    Hey, I'm studying Rudin's Real and Complex Analysis by myself and it would be really nice if I could find a solution manual to all/part of the exercises at the end of the chapters. Does anyone know if such a solution manual exists? Thanks
  16. D

    Complex analysis harmonic function

    I seem to be missing a subtlety of the definition of a harmonic function. I'm using Churchill and Brown. As stated in the book, an analytic function in domain D with component functions (i.e. real and imaginary parts) u(x,y) and v(x,y) are harmonic in D. harmonic functions satisfy uxx+uyy=0...
  17. D

    Showing Uniqueness of z^(1/3), z^(1/2) & ln(z) in Complex Plane

    How does one show that z^{1/3} is not unique in the complex plane? [ Similarly for z^(1/2) and ln(Z) ] Thanks, Daniel
  18. N

    Complex Analysis: Poles and Singularities

    Homework Statement Hi all. According to my book, a pole z_0 of a function f(z) is defined as \mathop {\lim }\limits_{z \to z_0 } f(z) = \infty. Now let's look at e.g. f(z) = exp(z). Thus we have a singularity for z = infinity, since the limit in this case is infinity. This is what I don't...
  19. N

    Complex Analysis Q&A - Singularities, Integration and More

    Hi all. I have some questions on complex analysis. They are very fundemental. 1) Singularities of a complex functions are the points, where the functions fails to be analytic. Will a singularity then always be a point, where the numerator of the functions is zero? 2) This question is on...
  20. N

    Complex Analysis: Integrating rational functions

    Homework Statement Hi all. My question has to do with integrating rational functions over the unit circle. My example is taken from here (page 2-3): We wish to integrate the following \int_0^{2\pi } {\frac{{d\theta }}{{a + \cos...
  21. Q

    Schwarz's lemma, complex analysis proof

    Homework Statement Let B1 = {z element C : abs(z) < 1}, f be a holomorphic function on B1 with Re f(z) > greater than or equal to 0 and f(0) =1. then show that: abs(f(z)) less than or equal to [(1+abs(z))/(1-abs(z))] Homework Equations Schwarz's Lemma: Suppose that f...
  22. Q

    Complex analysis, finding a bijection

    Homework Statement Let Omega = C\((-inf,-1]U[1,inf)), find a holomorphic bijection phi:omega-->delta, where delta is the open unit disk Homework Equations Reimann Mapping Theorem Special Mapping formulas: can map wedges onto wedges, with deletion of real line from zero to infinity in...
  23. J

    Usefulness of complex analysis for the physical sciences?

    Hi, I am interested in taking a complex analysis course. How useful is it to the physical sciences?
  24. S

    Argument Theorem - Complex Analysis

    Homework Statement Evaluate (1/2ipi)* contour integral of [z^(n-1)] / [(3z^n) - 1 ] dz Homework Equations I would assume you would have to use the Argument Theorem since this problem comes after the proof of the argument theorem in my book. The Attempt at a Solution z^(n-1)...
  25. G

    Proving the Area Enclosed by a Simple Closed Path using Complex Analysis

    Homework Statement C = positively oriented simple closed piecewise smooth path Prove that: (1/2i)*\int_{C}\bar{z}dz is the area enclosed by C. Homework Equations *I know that the curve C is piecewise smooth so that it can be broken up into finitely many pieces so that each piece...
  26. S

    Complex analysis: laurent, residues

    This is addressed to people who know complex analysis (hope this is the right section). Here's the Laurent theorem from my book for my later reference: Suppose a function f is analytic throughout an annular domain R1<|z-z0|<R2, centered at z0, and let C denote any positively oriented simple...
  27. P

    Is an Entire Function Satisfying f(z+i)=f(z) and f(z+1)=f(z) Constant?

    Homework Statement if an entire function satisfies f(z+i)=f(z) and f(z+1)=f(z), must the function be constant? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution It's true that f(0) = f(k) = f(ik) where k is an integer. I'm wondering whether I can apply Liouville's theorem into this...
  28. O

    Prove No Analytic Function F on Annulus D: 1<|z|<2

    Homework Statement Prove that there does not exist an analytic function on the annulus D: 1<|z|<2, s.t. F'(z) = 1/z for all z in D. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Assume F exists, then for z in D, not a negative number, F(z) = Log z + c since Log' z = 1/z... Lost
  29. D

    Complex analysis definite integral involving cosine

    Homework Statement integral 1/(a+cos(t))^2 from 0 to pi. Homework Equations cos(t)=1/2(e^it+e^-it) z=e^it dz/(ie^it)=dt The Attempt at a Solution int dt/(a+cos(t))^2 = int dz/iz(a2+az+az-1+z2/4 +1/2 +z-2/4) so with these types of problems I normally can factor this guy...
  30. O

    Analytic Function Mapping to a Line: Constant Throughout Domain?

    Homework Statement Show that if the analytic function w= f(z) maps a domain D onto a portion of a line, then f must be constant throughout D. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I just have one question, can I write w = u(x,y) (a+bi) since it maps to a portion of a line...
  31. L

    Complex analysis - multivalued functions

    What are the implications for holomorphicity of a function being a multifunction. take f(z)=\ln{z}=\ln{r}+i arg(z), here z=z_0+2k \pi all correspond to the same value of z but give different values of f(z) i.e. its a multifunction. how does this affect its holomorphicity? as far as i...
  32. I

    Complex Analysis - Removing A Singularity

    Ok, so I'm suppose to be able to remove the singularity to find the residue of the function (z)cos{\frac{1}{z} I tried to see how "bad" the singularity was by taking the limit, but I can't figure out if \lim_{ z \to 0 } (z)cos{\frac{1}{z} goes to 0 or if it is...
  33. F

    Need Recommendations for Books on Complex Analysis and Electrical Networks?

    Hey, I am looking for a good book on complex analyis (complex calculus, "complexe anlysis" in german). Any recommendations? I am a first year Electrical engineering student at the ETH Zürich. It should cover the following, and have a reasonalbe amount of examples: Analytical Funktions...
  34. A

    Complex Analysis: Analytic Function F(z)?

    Homework Statement Hey guys. I have this question, I took it from a test. I need to check if there is an analytic function F(z) in this area (in the pic) that has this derivative (in the pic). Well, the derivative is analytic in...
  35. W

    Uniqueness of Holomorphic Functions

    Homework Statement Let f and g be two holomorphic functions in a connected open set D of the plane which have no zeros in D; if there is a sequence an of points such that lim an = a and an does not equal a for all n, and if f'(an)/f(an)=g'(an)/g(an) show that there is a constant c such that...
  36. L

    Complex Analysis Questions: Singularities and Integrals

    two questions here: (i) my notes say that \frac{1}{e^{\frac{1}{z}}-1} has an isolated singularity at z=\frac{1}{2 \pi i n}, n \in \mathbb{Z} \backslash \{0\} i can't see this though... (ii) let b \in \mathbb{R}. show \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{-x^2} \cos{(2bx)} dx = e^{-b^2}...
  37. L

    Complex Analysis: Integrate e^{\sin{z}} \cos{z} over Curve w_1 to w_2

    Let w_1,w_2 \in \mathbb{C} and \gamma be some smooth curve from w_1 to w_2. Find \int_{\gamma} e^{\sin{z}} \cos{z} dz this is holomorphic on the entire copmlex plan so we can't use a residue theorem. furthermore, we can't assume \gamma is a closed contour as we aren't told w_1=w_2 so it...
  38. C

    Adv. Math for Engineers and Scientists or App. Complex Analysis?

    I'm a physics major and I have space for one more class the coming fall semester: either advanced mathematics for engineers and scientists or applied complex analysis. Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists- Vector analysis, Fourier analysis and partial differential equations...
  39. MathematicalPhysicist

    A question from Real and Complex Analysis (Rudin's).

    I am trying to understand theorem 1.17 in page 15-16 international edition 1987. How do you show that \phi_n(t) is a monotonic increasing sequence of functions?
  40. T

    Applications of Complex Analysis in Quantum Physics?

    Hi, I just finished up a Complex Analysis course last term and, though I'm no physics major, I thought Quantum Physics looked interesting. Does anyone know some common or interesting applications of Complex Analysis within Quantum Physics? Or even an online resource that might delve into...
  41. A

    How Can I Solve This Complex Integral Using Trigonometry or Complex Analysis?

    Homework Statement Hey guys. I have this integral, I tried to use trigo, tried to use the complex expression but nothing worked, can I please have some help? Thanks a lot. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  42. S

    Complex Analysis: Integration

    Homework Statement Evaluate the following integral for 0<r<1 by writing \cos\theta = \frac{1}{2}(e^{i\theta} + e^{-i\theta}) reducing the given integral to a complex integral over the unit circle. Evaluate: \displaystyle{\frac{1}{2\pi}\int_0^{2\pi}\frac{1}{1-2r\cos\theta +...
  43. A

    Complex Analysis: Solving Integral Problem with Sin

    Homework Statement Hey guys. So, I need to calculate this integral, I uploaded what I tried to do in the pic. But according to them, this is not the right answer, according to them, the right answer is the one I marked in red at the bottom. Any idea where this Sin came from? Thanks...
  44. A

    Complex Analysis Homework: Calculating Integral

    Homework Statement Hey guys. So, I need to calculate this integral. I uploaded what I tried to do. First of all, did the substitute, then I tried to use the residue theorem so I was looking for the residue of z=0 which is happen to be a removable singular point so it's just 0, then I...
  45. A

    Complex Analysis Homework: Need Help Showing Statement is True

    Homework Statement Hey guys. I have this problem, I need to show that it's true and I don't have a clue. I tried to do like alpha = x+yi but it got me nowhere, any ideas? Thanks. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  46. B

    Complex Analysis 2nd Ed. by Stephen D. Fisher: Q&A

    Hi, I'm studying complex analysis right now, I would like to use this thread to ask questions when I read books. Many questions will be very stupid, so please bear with me. Also, English is my second language. text: Complex Analysis (2nd edition) author: Stephen D. Fisher [question deleted]...
  47. G

    BME- Mechanics, Complex Analysis, Thermodynamics, Quantum

    Hi everyone, I'm a biochemistry major hoping to go into BME (ideally PhD). Besides taking a bunch of extra math courses, I made a list of engineering and intermediate level physics classes that grad schools seem to be looking for, and also kind of figured out what courses offered by my school...
  48. Q

    Complex Analysis Proof showing that a Polynomial is linear

    Homework Statement Suppose P is a polynomial such that P(z) is real iff. z is real. Prove that P is linear. The hint given in the text is to set P = u + iv, z = x+iy and note that v = 0 iff y = 0. We are then told to conclude that a. either v-sub y(partial of v with respect to y) is...
  49. S

    Complex Analysis: Proving Vector z1 Parallel to z2

    Homework Statement Show that the vector z1 is parallel to z2 if and only if Im(z1z2*)=0 note: z2* is the complement of z2 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I would probably convert z to polar form. so, z1=r1(cos Ѳ1+isin Ѳ1) z2=r2(cos Ѳ2+isin Ѳ2) so...
  50. K

    Complex Analysis Graphing Question

    Homework Statement I want to show z_{1}+(z_{2}+z_{3})=(z_{1}+z_{2})+z_{3} with the use of a graph. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I am just cluless on how to graph. I know z=x+iy where the real part is on the x-axis and the imaginary part is on the y axis.