Complexity Definition and 155 Threads

  1. evinda

    MHB How can the time complexity be achieved?

    Hello! (Wave) It is given as input an undirected graph $G=(V,E)$, weights of edges $w_e$ and a subset $U$ of the vertices. The output should be the minimum spanning tree at which the vertices of the set $U$ are leaves. (The tree could also have leaves from the nodes of the set $V-U$). I...
  2. Fooality

    Help with Kolmogorov Complexity proof

    Hey, has anyone here done Kolmogorov complexity? I hadn't, and I was just reading the Wikipedia page to start learning it. The core concept makes sense: The Kolmogorov complexity for a a string s, K(s) is equivalent to the length of a program that generates that string (It can be any math...
  3. evinda

    MHB How Complex Is the Union Operation in Pathfinding Algorithms?

    Hello! We have a directed graph G=(V,E) ,at which each edge (u, v) \in E has a relative value r(u, v) \in R and 0 \leq r(u, v) \leq 1, that repsesents the reliability , at a communication channel, from the vertex u to the vertex v. Consider as r(u, v) the probability that the chanel from u to...
  4. evinda

    MHB What is the Time Complexity of this Vertex Cover Algorithm?

    Hello! (Wave) I want to write an algorithm that finds an optimal vertex cover of a tree in linear time $O(n)$, where $n$ is the number of the vertices of the tree.. A vertex cover of a graph $G=(V,E)$ is a subset $W$ of $V$ such that for every edge $(a,b)$ in $E$, a is in $W$ or $b$ is in...
  5. evinda

    MHB What is the Time Complexity of These Binary Search Tree Functions?

    Hello! (Wave) The following two functions are given and I want to find their time complexity. function BinarySearchTreeLookUp(key K,pointer R): Type if (R==NULL) return nill; else if (K==R->key) return R->data; else if (K<R->key) return(BinarySearchTreeLookUp(K,R->LC))...
  6. A

    Dirac Equation computational complexity

    How fast does the computational complexity of the Dirac equation, with regards to full* solution, grow with number of particles N? can we specify the order of time t(N) for this solution in terms of t(N=1)? (I assume that number of protons, neutrons and electrons combined is N - i.e. that...
  7. M

    MHB Is the Complexity of Satisfiable Boolean Expressions in NP?

    Hey! :o The Boolean expression $(p_1+p_2)*p_3$ can be represented by the string $(1+2)3$, where integer $i$ represents variable $p_i$. Consider the language $L$ consisting of all strings representing satisiable Boolean expressions (those for which some assignment of $0$'s and $1$;1 to the...
  8. M

    MHB Constructing a Star System with O(1) Complexity

    Hey! :o I want to write a function for the constitution of a star system "ss". The new star system contains an empty list of planetary system, that means that in the list of the planetary system exists only the sentinel node, and the empty tree of the free-floating planets (ffp). The new star...
  9. evinda

    MHB Algorithm with time complexity o(n^2)

    Hi! (Smile) I am looking at the following exercise: Let $M=\{ y_1, y_2, \dots, y_n \}$ a set of real numbers, where $n \geq 2$. Describe an algorithm, that has time complexity $o(n^2)$ and that finds and returns two elements $y_k$ and $y_l$ of $M$, such that: $$|y_k-y_l|=\min_{1 \leq i,j \leq...
  10. evinda

    MHB Creating List $L_3$ from $L_1,L_2$ w/ $O(n_1+n_2)$ Complexity

    Hello! (Wave) Given two lists, $L_1$ with $n_1$ elements and $L_2$ with $n_2$ elements, I want to write an algorithm that creates a new list $L_3$, for which the following stand: The elements at the odd positions of $L_3$ are these that are at the even positions of $L_1$ The elements at the...
  11. evinda

    MHB What Are the Complexity and Operations of a Static Queue?

    Hi! (Wave) I am looking at the operations of a static queue. pointer MakeEmptyQueue(void) pointer Q; /* temporary pointer */ Q = NewCell(Queue); /* malloc() */ Q->Front = 0; Q->Length = 0; return Q; I have to find the complexity of the above...
  12. M

    MHB What Are the Focus Areas in the Course Algorithms and Complexity?

    Hey! :o I take the course Algorithm and Complexity and I have to choose one of the fields Computer Science(the operations of a computer), Computational Geometry or Cryptography. Could you give some information about these fields?? (Wondering)
  13. evinda

    MHB Can we merge two unsorted lists in constant time?

    Hello! (Wave) I want to write an algorithm, that merges two unsorted lists and returns a pointer to the first list, that should then contain both the elements of the first and the second list. The algorithm should have a constant time complexity. To do that, shouldn't we traverse the first...
  14. evinda

    MHB What is the time complexity of the binary search algorithm?

    Hello! (Wave) Index BinarySearch(Type A[1...N], Type value, Index low, Index high){ 1. Index mid; 2. if (high<low) 3. return -1 4. mid=low+(high-low)/2; 5. if (A[mid]>value) 6. return BinarySearch(A, value, low,mid-1); 7. else if (A[mid]<value)...
  15. evinda

    MHB Finding the asymptotic complexity of a function

    Hello! (Wave) I want to find the asymptotic complexity of the function: $$g(n)=n^6-4n^5 \log^2 n-10-5n^3$$
  16. evinda

    MHB Analyzing Time Complexity and Memory of Binary Search Algorithm

    Hello! (Wave) I want to show that the $T(n)$ of the following algorithm is equal to $O(\log n)$. How can we do it, now that we have if, else conditions? (Thinking) int BinarySearch(int A[1…n], int y, int low, int high) { if (high < low) { return -1; //not found } mid = low + (high -...
  17. gfd43tg

    What Determines the Asymptotic Time Complexity of T(n)=n^2+3?

    Homework Statement In this question you will determine the asymptotic time complexity of an algorithm for which the complexity is ##T(n)=n^{2}+3##. Find a positive real c and a positive integer ##k##, such that ##T(n) \le cf(n)## holds for all ## n>k ## if ##f(n) ## is the asymptotic time...
  18. A

    Learning Vectors in Physics: How Complex is it?

    I am currently learning vectors in physics. Things such as adding, subtracting, multiplying and converting between polar and Cartesian. I was just wondering how complex this concept really is. I am completely confused when I look at it but when the teacher tries to explain it I feel like it's an...
  19. Y

    Physics Major Questions: Should I Change Majors?

    Hello. I am currently a physics major and in my sophomore year at UT Austin. I have always been interested in physics, specifically astrophysics. But I have recently become discouraged. Not because of the rigor of physics but more because of the way it is taught and also what seems to me to be...
  20. K

    MHB Exact inversion of matrix complexity (by Gaussian elimination)

    I would like to check if what I have done is correct. Please, any input is appreciated. **Problem statement:** Consider a non-singular matrix $A_{nxn}$. Construct an algorithm using Gaussian elimination to find $A^{-1}$. Provide the operation counts for this algorithm. **My attempted algorithm...
  21. D

    Find Direct Common Tangent of 2 Circles without Complexity

    Homework Statement Is there any direct formula for calculating the direct common tangent of two circles without having to go all the trouble of using y-y1=m(x1-x2) to derive it for two separate tangents t1 and t2. If there is could anyone explain to me how it is derived? Homework...
  22. G

    Asymptotic time complexity of Recursive function

    Homework Statement I've been asked to develop a recursive function and then analyze the asymptotic time complexity. f(N) = 0, if N < N1 f(N1) = C1 f(N)= A1 + M1*f(M2*N/D1 - S1) Op M3*f(M4*N/D2 - S2), if N > N1 Homework Equations We're to assume that: s1 = s2 = 0 m2 =...
  23. R

    Why is the complexity of this code O(n^2)?

    def fib(n): f0, f1, = 0, 1 for i in range(n - 1): f0, f1 = f1, f0 + f1 return f1 It looks like it'd be linear, given there's only one loop, but when I plotted n against runtime, the relationship was quadratic, why?
  24. C

    Is Kolmogorov Complexity Infinite for All Noncomputable Irrational Numbers?

    How would I figure out the Kolmogorov complexity of an irrational number? Could I just look at the shortest formula to compute that number. If it is an uncomputable real, does it have infinite complexity?
  25. M

    MHB Improvement algorithm and its time complexity

    Hi, I have a problem with the following problem: Assume fj is concave and strictly increasing for all j, j=1,..,n. Show that the optimal solution x* satisfies the condition (from j=1 to n) ∑x*j=B. Now consider the following improvement algorithm: start with x0=0 for k=1:B select...
  26. P

    Help finding Complexity in Big-O notation

    Homework Statement I have found the complexity of an algorithm as the expression below. How can I find the complexity in big O notation for such expression? Or proved that it's bounded by n^3 or n^4 ? Thank you! Homework Equations \sum_{j=3}^{n} \left[(j-1)[2(j-2)-1] +...
  27. P

    Computational complexity question

    how can i represent the computational complexity an algorithm that requires the following number of operations: (please see attached document) $(N-1) + \sum_{i=1}^{N-3}(i+1)(N-2)!/{i!}$
  28. S

    Complexity of a quadratic program

    I'm trying to compute the complexity of the quadratic program: $$\displaystyle\min_{\mathbf{X}} (\mathbf{X^TQX +C^TX}) \quad{} \text{subject to} \quad{} \mathbf{A X \leq Y}$$ A is MxN and X is Nx1. Q is positive definite and I'm using the interior point method. Any help in computing the...
  29. B

    Do circuits have complexity classes?

    In the field of computer science, algorithms are often assigned a "complexity" class that is a measure of the time complexity of an algorithm. An algorithm with higher time complexity can take longer to compute than one with less time complexity. I was wondering if circuits also have a...
  30. F

    Java Trying to come up with simple algorithm of significant time complexity in Java

    Hi PF, I'm working on a program that requires measuring how long it takes a given computer to process a certain task, but am having trouble coming up with algorithms that won't take most computers a trivial amount of time to perform. The only one I've got so far is recursively computing...
  31. mrspeedybob

    Uncovering the Complexity of Single Neurons: A Look into Homoclinic Orbits

    A brief internet search revealed that the number of neurons in a human brain is in the 85 - 100 billion ballpark. (reference) What I could not find was any clear indication of how complex a single neuron is. Is the brain like a network of 85 - 100 billion transistors or 85 - 100 billion...
  32. G

    Why is the Universe So Complex and What Should I Do About My Existential Crisis?

    Lately i have been wondering why the universe is so complex. I cannot comprehend how something that is said to be arbitrary can be so uniformly perfect,from perspective, I hate that I have no free will or i assume I do not, nor can I comprehend the meaning of anything.I think I am having an...
  33. A

    Is h(n) - f(n) in o(g(n)) Given f(n) in o(g(n)) and g(n) in O(H(n))?

    Hi When we have f(n) \in o(g(n)) and g(n) \in O(H(n)) Can I proove that h(n)-f(n) \in o(g(n))? Obviously I don't want you to give me the answer, but some hints and maybe which definitions of O and o I should use. Thanks
  34. B

    Lyndon words: Duval's algorithm and its time complexity

    Hi everyone, Duval' algorithm computes all the k-ary Lyndon words up to any length, say n. See here for a brief introduction to Lyndon words and note the section Generation. The article claims that "the sequence of all Lyndon words of length at most...
  35. I

    Questions about quantum mechanics reducing the complexity of classical models

    I have some questions about this paper: The author computes the entropy of the classical simulator using the Shannon entropy, then computes the entropy of the quantum simulator using von Neumann entropy and gets a smaller number, thus concluding that quantum...
  36. D

    Time complexity of matrix multiplications?

    Let A and B be n×n matrices, and let v be a column vector of length n. Which of the following two expressions is faster to compute? 1. ( A⋅ B )⋅ v or 2. A⋅ (B⋅ v) As a function of n, give the number of multiplications and additions required for each part. My attempt: So, I said that (2)...
  37. Z

    Algorithm Complexity how do I tell

    Hi, If the algorithm recurrence can be shown to belong to something complicated say like T(n) = log_{3/2} n lg(n) + (log_{3/2}(n) (log_{3/2}(n) - 1 ) /2) lg(2/3) What order of complexity can I expect it to be in?
  38. S

    Algorithm Complexity: Sorted Arrays into Sorted Array

    Homework Statement We have k >= 1 sorted arrays, each one containing n >= 1 elements (all equal length). We want to combine all of them into a single sorted array with kn elements. We have a "naive" algorithm: merge the first two arrays, then merge the third array into the result, then merge...
  39. J

    (A+B+C ) ^ (X + Y + Z ) of arbitrary complexity

    This question relates mostly to computer sciences (my personal field of expertise), I am trying to find the method for breaking down large floating point (non integer) numbers into a series of integers (so that they can be stored easily), and completing a power operation over them. for example...
  40. L

    Complexity analysis of algorithms

    Homework Statement Hello everyone. I am trying to analyse the complexity of an image processing algorithm. I have only the basic block diagram of the algorithm and I am trying to perform the complexity block by block. However, I do not know how to start and would like someone to point me in...
  41. C

    MHB Complexity of Algorithm to calculate number of nodes in a binary tree

    I guess this is the first question on partly CS topic in this forum. But I think you guys will be able to help me. I have an algorithm which goes as follows: int CN(struct node *node) { if(node==null) return 0; return 1 + CN(node->left) +...
  42. C

    Complexity of SAT in First-order logic

    I have been thinking about this question for weeks and can't figure it out! I reckon it's decidable and in EXPTIME, but not sure how to prove this! Any help would be reallllly appreciated! (Note: the question is in the attachment) -Peter
  43. S

    Proofs by induction on immediate predecessors (well-formed formula complexity)

    Hi physics forum, I have no idea where to start with this: As far as I know the general pattern for this sort of proof is, 1) All atomic well-formed formulas (wffs) have some property P 2) From the assumption that immediate predecessors of any non-atomic wff A have P, so too does A...
  44. S

    Proofs by induction on immediate predecessors (well-formed formula complexity)

    Hi physics forum, I have no idea where to start with this: As far as I know the general pattern for this sort of proof is, 1) All atomic well-formed formulas (wffs) have some property P 2) From the assumption that immediate predecessors of any non-atomic wff A have P, so too does A...
  45. B

    Programs What degree should I get to study complexity?

    I want to study complexity and emergence, but I am not sure what degree I should get. I am a second year college biology student, but I feel like biology lacks the math needed to understand a lot of these concepts. I am now veering towards a math degree, but I have not taken enough math to know...
  46. A

    What Is the Correct Derivation of Binary Search Complexity?

    i found the recursive relation which is T(n) = 1 + t(n/2) after a couple of substitutions i found the pattern which is T(n) = 2i-1 + T(n/ 2i) i chose i = log2 n and then when i plugged it in i got T(n) - 2log2(n -1) + T(1) but doesn't the first part simplify to n-1? the complexity...
  47. Y

    Computational complexity with an epsilon

    What does that mean when there's an \epsilon in the complexity, such as O(n^{2+\epsilon}) for every \epsilon >0
  48. P

    Analyzing the time complexity of an algorithm

    Homework Statement Analyze the worst-case time complexity of the following algorithm, which finds the first term of a sequence of integers equal to some previous term. procedure find (a1, a2, a3,..., an: integers) location := 0 i := 2 while i ≤ n and location = 0 begin j := 1 while j < i...
  49. P

    How reason that an algorithm has n*logn time complexity?

    Some time ago I wrote an exam where I had to write a pseudocode to sort elemens in a list. I used a quicksort with the pivot in the middle and wrote that the algorithm has time complexity in best case O(n*logn) because it is a divide-and-conquer algorithm. That didn't satisfy my teacher and he...
  50. R

    Are Physics Models Truly Simple or Inherently Complex?

    Are the mathematical models which describe the laws of physics considered simple or complex?