Computational Definition and 320 Threads

Computation is any type of calculation that includes both arithmetical and non-arithmetical steps and which follows a well-defined model (e.g. an algorithm).
Mechanical or electronic devices (or, historically, people) that perform computations are known as computers. An especially well-known discipline of the study of computation is computer science.

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  1. jedishrfu

    Applying Computational Physics to Car/Bicycle Accidents

    This article does an analysis of a angled street intersection where a lot of fatal bicycle/car collisions happen in England using knowledge of basic Physics and some programming:
  2. U

    Fortran Fortran for Computational Fluid Dynamics Problems

    Dear, Everyone I am a new member here, nice to meet you.. First, I want to introduce my self, I am a master student of physics and I am studying CFD right now. It's a new topic for me and I will also do my research about simulation of fluid dynamics related to CFD. Actually, I got this topic...
  3. P

    I Computational physics - Light trajectory near black hole

    Dear all, I am currently doing a project about the light trajectory near Schwarzschild black hole. I wrote down a couple of differential equation and I have created a C++ program hoping to solve the orbit of light. However, the program results turn out to be quite weird. The differential...
  4. P

    I A computational model of Bell correlations

    I am no expert on the nuances of assumptions of various formulations of Bell theorem(s), but wonder if the following model is adequate to explain the correlations without any non-local features. If this is a known, flawed, approach, a pointer to its refutation (or an explanation) would be...
  5. Q

    Physics Interested in grad school in Computational Physics, help?

    Undergrad with about a year and a half of school left here! The looming spectre of the real world has come with the realization that I do not know anywhere near enough of physics and math to satisfy me. I love math, I want more than anything to understand and do work that involves computers at...
  6. F

    A Numerical solution of Hamiltonian systems

    The question is very general and could belong to another topic, but here it is. Suppose one wants to solve the set of differential equations $$ \frac{\partial x}{\partial t}=\frac{\partial H(x,p)}{\partial p},$$ $$\frac{\partial p}{\partial t}=-\frac{\partial H(x,p)}{\partial x},$$ with some...
  7. Q

    Admissions Computational physics career change

    Hi, I am confused about which to choose between computational physics and data science. Actually I am a computer science undergraduate and I have 4 years of experience in data mining. I discovered my interest in physics, so I planned to do a graduate degree with the focus of physics. But the...
  8. N

    Computational Neuroscience/BCI Research Career (Advice Needed :S )

    Hi everyone :) I am looking for some career/academic advice and didn't know where else to ask! I'm going to be doing a Master of Biomedical Science (Neuroscience) next year, here is the course outline: Yr1: - Biomedical Science Research in Context—Literature Review - Global Challenges in...
  9. L

    Two computational theory language questions - multi choice

    Homework Statement ##1)## Which one of the following is an example of a set ##S## such that the language ##S^*## has the same number of 8-letter words as 4-letter words? 1) ##S = \{aaaa \quad bbbb\}## 2) ##S = \{bbbb \quad bbbbbb\}## 3) ##S = \{aa \quad bb\}## 4) ##S = \{a \quad bbbb\}##...
  10. Q

    Studying How should I prepare for a computational science masters?

    Hi I am a computer science undergraduate planning to do a master's degree in computational science(scientific computing) winter 2018. Since I have a bachelor's degree in computer science, I want to prepare before I apply for a degree. As of now I am following basic mathematics from A level...
  11. Jacob T Anderson

    Programs Should I Double Major in Computer Science & Physics?

    Hello, I really want a major in Computation Physics but I don't think my University has a class. Should I instead go into a double major in Computer Science & Physics? Or should I go into physics at all? I live in Iowa so it's not the best location for jobs in physics.
  12. F

    Courses Computational Physics vs General Physics

    What are the pros and cons between choosing Computational Physics vs choosing Gen Physics? I want to make the best choice I can but I want to move on to a masters in physics but I'm not sure if Computational Physics will have me ready for the masters degree.
  13. sams

    A Computational Physics: Trivial & Non-Trivial Solutions, LCAO

    Dear Everyone, 1. Could anyone please explain what is meant by trivial and non-trivial solutions? 2. LCAO: Ψ = ∑crΦr Ψ: Molecular orbitals c: coefficients Φ: Atomic orbitals When we talk about basis sets, do we mean here the coefficients or the atomic functions? Thanks a lot...
  14. streeters

    Computational model for solution convection due to density difference

    I am a corrosion engineer and I am trying to model localised corrosion, where saturated (dense) salt solutions flow over less dense solutions. I am aware of the Rayleigh-Benard convection model, where hot water rises and cool water sinks (e.g. boiling water on a hob). Is there a well known...
  15. AHashemi

    C/C++ Optimize C++ to use for computational physics?

    Hi I'm studying 2nd year for a bachelor's degree in physics and I'm interested in programming (Beginner C++ programmer). I have already done simulations like harmonic motions, Ising model etc but I know this can go further and I need help with that. I use Ubuntu for programming with c++. (GCC...
  16. S

    Did Mozart Excel at Musical Computation?

    There are tasks in composing music for orchestra that involve a type of computation, such as transposing music from its actual notes to the representation of the music in the different keys needed by players of "transposing instruments". Is it known whether Mozart excelled at such...
  17. Carl Loomis-Anderson

    Fortran Fortran77 data compiler problem

    So I am doing a chemical simulation of titans atmosphere and I have potentially 1000 data files to sort through to retrieve concentration values written in Double format. The issue is that each chemical has its own line with well over 80 columns (1993 currently, though it is subject to...
  18. T

    Courses Computational physics course or numerical analysis course

    A question for those who are computational physicist: Dear Computational physicist, I am struggling between computational physics course or numerical analysis. They are both in graduate level (so very intensive), one in physics department and another in math. Both are taught by leading experts...
  19. Aswin Kumar 00

    Can I Pursue a PG in Computational Physics After a B.Sc. in Physics?

    I am Aswin Kumar I am studying in 2nd year of my UG(,) in Physics in Thiagarajar college, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India. I have interest in coding and programming. I wish to do my PG in computational physics. But I don't know whether I can do it or not? Please kindly tell me that. If yes...
  20. O

    Computational Cosmology: Undergrad Physics Student Guide

    Hi, I am an undergraduate physics student. I am interested in pursuing a PHD in Cosmology. I still don't know which part, but for now I was curious about the computational aspect. Do you know some online course or book that treat well the subject?
  21. Conclaude

    Other Seeking Physics Undergrad Thesis Problem

    Hi, I'm an undergraduate, currently enrolled in a degree program for Physics. Part of the requirements of the program is—you guessed it—a thesis. Now, I'm not really good with experimental physics, and aside from that, the university I'm currently enrolled at doesn't really have much equipment...
  22. F

    Programs Physics BS vs. Applied Physics (Computational) BS

    Hi everyone! I'm currently finishing my last year of community college, and I'm looking to transfer to UC Davis next Fall. The school offers a general Physics major, as well as an Applied Physics major with a number of possible concentrations. I'm specifically interested in going to grad...
  23. T

    Complementary courses for computational physics?

    Hello, I've recently finished my M.S. in Theoretical Physics/Astrophysics, and am interested in finding a career in research via computer simulations, however, my school touched very little on technical aspects of such research. So my question is : does anyone have any suggestions for...
  24. Leonardo Machado

    Runge-Kutta 4th order program copying array element

    Hello, thanks for your interest in may help me, i appreciate it, really. My question is, I've wrote this code to solve an physical EDO system. But for some reason it copies the element k[1][3] at k[2][3]. After i call the initials elements the code becomes: for ( int n=1 ; n<=1; n++ ){...
  25. Y

    Computational Introduction to Computational Physics Texts?

    Hi all, I'm starting graduate school and really need a better handle on computational physics. I'm not extremely experienced with MATLAB and haven't used Python or anything else. Does anyone know a good textbook to get me started? I looked in the textbooks links to this forum thread and the...
  26. PhysicsKid0123

    Other Computational mathematics vs Applied Mathematics

    Hello PF community, I have a question about a choice that I need to make soon and I would like some opinions from the community. So I am double majoring in physics and applied mathematics at the moment, and I have been thinking about changing my second major to computational mathematics instead...
  27. S

    Physics Outlook after PhD in computational soft-matter physics

    Hey everybody, I am at the end of my Master's degree (Europe) and I am considering doing a PhD. My master thesis topic was mostly about a simulation in quantum optics. I find the field of quantum optics interesting and quantum physics in general fascinating, but it's definitely not where I want...
  28. C

    Nuclear Reactor Simple 1D Method of Characteristics Solver

    Homework Statement Hi all, attempting to make a Method of Characteristics solver in Matlab. I'm particularly hoping that there are some computational nuclear engineering guys about who might have a bit of experience programming a simple version of one of these. I'm trying to create the solver...
  29. 2

    Where can I begin learning about Computational Physics?

    Hi. I am interested in Computational Physics. I am a third year undergrad student and while I do like Physics in general, I am more attracted by the mathematical and computational part of it. How do I go about learning what's the field of Comp. Physics like? Where do I start? I do know some...
  30. ATY

    Elliptic partial differential equation

    Hey guys, so my professor told me to take a look at an equation, because he thinks that there is a mistake. We are basically talking about exercise 6.3 (on last image). The pictures will show you the text, so that you have all the information, that I have
  31. Abdul Quader

    Need suggestions for PhD on Computational Physics

    Though there are several posts regarding Compuational Physics, I think my post is a little bit different from them. Currently I am doing my MS in Physics in Miami University and I am in my first year. I am searching a PhD program/group who work experimental and theoretical (computational) work...
  32. B

    How can I learn computational complexity?

    Hi all, I was watching a lecture on MIT OpenSource website that is called Algorithmic Lower Bounds: Fun with Hardness Proofs. I am very interested in the content of the lecture, but I couldn't understand most of the information, such as P and some specific terminologies. I tried to look them up...
  33. F

    Returning to Physics after Computational Biology

    Ahoy, I was hoping to illicit advice on returning to physics after a stint in computational biology. I have a PhD in theoretical physics with a good number of physics publications in good journals, but unfortunately lacking in significant citations. At the end of the PhD, for various reasons...
  34. PhysicsKid0123

    Insights on future prospects: Applied vs Computational Math

    Hello Physics Forums community, I'm looking for opinions, advice, really anything, to help me better understand what I'm going into and what may be better for me after gradation. I am posting this under academic guidance because these are decisions that I need to make while I am in college. This...
  35. J

    Best background for computational and quantitative biology

    After two years of Biology i switched to Computer Science and i wish to gain the necessary skills to become a "computational biologist/neuroscientist" (Here we don't have the "major/minor" system, we can choose one subject and, at least, 2 "external" exams) The problems are: 1) math level...
  36. T

    What field contains more physics in computational physics

    I am now a Ph.D. student just finishing my first year. According to my strengths, I think I should find my way in computational physics. The 'traditional' field of my advisor's group is DFT calculation. However, I think DFT calculation are more like procedures and does not contain much physics...
  37. dylanreynolds1

    Computational General Relativity

    Hello all, first post. I have come here to get second opinions on the program I have written to compute the Einstein Tensor (the Riemann Tensor and Ricci Tensor). I enjoy looking for solutions to the Einstein Field Equations, however computing them by hand is not realistic. I decided to write a...
  38. A

    Computational and reasoning skills don't always coexist?

    Studies have found that girls do better at computational math (arithmetic) and boys excel at reasoning. However, I had always thought that computation was a branch of reasoning. Can someone explain to me how this finding could be that girls are better at computation and boys at reasoning...
  39. Astronuc

    Computational Methods for Reactor Physics (Core Simulation)

    The question of neutronics or reactor physics methods has come up at various times and with respect to different aspects. I thought it would be worthwhile to explore various methods, the technology and their applications. Broadly, reactor physics calculations involve solving equations related...
  40. E

    Did I waste time getting an MS in computational physics?

    I completed the first year of grad school in physics and then contemplated returning to get the master's or just drop out. I had some prior experience using C++ and C# and was getting interviews for C# developer roles, but could not pass technical interviews since I failed questions on data...
  41. G

    What Should a Computational Physics Student Look for in a Desktop Computer?

    So, I'm going into my senior year in college. I'm a physics major working on computational physics research - lots of enormous sets of data and multi-dimensional modeling. I'm also applying to phd programs for when I graduate. I have a $1500 grant for use in my research, so my PI has told me to...
  42. CupOfNoodles

    Computational Physics Concentration

    Hello, I'm new to the Physics Forums website. I am in my 5th (and last) year of undergraduate Electrical Engineering, and am planning on applying for a PhD in some computational field. I'm not sure, however, what specific field I want to go into, and I was hoping someone could give me some...
  43. R

    Mathematical Physics graduate programs?

    I have a master's in physics. I'm looking at PhD programs, but I really don't want to take the same courses over and take comprehensive exams (or the damn GRE). I managed to squeeze in a few math classes before I finished. I would like to do research in physics, but from a more math-heavy...
  44. J

    Computer Engineering & Physics: Dual Majoring for Future PhD?

    Hello my parents are forcing me to do engineering, I got accepted to a program in computer engineering, but the thing is I am also interested in physics specifically computational areas so I was wondering If its possible to do a double major in computer engineering and physics and then go and...
  45. Feodalherren

    Computational fluid dynamics: steady 2D flow

    1. Homework Statement Homework Equations CFD The Attempt at a Solution I'm a bit confused by this question. So at first what I do for the problem on the left, I find the changes in the velocities in X and and Y on all four sides. I notice that the values on the diagram to the left are...
  46. A

    Comparing Computational Physics PhD Programs: CMU vs. Harvard, Chicago, and UIUC

    My interests are mainly computational physics and theoretical soft matter physics. How good is the PhD program in (Computational) Physics at CMU (and the Physics Department in general)?
  47. 1

    Getting into data science from computational physics?

    I'm currently working on a master's degree in physics where my project uses C++. I have read about how some physics phD's were able to get data scientist roles despite working on computational astrophysics. This is a little surprising to me since I thought experimentalists would be more suited...
  48. A

    What's the job market like in computational science?

    I was just looking at graduate programs in computational science. I understand that it's a broad term that encompasses a wide variety of fields. Right now I'm an undergraduate in electrical engineering, and I plan on going to graduate school. The computational science programs caught my eye...
  49. DrClaude

    Python Computational physics textbook using python

    I'm looking for a textbook on computational physics based on python. For now I have found Computational Physics with Python by Mark Newman, which I am trying to evaluate. If you have experience with this book or a similar book, I would like to hear from you. (And only if you have knowledge...
  50. D

    Computational How to learn Computational electromagnetics?

    I'm a junior majoring in EE and learned with 1. D.K cheng : Field and wave electromagnetics 2. Zill Cullen : Advanced Engineering Mathematics (differential Eqs. & complex analysis) 3. Gilbert Strang : Linear Algebra and its Applications +I've extremely avoided '~programming' course, so have...