Computer Definition and 999 Threads

  1. S

    Normalizing Vectors and Light in Computer Graphics

    I am trying to understand how light works in computer graphics. Especially OpenGL 3+. So I was given a paper that says how to calculate light. It says "normalise the vectors before taking the dot product".How do I normalize vectors and why? I have to compute the normals to a vertex. What is a...
  2. R

    Fluid simulation for computer graphics

    Can someone explain to me how fluids are simulated using particles? What equations to solve? How to update the particle positions? How awfully computer intensive is the algorithm? Can a simulation using a 100 * 100 * 10 grid run okay on the average computer? The more I read the more I realize...
  3. A

    Computer Simulation of Wireless Induction?

    I was just wondering if anyone knew of software that would allow me to simulate magnetic induction. I'm researching into the effects distance and the number of windings has on the effect of transfer efficiency between two coils. I've seen lots of people mention Maxwell, but they seem to...
  4. A

    Computer Engineering Vs. Electrical Engineering

    Hello everyone, I will be graduating next year and I was wondering what my university major should be. I want a major that could combine my passion for physics, mathematics, programming, and electronics and I was basically able to narrow it down to Computer Engineering and Electrical...
  5. K

    Prerequisite for computer science major

    Hello everyone! Let me first start with some quick background information. I am just finishing up my AA degree and am on my way to a university to go for computer science or possibly computer engineering. I am not good at math, I have to really apply myself just to get a C+. Because of this...
  6. P

    Why Does My Computer Show 0.99 MB RAM

    Today, while I was exploring my system properties, I found that my computer shows only 0.99 Mb RAM. But I have 1 GB of RAM and I have Windows XP SP2. Why does computer show 0.99 Mb ?
  7. rhody

    Black Friday Computer Deals Post here

    As Black Friday is fast approaching, I thought it might be helpful to share your potential computer related purchases here, so that others may benefit from store and online purchases. There are people I work with who get up at the crack of dawn to get a good position in line at your...
  8. G

    Computer Science MATLAB For and While loops

    I had a test in my computer science course in which I was asked if any while loop can be replaced with a for loop. I put true. I guess the answer was false. My professor said that if you had a while loop in which you asked the user to input a certain value that had to be within a certain...
  9. S

    Programs Various Computer Degrees are extremely confusing, PLEASE advise

    Hello, I am in my first year in college and my major is COMPUTER ENGINEERING. However I just learned that computer engineering is supposed to be about hardware stuff, and I love programming and coding, so that means the software stuff. My dream job would be to work at Apple, Microsoft or Google...
  10. G

    Quantum computers and modelling a quantum computer on a classical computer

    First of all, I haven't the slightest idea how a quantum computer actually works but I understand that it is theoretically possible to make them and they could, in theory, be used to compute things that a classical computer would take too long to compute. (i.e. large combinatorial problems like...
  11. J

    Question about computer monitors and security

    I have a question about a security practice that is in place at my work. I think the practice isn’t based on credible science, and no one has been able give me a solid justification. My background is almost entirely in math so I was hoping to get an engineer’s take on this: Security is a...
  12. X

    Electrical Engineering Student More Computer Engineering Classes?

    I'm almost done with my electrical engineering Bachelor's Degree. I have 1.5 semesters left, and I'm heavily considering grad. school in control systems (probably just a master's). I've focused on areas such as signal processing, control systems, circuit design, some electromagnetics, and...
  13. N

    Is there any way how to dispove that universe is a computer simulation?

    Hello, everybody. I have been actually afraid of posting this thread, because I usually lack in time (you know I have to work to survive), and as far as I know philosophical threads tend to be really long and complex. I consider myself as a layman when it comes to philosophy, so I hope I won't...
  14. S

    Why Can't Math Teaching Be More Like Computer Science?

    From elementary to high school I've had teachers who've droned on and on trying to explain minute details about the concepts they're teaching. I've almost always found it more difficult to follow the teacher's train of thought than to just learn the concept myself, so I always just read the...
  15. T

    Mac Computer Electrical Interference

    I am trying to play a movie from my macbook pro with the video to a standard HD tv and the audio to a guitar amplifier. I connected the guitar amplifier to my macbook pro through a 1/4" to headphone jack cable and the sound outputted to the amp was fine, just as I wanted it. As soon as I...
  16. Gannet

    Are there Standardized Computer Symbols for these Science Fields?

    Good Day Everyone I found this" which was created by the International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC). I was wondering if there are any similar documents for these Science Fields such as: Astronomy...
  17. A

    Programs Bachelor of Engineering (Computer) to PhD (Physics)

    Hello All I have done Bachelor of Engineering (Computer) and has 4 years of work-ex in software and hardware industry. I am applying for PhD (Physics) for fall 2012 for Theoretical Physics (High energy / Particle / Nuclear / Quantum physics) My scores: Subject GRE (Physics): 940/990...
  18. F

    Computer freezes for about 15 sec and then a short beep

    I don't know what's wrong with it. My antivirus doesn't detect anything and I built the think in February. It's Windows 7. It just started about a month ago but it does it occasionally and it has me worried. What could it be? When it freezes, I can still move the mouse around but it won't...
  19. R

    Is a possible computer science w/phys minor a waste on video games?

    I am very interested in video game development but also other things like, computer programming, network security and robotics. I mean you hear all the time, that the United States needs more engineers to compete with other countries. I'd like to try to be a part of the country's bright future...
  20. B

    Computer Science against all odds

    Hello, I've been struggling for a while to decide which major to put on my transfer application. Some schools don't allow engineers to change majors after transfer, so I figure it's good to make a solid choice now. I wanted to be a civil engineer, but after physics and chemistry I am also...
  21. G

    How can I study in deep DNA computer?

    I'm an italian high school student, and I decided to do an in-depth study about DNA computer as final-thesis, that we have to make at the end of our final high school year, and whose function is a sort of introduction to the oral exam. Now, my question is: where can I found useful information...
  22. D

    Programs Computer Engineering to Electrical w/Minor in Physics

    Hello all, I was considering switching from my current degree of Computer Engineering to Electrical Engineering with a Minor in Physics (with a focus on materials science). Reason for the switch is I am much more interested in the hardware of electronic devices, as opposed to the software...
  23. N

    Electrical engineering vs. computer science

    Hi there, I'm a sophomore in college and I'm split between electrical engineering and computer science. There's computer engineering at my school as well, but my CS advisor warned that the CoE degree is too scattered and that I should concentrate on EE or CS. I know that ultimately it's about...
  24. M

    Masters in Computer Science - Potential

    Hi guys, I'd like to know your opinion about a potential of masters degree in Computer Science for an individual's career in U.S. industry - along the track of data analysis, IT project management etc. Does it make a difference if it is a M.S. or M.A.? What about threat of outsourcing? What...
  25. P

    Measuring Electrical Potential and Electrical Fields without a computer

    Hey physics forums I was kind of curious if there how people measured electric field and of course guass's law before we had computers, so I talked to one of my professors about it. He told me that a long time ago people used something involving plates and soap bubbles to prove that guass's...
  26. rhody

    Medical When Science and computer gamers collide". AFP Sep 20, 2011, 07.25pm IST Creative and cool :cool:, simply outstanding... Rhody... :approve:
  27. A

    Control System Projects with Computer Interface Ideas

    can someone please give me some ideas of control system projects which have someinterface with computer?
  28. C

    Physics Physics phD to computer startup?

    I just started grad school in Physics a few weeks ago, but I have recently considered quitting in order to start or join an existing startup, probably related to software. But I am also considering staying in my phD program (maybe leaving with an MS) and just doing research in an area of Physics...
  29. A

    An horizon broading course on Computer science

    Homework Statement This is really a horizon broading, even music students and histroy students can take this course. So I think this HW problem is very simple, but it is too simple that I am afraid I will do it wrongly. Homework Equations My Dr. said we don't need to know the C++...
  30. R

    Python I can't find Ipython on my windows computer

    This might be a silly question. I installed Ipython on my Python 2.7.2 but I can't seem to find the Ipython Shell. I tried typing "Ipython" in the command prompt but it wouldn't work. Thanks!
  31. X

    Schools Self teaching computer programming vs taking a credit class at college

    I'm not really a big fan of computers but I understand there importance to physics. My school offers computer programming classes for engineering and science majors but I don't want a extra formal class that isn't required. Do you think it would be a good idea to self learn all of the programming?
  32. A

    Engineering Electrical Engineering along with Computer Science?

    My school has an dual degree in Electrical Engineering and Computing technology for a total of 5 years. Basically I take a standard Electrical Engineering degree but another whole extra year is added due to the fact I will also be taking Computer Science courses. Here to give you a...
  33. B

    Theoretical Computer Science from Math Background

    So; I've been pretty interested in descriptive complexity and finite model theory lately, as well as geometric complexity theory. Algorithmic information theory/Kolmogorov complexity is interesting as well, as is reinforcement learning. Also, I've been reading up on lambda calculus and the...
  34. N

    Best strategy to study computer science?

    What is the strategy to master computer science. My class is Fortran 90 based :D. I never really took a computer science class before and I'm sure its a bit different than preparing for mathematics.
  35. L

    Programs Undecided Major Engineer or Computer Science?

    Hi everyone. I am going into my last year in High School, but am still undecided with what I should major. I consider myself to be good at math, but I am not talented in it. I learn what I'm taught, but if I am given a problem in which I have never encountered and taught, I will never be...
  36. C

    Programs Double major in Physics and Computer Science vs Physics and Math

    Hi everybody, I am entering my first year of university (again) and I want to complete a double major in either physics and math or physics and computer science, but I do not know which one will benefit me the most. Right now I see physics and computer science double major path more...
  37. M

    Mathematics Content In Computer Science

    Ok so in a couple of weeks I am going to be doing a computer science degree at the university of west england. I want to prepare as much as I can. Now, I'm worried about the mathematics content in the course. I can't consider myself as a mathematics wiz, but of course I'm willing to work really...
  38. 7

    Concept Evaluation-Single house computer

    With the advances in computers you can now get a server with phenomenal computing power and most homes have multiple computers in them. I'm interested in the concept of a single computer with 'access portals'. The access portals would be nothing more than a monitor and keyboard with the...
  39. Newtons Apple

    Why and How, are Computer speeds measured in Hertz?

    Hey everyone. I'm beginning my exciting yet very nerve wracking road to a BS in computer science. I'm attending a university in NJ and hope to do well here. I love communications, networking, and all that jazz. Any who, one question has been bothering me. In my studying of computers, and how...
  40. E

    How would I go about creating a computer simulation for a Space Elevator?

    I want to create a computer simulation of the Space Elevator, simulating if different materials would be able to handle the tension, and whether the whole thing would be able to function efficiently through the gravitational field. Anyone how I can go about doing this, and what software to...
  41. S

    Writing software for a theoretical quantum computer

    Has anyone ever had the opportunity to have a theoretical quantum computer running on your PC (being simulated) and write software for it? If you have, could you tell me what you used for the quantum computer and maybe some "Hello World" code (a book explaining the 'language' and some of the...
  42. J

    Math Computer science or computer science with mathematics?

    Hi, I'm about to start my university in september. I just wanted to know which course should I take? Computer Science(MEng) or Computer Science and mathematics with industrial experience? I mean if I take Computer science with mathematics will I be losing any edge over other students who study...
  43. G

    Should I be concerned about using American made computers for sensitive work?

    Are there any computer makers out there that make and assemble everything in America? I've been reading more about computer products that are made in China that are being implanted with malcious code in order to spying purposes. I don't want to sound like a conspiracy spook, but wouldn't it be...
  44. B

    New computer won't install windows

    Hi, I just finished building a new desktop PC with an AMD phenom 2 core processor, msi 785gtm-e45 motherboard and a bunch of other parts whose packaging I threw away. I put my windows 7 USB drive in, and started to install, but half way through, the computer reset like it was supposed to, and...
  45. E

    From BSc in Computer Science to MSc in Physics and

    hi guys I completed my computer science degree from" with a First Class honours. I figured out that my true passion lies mainly with Physics :( Can I do an MSc in Physics or any related physics specialization (such as Glaciology, Cosmology)? I am planning to...
  46. P

    Mathematical Statistics good for Computer Scientists?

    I am finished with the first bachelor year at Computer Science and the next courses are: Assembly, Linear Algebra, Statistics, Java. Many people from my class said that they will not take Statistics as it's not that helpful to them and I was thinking of how accurate that is. Is Statistics...
  47. L

    Computer Architecture - Synchronisation issue between different processes?

    I'm doing my homework and I've already found out some things about synchronisation issues but if anyone could tell me in a little more detail why synchronisation between different processes belonging to the same or different programs is an important task in parallel computing? Thanks in...
  48. M

    Can Excel Handle Dynamic Ground Profile Simulations for Survey Computations?

    My professor wanted us to create a program that will automate the computations for our leveling practices, e.g. Computing height of the instrument when elevation and backsight is given etc. that may be tabulated. I believe excel would be the best bet for that. But he also included that we must...
  49. N

    Avoiding computer power-up surges passing through USB audio I/O to speakers?

    There are many USB and Firewire audio interfaces, that have no circuitry to protect your speakers from the power surge when the computer gets turned on or off, to pass through the audio I/O system and on to your speakers, creating loud pops that can blow the tweeters of expensive monitors...