Computing Definition and 732 Threads

  1. W

    Computing Normalisation Constant A

    Homework Statement Question: Given that Wavefunction Fi = A exp[b*mod(x)], which b is a non zero positive constant. Calculate the normalisation constant. Homework Equations 1 = Integrating Mod square (Wavefunction) from minus infinity to positive infinity The Attempt at a Solution...
  2. K

    FZERO or some method of computing the intercept points in MATLAB or Mathematica

    Homework Statement General problem--I don't know how to solve for the characteristic equation in MATLAB or Mathematica to find the solution of an equations such as Homework Equations cosh(x)*cos(x) = x (I know you can re-write this equation but it's just an example) The Attempt at a...
  3. F

    Inner product computations on manifolds

    Hi there! I have a pretty basic question about how to compute an inner product \left\langle\omega, X\right\rangle on a manifold. I understand that, if both arguments are vectors (or vector fields) and we're in euclidean space, the computation is exactly as if I were doing a dot product...
  4. Cincinnatus

    Troubleshooting Power Spectra Analysis for Time Series Data

    This is more of a data analysis question than a mathematics question so feel free to move it to wherever you think it is most likely to be answered. I have some time series data that looks (just by eye) like it should have several peaks in its power spectrum. However, when I compute the power...
  5. P

    Computing the conjugacy classes of D20(dihedral group of order 20)

    Homework Statement To compute the conjugacy classes of D20 Homework Equations The class equation, center of the group, group order, Lagrange's theorem that number of elements in conjugacy classes divides order of group The Attempt at a Solution i'm struggling to understand how to...
  6. W

    Computing The Arclength Function

    Homework Statement Consider the curve r = (e^−2 t cos(3 t), e^−2 t sin(3 t), e^−2 t) . Compute the arclength function s(t) : (with initial point t=0 ). The Attempt at a Solution r'(t) = <-2e^-2t*cos(3t) + e^-2t*-3sin(3t), -2e^-2t*sin(3t) + e^-2t*cos(3t), -2e^-2t> Then what...
  7. N

    .Exploring DNA Computing: Latest News and Discussion

    Hello, This morning, I was reading some stuff about DNA Computing on wiki, arstechnica, and other places.. I found it quite interesting and want to know the latest happening in the same area. If any of you is working on this new technology then please let's discuss about it. Thanks
  8. C

    Origin of the First Cell & Career Paths in Biomolecular Computing

    can an educated person give me an explanation on how the first cell came to be? I mean how simple can a cell really be? and I thought of something, once a cell assembles why does it need DNA, as long as the current enzymes are not destroyed it does not need blueprints on how to create them again...
  9. C

    Will the Future of Computing Move Beyond Electricity?

    I really love learning about computers and really figuring out about what they are actually doing. I started programming in python and now i basically just do assembly because its so low level. Now assembly has made me understand a decent amount about the hardware and its layout but I am...
  10. C

    Quantum Computing: Understanding Quantum Bits

    this seems like a very interesting thing but what I don't understand is what is representing the quantum bit? the atom itself? the particles in the atom? an ion? or what. I am a little confused with it all. And what is representing the value of that particle or whatever. Is it its spin or...
  11. C

    Efficient Computation of the Möbius Function

    From the : SquareFreeQ[n] checks to see if n has a square prime factor. This is done by computing MoebiusMu[n] and seeing if the result is zero; if it is, then n is not squarefree, otherwise it...
  12. Q

    Confused about computing Laurent series

    I am very confused about how to actually compute a Laurent series. Given an analytic function, we can write down its poles. Then, if I understand correctly, we have to write a Laurent series for each pole. What I'm confused about is the actual mechanics of writing one down. I know that for f(z)...
  13. D

    Physics Quantum Computing - good, active field?

    Quantum Computing -- good, active field? I had the chance of working in the summer on quantum cryptography. Unfortunately I was rather isolated so I didn't get a good sense of the scope of the field. Now I want to specialize in it, but I fear it might lead to a dead field. Any advice?
  14. B

    Compute i^i: Simplifying Complex Math

    Homework Statement Compute i^{i} Homework Equations z = x + iy z = r \left( cos\theta + isin\theta \right)The Attempt at a Solution I tried to manipulate the equations for substitution to no avail. I think that the answer is 1, since this is what my calculator told me, but I haven't...
  15. S

    Calculating High-Symmetry Point Coordinates in Band Structure Computations

    Hi, In all the tutorials of DFT softwares I have encountered computing of the band structure for different systems by using e.g. L-Gamma-X-(U)Gamma circuits. In the texts I have read I have found about X & Gamma but what are L & (U)-Gamma? I also enountered that they have separated the...
  16. J

    Mathematica GridMathematica for parallel computing of cellular automata models

    Hi, I'm interessed in using GridMathematica for parallel computing of cellular automata models. I know using mathematica so the syntax shouldn't be a problem. however, I wonder if there's here someone who has worked with it since I would like to know if the program is worth the cost etc...
  17. J

    MATLAB How Can MATLABMPI Be Used Effectively for Parallel Computing on a Cluster?

    Hi, Currently I'm trying to use Matlab for parallel computing of cellular automata on the cluster (Sun Grid Engine) we have installed at our department. For that reason I've downloaded the MATLABMPI package which has been developed by Jeremy Kepner at MIT. It implements MPI so it can be...
  18. E

    Quantum Computing Research: Math & Mechanics Needed?

    I'm interested in doing research in quantum computing. By that I mainly mean the algorithms and theoretical computer science part, not the experimental part. How much quantum mechanics do I need to know for that? Is the standard undergraduate Griffiths level enough? Do I need to know quantum...
  19. BWV

    Quantum computing and Nanoscale CAD

    Quantum computing and Nanoscale "CAD" Reading a book on Nanotechnology and venture capitalist Steve Jurvetson makes the statement that traditional computer aided design, like one might use to test an airplane wing design, is not powerful enough to work at the quantum level in designing...
  20. B

    Integration and Computing Area

    Homework Statement Evaluate the sum: \sum_{k=100}^{250} k^3 Homework Equations \sum_{j=1}^{N} j^3 = \frac{n^2(n+1)^2}{4} The Attempt at a Solution Little confused as how to integrate from 100 to 250. I have no examples to go off of and what I try is incorrect. But here's...
  21. L

    Evolutionary computing bibliography [Deadline- ]

    Evolutionary computing bibliography [Deadline-urgent] Hi, For my college magazine I'm writing an introductory article on Evolutionary computing, with the focus being on drawing parallels between Evolutionary computing vs the traditional paradigm and Lamarckism vs Darwinism. The problem is...
  22. D

    Quantum Computing: Large Chance of Getting Desired Output?

    Suppose you were given \sum_{i=0}^{2^n}\left| i\right>\left| f(i)\right>, is there something you can do so that when you measure in the computational basis, you have a large chance of getting a particular desired \left| i\right>\left| f(i)\right>?
  23. C

    Computing in Mechanical Engineering?

    I ask all Mechanical Engineers, if you do use a computer programming language to aid in your problem solving and work, which one do you use? I use Visual Basic For Applications (VBA) which is integrated with Microsoft Excel 97 and onwards, but my university recommends a proper computing course...
  24. D

    What is the Social Environment Like for Scientific Computing Jobs?

    I am planning a career in scientific computing and wondering what the work environment is like, not just in that specific field but any field that's based on computer work. I'm specifically interested in how much social interaction the job might involve. My dream job is just to be left alone in...
  25. E

    Help - Combinatorics cause heavy computing

    I have n comparable sets of data, several thousand numbered values in each set. A certain number can be calculated by choosing m of these sets, let's call it S_m. Now, the value of S_m depends on which sets I choose, so it can be thought of as a function of m variables which can only take...
  26. W

    Computing limits - logs vs powers

    Homework Statement \frac{log (x^{2} + e^{2x})}{x + 3} find the limit as x_> infinty Homework Equations powers beat logs The Attempt at a Solution going by the powers beat logs idea - simply, the limit as n-> infinity is 0. is this correct? can you simply say that powers beat logs always?
  27. D

    Distributed computing, do you support?

    Just curious to know if you guys here support Distributed computing? like boinc. do you? and what particular project do you support.
  28. S

    Computing work in an isothermal process

    I was reviewing some notes on the Carnot cycle and noticed that to compute the work done along an isotherm you take the integral of PdV from the initial to final volume. What value do you use for P since P is not held constant on an isothermal curve? Why is P treated as a constant?
  29. A

    Understanding Floating Points in Computing

    what are the floating points of a computer?
  30. Y

    Can you simplify this geometric series for computing the z-transform?

    Hi, I have a problem with computing this geometric series. Homework Statement I have to compute \sum_{i=0}^\infty{(\frac{1}{2z})^{2k}} + \sum_{i=0}^\infty{(\frac{1}{3z})^{2k+1}}. It's for computing the z-transform of f[k]=0 for k<0 f[k]=(\frac{1}{2})^k for k=0,2,4,6...
  31. S

    Computing cone equation using data points

    Dear All I have a problem that can be represented in two different forms. Problem is related to propagation of waves in 2D space with respect of time. I have three random points in the 3D Space. How many right circular, infinite cones with specific predetermined angle between conical...
  32. S

    Quantum Computing | Computer Science Career Guide

    Hi! I'm currently doing final year engineering in Computer Science. I've read some documentations about Quantum computing and I have a strong impulse to pursue a career in Quantum computing. The problem is I am very weak in Physics and it is been past four years I forgotten eveything what I have...
  33. A

    Units of Computing Power: How Much for a 1cm^3 Cube?

    I often hear about how solving some problem would require a computer "the size of the known universe", or something like that. Is there a "unit" of computing power? How many units of this power would say a 1cm^3 cube of hot gas have? In other words assuming you wanted to simulate the actual...
  34. G

    Unraveling a Strange Integral: Computing \int^\infty_0{x}^{-x}dx

    I'm just curious to find how what this integral is, but more importantly how it's computed. I've looked at the method that the sophomore's dream integrals are computed with and they do not seem to work here, I get to a step where I'm evaluating a sum from x=0 to x=\infty. Here's the integral...
  35. C

    Introductions to quantum computing

    are there any introductions out there which are aimed for physicists? I ask as its really interesting to me however I have very little background in comp sci or EE
  36. S

    Is Holographic Quantum Computing the Future of Data Storage?

    After a decade or so in the lab, holographic data storage is about to burst into the hardware market big time. Its USP is that holographic data is stored globally rather than at specific sites in the storage medium. It is written using a pair of lasers to create an interference pattern...
  37. K

    Computing Upper & Lower Limit of {Sn} from Expression

    How can I compute the Upper and Lower limit of {Sn}, which defineded as: S1 = 0, S2m = S2m-1 /2, S2m+1 = 1/2 + S2m , directly from its expression, rather than by deduction of the terms? (i.e., from the definition of Sn, instead of from 0, 0, 1/2, 1/4, 3/4, ...) thks!
  38. MathematicalPhysicist

    Computing distributions by using convolution.

    Let X,Y~U(0,1) independent (which means that they are distributed uniformly on [0,1]). find the distribution of U=X-Y. well intuitively U~U(-1,1), but how to calculate it using convolution. I mean the densities are f_Z(z)=1 for z in [-1,0] where Z=-Y and f_X(x)=1 for x in [0,1], now i want to...
  39. S

    Exploring Sets: Computing A - B, B x C, AB and A(B-A)

    Homework Statement Let A = {1,3,5,6}, B = {3,5} and C = {a,b,c} Compute a. A - B b. B x C (cartesian product) c. AB d. A(B-A) Homework Equations Table of set computation in text The Attempt at a Solution a. = {1,6} b. =...
  40. H

    What happens when you multiply two simplices?

    I'm trying to get an intuitive feel for product spaces, and I think I am having some trouble. I understand that the product space S1 x S1 is a torus. the two circles are cycles which are not boundaries though. What happens when you take the product space of two cycles which are boundaries? For...
  41. C

    Computing a Line Integral: Stokes' Thm

    Homework Statement Compute the line integral of v = 6i + yz^2j + (3y + z)k along the path (0,0,0) -> (0,1,0) -> (0,0,2) -> (0,0,0). Check your answer using Stokes' Thm Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I've tried breaking into three pieces. The first with dx = dz =...
  42. I

    Virtualization and creating computing power from existing machines

    hey In its most basic form virtualization creates computing power from existing machines. In the process of creating additional resource it uses - i would imagine a vanishingly small amount of energy, is this a reasonable assumption? If so how is virtulization described in terms of...
  43. R

    What is Quantum Computing? Math Involved in Course

    Hi, My school offers this new course called Quantum Computing - it's offered by the Math Department. Can somebody please explain to me what Quantum Computing is? What kind of math would be involved in this course? Number Thoery? Algebra? Etc..
  44. N

    Computing work from a vector field

    Homework Statement Picture is attached. I am trying to find the work done by F (gradient vector field) in moving an object from point A to point B along the path C1. Homework Equations Work = the line integral of F along the curve C of F dot dr. The Attempt at a Solution Just...
  45. P

    Computing Volume from Cross-Sectional Area

    Homework Statement A house attic has rectangular cross sections parallel to the ground and triangular cross sections perpendicular to the ground. The rectangle is 30 feet by 60 feet at the bottom of the attic and the triangles have base 30 feet and height 10 feet. Compute the volume of the...
  46. Saladsamurai

    Computing Mass of gas molecule from specific heat

    The mass of a gas molecule can be computed from its specific heat at constant volume c_v (note this is NOT C_v) Take c_v=0.075\frac{cal}{g*C} for argon and calculate (a) the mass of an argon atom and (b) the molar mass of argon. I just finshed the chapter on Kinetic Theory of gases, but...
  47. J

    How do I compute the connection coefficients for a given metric?

    [SOLVED] computing affine connection I've got a task of computing the components of the Riemann tensor, starting from the given Robertson-Walker metric g=-dt\otimes dt + a^2(t)\Big(\frac{dr\otimes dr}{1-kr^2} + r^2\big(d\theta\otimes d\theta + \sin^2\theta d\phi\otimes d\phi\big)\Big) When...
  48. P

    Question: Why Quantum Computing Uses 1 & 0?

    This question is from a lay person. LoL Quantum computing and it's associated research seems to be based on quantum superposition etc. 1 & 0 Why has the old 1 & 0 method of computation been carried over to and by Quantum researchers . It would seem that if you want faster and faster...
  49. M

    Computing the Universe: Exploring a Concept

    There's been a concept I've been thinking about for quite some time. Lets imagine the universe was a computer. How would it look like/function. Now a computer has some characteristics and I wonder if you can apply these to the universe. Though I'm not sure which corresponds to what. For...
  50. F

    Understanding Hyperbolic Functions: Calculations in Calculators and MATLAB

    How do calculators/matlab compute hyperbolic functions? I believe it may have something to do with the taylor series but apart from that I can't find anything else from the net. I was told to try and compute cosh^2(x) - sinh^2(x) = 1, and notice the errors for increasing values of x, which I...