Concepts Definition and 412 Threads

Concepts are defined as abstract ideas or general notions that occur in the mind, in speech, or in thought. They are understood to be the fundamental building blocks of thoughts and beliefs.
They play an important role in all aspects of cognition. As such, concepts are studied by several disciplines, such as linguistics, psychology, and philosophy, and these disciplines are interested in the logical and psychological structure of concepts, and how they are put together to form thoughts and sentences. The study of concepts has served as an important flagship of an emerging interdisciplinary approach called cognitive science.In contemporary philosophy, there are at least three prevailing ways to understand what a concept is:
Concepts as mental representations, where concepts are entities that exist in the mind (mental objects)
Concepts as abilities, where concepts are abilities peculiar to cognitive agents (mental states)
Concepts as Fregean senses (see sense and reference), where concepts are abstract objects, as opposed to mental objects and mental statesConcepts can be organized into a hierarchy, higher levels of which are termed "superordinate" and lower levels termed "subordinate". Additionally, there is the "basic" or "middle" level at which people will most readily categorize a concept. For example, a basic-level concept would be "chair", with its superordinate, "furniture", and its subordinate, "easy chair".

Concepts may be exact, or inexact.
When the mind makes a generalization such as the concept of tree, it extracts similarities from numerous examples; the simplification enables higher-level thinking.
A concept is instantiated (reified) by all of its actual or potential instances, whether these are things in the real world or other ideas.
Concepts are studied as components of human cognition in the cognitive science disciplines of linguistics, psychology and, philosophy, where an ongoing debate asks whether all cognition must occur through concepts. Concepts are used as formal tools or models in mathematics, computer science, databases and artificial intelligence where they are sometimes called classes, schema or categories. In informal use the word concept often just means any idea.

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  1. binbagsss

    Basic Decay Equations possible? - Parity, symmetry concepts

    The question is to determine which decays are possible for: i) ##P^0## ## ->\prod## ##^+## ## \prod## ##^-## ii)##P^0## ## ->\prod## ##^0## ## \prod## ##^0## where ##J^p = 0^-, 1^- ## respectively for ## \prod## ##^+##, ## \prod## ##^-## , ## \prod## ##^0## and ##P^0## respectively. For...
  2. 3

    Exploring Tensor Concepts with MIT OCW Courses

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  3. A

    Photometric and Radiometric measurement concepts

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  4. binbagsss

    PDE Charactersitic equations colliding and shocks concepts

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  5. G

    Help to find articles with new concepts about Gravity

    I read many articles here about gravity but I can’t find the following specific subject: I need a help to find in this site or any other place, studies or experiments comparing the “virtual gravity” (1G acceleration inside of a spaceship for example) with 1G gravity perceived in the earth. Any...
  6. binbagsss

    Conservation of four-momentum concepts, frames

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  7. Breo

    Clarification of concepts: Tetrads (Vielbeins), etc

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  8. Ritzycat

    Guidance with some chemistry concepts

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  9. P

    Require assistance in physics concepts

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  10. R

    Understanding the concepts of capacitors

    I feel so frustrated because I could not understand the basics of this topic. My teacher spent like 1 week trying to explain it. I understood the math of capacitors, but I could not understand what an electric potential is. For example, what do you really mean? when you have a capacitor and...
  11. F

    Scikit-learn book to explore concepts further

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  12. W

    Electric Potential Energy concepts

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  13. I

    What is an Irreversible Adiabatic Process?

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  14. J

    As unified electromagnetism derived c, what concepts were unified to h

    I suspect that Quantum Mechanics' true theory would be understood, at least partly, by what Planck's Constant unified, like how the speed of light in vacuum was derived by Maxwell's unification of electricity and magnetism as two manifestations of one fundamental force. So, if some physics-grads...
  15. gcombina

    VECTORS, NEWTONG SECOND LAW [Chapter 4, question 5 (Focus on Concepts)

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  16. D

    Basic concepts about contra/covariance

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  17. Greg Bernhardt

    Force & Impulse: A Summary of Equations & Concepts

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  18. V

    How do the different concepts of integration fit together?

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  19. U

    Learning maths concepts …not just how to do an equation

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  20. W

    Mathematical and physical concepts in nanoscience

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  21. N

    Java What are the key concepts to learn for Java?

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  22. G

    Friction Concepts Homework: True or False Answers

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  23. A

    Concepts simplified through math

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  24. S

    Trying to understand concepts in calculus

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  25. M

    Has my community college skipping important precalc concepts?

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  26. B

    Calculate power using energy and work concepts

    Hi, I was reading a physics book and started to make some links, but i don't know if it's correct. For example: I need to calculate the power to move a car in a slide with friction. But as far as it's a car pulled by an motor, the motor provides the needes force to keep the speed. I made...
  27. S

    How Does Thermal Conductivity Influence Temperature at Material Interfaces?

    I) is it physically correct to say that something is hot or cold II) if something is cold do you say that it has a high heat capacity or high thermal conductivity
  28. P

    MHB Explaining Integer Equations: Why -1 at the End?

    Can some one explain to my why an integer equation that starts with 1 has a -1 at the end of the equation. example: 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 ... + 2 ^ N = 2 x ( 2 ^ N ) - 1 Conceptually where does the rule come from that there is a minus at the end of the equation. It starts with an odd number...
  29. W

    Weak fundamentals, but easily understand hard concepts

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  30. N

    (Confused) RF circuit concepts- Voltage division?

    how could you calculate the input voltage at an input impedance from a voltage source? I saw they use voltage division law to find the voltage at the input impedance(Zin) from a voltage source(Vs). They do it like Vs * Zin/(Zin+Zs). The problem came... We all know that we can determine the...
  31. binbagsss

    Thermodynamics, engine cycles , entropy, concepts.

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  32. H

    Electric Potential Vs. Electric Potential Energy Concepts

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  33. binbagsss

    Mobius Transformations, quick question concepts.

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  34. binbagsss

    Degrees of Freedom Concepts - quick question.

    So the number of degrees of freedom of a system is defined as the number of dynamical variables required , where the definition of dynamical variables is to completely descibe the configuration -positions of parts of a mechanical system. The system I am to consider is a coin balanced on its...
  35. A

    What is the smallest closed interval that contains all limit points of (0,1)?

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  36. TrickyDicky

    Quantum field theory basic concepts

    Would it be right to say that QFT tries to bring together the many-particles(many-body) discrete systems of quantum mechanics and the relativistic fields that are basically continuous systems? Of course the discrete particle of classical mechanics that when found in big numbers must be dealt...
  37. J

    Applying Power concepts to a Rocket?

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  38. M

    Complex math concepts with simple explanations?

    I've read that the reason why X is the unknown is because of a rule in spanish. That is funny to me because we see math as this complex thing and some of its most mysterious concepts have a simple reason behind it. I was wondering if there were more concepts like this that had explanations...
  39. A

    Double check multi-choice questions on concepts

    Hello again! This time I have a bunch of multiple choice questions, some of which I'm really not sure on, so I'd really appreciate a little help. Questions I'm really unsure about will be marked in red. In these questions we are to assume g = 10 m/s^{2} unless otherwise specified. "Bobsled...
  40. V

    Concepts about infinite potential well

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  41. C

    Why don't most textbooks help the readers to get abstract concepts?

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  42. P

    Need to discuss about quantum concepts

    Hi all. I'll starting a little research for my college assignment. But I need to discuss a few concepts in Quantum Mechanics [sorry for my english]. 1. I want to analyze perturbation effect that suffered by an ion. Is Rayleigh-Schrodinger theory suitable for this problem? if not, which...
  43. R

    Reason for separate concepts of gravitational vs inertial mass

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  44. Ascendant78

    Basic question regarding dynamics concepts?

    I just started Physics 1 this semester. Although the kinematics we covered so far were simple, our teacher didn't do a particularly good job at explaining dynamics. In fact, all 10 students I talked to were left clueless by his lecture. What we don't understand at this point is the concept...
  45. M

    Links for these concepts please

    I am presently undergoing a course in Classical mechanics, here are some mathematical concepts that i haven't understand properly, These are the concepts 1) Tangent, normal , Radius of curvature of a vector function at a point 2) spherical, polar and cylindrical co-ordinates 3) taylor...
  46. paulmdrdo1

    MHB Suggestions for books/authors (Fundamental Concepts Of Mathematics )

    any suggestions for books/authors which contain these topics. Fundamental Concepts Of Mathematics Algebra of sets and logic; methods of proof; functions and relations; logical nature and structure of mathematics; introduction to number-theory; algebra arid geometry of complex numbers
  47. J

    Electrons: Questions about observations, semantics & concepts

    I've been puzzling over things I've read about quantum physics as it relates to reports of things "seen" and the nature of the concepts/semantics/assumptions involved. If this sounds vague its because my thoughts are not fully formed on this. Some detail: In a new article titled: "Physicists...
  48. R136a1

    A physical description of some GR concepts

    Can someone explain what the expansion, rotation, and shear of a time-like congruence are physically?
  49. W

    Applying Coulomb's Law: Changes in Charge and Distance

    1. 1. Two charged spheres,10.0cm apart,attract each other with a force of magnitude 3.0 x 10^-6 N. What force results from each of the following changes, con- sidered separately? (a) Both charges are doubled, while the distance remains the same. (b) An uncharged,identical sphere istouched to one...
  50. V

    Questions about fundamental concepts

    I am confused about what I think should be the most basic concepts in quantum mechanics.. As far as I understood, a system that can be in only one of two states, can literally be only in one of those two states, right? So if I were to make a hypothetical measurement of the configuration of...