What is Concrete: Definition and 147 Discussions

Concrete is a composite material composed of fine and coarse aggregate bonded together with a fluid cement (cement paste) that hardens (cures) over time. In the past, lime based cement binders, such as lime putty, were often used but sometimes with other hydraulic cements, such as a calcium aluminate cement or with Portland cement to form Portland cement concrete (named for its visual resemblance to Portland stone). Many other non-cementitious types of concrete exist with other methods of binding aggregate together, including asphalt concrete with a bitumen binder, which is frequently used for road surfaces, and polymer concretes that use polymers as a binder. Concrete is distinct from mortar. Whereas concrete is itself a building material, mortar is a bonding agent that typically holds bricks, tiles and other masonry units together.When aggregate is mixed with dry Portland cement and water, the mixture forms a fluid slurry that is easily poured and molded into shape. The cement reacts with the water and other ingredients to form a hard matrix that binds the materials together into a durable stone-like material that has many uses. Often, additives (such as pozzolans or superplasticizers) are included in the mixture to improve the physical properties of the wet mix or the finished material. Most concrete is poured with reinforcing materials (such as rebar) embedded to provide tensile strength, yielding reinforced concrete.
Concrete is one of the most frequently used building materials. Its usage worldwide, ton for ton, is twice that of steel, wood, plastics, and aluminum combined. Globally, the ready-mix concrete industry, the largest segment of the concrete market, is projected to exceed $600 billion in revenue by 2025. This widespread use results in a number of environmental impacts. Most notably, the production process for cement produces large volumes of greenhouse gas emissions, leading to net 8% of global emissions. Significant research and development is being done to try to reduce the emissions or make concrete a source of carbon sequestration. Other environmental concerns include widespread illegal sand mining, impacts on the surrounding environment such as increased surface runoff or urban heat island effect, and potential public health implications from toxic ingredients. Concrete is also used to mitigate the pollution of other industries, capturing wastes such as coal fly ash or bauxite tailings and residue.

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  1. D

    Compressive strength - concrete

    in compressive tests of concrete blocks in a lab, there must be maximum contact between the press and the concrete, i am told that if you place a piece of waxed paper between the press and the concrete, or even if one of the surfaces is slightly wet, your results will be very distorted and even...
  2. B

    Sound to destruct/ break concrete

    Would it be possible to break concrete into rubble with sound? if so, How much energy would it take? Forgive me if this is a stupid question, I am not a physics guy but am trying to learn. Joe
  3. P

    How to calculate yielding load for a concrete block?

    Hi all, I am trying to calculate by hand the maximum load that a concrete 1m x 1m x 1m block can take before failing. The load is applied uniformly across the top of the block. I've found out that the average compressive strength of concrete is 70 MPa. Is there a formula that makes use...
  4. W

    Concrete block weighing 20,000 lb is supported by 2 STEEL rods

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  5. V

    Concrete Structures Notes & Resources | Get Help Now

    Hey, sorry this isn't really a homework question, wasn't too sure where to put it. At the moment I'm taking a concrete structures course. I ordered the textbook online but it's not here yet. I have an assignment due on friday, and really need somewhere to start. So my question is: Does...
  6. T

    How Wide Should Expansion Cracks in Concrete Slabs Be to Prevent Buckling?

    Homework Statement A concrete highway is built of slabs 14 m long (20 degrees Celsius) How wide should the expansion cracks between the slabs be (at 15 deg Celsius) to prevent buckling if the range of temperature is - 30 deg Celsius to 48 deg C? Homework Equations...
  7. T

    Steel reinforced concrete elastic modulus help

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  8. M

    Thermal Expansion Concrete Problem

    Homework Statement A highway is made of concrete slabs that are 15 m long at 20.0 degrees Celsius. (a) If the temperature range at the location of the highway is from -20.0degrees Celsius to +40.0degrees Celsius, what size expansion gap should be left (at 20.0degrees Celsius) to prevent...
  9. C

    Stress in a concrete support column

    Homework Statement As quoted from the question sheet: When building a tall support, often the self weight of the support must be considered. For an optimal support, the volume of material, and hence the cost, will be a minimum. If the maximum allowable stress in concrete is 12 MPa, determine...
  10. T

    Conditional Probability, Failure of Concrete Beam

    Homework Statement A concrete beam my fail by shear or flexure. The failure probability in shear is equal to the failure probability in flexure, and the probability of failure in shear when the beam is loaded beyond is flexure capacity (ie, it has already failed in flexure) is 80%. Find the...
  11. R

    Do Numbers Exist Beyond Abstraction?

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  12. B

    Historical: Mechanized cutting of stone vs. concrete

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  13. Evo

    Why is my cat eating concrete and mortar?

    My cat has been licking the mortar on the fireplace for weeks. Today, he put up the fight of his life to go outside, so he was out on a leash most of the day and licking the concrete. Concrete has lime & sea shells, so I'm wondering what he's needing..calcium? Lime? He doesn't seem to be...
  14. morrobay

    Braces for concrete support safety question

    These braces were installed on the concrete support pillers at ground level of a very large 6 level mall. Would the engineers comment on the safety of this construction, in particular drilling through the concrete support structure
  15. A

    Help with a concrete question about the Franck-Hertz experiment

    I'm studying the Franck-Hertz experiment for my Quantum Physics class, and I don't see why the minimums for the graphic U_1 (accelerating voltage) vs I_a (collector intensity) increase. It seems logical, but I can't find a proper explanation. If anyone could help me it would be great :)...
  16. J

    Bending of a beam embedded in concrete at either end.

    .I have just solved a problem where a uniform beam without any load is embedded in concrete at either end. In this type of problem there is a moment of force at each end acting to keep the beam horizontal i.e the concrete at each end prevents the beam in its immediate neighbourhood from...
  17. C

    Calculating Punch Force to Break Concrete Slab

    Homework Statement I am working on a physics project about karate, and I want to know how fast I would have to punch to break a practice concrete slab. I know that the slab requires 1900 Newtons to break. I also know that my arm has an approximate mass of 8.4 kg. I also know that my arm is...
  18. C

    Calculating Loads for a 2m x 2m Concrete Tunnel with 4 Supports

    Hi I have tried this question and am struggling to work it out; A concrete concrete tunnel with 2m x 2m dimensions on the outside (in cross section) with a uniform wall thickness of 200mm, is used to support a live load of 4kN/m^2 on its top surface. The density of the concrete is 25kN/m^3...
  19. B

    Sewer gas and the porosity of concrete

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  20. A

    HW verification and question - One-way concrete slab reinforcement problem

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  21. M

    Concrete Engine Block with Liners

    Is it useful to build my own engine block from concrete , liners inside. Concrete is cheap , high resistant to pressure and high heat . Best regards , Mustafa Umut Sarac Istanbul
  22. C

    Hubbard's & Hubbards Concrete To Abstract Function

    Hubbard's & Hubbards "Concrete To Abstract" Function On page 215 of H&H Vector Calculus, Linear algebra and Differential Forms text the authors define something they call the "concrete to abstract function". It is defined as follows: Let (x_1, ..., x_m) be a point in R^m and let {v_1, ...
  23. Д

    Understanding Limits: Common Mistakes and How to Find Bounds

    Homework Statement Hello! I got few questions, about limits. º \lim_{x \rightarrow 0}(\frac{sin(x)}{x})=1 If I take values for x close to zero I get: f(x)=sinx/x f(0.1)=0.017453283 f(0.01)=0.017453292 as I can see it is not even close to 1. What is the problem? Where I am doing wrong? º...
  24. M

    Calculating Concrete Materials for 1.68m³ Base

    Homework Statement hello I have to make a concrete base in metres cubed total 1.68 metres cubed. The ratio to concrete is 1 part cement to 2 parts sand and 3 parts gravel. how much cement,gravel, and sand in kilograms? Homework Equations ? The Attempt at a Solution ?
  25. T

    Concrete way of doing abstract maths?

    Much of the physics in 'Beyond the Standard Model' use a lot of abstract mathematics. So I was just wondering is doing this type of physics a unique way of doing concrete abstract maths, if that makes any sense? In other words being able to do abstract maths in a very concrete manner. Have a...
  26. S

    Scientists explore whether Egyptians used concrete

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  27. S

    Reinforced Concrete Help: Where To Place Steel Bars?

    Hey guys, was just wondering if you could help me with re-inforced concrete. I am confused as to where to put the steel bars. I no that it needs to be placed in the part of the concrete that is under tension, but i can never find which part is under tension. An explanation would be good while...
  28. N

    Thermodynamics of concrete in a highway

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  29. S

    What is the maximum acceleration of this car on a concrete surface?

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  30. N

    Center of mass of concrete wall

    Homework Statement A cylin drical con crete sil o is 4m in diameter and 30m high. it consists of a 6000kg concreet base and a 38000kg concrete cylindrical concreete walls. locate the center of mass of the silo (A) when it's empty and (B) when it is two thrids full of silage whose density is...
  31. L

    Are Pyramids Made Out Of Concrete?

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  32. Y

    Terminal Velocity of a Concrete Sphere

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  33. D

    Help Needed: Concrete Analogies for Abstract Math Concepts

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  34. D

    Compressive Strength of Concrete: Debs' Question

    hi just a quick question,having done materials labs we came up with a figure of 275.8kN for the compression strength of a cube of concrete acting over an area of 150mm x 150mm. i want to convert this compressive strength to the standard N/mm^2 units.To do this i multiplied 275.8 * 1000 and...
  35. L

    How to determine the moisture content of concrete

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  36. M

    Calculating Weight of Concrete Column

    A concrete column has a diameter of 350mm and a length of 2m. If the density (mass/volume) of concrete is 2.45\frac{Mg}{m^3}. determine the weight of the column in pounds The answer to this problem is given as 1.04 kip not pounds like the question ask for, but that is not my problem. This...
  37. N

    When is Moment Reduced in Reinforced Concrete Design?

    Hi! I'm having some difficulty trying to clear some things when designing r.concrete slab and beam. My question is : when do you reduce moment ? I am aware we reduce moment over support...but when that support is in middle of beam .(continuous beam) For simply supported beam we don't make...
  38. P

    What is the height of the spans when they buckle due to a temperature increase?

    Homework Statement Two concrete spans of a L = 270 m long bridge are placed end to end so that no room is allowed for expansion (Fig. P10.55a). If the temperature increases by T = 21.0°C, what is the height y to which the spans rise when they buckle (Fig. P10.55b) Homework...
  39. I

    How Much Energy Is Needed to Penetrate 9 Feet of Reinforced Concrete?

    How much kinetic energy or momentum would an object need to penetrate 9 feet of heavy grade reinforced concrete?
  40. M

    Heat Conduction: Steel vs. Concrete - Can You Help Tinus?

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  41. E

    Need help electrical properties of concrete

    dear engineers i have to complete a project within next 10 days about electromagnetic waves and i need some information about the electrical properties of concrete and how can it affect on waves when trying to penetrate it ( i need the permittivitty and permeability of concrete and others...
  42. J

    Measuring the Natural Frequency of Concrete: Techniques and Considerations

    Does anyone know of any way to measure the natural frequency of concrete? Any input would be extremely helpful, even if the method does require sophisticated technology or machinery :smile:
  43. P

    Maximum acceleration of a Porsche on a concrete surface?

    A Porsche 944 Turbo has a rated power of 217 hp and a mass, with the driver, of 1460 kg. Two-thirds of the car's weight is over the drive wheels. What is the maximum acceleration of the Porsche on a concrete surface where static friction=1.0 1hp=476watts 217hp=103292 watts and power=...
  44. P

    Least Desirable hydration product in concrete

    I'm debating between ettringite and calcium hydroxide...ettringite is responsible for expansion in volume during a sulfate attack while calcium hydroxide affects the durability of concrete...any ideas?
  45. honestrosewater

    Definitions wanted: Abstract and Concrete

    Pretty straightforward, right? I want some definitions for "abstract" and "concrete". If anyone is interested in doing some reading, here are some links: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5(PDF), . I see a connection...
  46. E

    A car crashes into a concrete wall

    Here it is: A 2000-kg car traveling at 85.0 km/h crashes into a concrete wall that does not give at all. Estimate the time of the collision, assuming that the center of the car travels halfway to the wall with constant deceleration. (Use 5.75 m for the length of the car.) I know I need to...
  47. Z

    Help - Pressure of a Pool on concrete

    Hello, I have a friend that would like to put a pool in his livign room but is concerned about the weight of the pool...he lives in an apartment building so in between each floor it's concrete the pool holds 705 gallons (2680 litres) and its diameter is 9 feet and the water will be 21 inches...