Conditions Definition and 1000 Threads

In mathematical optimization, the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) conditions, also known as the Kuhn–Tucker conditions, are first derivative tests (sometimes called first-order necessary conditions) for a solution in nonlinear programming to be optimal, provided that some regularity conditions are satisfied.
Allowing inequality constraints, the KKT approach to nonlinear programming generalizes the method of Lagrange multipliers, which allows only equality constraints. Similar to the Lagrange approach, the constrained maximization (minimization) problem is rewritten as a Lagrange function whose optimal point is a saddle point, i.e. a global maximum (minimum) over the domain of the choice variables and a global minimum (maximum) over the multipliers, which is why the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker theorem is sometimes referred to as the saddle-point theorem.The KKT conditions were originally named after Harold W. Kuhn and Albert W. Tucker, who first published the conditions in 1951. Later scholars discovered that the necessary conditions for this problem had been stated by William Karush in his master's thesis in 1939.

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  1. R

    Confussion with setting up loading conditions on cylinder

    I have a horizontally supported cylindrical tube that is fixed at both ends. I modeled half of it to run the simulation on in Abaqus. The only load that it has is its weight. What I get confused at with cylindrical geometry is applying the load. How should I apply the gravitational load and at...
  2. MexChemE

    Heat and mass transfer -- Boundary conditions & balance terms

    Hello, PF! Recently, while reading chapter 10 (microscopic energy balances) of the second edition of BSL, I found a minor discrepancy which is confusing me, especially when considering the mathematical analogies of heat and mass transfer. In section 10.1, the authors introduce Newton's law of...
  3. I

    Conditions in Wave Function, and Integration

    I want to know how this integral will equal zero? I know that Ψ will fall to zero as x goes to infinity and i know that Ψ must fall to zero very quickly , Ψ must fall to zero faster than 1/√|x| all of this will help evaluating this integral i tried to solve it as follows The first term...
  4. gracy

    How boundary conditions help in finding integration constant

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  5. gracy

    Conditions for neutral point to exist

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  6. Peeter

    Conditions for the X dot P expectation to be constant?

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  7. T

    How Do Initial Conditions Affect Damping in a Mass-Spring-Damper System?

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  8. P

    Does the Sup/Inf Operator Apply in Vector/Matrix Conditions?

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  9. Odious Suspect

    Z=x+iy; f(z)=u+iv; f'(z)=?; Cauchy-Riemann Conditions

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  10. G

    Throw of a die: Dependance on initial conditions and chaos

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  11. ognik

    MHB Eigenfunction boundary conditions order

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  12. hideelo

    Q about Poisson eqn w/ Neumann boundary conditions as in Jackson

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  13. S

    Boundary conditions for 3d current flow through water

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  14. C

    Violating intial conditions: ODEs

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  15. B

    Boundary conditions on a fixed-fixed bar

    I am working with a fixed fixed bar with a distributed axial load to the right as w(x)=CX/L. I am having a hard time determining the force boundary conditions. I know that U(0)=0 and U(L)=0. However, I need to come up with something in regards to U'(Value). Any help would be appreciated.
  16. M

    MHB Is $y=x^2$ Equivalent to Specific Modular Conditions?

    Hey! :o I want to prove the following lemma: Let $n>1$. We suppose that the integers $x$ and $y$ satisfy the relations $x \mid_n 1$ and $y \mid_n 1$. Then $y=x^2$ if and only if the following conditions hold: $2nx+1 \mid_n 4n^2y-1$ $2nx-1 \mid_n 4n^2y-1$ $ny-kx \mid_n nx-k$, for each...
  17. Shahrokh

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  18. Sobak

    Boundary conditions for heat transfer in the pipe

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  19. P

    About controlling collision conditions experimentally

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  20. M

    Study Tips (For multiple conditions) -- Mech Engineer Studies

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  21. S

    Why are the conditions of ΔG° partial pressure fixed at 1bar

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  22. G

    Trouble Finding Renormalization Conditions in Yukawa Theory

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  23. TrickyDicky

    Coordinate conditions in cosmology

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  24. S

    Gibbs Free Energy for non-standard conditions

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  25. George Zucas

    Hydraulic Cylinder Loading Conditions

    Hello, I am working on a hydraulic cylinder application that will lift some weight that is not aligned with the axis of the cylinder. Take a look at the picture and imagine that instead of ropes there is a hydraulic cylinder fixed to the beam doing the lifting. The load creates moment since it...
  26. _Kenny_

    Quantum conditions for position and momentum operators

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  27. U

    Conditions on Christoffel Symbols?

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  28. N

    FEM: periodic boundary conditions (1D)

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  29. Breo

    Boundaries and boundary conditions

    I am not sure if this should be posted here. If not I hope you accept my apologizes and the admin move on the post as soon as possible. I am studying manifold with boundaries and boundary conditions in a quantum field theory approach. Could you recommend me books or papers about that? I lack...
  30. J

    Under what conditions is a photon a particle?

    I read about the wheeler experiment been done in Australia. But one thing I don't understand. If the particle (but let's use a photon) goes through the two slits (or one) and the screen is removed after it already went through, how is it measured? Does it stop after the measurement? My...
  31. W

    Periodic Boundary Conditions proof

    Hi! When we model bloch-waves in a solid we assume that there exist some kind of periodic boundary conditions such that the wave function is periodic. In 1D, ##\psi(x)## repeats itself for every ##L##, ##\psi(x) = \psi(x+L)##, such as here: OK, fine, we get pretty wave solutions if we assume...
  32. kelvin490

    Question about conditions for conservative field

    Question about conditions for conservative field In common textbooks' discussions about conservative vector field. There is always two assumptions about the region concerned, namely the region is simply connected and open. Usually in textbooks there is not much explanations on why these...
  33. Ahmad Kishki

    A twist on Maxwell's equations boundary conditions

    we have that Ht1 (x,y,z) - Ht2 (x,y,z) = Js and for the special case Ht1 (x,y,z) - Ht2 (x,y,z) = 0 where there is no surface current. At a boundary with Js =0, which for simplicity let's asume is at at x = a, then knowing that Ht1 and Ht2 are the magnetic fields to the left and right of the...
  34. Zafa Pi

    Sensitivity to initial conditions

    Let M = {x1, x2, x3, ...} U {p} be a perfect metric space. Let f be continuous, taking M to M with f(xn) = xn+1 and f(p) = p. I would like to know if this dynamical system is necessarily sensitive to initial conditions.
  35. T

    Matlab storing data and checking conditions

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  36. J

    Conditions for interaction in the quantum world

    What are the conditions necesairy to collapse a wave function of a electron, photon or an atom (alpha particle mostly?). Wavelength? Asking because I cannot understand why in this video the wave function does not collapse in this box. Seems like in the outside there should be massive...
  37. S

    Boundary conditions of the radial Schrodinger equation

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  38. S

    Solving an eigenvalue equation with boundary conditions

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  39. I

    Standing wave with specific initial/boundary conditions

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  40. K

    Definition of open boundary conditions

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  41. K

    Solving PDEPE without boundary conditions? heat transfer

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  42. Ghostcrown

    Life and matter in exotic spatial conditions

    I know this is the Physics Forums and not the Biology Forums, but I feel that this question is more on the physics side of the spectrum than the biology side. What potential effects could the existence of a hypothetical, unusually warped spacetime, where there were naturally-occurring curves...
  43. B

    ANSYS: What are vibrating feeder's boundary conditions?

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  44. T

    Matlab code running loops to meet conditions

    Homework Statement This is not homework but I am trying to solve a problem to see to general a set of numbers for the grassmanian equations to use in something else.[/B] I have five variables a,b,c,d,e. a-b,a-c,a-d,a-e,b-a,b-c,...etc so that none of them are the same so it generates all...
  45. PhysicsKid0123

    Boundary conditions of electric field?

    I'm reading griffiths electrodynamics and I am confused about a concept. Mainly because I might be interpreting it in different ways. Why does the equation contain an E with a negative in front? Namely, E_below. Isn't the Electric field pointing away from the surface with the surface charge...
  46. George Zucas

    Complex System Boundary Conditions

    Edit: Sorry about the vague title, it was intended to be complex beam system boundary conditions but somehow it turned out like this. Hello, I am trying to learn complex beam system designs and I sometimes struggle to assign boundary conditions. For example I am trying to design the lifting...
  47. Ahmad Kishki

    Disappearing terms in electrodynamics boundary conditions

    In the derivation of the boundary conditions we apply the integral form of maxwell's equations, but once we take a very small volume we find that some terms disappear like the displacement current as well as the time derivative of the magnetic field. Why do these terms disappear? For reference...
  48. N

    Griffith's E&M: Why is V_0(y) Missing from Equation 3.28?

    Does anyone here have a copy of Griffith's E&M? On page 128, condition III V=V_0 (y) when x = 0. Do you know why then value V_0(y) does not appear in in equation 3.28, V(x,y) = Ce^(-ky)sin(ky)? The author does not explain this.
  49. A

    Electromagnetic boundary conditions for symmetric model

    I stumbled upon this article: Since the article does not contain any mathematical formulations, I was wondering how the boundary conditions can be expressed in terms of magnetic vector potential. From what I...
  50. K

    How can I replicate conditions on pin on disc test

    Hello, I need to replicate the conditions of a clutch on a pin on disc tribometer to measure the coefficient of friction. However the tribometer I have access to can't spin faster than 1000 RPM. The clutch will reach speeds from 3000 RPM to 9000 RPM. I calculated the normal force required on...