What is Cone: Definition and 512 Discussions

A cone is a three-dimensional geometric shape that tapers smoothly from a flat base (frequently, though not necessarily, circular) to a point called the apex or vertex.
A cone is formed by a set of line segments, half-lines, or lines connecting a common point, the apex, to all of the points on a base that is in a plane that does not contain the apex. Depending on the author, the base may be restricted to be a circle, any one-dimensional quadratic form in the plane, any closed one-dimensional figure, or any of the above plus all the enclosed points. If the enclosed points are included in the base, the cone is a solid object; otherwise it is a two-dimensional object in three-dimensional space. In the case of a solid object, the boundary formed by these lines or partial lines is called the lateral surface; if the lateral surface is unbounded, it is a conical surface.
In the case of line segments, the cone does not extend beyond the base, while in the case of half-lines, it extends infinitely far. In the case of lines, the cone extends infinitely far in both directions from the apex, in which case it is sometimes called a double cone. Either half of a double cone on one side of the apex is called a nappe.
The axis of a cone is the straight line (if any), passing through the apex, about which the base (and the whole cone) has a circular symmetry.
In common usage in elementary geometry, cones are assumed to be right circular, where circular means that the base is a circle and right means that the axis passes through the centre of the base at right angles to its plane. If the cone is right circular the intersection of a plane with the lateral surface is a conic section. In general, however, the base may be any shape and the apex may lie anywhere (though it is usually assumed that the base is bounded and therefore has finite area, and that the apex lies outside the plane of the base). Contrasted with right cones are oblique cones, in which the axis passes through the centre of the base non-perpendicularly.A cone with a polygonal base is called a pyramid.
Depending on the context, "cone" may also mean specifically a convex cone or a projective cone.
Cones can also be generalized to higher dimensions.

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  1. B

    Rotation matrix from vectors to cone

    I have a set of given vectors, I want to find a rotation matrix to convert them to vectors belong to surface of a cone with vertex is origin(vectors with the same slant angle but different tilt angles). Is there anybody know what is the solution? Thanks
  2. A

    Finding an ellipse from a plane slicing a cone

    Hello, So I'm doing some independent study and I'm at a loss for this problem. Homework Statement Let's say we have an ellipse of the form (x2)/a + (y2)/b = 1 which we obtain by slicing a plane through a right circular cone with an opening angle of \theta (a fixed constant). We know...
  3. A

    Finding the Resistance of a cone

    Homework Statement A solid truncated cone is made of a material of resistivity 5.10 Ohm*m. The cone has a height h = 1.16 m, and radii a = 0.34 m and b = 0.84 m. Assuming that the direction of current is parallel to the axis of the cylinder, what is the total resistance for this cone? (Use...
  4. O

    Work done against gravity on a right circular cone

    Homework Statement A right circular cone has vertex down and is 10 feet tall with base radius 5 feet. The cone is filled with a fluid having varying density. The density varies linearly with distance to the top. Here "varies linearly" means the quantities are related by an equation of at most...
  5. W

    Convex set : characteristic cone

    Hello :) I have been giving a mathematical problem. But I find difficulties solving this. Therefore, I will be very grateful if anybody might wanted to help? The problem is "Let K be a compact convex set in R^n and C a closed convex cone in R^n. Show that ccone (K + C) = C." - Julie.
  6. S

    Creating a Rocket with Pepsi Bottles - Angle for Optimal Nose Cone

    Hi, I'm in first year physics this year and each group in my class has been tasked with making a rocket. Since we're using old pepsi bottles, we just need to make a nose cone, tail fins, and perhaps a little paper on the main body to draw a design on it. I looked a little bit online, but I...
  7. E

    Evaluating Integrals on a Cone & Plane Intersection

    Homework Statement let c be the curve of intersection of the cone z= sqrt(x^2+y^2) and the plane 3z= y+4, taken once anticlockwise when viewed from above. (i) evaluate ∫c (sinx - y)dx +(x+cosx)dy + (e^z + z)dz (ii) let s be the surface of the cone z= sqrt(x^2+y^2) below the plane 3z=...
  8. M

    Attempt at Deriving the Volume of a Cone

    Hi, so this morning I made an attempt at this... With javascript (website programming language) I was able to successfully yield the ratio of the volume of a cone compared with the volume of a cylinder (1/3). This is the source code: And basically this is the idea. It's a summation of the...
  9. S

    Ratio volume of cylinder inside cone

    Homework Statement Show that the volume of an upright cylinder that can be inscribe in an upright cone is 4/9 times the volume of cone Homework Equations volume of cone volume of cylinder differentiation ?? similarity of triangle The Attempt at a Solution I draw the picture of...
  10. G

    Can a paraboloid become cone under limiting conditions?

    What will be the limiting conditions?
  11. Z

    Calculating Fractional Change in Angular Velocity of a Spinning Cone of Sand

    1. A light, hollow cone is filled with sand set spinning about a vertical axis through its apex on a frictionless bearing. Sand is allowed to drain slowly through a hole in the apex. Calculate the fractional change in angular velocity when the sand level has fallen to half its original value...
  12. WannabeNewton

    Geodesics on a cone in flat space

    So if you take a sphere with coordinates (r, \theta,\phi) and keep \theta constant you get a cone. The geodesic equations reduce to (by virtue of the euler - lagrange equations): \frac{\mathrm{d} ^{2}r}{\mathrm{d} s^{2}} - r\omega ^{2}\frac{\mathrm{d} \phi }{\mathrm{d} s} = 0 where \omega =...
  13. Telemachus

    Volume for a cone in cylindrical coordinates.

    Homework Statement Hi there. I haven't used iterated integrals for a while, and I'm studying some mechanics, the inertia tensor, etc. so I need to use some calculus. And I'm having some trouble with it. I was trying to find the volume of a cone, and then I've found lots of trouble with such a...
  14. L

    Parameterizing a Cone between Z=2 and Z=3 | r(u,v) = (ucos(v), u(sin(v), u)

    I'm given a problem where I need to parameterize a cone, but only the segment between two planes, being z=2 and z=3. This is what I ended up with: r(u,v)=(ucos(v),u(sin(v),u) u:[2,3] v:[0,2\pi] Is this right?
  15. B

    Find the Minimum Volume of cone, answer does not make sense

    Homework Statement Find the Dimensions of the right circular cone of minimum volume which can be circumscribed about a sphere of radius 8 inches.Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution So this is my try, i did the question to find the minimum volume of the cone, For Larger Size...
  16. R

    How do you calculate the light cone for the following line element?

    Homework Statement Consider the two-dimensional spacetime spanned by coordinates (v,x) with the line element ds^2=-xdv^2 +2dvdx Calculate the light cone at a point (vx) The Attempt at a Solution I don't even know how the light cone for flat spacetime is calculated. So if that one's...
  17. Drakkith

    How do opsin proteins control the spectral sensitivity of 11-cis-retinal?

    Hey all. I had a question. What makes the different cone cells in your eye respond to different wavelengths of light? I know that light strikes Retinal and causes it to undergo photoisomerisation, which starts the chain that leads to you seeing something. Do the different cone cells contain...
  18. A

    Rate of change in surfacearea on a cone with constant volume

    Homework Statement A cone has the base radius of 8 cm and height of 10 cm. The height of the cone is changing at at a rate of 1cm/hour whilst radius of the base is changing with it keeping the volume constant. At what rate is the surface area of the entire cone changing at this exact...
  19. C

    How to Calculate the Angle in a Cone with Given Height and Circumference?

    Homework Statement The height h of the cone is 1/3 of l the circumference of the base . Homework Equations Calculate the angle alpha. Give your answer with 2 decimals. The Attempt at a Solution h=1/3 * 2*Pi*r and then we don't have the radius
  20. S

    Volume between a sphere and cone using triple integral

    Homework Statement Evaluate the volume inside the sphere a^2 = x^2+y^2+z^2 and the cone z=sqrt(x^2+y^2) using triple integrals.Homework Equations a^2 = x^2+y^2+z^2 z=sqrt(x^2+y^2) The solution is (2/3)*pi*a^3(1-1/sqrt(2)) The Attempt at a Solution I first got the radius of the circle of...
  21. H

    How Do You Calculate the Moment of Inertia of a Cone Using a Triple Integral?

    hello, I need help finding the moment of inertia of a cone using triple integral. can you also explain how can we get dV with details?
  22. P

    Why Does a 2x2 Matrix [x y; y z] in the PSD Cone Imply x>=0, z>=0, and xz>=y^2?

    Hi! If we have a 2x2 matrix [x y;y z] belonging to a positive semidefinite cone. Why is it equivalent to say x>=0, z>=0, and xz>=y^2? Thanks!
  23. S

    Volume of a cone using integrals

    Homework Statement A water tank is shaped like an inverted cone with height 6 m and base radius 1.5 m If the tank is full, how much work is required to pump the water to the level of the top of the tank and out of the tank? Homework Equations Integral of ( density * g...
  24. A

    Optimizing Volume of a Cone Encasing a Sphere: Finding the Minimum Slant Angle

    Homework Statement This is an optimization problem but I'm having trouble modeling the question. There is a sphere encased in a cone. The sphere has a fixed radius R and the cone has a variable height h and radius r. There is also a variable angle theta at the base of the cone. Express the...
  25. G

    Electric Potential Difference on a Cone

    Homework Statement I'm working out of Griffith's "Intro to Electrodynamics" and the problem states: "A conical surface (an empty ice-cream cone) carries a surface charge \sigma. The height of the cone is h as is the radius of the top. Find the potential difference between points a (the...
  26. J

    Cone in topological space Homotopy problem

    Homework Statement Let Y be a topological space. Let CY denote the cone on Y. (a) Show that any 2 continuous functions f, g : X --> CY are homotopic. (b) Find (pi)1 (CY, p). Homework Equations I have no idea. The professor said one problem would be way out in left, to see who could make the...
  27. I

    Calculus: Rates of Change of Cone: height and radius

    Homework Statement A water tank the shape of an inverted circular cone with a base radius of 2m and height of 4m. if water is being pumped into the tank at a rate of 2m^3/min, find the rate at which the water level is rising when the water is 3m deep. dv/dt = 2m^3/min h = 3m r = h/2...
  28. R

    How Do You Calculate the Moment of Inertia for a Cone?

    Homework Statement A cone with height h and radius R. The radius R is located at the top of the cone. We have to find moment of inertia of the cone. The disc has a radius r, height of dz, and is located z below the circular surface with radius R. Homework Equations dI = \frac{1}{2}\ dm\ r^2...
  29. S

    Is My Approach to Solving the Inertia Tensor of a Rotating Cone Correct?

    Homework Statement From Goldstein's Classical Mechanics (Chapter 5 - Exercice 17 - Third Edition) A uniform right circular cone of height h, half angle A, and density B rolls on its side without slipping on a uniform horizontal plane in such a manner that it returns to its original position...
  30. L

    Liquid Volume of a Frustum of a Cone

    Homework Statement I have been searching online for help with this equation but have found nothing at this stage. I am looking for an equation to satisfy the Volume of a Frustum of a cone. The liquid level is measured via a sensor located in the centre point, top circle(area) of the...
  31. R

    How do I calculate the rate of water being pumped into an inverted conical tank?

    I need help understanding a problem for my homework assignment. I'm not sure how to set up the problem. If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it. Homework Statement Water is being pumped into an inverted conical tank at a constant rate. However, water is also leaking out of the...
  32. H

    Intersection of complex sphere and cone

    Show the intersection of complex sphere (|z1|^2+|z2|^2+|z3|^2=1) in C^3 and the complex cone (z1^2+z2^2+z3^3=1) in C^3 is a smooth submanifold of C^3. I am trying to do it using regular level set, but I am not sure which one of (1,0) or (1,1,0) should be set to be the regular value?
  33. L

    What is the Gaussian Curvature of a Cone at its Vertex?

    Hi, I know that you can determine that the Gaussian curvature of a cone tends to infinity at the vertex, but seeing as the curvature anywhere else on the cone is zero, how is this possible?
  34. T

    How Do You Calculate the Volume of a Cone Using Integration?

    Homework Statement Using integration, Find the Volume of a right circular cone with height h and base radius r The Attempt at a Solution since the volume is V(x) = \int A(x) d(x) so I divided the cone into horizontal circles with radius r and r = \sqrt{s^{2} + y^{2}} where is the hypotenuse...
  35. A

    Gravitational attraction of a cone

    Hello everyone, I have been stuck on this geophysics question I have for one of my classes and I really need some help with it. Can anyone solve this question. If you do, please show me how because I am really stuck here. I am stuck on both a and b. Click the link below to see the question...
  36. A

    Finding the volume of a cone with a elliptic base

    Finding the volume of a cone with a elliptic base! Homework Statement The area of an ellipse is (pi)ab, where a and b are the lengths of the semimajor and semiminor axes. Compute the volume of a cone of height h = 20 whose base is an ellipse with semimajor and semiminor axes a = 4 and b = 6...
  37. V

    Geometry problem: a cone meeting a cylindre.

    Hi, I have a cone on the z axis with his summit on height h meeting a cylinder on the x axis. The expressions should be: cylinder: y2+z2=r2 cone: x2+y2 =(z-h)2tan(phi)2 If we consider any straight line on the cone, what is the length of this line inside the cylinder? Is it...
  38. E

    Tipler Cylinders: Solving for Light Cone Tilt Angle

    I was looking for a paper or textbook that would provide "working equations" for Tipler Cylinders. In other words, is there an equation(s) that would provide the light cone tilt angle as a function of the cylinder's diameter, height, density, and angular velocity?
  39. M

    Solid of revolution question: verify that the volume of the cone is παβh/3

    Homework Statement Consider a vertical cone of height h whose horizontal cross-section is an ellipse and whose base is the ellipse with major and minor semi-axes α and β. Verify that the volume of the cone is παβh/3. [ Hint: The area of an ellipse with major and minor semi-axes α and β is...
  40. M

    How Do You Solve Friction Forces Involving a Cone?

    [PLAIN]http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/3941/fingernorm.jpg Because the cone is being held up, I said mg=2fy, where f is the friction force, so mg=2uNcos(x) (where x=theta), and I got N=mg/(2ucos(x)). The cone also isn't moving from side to side, so I said Nx=fx, so fsin(x)=...
  41. P

    Maximizing Electric Potential on a Uniformly Charged Cone

    Homework Statement I am basically given a cone with uniform volume charge and told to find the area of highest electric potential. Homework Equations I want to use the equation: V= q/4piEr The Attempt at a Solution I am having trouble finding anything in my book. I am comparing...
  42. T

    Rotational dynamics of a block in a cone

    1. Homework Statement [/b] A small block with mass m is placed inside an inverted cone that is rotating about a vertical axis such that the time for one revolution of the cone is T. The walls of the cone make an angle v with the vertical. The coefficient of static friction is between the...
  43. I

    What is the formula for calculating the central angle of a cone?

    Hi, If you have a cone (right angle) with radius r, slant length l, how is the central angle theta = 2*pi*r/l? Thanks, Ivan77
  44. D

    Mechanical Failure of a Truncated Cone

    What data do you need to calculate the failure point of a truncated cone when it is under uniaxial stress acting downward on the cone? The cone will be under stresses of roughly 30 tonnes and probably constructed of plastic. Thanks,
  45. D

    Mechanical Failure of a Truncated Cone

    What data do you need to calculate the failure point of a truncated cone when it is under uniaxial stress acting downward on the cone? The cone will be under stresses of roughly 30 tonnes and probably constructed of plastic. Thanks,
  46. F

    How to Determine Ellipse Axes from Cone Geometry?

    Hi, If the cone is cut with a plane such that an ellipse has been formed. Let's say the major axis is 'a' and the minor axis is 'b'. Is there a way to find a and b from the geometry instead of getting them from the quadratic equation.
  47. A

    Rate water has to be added to Leaking cone

    Homework Statement Water is leaking out of an inverted conical tank at a rate of 6500 cm3/min at the same time that water is being pumped into the tank at a constant rate. The tank has height 6 m and the diameter at the top is 4 m. If the water level is rising at a rate of 20 cm/min when the...
  48. S

    Finding Volume Under Cone Above Disk

    Homework Statement Use polar coordinates to find the volume of the given solid: Under the cone z = Sqrt[x^2 + y^2] Above the disk x^2 + y^2 <= 4 2. The attempt at a solution I tried using formatting but I couldn't get it right so I'll explain...I changed variables by making the upper and...
  49. S

    Projecting Area and Flux of Hemisphere, Frustum & Cone

    PREVIOUS POST ----https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=165844 THIS POST HELP ME OUT TO SOME EXTENT BUT I AM STILL MESSED UP... I am messed up with the concept of projection of area of different surfaces and flux through different surfaces... Please someone explain it with some...
  50. J

    Electric Flux Entering Cone of Radius r and Height h

    Homework Statement what is the flux entering a cone of radius r and height h located in a uniform electric field E parallel to its base? Homework Equations flux = E.ds The Attempt at a Solution