Configuration Definition and 269 Threads

  1. Loren Booda

    Ultimate configuration of a flat universe

    Do the matter and radiation of a flat universe, as time approaches infinity, conform to a spherical shell?
  2. A

    Why are d Electrons Less Effective in Shielding Nuclear Charge?

    Why are the d electrons less effective in shielding the nuclear charge than the s or p electrons, and are thus more polarizing?
  3. M

    Canard Configuration and Sum of Moments

    I'm in an aerodynamics class, and I have this canard configuration I'm trying to figure out for a final exam. I need to find the sum of the moment about the center of gravity. I may cannot be helped without the drawing being posted. So far this is what i have: Mcg = Mac - (lcg + lw)Lw +...
  4. H

    Configuration you will advise for memory distribution

    In particular which configuration you will advise for memory distribution and in particular i am always puzzled by this cache memory:confused:
  5. N

    Configuring IIS - Step-by-Step Guide for Localhost Setup

    I would like to understand how I can configure IIS as my localhost, ISS doesn't have config file as does Apache ? After installing IIS, I tried accessing localhost but I was asked for username/password which I had never set up any, Thanks for any instructions you offer.
  6. Mk

    Orbital Diagrams and Electron Configuration Notations

    I used to understand this -- a few years ago -- but it has completely slipped my mind. What is going on with al this 1s2 and Like Cs[Xe]6s1? Thanks a lot, Mk
  7. S

    Electron Config: Same for O, Ne, Mg (2+); Ni, Zn (2+); Hg, Tl+, Pb (2+)

    Which of the following three sets consist of atoms or ions with the same electron configuration in the ground state? I. O (2-), Ne, and Mg (2+) II. Ni, Cu+, Zn 2+ III. Hg, Tl+, and Pb (2+) a. all but (II) b. all but (I) c. all three sets d. only (I) Is it all but ii. because Cu...
  8. D

    Electron Configuration principles

    Which principle or rule must be used to determine the correct electronic configuration for carbon in its ground state? a.Aufbau Principle b. Hund's Rule c. Pauli Exclusion Principle d. (A) and (B) only e. All three I know for a fact that Aufbau's and Hunds rule deal with ground state...
  9. H

    What is the Energy of a Charged Sphere of Radius R?

    A sphere of radius R carries a charge density kr(where k is a constant!).What will be the energy of the Configuration??
  10. S

    Will this configuration reduce the shear stress on the main beam?

    Imagine a moderately long beam fixed at one end to a wall. Near the end of the beam, a very heavy weight is kept on top of the beam. At the same spot, two small beams are fixed under the main beam in a V shaped configuration such that the two beams form a sort of "press fit" i.e. they exert a...
  11. P

    How to determine electron configuration

    -how would one predict electron configuration of an atom? (ex.Rb- [Ar]4s^2, 3d^10, 4p^6) ...How, help please
  12. S

    Deriving the Quantum Properties of a General Configuration Space

    The requirements, posed on a system given by the configuration coordinates q(t) = (q^1(t), q^2(t), ...) that (1) they be subject to 2nd-order equations of motion: q'(t) = v(t), v'(t) = a(q(t),v(t)) and (2) have a classical configuration space at each time: [q^i(t), q^j(t)] = is nearly...
  13. J

    Type of transistor configuration on a circuit

    OK, I need some help here. I can´t really recognize the type of transistor configuration on a circuit (common emitter, common base, common colector). I`ll some tips that help me identify the configuration. Check the circuit attached.
  14. G

    Why Can't I Log into My Verizon Account Using Mozilla or Firefox?

    Verizon is my DSL provider. I have difficulty logging into (subscriber homepage) from Mozilla and from Firefox, but no problem logging in with Internet Explorer. In Internet Explorer I go to the verizon login page, enter username & password, and it loads (in the same...
  15. A

    Normal electron configuration Ethyne

    This is a multiple choice question with the shown triple bond between the two carbons: I've narrowed it down to 2 diagrams a) .. C :: C b) C : : : C is it a). Please tell me if it's right. Thanks
  16. R

    Electronic Configuration Question

    How come the valance electrons of MO is [KR]5s^1 4d^5 and not [KR]5s^2 4d^4
  17. M

    IP configuration? how 2 do manually

    does anyone noe how to configure ur ip address manually via the local area connection (lan) properties? i can change it but so can anyone but how do u make one that works? that's my problem, can anyone help? i have a static connection with a cable company, and my ip is assigned by the dhcp...
  18. Loren Booda

    Maximal identical configuration symmetries

    Quantum mechanics: classical indistinguishability? What is the quantum number correspondent to the maximal symmetry shared by any two real physical configurations in observable spacetime? For instance, any two protons have a high probability of sharing an identical set of quantum numbers...