Conical Definition and 140 Threads

A cone is a three-dimensional geometric shape that tapers smoothly from a flat base (frequently, though not necessarily, circular) to a point called the apex or vertex.
A cone is formed by a set of line segments, half-lines, or lines connecting a common point, the apex, to all of the points on a base that is in a plane that does not contain the apex. Depending on the author, the base may be restricted to be a circle, any one-dimensional quadratic form in the plane, any closed one-dimensional figure, or any of the above plus all the enclosed points. If the enclosed points are included in the base, the cone is a solid object; otherwise it is a two-dimensional object in three-dimensional space. In the case of a solid object, the boundary formed by these lines or partial lines is called the lateral surface; if the lateral surface is unbounded, it is a conical surface.
In the case of line segments, the cone does not extend beyond the base, while in the case of half-lines, it extends infinitely far. In the case of lines, the cone extends infinitely far in both directions from the apex, in which case it is sometimes called a double cone. Either half of a double cone on one side of the apex is called a nappe.
The axis of a cone is the straight line (if any), passing through the apex, about which the base (and the whole cone) has a circular symmetry.
In common usage in elementary geometry, cones are assumed to be right circular, where circular means that the base is a circle and right means that the axis passes through the centre of the base at right angles to its plane. If the cone is right circular the intersection of a plane with the lateral surface is a conic section. In general, however, the base may be any shape and the apex may lie anywhere (though it is usually assumed that the base is bounded and therefore has finite area, and that the apex lies outside the plane of the base). Contrasted with right cones are oblique cones, in which the axis passes through the centre of the base non-perpendicularly.A cone with a polygonal base is called a pyramid.
Depending on the context, "cone" may also mean specifically a convex cone or a projective cone.
Cones can also be generalized to higher dimensions.

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  1. M

    Conical diffuser calculation using Bernoulli's Equation

    Homework Statement The following information applies to a conical diffuser: Length = 750 mm Inlet diameter = 100 mm Outlet diameter = 175 mm Water flow = 50 l/s Pressure at inlet = 180 kPa Friction loss = \frac{k(V_{1} - V_{2})^{2}}{2g} where k = 0.15 Calculate the pressure at exit...
  2. Saitama

    Cone rolling on a conical surface

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  3. I

    Rate of water through a conical cone, in order to find constant k

    Homework Statement [10marks] A water tank has the shape of a vertex-down right circular cone. The depth of the tank is 9 meters, and the top of the tank has radius 6 meters. Water flows into the tank from a hose at a constant rate of 14 cubic metres per hour, and leaks out of a hole at...
  4. MarkFL

    MHB Kendra N's question at Yahoo Answers regarding work done to empty a conical tank

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  5. P

    The factor of tension and frequency increase in a conical pendulum?

    This, is just a concept question: My teacher gave the Answer has something like this: However I understand most of it, except the part where it says: What is happening in this? Where does the 4*pi^2*L*sin(theta) come from, and how is v found? why is f = 1/t?
  6. M

    How do you set up a differential equation for draining a conical tank?

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  7. D

    Particle moving on a conical surface

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  8. G

    Conical pendulum question - I really don't know what to do - ?

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  9. L

    Conical Pendulum, find tension, radial force, speed, period, and angular speed

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  10. J

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  11. S

    Conical pendulum circular motion question

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  12. I

    How Do You Calculate the Swing Angle in a Conical Pendulum?

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  13. J

    Is there an instantaneous angular acceleration for a conical pendulm?

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  14. M

    Conical Pendulum Problem: Mass, Length, and Revolutions Per Minute

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  15. T

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  16. G

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  17. J

    Work required to pump water out of a conical tank

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  18. S

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  19. J

    Two Masses on Same String - Conical Pendulum

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  20. J

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  21. S

    Mass conservation in a conical tank

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  22. M

    Optimization question - optimal conical container

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  23. S

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  24. R

    FEA issue with workbench plus question on equation with conical shells

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  25. G

    Solved: Conical Pendulum: Calculating Tension & Period

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  26. K

    Angular velocity of a conical pendulum in rpm

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  27. D

    Flow rate and velocity form a Conical tank.

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  28. Z

    Deriving Formula for Radius of Conical Section at Height h

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  29. S

    How Do You Calculate the Volume of Liquid in a Partially Filled Conical Glass?

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  30. A

    Work required to pump water out of conical tank

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  31. T

    How Does Conical Chamber Shape Affect Sound Amplification?

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  32. T

    How Can You Predict Sound Amplification in a Conical Volume?

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  33. J

    Conical Solar Tunnel to Redirect Solar Radiation

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  34. H

    Conical Pendulum Radius Calculation

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  35. I

    Potential difference on a conical surface

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  36. I

    Potential difference on a conical surface

    hi i am posting a problem 2.26 from griffiths EM book third edition.i am also attaching the solution from the book's solution manual. in the solution, griffiths has taken the ring as the differential element. but i want to know if we can take the small rectangular patch on the conical surface...
  37. S

    Related rates question conical reservoir

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  38. L

    Conical Pendulum: Find Angle, Tension, Maximum Rate of Rotation

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  39. T

    Conical Pendulum Concept Questions

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  40. I

    Conical Pendulum with free sliding ring

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  41. ?

    How to Calculate Water Level and Boat Speed in Conical Reservoir Problems?

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  42. S

    Solenoid power and conical area

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  43. T

    NEED HELP A ball swung in a conical pendulum (circular motion?) question.

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  44. A

    Empty Conical Tank: Use Torricelli's Principle to Find Time

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  45. N

    Conical Pendulum | Physics Motion Laws I can do the first part, however am unsure of how to deduce the motion cannot take place unless the inequality is satisfied. Can someone please explain this part? Thanks
  46. N

    Work required to fill a conical tank

    A right circular conical tank of height 3 feet and radius 1 foot at the top is filled with water to a height of 2 feet. Find the work required to pump all the water up and over the top of the tank. similar triangles : x=y/3 water 62.5 lb/ft^3 ?? am i setting this up right
  47. S

    Hydostatic pressure at bottom of a cylindrical and conical tanks

    Please help me with the following simple and dumb questions: First, assumptions: - Ignore atmospheric pressure. - The liquid in the tanks is water with uniform density = 1g/cc. - all tanks are sealed at the bottom and are vertically positioned. - cross sections of the tanks are circular...
  48. P

    Help with conical pendulum problem

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  49. D

    Shortest path on a conical surface (Variational Calculus)

    I'm supposed to find the shortest path between the points (0,-1,0) and (0,1,0) on the conical surface z=1-\sqrt {{x}^{2}+{y}^{2}} So the constraint equation is: g \left( x,y,z \right) =1-\sqrt {{x}^{2}+{y}^{2}}-z=0 And the function to be minimized is...
  50. C

    What Is the Ball's Angular Velocity in a Conical Pendulum?

    Homework Statement A conical pendulum is formed by attaching a 0.900 kg ball to a 1.00 m-long string, then allowing the mass to move in a horizontal circle of radius 10.0 cm. The figure (Intro 1 figure) shows that the string traces out the surface of a cone, hence the name. (Figure Attached)...