Conservation of momentum Definition and 757 Threads

In Newtonian mechanics, linear momentum, translational momentum, or simply momentum (pl. momenta) is the product of the mass and velocity of an object. It is a vector quantity, possessing a magnitude and a direction. If m is an object's mass and v is its velocity (also a vector quantity), then the object's momentum is





{\displaystyle \mathbf {p} =m\mathbf {v} .}
In SI units, momentum is measured in kilogram meters per second (kg⋅m/s).
Newton's second law of motion states that the rate of change of a body's momentum is equal to the net force acting on it. Momentum depends on the frame of reference, but in any inertial frame it is a conserved quantity, meaning that if a closed system is not affected by external forces, its total linear momentum does not change. Momentum is also conserved in special relativity (with a modified formula) and, in a modified form, in electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, and general relativity. It is an expression of one of the fundamental symmetries of space and time: translational symmetry.
Advanced formulations of classical mechanics, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics, allow one to choose coordinate systems that incorporate symmetries and constraints. In these systems the conserved quantity is generalized momentum, and in general this is different from the kinetic momentum defined above. The concept of generalized momentum is carried over into quantum mechanics, where it becomes an operator on a wave function. The momentum and position operators are related by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
In continuous systems such as electromagnetic fields, fluid dynamics and deformable bodies, a momentum density can be defined, and a continuum version of the conservation of momentum leads to equations such as the Navier–Stokes equations for fluids or the Cauchy momentum equation for deformable solids or fluids.

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  1. M

    Conservation of Momentum and Energy

    Homework Statement This is the question show that when one of the steel balls, suspended by strings next to each other (as in a Newton's cradle), is pulled to the left and released, only a single ball recoils to the right under ideal elastic-collision conditions. Assume that each ball has a...
  2. E

    A simple problem of conservation of momentum

    Trying to understand the conservation of relativistic momentum, I thought of this problem. It's very simple, and possibly my mistake is embarrassing so I apologize in advance :blushing: Two particles of identical mass m and speeds v and -v in some frame S collide inelastically and they stop...
  3. D

    Conservation of momentum & energy

    Homework Statement Good evening phsyicsforum. I am having a lot of trouble finding out what must be true for me to use conservation of momentum or energy (sometimes both) in problems involving electricity. Below I will post 2 different questions and what they conservation they use. 1. Find the...
  4. gcombina

    Conservation of Momentum of a snow ball

    A 35-kg girl is standing near and to the left of a 43-kg boy on the frictionless surface of a frozen pond. The boy tosses a 0.75 kg ice ball to the girl with a horizontal speed of 6.2 m/s. What are the velocities of the boy and the girl immediately after the girl catches the ball? I don't know...
  5. C

    Conservation of momentum and kinetic energy

    Homework Statement Two 0.3 Kg gliders collide elastically on a frictionless track. Prior to the collision , their total kinetic energy is 0.52 J and their total momentum is 0.12 Kg m/s [left] along the track. Calculate the final velocities of the gliders. Homework Equations m1vi1 + m2vi2...
  6. J

    Conservation of Momentum in a Single Direction

    The Law of Conservation of Momentum states that the total linear momentum does not change in any closed system not subject to external forces. However, is it true that the momentum in, say, the x-direction does not change in any closed system not subject to forces in the y-direction? I feel...
  7. D

    Bullet passes through block - conservation of momentum

    Homework Statement There's a stationary block (m1=1,5kg) in a table (Coefficient of Friction=0,4). A bullet passes through the block and hits a person. The block moved 1,2m. Calculate the velocity of the bullet (mb=0,0079kg and vib=709,88m/s) when it hit the person. Homework Equations...
  8. G

    Conservation of momentum mine car problem

    Homework Statement A mine car of mass 440kg rolls at a speed of 0.50m/s on a frictionless horizontal track. A chunk of coal of mass 150kg has a speed of 0.80m/s as it leaves a chute above the car. The angle of the chute is 25 degrees from the horizontal. After the coal has come to a rest in...
  9. J

    Conservation of Momentum Flat cars

    Homework Statement There are 4 railway flat cars each of mass M traveling with speed v. They're not attached but move together initially without friction. A man of mass m starts at the end and jumps onto the second car, then to the third, and then on to the fourth.When he lands on the 4th it...
  10. V

    Conservation of momentum in an electric field

    My question is about what I believed to be one of the stronger conservation laws - the conservation of momentum. I heard that electrons propagating through a wire travel at a speed similar to the flow of honey and electrons having mass naturally led me to conclude that they had a finite...
  11. L

    Internal vs external force - conservation of momentum in one dimension

    Homework Statement This problem concerns a collision experiment performed on a frictionless surface with gliders A and B, with masses m(a) and m(b) respectively. In a level track, glider B has a spring-loaded plunger attached to it. At time t(i), glider A moves to the right with speed...
  12. O

    Conservation of momentum question

    Hello, can someone explain to me this question: A woman holding a large rock stands on a frictionless, horizontal sheet of ice. She throws the rock with speed Vo at an angle α above the horizontal. Consider the system consisting of the woman plus the rock. Is the momentum of the system...
  13. F

    Ballistic bullet pendulum conservation of momentum problem

    Homework Statement A 15 g bullet is fired into a 2.55 kg block that is hanging by a 2.0 m long string. The speed of the bullet is 425 m/s. Calculate the angle when the system reaches its maximum height?Homework Equations m1v1=(m1+m2)vf (1/2)mv^2=mghThe Attempt at a Solution (0.015 kg)(425...
  14. B

    Conservation of momentum problem

    Homework Statement An object with mass m and an object with mass 3m collide in one dimension. The object with mass m is moving at 3 times the velocity of the object with mass 3m. What can you say about their velocities after the collision? Homework Equations m1vi1 + m2vi2 = m1vf1 + m2vf2...
  15. Crusader711

    Conservation of Momentum- Inelastic Collisions

    1. This was a hard test question that I took partial credit on. I want to fully understand what I did wrong so that I’m fluid with the concept. I’m also new to this forum. I love constructive criticism too! lol Zombie Apocalypse has arrived and the war has begun. Your task as a physics student...
  16. T

    Birds Colliding mid-air, Conservation of Momentum

    Homework Statement To protect their young in the nest, peregrine falcons will fly into birds of prey (such as ravens) at high speed. In one such episode, a 560g falcon flying at 19.0m/s hit a 1.60kg raven flying at 9.0m/s . The falcon hit the raven at right angles to its original path and...
  17. J

    Calculating Velocities in One-Dimensional Collisions

    We just started learning Conservation of Momentum, and I feel completely lost. This is the following question I was asked: Homework Statement A 2.00-kg object moving at 6.00 m/s collides with a 4.00-kg object that is initially at rest. After the collision, the 2.00-kg object moves backward...
  18. X

    Conservation of Momentum of railway gun

    The largest railway gun ever built was called Gustav and was used briefly in World War II. The gun, mount, and train car had a total mass of 1.22·106 kg. The gun fired a projectile that was 80.0 cm in diameter and weighed 7502 kg. In the firing illustrated in the figure, the gun has been...
  19. N

    Conservation of Momentum Question

    Homework Statement We are learning momentum in physics class and I am having problems with this question. i) An object at rest explodes into three pieces. Immediately after the explosion, two pieces have momenta given by F and A. Which vector describes the momentum of the third piece...
  20. A

    Alternate Solution to Conservation of Momentum Problem

    I solved the following problem using Energy instead of conservation of momentum. Unfortunately, my answer is different from the expected solution. I'm not sure why my method doesn't work. Any insights would be appreciated! Problem: A 2000 kg truck is traveling east through an intersection...
  21. P

    Calculating both final velocities (conservation of momentum)

    How do you calculate both final velocities in an elastic collision (assuming all momentum is conserved). For example, if a 1000kg car going at 20m/s rammed into a 800kg car going at 30m/s opposite direction, what would both their final velocities be? In my year 11 physics course, we only...
  22. J

    Conservation of Momentum Questions

    I was wondering if anyone can share their expertise on the following two problems. I was able to solve both of them and arrive at the correct answer. For the first problem, I have additional questions and for the second problem I am hoping that there is an easier way to solve it than the method...
  23. Z

    Conservation of momentum of single photon passing a slit

    When a single plane-wave photon/electron passes a slit/orifice, its direction of travel becomes random. Although there is the well-known Uncertainty Principle, it is not a replacement of the law of conservation of momentum for the phonon/electron before and after passing the slit. Question...
  24. morrobay

    Is Conservation of Momentum Overlooked in Bells Inequality Violations

    In the EPR scenario the correlation results are explained with the conservation laws of classical mechanics as applied to spin. The Bell type inequalities are derived on expected spin values. But the violations of these inequalities are then explained with QM: That simultaneous knowledge of...
  25. M

    Question About Conservation of Momentum

    This has been bugging me for a while. Imagine a pendulum swinging. Since it has mass and velocity, it has momentum. After a while, though, it will swing with less and less amplitude until it has stopped. Where did the momentum go? Thanks a lot for your help!
  26. S

    Conservation of momentum and net force

    does anyone know why momentum is not conserved in this problem? I thought momentum was always conserved when no net force acted on the system? Is the ground considered the net force acting on the system? Even though it changes direction I was thinking momentum would still be conserved except...
  27. J

    Energy and conservation of momentum confusion

    If you consider a bullet firing from a gun then you have conservation of momentum and a Newton's third law pair (according to what i have read on the internet anyway). They both experience the same force if they are a third law pair but, generally, what is it that determines which object...
  28. B

    Explosive separation with conservation of momentum and energy

    Homework Statement An 8.20-kg object is sliding across the ice at 2.34 m/s. An internal explosion occurs, splitting the object into two equal chunks and adding 16 J of kinetic energy to the system. What is the average acceleration of the two chunks if the explosive separation takes...
  29. Q

    Boat's conservation of momentum

    Three boats with the same mass P travel in line ahead (one after the other) with the same speed v. Two identical loads of mass P1 each are thrown simultaneously from the middle boat to the front and rear boats with the same speed u relative to the boat. What are the speeds of the boats (v1...
  30. G

    Conservation of Momentum with Varying Mass

    Homework Statement A boat with mass M is at rest. Balls are thrown at the back of the boat, where each ball has mass of m, and the balls are being thrown with the mass rate of σ kg/s (the rate is continuous). The balls are being collected inside the boat (inelastic collision). Find velocity...
  31. heycoa

    Conservation of Momentum of a bomb shell

    I must be thinking way to hard about this problem. Can someone please give me a nudge in the right direction? Homework Statement A shell traveling with speed v0 exactly horizontally and due north explodes into two equal mass fragments. It is observed that just after the explosion one...
  32. S

    The Conservation of Momentum in a Completely Inelastic Collision.

    Homework Statement A bullet with mass mA and velocity vA makes a completely inelastic collision with a still pendulum of mass B. After the collision, the pendulum swings to a height of y from its equilibrium with the bullet in it. In terms of y, mB and mA, what is the initial velocity? My...
  33. M

    Conservation of momentum with sprins

    Homework Statement Problem 2 (35 points): A projectile of mass mA=20g is shot towards a block of mass MB= 5kg with a velocity of vA=400m/s. The block is at rest, attached to a horizontal massless spring (at equilibrium) with k=500N/m. a. If the collision between the projectile and the...
  34. Z

    Conservation of momentum, Elastic car collision.

    A 1689 kg car collides head on with a 2000 kg truck. The collision is elastic. If the velocity of the truck is 17km/h in the same directions as the car's initial velocity, what is the initial speed of the car in km/h? I'm getting an answer but doesn't seem to make sense. So I'm...
  35. M

    Conservation of Momentum- Elastic collision

    Homework Statement A small ball of mass, ##m_1## is aligned above a larger ball of mass ##m_2=0.63kg##, with a slight seperation. The two are dropped simultaneously from a height ##h=1.8m##(Assume the radius of each ball is negligible relative to h.) (a) If the larger ball rebounds elastically...
  36. K

    Conservation of Momentum in Skating Question

    Hello, I've recently came across a question that I have two solutions for. Though I don't see how either of them can be wrong, I'm getting two different answers :( Can someone explain me why this is happening (maybe I'm doing something wrong?) and which solution is better to use. Homework...
  37. M

    Conservation of Momentum when an Object Rebounds

    This is my first post(of hopefully many!), so I hope I've made this thread in the right subforum... Anyway! Let me set the scene: Say you throw a ball against a wall, a perfectly elastic collision takes place and the ball bounces back off the wall with the same speed. Now I understand...
  38. L

    Conservation of momentum close to the Earth vs. far from the Earth

    There is something I don't fully comprehend. When I throw a ball into the air while I'm sitting in a train, I won't accelerate past the ball because the ball carries the momentum of the train just as well as I do. Furthermore, the ball, the train and I carry the momentum of the Earth, which is...
  39. C

    Conservation of momentum question. (which is the correct method)

    I am trying to revise this subject but I am unsure which of the two method's I've used is the correct one. Can someone help me? Homework Statement two trucks travel towards each other. truck A has a velocity of 10 m/s and truck B has a velocity of 3 m/s. Truck A has a mass of 1000 kg and...
  40. C

    Applying conservation of momentum to find recoil of the Earth

    Homework Statement We can use our results for head-on elastic collisions to analyze the recoil of the Earth when a ball bounces off a wall embedded in the Earth. Suppose a professional baseball pitcher hurls a baseball (m = 160 grams) with a speed (v1 = 44 m/s) at a wall, and the ball bounces...
  41. M

    Conservation of Momentum of masses

    Homework Statement A 4.0kg mess kit, ##m_1## sliding on a frictionless surface explodes in two 2.0kg parts, ##m_2## and ##m_3##: ##m_2##@3.0m/s due north and##m_3##@ 5.0m/s, 30 degrees north of east. What is the original speed of the mess kit? Homework Equations Momentum=mv The...
  42. F

    Conservation of momentum and conservation of kinetic energy

    Homework Statement Here is the problem: Equations There is conservation of momentum involved along with conservation of kinetic...
  43. P

    Problem regarding conservation of momentum in different systems

    Homework Statement A bullet of mass m_{1} with initial horizontal speed v_{0} hits a wooden block of mass m_{2} initially at rest on an incline of angle β and embeds itself into the wooden block, how far up the incline will the bullet and block travel? Homework Equations \bar{P}_{initial} =...
  44. G

    HUP and Conservation of momentum

    The HUP says that I can not know the position and the momentum of a particle simultaneously, therefore, from time T1 to time T2 I cannot predict its position. How does this not violate the law of conservation of momentum? If you cannot know its position and momentum exactly that how do we know...
  45. M

    Conservation of momentum problem regarding a missing mass of a ship

    Homework Statement After a malfunction, an astronaut escapes from a doomed spacecraft by using an escape pod that is blown off of the ship. The small explosion sends the pod flying away at 34.9 m/s, while the main ship moves in the opposite direction at the speed of 1.89 cm/s. If the...
  46. A

    Laws of area and conservation of momentum

    i am having problem getting the dθ in the laws of area. what the textbook states is, dθ= xdy-ydx x2+y2 I can't get the equation.. the only thing i could think of is trigo functions, but i got stuck... any help?
  47. D

    Conservation of Momentum question (find final velocities)

    Homework Statement A boy and girl are standing on ice skates and pulling on opposite ends of a rope. Find their velocities the instant they meet. How long did it take? Relative speed of approach is 2 m/s mass of boy = 60kg mass of girl = 50kg distance = 5m Homework Equations...
  48. S

    Conservation of momentum and Mechanical energy

    Regarding momentum, and the "Law of conservation of linear momentum", my book states that it's more general than mechanical energy, since mechanical energy is only conserved for conservative forces, while linear momentum is conserved independent of the forces, as long as the sum of external...
  49. S

    Questions about conservation of momentum

    What does having no external force on a closed system mean? For example if I have 2 objects colliding. One travels at a constant speed while the other travels with a constant acceleration. In this case is an external force being applied on the system? If so, only the m1u1+m2u2=m1v1+m2v2 can be...