Constants Definition and 493 Threads

  1. C

    How to integrate x^(-a)*e^(-b/x), where a, b are constants?

    Homework Statement How do you integrate this? x-ae-b/x, where a and b are some constants. The Attempt at a Solution I have tried this*+e^%28-1%2Fx%29&random=false Is there a closed form of this?
  2. T

    Fundamental constants and equations

    How many independent fundamental physics constants are there that are not expressed in terms of other constants? What are they? I assume they would include the speed of light, c, and ε0, but μ0 can be left out, the gravitational constant, Plank's constant, fundamental particle masses and...
  3. K

    What are the Values of Machine Constants in Excel/VBA?

    What are the Values of "Machine Constants" in Excel/VBA? The Fortran code for TOMS Algorithm 691 refers to five "machine constants" belonging to the host computing environment. Two of these are: 1. "The smallest relative spacing", given as "B ** (-T)", where B = base (say 10?), and T =...
  4. Y

    Using Graph to determine constants in equation

    Hello, i have the equation F= x + kx^n I am trying to determine the constants k and n? where i have the ranges for F and x is what i am doing correct? log F= logx + logk+ nlogx log F= logx(1+n) + logk ok i would then plot logF vs Log x. if i am correct logk = y intercept and...
  5. W

    Equilibrium constants help Enough work for 8 marks?

    Activation energy from a decomposition. Homework Statement . The rate constant for the decomposition of C2H6 is given in the table below. Calculate the activation energy. 105 k/s Temperature/K 2.5 823 4.7 833 8.2 843 12.3 853...
  6. Twinflower

    Differential Equation: Trouble finding constants in PI-regulator

    Until now, I have come this far:The differential equation equals the particular part, and the homogene part: x = x_p + x_h The homogene part equals the differential equation when set to zero \frac{d^2x}{dt^2} + \frac{K_p}{A} \times \frac{dx}{dt} + \frac{K_p}{A \times T_i} \times x(t) = 0...
  7. R

    Thermodynamic equilibrium constants calculating the reaction free energy

    Can someone please help me answer this question and explain the concepts/solution step by step: Prof. W.H Bogus claims that he has prepared a powerful new catalyst that makes it possible to synthesize NH3 with a 70% yield in a reactor operating 500K and 2 atm pressure and having a feed...
  8. Y

    Mathematica How to define local variables and constants in mathematica

    hi suppose i run Two notebook and in each of them i have matrix A and Constant B and a function C in each notebook these things have the same name. if in notebook 1 i assign B=10 then in notebook 2 B is 10 too , which is not my desire. how can i define these constants and matrices and...
  9. J

    E&M: Find relationship of the constants for a given magnetic field

    Homework Statement Given the magnetic field B= α*x*y x^ + β*y^2 y^. What is the relationship between α and β. Find the current density J. Homework Equations I know that the relevant equations are Δ dot B = 0, Δ x B = μJ, Δ dot A = 0, Δ x A = B The Attempt at a Solution I know...
  10. M

    All The Stuff We Do with Equilibrium Constants

    NONE OF IT MAKES ANY SENSE! For example: If we divide the molar coefficients all by 2, then we raise the original equilibrium constant by the same power (0.5). If we write the reaction in the reverse, then the new equilibrium constant is the multiplicative inverse of the original...
  11. jfy4

    Can Structure Constants Define a Metric in a 10D Lie Algebra?

    Hi, Let's say I have a 10 dimensional Lie algebra over some field of functions, something along the lines of at least twice differentiable with twice differentiable inverses. The structure constants have inputs from this field. Is it possible to build a metric from these structure...
  12. R

    Using Partial Derivatives to check B-S Equation holds and find constants

    The question I'm trying to solve is part (ii) of the attached file I've used partial derivatives to input back into the Black Scholes equations and after factorising it, I've got it down to: (a + 2bt + αt +r) * (S².c.e^(at+bt²) = 0 I'm now stuck on what to do next, as there would need to be...
  13. B

    Prove that transversly isotropic materials have 5 independant elastic constants

    Homework Statement So I need to prove that transversly isotropic materials have 5 independent elastic constants. I can prove that an orthotropic material has 9 independent elastic constants. I need to use the transformation matrix to show that some of the 9 mentioned components are equal for...
  14. 1

    Need help finding some unknown constants

    Homework Statement I have an integral that I'm trying to split into partial fractions, and I've gotten to an equation but I'm not sure how to solve this one. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution 93x+2 = Ax^2 + Bx + A - 4B I have no idea, because I usually don't have a...
  15. R

    Rayleigh-Ritz Approximation (Obtaining the constants)

    Homework Statement Consider the differential equation -\frac{d^2u}{dx^2}=cos\pi x for 0<x<1 subject to the boundary condition u(0)=0, u(1)=0 Determine a three-parameter solution, with trigonometric functions the least-squares method Given: u=\phi_0 + c_1\phi_1 + c_2\phi_2 +...
  16. C

    One dimensional medium with 2 different dielectric constants

    I just got this question on a classical mechanics assignment... and unfortunately I know NOTHING about dielectric materials (never been introduced to me for some reason >.<). I don't even know why this is on my classical mechanics assignment but it is anyway. And btw there is a disclaimer on the...
  17. Z

    Evaluating double integrals for bending-torsion coupling constants

    I've been trying to compute the bending-torsion coupling constants for a wing, B1, B2 and B3. The expression for this is \begin{bmatrix} B_1 \\ B_2 \\ B_3 \end{bmatrix} = \iint (y^2 + z^2)\begin{bmatrix} y^2 + z^2 \\ z \\ y \end{bmatrix}dydyz where x is in along the wingspan direction, y...
  18. R

    What are the values of a and b in this vector equation?

    Let a\vec{A}+ b\vec{B} + \vec{C} = 0, where \vec{A} = (75, -60), \vec{B} = (-16, 60), and \vec{C} = (84,16). I need to find the value of a and b. I really have no idea where to start with this problem any help would be great!
  19. tom.stoer

    Covariant global constants of motion in GR?

    We know that in GR it is not possible for arbitrary spacetimes to define a conserved energy by using a 3-integral. There are some obstacles like the covariant conservation law DT = 0 (D = covariant derivative; T = energy-momentum-tensor) does not allow for the usual dV integration (like dj...
  20. teroenza

    One variable equal to two constants = inconststant?

    Homework Statement I have been given a 3X4 matrix and asked to find whether the plane equations which are it's constituents intersect at least at a single point. I end up with one variable equal to two different constants. Is this an example of inconsistency, and thus the planes to not...
  21. T

    Beam Theory Constants Question

    From my understanding, the equation that models the transverse vibration of a beam is (Euler Bernoulli): u_{tt} = - \frac{EI}{A \rho} \cdot u_{xxxx} where E is Young's modulus, I is the 2nd moment of area, A is the cross-sectional area, and rho is the density of the beam. This equation...
  22. M

    Can the Time Constant Explain the Behavior of RL Circuits?

    Hello, I am currently studying RL circuits and I know that when an inductor is attached to a resistor of large value, the time for the energy stored in the inductor to dissipate in the resistor is shorter and vice versa. This is proven mathematically by the time constant term Tau : L/R But...
  23. K

    Mathematica Plotting arbitrary constants in mathematica

    How do you plot arbitrary constants in mathematica? for example r(psi)=a(1-eCos(psi)), where a and e are some constant. Thanks in advance for the help.
  24. F

    Calculating Net PE in Ions: A & B Constants

    The general expression for calculating net potential energy in ion is: PE (r) = A r^m + B r^n where A & B are proportionality constants. What exactly are these constants?? Could anyone point me to correct resources?? I'm new at this forum and very interested in learning physics.?
  25. G

    Solve, floor(x/B)+1=L, for x, where B & L are constants & is a variable?

    Solve, floor(x/B)+1=L, for x, where B & L are constants & is a variable? Homework Statement I'm trying to solve this for x floor(x/B)+1=L where x is a variable B and L are just some constants Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I have no idea were to go after this floor(x/B)=L-1 I...
  26. L

    DLVO interaction: Choice of Hamaker constants

    For a project, I'm trying to describe the interaction energy between two particles suspended in water which contains ions. I seem to have the double layer effect worked out pretty well, but I'm having trouble with the Van der Waals contribution, or more specifically, with the choice of Hamaker...
  27. A

    Spring Constants and compression

    Homework Statement A 5.0kg mass is hanging from a spring scale and is slowly lowered onto a vertical spring. The scale reads in Newtons. a) what does the scale read when the mass is not in contact with the spring? b)the scale reads 20N when the lower spring is compressed by 2.0cm. show...
  28. A

    Solve Spring Constant: 40g Mass, 20N/m

    Homework Statement A mass of 40.0 grams is attached to a vertical spring with a spring constant k = 20.0 N/m and lowered slowly until the spring stops stretching. How much is the spring stretched? The Attempt at a Solution I assume I have to use F = -kx? But I don't know the force so...
  29. G

    Does the Compressibility Factor of a Gas Relate to Van der Waals Constants?

    Does the compressibility factor of a gas say anything about Van der Waals constants?
  30. J

    Additivity of Time Constants in Series RC Circuits

    Does anyone know of any instance where the the time constants of two RC circuits in series is additive. It seems that when R1=R2 and tao1~tao2 this holds?
  31. J

    Expressed in terms of the constants

    Homework Statement "Expressed in terms of the constants in this model, how high is the lowest point of the cable? (Assume the correct dimension to be in metres)"Homework Equations Equation for the shape of a hanging cable. [PLAIN] edit: P, g...
  32. C

    Find (practical) current source constants, I and R

    Homework Statement A practical current source has a current of 22 A. Loading the source with 50 \Omega results in terminal voltage of 390.3 V. Obtain the source constants, I and R.Homework Equations V=I\times RThe Attempt at a Solution In my clumsy picture below, shouldn't I_{load} be replaced...
  33. F

    How is the quotient of two constants calculated in a given equation?

    Homework Statement Part of a larger problem. I know that F_{1}^2+2F_{1}F_{2}-F_{2}^2=0 where F_{1} and F_{2} are x and y components of a force. Hence \frac{F_{1}}{F_{2}}=1\pm\sqrt{2} I can't see how that step is done. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution...
  34. R

    Inflaton Field, Cosmological Constants and Spacetime

    I can accept that spacetime has no substantial aspect to it because for General Covariance (Diffeomorphism Invariance) to be true, spacetime "points" can't be real or else General Covariance won't work. Now question. How does Inflaton Field and the Cosmological Constants for example interact...
  35. G

    Calculating Distance Using Spring Constants: 20-Minute Crash Course

    Calculating distance using spring constant, mass and velocity? (Really basic stuff!) Hi I have a physics exam tomorrow, and I just realized we haven't covered either impulse or spring constants, and about 1 1/2 hours left to study. From a practice exam, please someone help me out? Homework...
  36. E

    LSZ reduction and Renormalization constants

    Hey folks, i have a question about LSZ and how to take into account the renormalization constants of the theory in question. In the derivation, only the field strength renormalization enters as a factor of Z (or square root thereof) but some mates said that also the vertex renormalization...
  37. F

    RC circuit problem with time constants

    Homework Statement Uploaded with The Attempt at a Solution (a) No current, so no time constant since C = 0 for it stores no charge (b) Current immediately is driven through so \tau = (R_{1}+R_{2})C (c) I pulled the...
  38. B

    Renormalisation constants in QED

    Hi, I have been deriving the renormalisation constants in QED as part of my project. I have been using Peskin and Schroeder. I am a bit confused with a couple of things and was wondering if anyone could please help! Firstly, why do we chose not to absorb the Z_3 constant in the electron...
  39. H

    Finding three Constants given only relative Max, and y intercept

    Homework Statement Find constants a, b, and c such that the graph of f(x) = ax2 + bx + c has a relative maximum at (5 , 12) and crosses the the y - axis at (0 , 3). Homework Equations Not sure what to use The Attempt at a Solution -- i don't have one --
  40. Saladsamurai

    Power Series: Question about constants

    Homework Statement So I have attached the problem in image: Pr and A are just numbers (constants) that are given. I solved the equation by power series solution. However, I am just confused because it is a second order DE but I only have one arbitrary constant of integration ao. I am not...
  41. R

    Small change in constants, big change in integral

    Check this out, 1/(x2+a) where "a" is a constant When this function is integrated, if a is positive then we get something like arctan of something, if a is 0 we simply get -1/x, and if a is negative then we get something involving the natural logarithm, and yet there's something very similar...
  42. C

    Power delivered by Battery to Capacitor in Time Constants

    Power delivered by Battery to Capacitor in "Time Constants" Homework Statement < Pic 1 > The Attempt at a Solution < Pic 2 > As you see, I'm getting answer as (ln 2)/2 but the answer is just (ln 2) Please tell me where I'm wrong.
  43. J

    Looking for particular Diatomic Molecular Constants

    Hello, I've been looking for a few rotational/vibrational diatomic molecular constants for N2 and O2. I've got a some good literature values for most constants I need involving the calculation in possible vibrational and rotational energy states. I'm looking for the centrifugal distortion...
  44. D

    Constants of nature as determined by string theory

    Hi all, I remember in the Elegant Universe (the documentary), at some point the following lines were said: "So what exactly, in nature, sets the values of these 20 constants so precisely? Well the answer could be the extra dimensions in string theory. That is, the tiny, curled up...
  45. P

    Making three equations orthonormal by forcing the constants

    [b]1. Make these three equations orthonormal to each other in the interval 1 less than or equal to x greater than or equal to 1 (this may be a typo as I think it should read 1 less than or equal to x less than or equal to one) by determining the appropriate values for the coefficients a b c d e...
  46. N

    Thermodymanics dealing with pressure, temperauture, and constants

    Homework Statement A bubble of air, 0.010m^3 in volume , is formed at the bottom of a lake which is 30m deep and where the temoperature is 8 degrees c. The bubble risees to the surface, where the water temp is 26 deg c and where the pressure is atmospheric pressure. What is the volume of the...
  47. T

    Natural constants: are they irrational numbers?

    Do we have at present any knowledge whether our natural constants (gravity constant, Planck's constant, ...) are rational or irrational numbers? Thanks, Trinitiet
  48. R

    Calculate Spring Constants: 0.400 and 0.225 Joules

    Can someone please just explain to me how to do this? I feel helpless. A spring has a force of 500.0 N/m. Show that the potential energy stored in the spring is as follows: a.) 0.400 Joules when the spring is stretched 4.00cm from equilibrium. b.) 0.225 Joules when the spring is...
  49. B

    Why are there different rate constants?

    Hey, The decomposition of A is first order, and [A] is monitored. The following data are recorded: t / min 0 1 2 4 [A]/[M] 0.100 0.0905 0.0819 0.0670 Calculate k. Using [A] = [A]0e-kt, Calculating at t = 1 0.0905 = 0.1e-k(1) 0.905 = e-k -0.0998=-k k =...